When bark turns to bite- The Collar

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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#5 of When bark turns to bite.

All Characters © ME. Except Drake, who is © AquaDwaggy. This story might and probably will Contain M/M yiff, love, relationships. If any of that disgusts you, then don't read. If you're underage, don't read it. * * *

The Collar

  • * * Drake felt a bit worried for Risuke, but he had to get him to come along with him. "It can't be helped my pet." He replied. "This is the only way to get around for us as well as the mall itself is below a cemetery." Risuke just pressed tighter to Drakes side, The Wolf hated cemeteries. "ok, ill be fine, master." He told the other. Drake nodded patting the wolf on the head to get him to calm down. "Don't worry we will be to the station soon." he said leading the way to one of the cemetery walls. When they got to the wall Drake just walked through it pulling Risuke in with him. When they got to the other side they were in an actual subway station with a large board showing all the stops and lots of strange beings walking around of the paranormal variety. Risuke couldn't help but gasp lightly as he was pulled through the wall. When he glanced around the station he clung tighter to the dragons arm, his tail twitching nervously at the presence of so many paranormal beings. He kept his eyes low along with his tail. Drake patted the wolves head again when a woman chuckled near by. "My dear Drake. I can't believe I am seeing with my eyes." She said walking forward. She was a red fox in a black dress that left very little to imagination. She looked Risuke up and down. "Oh what a great catch too." She said more sarcastic then out of truth. She chuckled. "You men are all the same. You want the weak uke ones." She chuckled as she walked away followed by a large bull guy. "See you in school." She said. Drake breathed out then realizing he had held his breathe. "That Serena." He said through clinched teeth. Risuke shifted slightly as he was eyed, keeping his eyes low. His ears twitched hearing her sarcastic remark. He just stayed pressed to drakes side as the other left. "Who was that, master?" He asked keeping his eyes low, his tail moving to lightly curl around the others leg. Drake did his best to calm down. "That was Serena. She is a vampire too. That bull you saw following her was her pet Bruno. Don't worry about her. She is a snob if I have ever seen one. Further more her bark is worse then her bite." He said chuckling a bit at that as he moved up to the desk to get them tickets. Risuke nodded. "Ok... but she has sex with that thing?" He asked chuckling softly. He shuddered at the thought, loosening up a bit but still staying tight to drakes side, his eyes low. Drake chuckled at that comment. "I don't get it either." He said smiling at that. "I wonder what she would say to that comment." He chuckled again. "Our train is this way." He said leading to the track. "It is a short ride there. We will get you some new clothes.... as well as I think I'll get some new ones. This black is kind of annoying me." He said that to show he was listening to Risuke's comment about his clothes earlier. Risuke nodded, "How about neon purple, master?" He suggested grinning lightly. "Master? one question.... About her comment." He sighed. "Do you think some one would actually pick me to be a pet if it wasn't necessary?" He asked a bit thrown from Serena's 'great catch' comment. Drake looked at Risuke and his heart dropped as he thought of how that could feel. "I chose you, didn't I?" he replied lifting the wolves chin. "That is all you need to know." He said. He didn't know why but he leaned in and gave Risuke a light kiss. He then turned a bit embarrassed but turned back smiling at Risuke as if it was normal. Risuke started to open his muzzle to make a comment about how he only picked him cuz it was necessary. But he was cut off by the kiss and blinked lightly. He returned the others smile, reassured and oddly comforted by the kiss. Drake didn't know what made him do that. He just thought it was because it was an act. But, deep down he had wanted to do that for a long time. They were soon on the train and he sat next to Risuke thinking about it. Risuke kept his eyes down as he gently leaned against drake. "So there will be other vampires and pets at the mall?" He asked softly, still a little self conscious at knowing so little. Drake nodded. "Probably a good number actually. Still not everyone with a vampire is a pet. Some are actually just boyfriends and girlfriends. But, the odds of that is very slim in our society." Risuke nodded. "Most pets will have a collar on, right, master?" He asked looking up at him, placing his chin on the others shoulder barely reaching though. Drake nodded feeling his own collar around his neck. "That doesn't mean that everyone with a collar will be a pet. I for one wear mine to just to hide my bite marks." "This is confusing." Drake shuddered a bit at how close Risuke was to him. He blushed a bit from it. He didn't know if he was ever going to get use to this. "It isn't that hard when you see it. Pets are the ones with the tags on their collars." Risuke nodded. "oh ok." He said softly. He closed his eyes leaving his chin on the others shoulder. Drake relaxed a bit as he sat there with Risuke's chin on his shoulder. He sighed as he sat their quietly. They soon made it to the mall station and he took Risuke's hand giving it a squeeze to comfort him as he stood up to get off. Risuke smiled feeling the squeeze and stood with the other. He kept his eyes low pressing to the others side as they left the train. "Is the mall big?" He asked softly. Drake nodded. "It is quite large. It is the major shopping center for all us paranormal people of the city." He said leading the way out of the train and up the stairs. Risuke nodded. "They sell collars here, master?" HE asked looking at him curiously. He stayed close to the dragons side his tail even managing to wag a little against the back of drakes legs. Drake nodded as they got up to the shopping center. "If you need anything they have it here." He said as the larger mall came into view. Risuke nodded. He blinked seeing the large shopping establishment come into view. "Wow." He said softly in shock. "This is even better than the normal malls." He told him, his tail was wagging a bit more fervently, whacking against the others tail and legs. "Master." He added as an after thought. Drake chuckled. "You get used to it." He said leading the way away from the stairs and towards more of the mall. "First to get you a collar and then clothes." Risuke nodded. "What kind of collar were you thinking, master?" He asked, The word seemed to come easier each time he said it. Drake shrugged. "What ever catches my eye really. You can just model them for me when we get there." He said. "Besides I for one want something you like as well." Risuke nodded to this. "Ok." He said. He couldn't help but look around at the shops and the other beings in the mall. Their weren't just vampires walking around. It was hard though to tell the different monsters around as most looked like normal people you would see every day. Some though such a four armed serpent lady was hard not to miss. Drake lead them to a collar shop and was greeted by the shop clerk. "Oh how do you do Drake. Coming in for a new collar?" He asked as if he was buying for himself. "Not this time. I need one for my pet here." The clerk smiled looking at Risuke. "Well what have you in mind?" He asked. "I thought I would let him decide." The shop clerk looked a bit perplexed by this but smiled. "Oh you must really like your pet to let him do that. Well then by all means." He said smiling as if it was strange, but ok to do this. Risuke kept his eyes low as drake talked to the clerk. His tail wagged as he heard he was allowed to decide for himself. He looked to drake, "Master, How about just a plain black collar?" He asked. "Unless you wanted something fancier of course, master." He said bowing his head slightly. Drake shrugged. "Its up to you my pet. I let you have the right to choose your collar. So," he replied looking all over the store, "have free rein on what you want." Risuke blinked and nodded. "May I leave your side master?" He asked throwing his green eyes around the store. Drake nodded. "Go ahead." he replied. "Just don't go out of the store or bother any other of the customers." Risuke nodded. "Yes master." HE said as he let go of the others arm and started off to look around the store, eyeing different collars. He sighed not really knowing what he wanted, given free reign. Drake smiled as he let Risuke go get a collar. He didn't want to choose one for him though as Risuke really wasn't his pet. So, he wanted it to be something Risuke wanted to buy. Risuke soon returned to Drakes side smiling softly. "Master I have a few collars I wish to show you." He said bowing his head as he talked to the dragon. He had gone around, and not knowing if he should touch the collars, just made a mental list of the collars so he could show drake. Drake was a bit surprised by the way Risuke was acting. 'Either he is a good actor or I swear he was liking this.' Drake smiled and nodded to Risuke. "Lead the way my pet." He said letting Risuke lead the way. Risuke took drakes arm lightly as he led him around. He pointed out a simple black leather collar bedecked by short silver spikes. "Does master like?" He asked looking to drake. Drake looked at it. "It is nice, but I don't see you in spikes really." He replied. He knew Risuke liked some things like that, but he for one didn't find them that amazing or cool. Risuke couldn't muffle his sigh when drake refused the spikes, he liked them. 'Oh well, He's master.... at least pretend' The wolf nodded and proceeded along and then pointed out another black collar, but this was plain black and a bit wider than the other. Drake looked at it. "Too plain really. Of course my responses are my opinion really. I would rather you be happy my pet then me deciding ultimately for you." He said as way to say this was really Risuke shopping for himself and he was just giving his own friendly opinion. Risuke nodded he smiled a bit at the others words. "I liked the spiky one." He commented softly but continued on holding to drakes arm. He showed him another collar, this one a simple white, with one single sapphire at the front of the throat. At the other three quarters were heavy 'D' rings and a mechanism for the collar to be locked on. Drake looked at this collar and smiled. "Well as you said you do like the spike one. If it is my pets wish then so be it." He said. "But of course if he wants more then one all he has to do is ask." Risuke couldn't help but grin slightly. "Does master like this one?" He asked referring to the white collar. Drake nodded. "It is nice. I for one am partial to sapphires. The white though is a bit odd for my tastes, but ok still." Risuke smiled. "I think there was another with Sapphires" He commented trying to think. He blinked as he started off holding to the dragon trying to find the collar. "So You like the more heavy bondage themed ones?" He asked softly. Drake went a bit white and then blushed a bit. "I don't think that is something we need to be discussing at this point and time my pet. Bondage maybe too big of a step for us to go with you just yet." Risuke blinked. "Sorry, I was just asking because you seemed to like that white one, which had the extra D rings and the locking mechanism." He commented softly. Drake held Risuke close at that moment as if to kiss his neck. "Actually I just like it for the sapphire. You know us dragons with stones." He said whispering only loud enough for Risuke to hear. "oh." He said softly, it seemed that every collar he liked, Drake didn't really like. He sighed softly. "Ok lets keep looking." Drake nodded, but before he let Risuke go. "Sorry if I'm not liking what you pick. I just never thought of seeing you in such things before." Risuke nodded. "Its ok, You're the master." He said softly. "It really ultimately your decision." He added. Drake nodded. "I know, but it is also your neck." He said. He kissed Risuke's neck softly and then let the wolf lead the way again to more collars. Risuke couldn't help but mur appreciably at the kiss and happily led the other to a simple black leather collar, This one was almost plain but had a single D ring for a leash and tags and a pair of sapphires to either side of the neck. Drake looked at it a bit. "I wonder what it looks like around you neck my pet." He took it down and put it around Risuke's neck. "I like it. Do you?" Risuke almost positively purred when the other put the collar around his neck, without really meaning to. His tail wagged happily as he reached up to run his paws over it. "I like it master." Drake smiled at that. It was a simple collar. It had the D ring for a number of different reasons, Drake blushed at the idea of bondage, yet still had some flair with the sapphires. He didn't really have any reason not to like. Still it made him shiver how much he wanted to see Risuke naked at the end of a leash for some reason. This in turn made him blush a little. Risuke smiled at drake. "I think this ones good, master." HE told him nodding as he snuggled back into drakes side. Drake shivered a bit with how close Risuke was to him. He smiled as he lead the way up to the cash register to pay for the collar. "We will need to pick out a tag for you too." Drake said remembering that part. "Of course it will take a while before they will be in. Just need to pick a shape." The clerk had brought up a wide variety of shapes that could be used as tags. Some from what you would see a dog wear to some very sexual looking items. Risuke nodded and looked over the shapes. "You pick master." He told him looking to the other his green eyes bright. Drake didn't really know what to really get the wolf until he spotted a symbol he knew would at least help with certain things. It was a dragon in an pentagram. He could put a spell on it later to help protect Risuke, so that is why he picked it. Risuke smiled happily when the other picked a shape. "Is that all we need to get here?" He asked, wondering when they were gonna go to all the other stores. Drake nodded. "Yep." he then paused. "That is of course if you don't want a leash to go with the collar?" Risuke's ears perked hearing that. He looked at him curiously. "Only if you want one master.." He told him, though the look on his face said he wanted one. Drake caught the look. "Well then what color to you want." Showing him the leashes which were near by. There were all pretty simple. Some were a bit different, but mostly they were just leather leashes. It didn't take long for the wolf to select a simple black leather leash. "To match the collar." He said nodding, his tail wagging. Drake nodded smiling as he bought the leash. He then clasped it on to the wolves new collar. "There now. No one will doubt you are my pet." He said. He held the leash pretty loose in order to not hurt Risuke, but enough to look like he was really holding on to it. Risuke nodded. "Your pet likes his new collar and leash master." He told him, his tail swaying slowly behind him. Even though he had a leash and collar the wolf still moved to drakes side clinging lightly to his arm. Drake smiled at this. 'He still surprises me sometimes.' He thought not realizing that maybe Risuke wasn't acting as much as loving the fact he is Drake's pet. "Well then time for some clothes shopping for my pet." He said leading the way out of the collar shop.