A Life's First.

Story by Liki Wolfspirit on SoFurry

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Dedicated to the one I love. Heres to you, my Snow Wolf ^^

"Where is it?" I sighed as I reached over to the passenger side of the car while I tried to watch the road at the same time, reading the street signs for the name of the street I was looking for. Hundreds of houses had past me already, but I had yet to find the one I was looking for completely, and that puzzled me as I knew my goal was close by.

My paw dug through a plastic sack of clothing I had brought with me for my trip for a piece of paper. It had got buried deep in the sack as I had packed it full to nearly bursting. Before that however, I had plenty of days and weeks to stare at the paper and memorize the path to my destination dutifuly. So pumped was I to finally be here, traveling across my homestate into another to meet with my current lover, to spend the night with him. Thoughts of being with him filled me with warmth and fuzziness. My dearest wish was to hold him to my body tightly as I whispered the words I could never manage to say quite well over the webcam...it just never felt...right...to say it over the webcam.

First I had to find this dang street that was hiding from me. Holding the directions I had gotten off the internet to the side of my vision, eyeing it and the street with my wolfish eyes every other second as I scanned it until, finally, I had realized my mistake. I had taken a turn too early and was on the wrong street. The one street I was looking for was not connected to this one at all.

I quickly made a turn onto a side road and went down it, looking to the right as I drove, assuming that everyone else would pay attention to my car for me for now.

I yipped happilly when I saw the name of the street I was looking, "Yes! Found it!" I turned as safely as possible to make up for the lack of concentration from before and started reading house numbers.

"144...144...144..." I kept mumbling as I looked this way and that, my tail starting to wag crazily in my chair as the numbers got closer and closer. At last, I found what I was looking for. A small house near the middle of the street, settled in between a twostory house and another "Apartment house" next to it. The apartment house was a one story building, a little bigger looking than an actual apartment would be, with three rooms. The living room and kitchen were both all in one, with a bedroom and a bathroom being the other two.

My Snow lived here...

My heart was racing in my chest and I felt my throat was dry as I parked on the side of the street and stepped out, looking up the walkway toward the door. I wondered if maybe he was watching me from one of the windows and I couldn't see him as I stood unable to get my legs to move foward. My knees felt weak as I gulped and took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Okay. You can do this. It's Snow, you've been waiting for this forever. Don't chicken out now." I nodded to myself and starting walking up the walkway, not noticing that I wasn't so much as walking but shuffling my feet across the floor.

Before I could reach the door however, it opened. My body froze and my heart skipped a beat as the door swung open and out stepped the most lovely furred wolf I had ever seen. I couldn't take his eyes of his smile, even though his pure white fur threatened to blind me as the sun gleamed off it. He stepped out and walked the rest of the way down the walkway to met me halfway.

For what seemed like the longest moment ever we just stared at each other. Then, my body snapped into attention and I snagged him in a hug, burrying my muzzle in his neck as I whimpered happily. Snow wrapped his arms around me tightly as he chuckled and wagged his tail.

"It's nice to finally have you here Liki..." he said softly as we stayed embraced, not wanting to let go.

I couldnt' respond, I was speechless as I held him for the first time. I had imagined this moment, with putting the most romantic scences with it, but nothing compared to the real thing here, in but a simple town on a walkway.

"Hey...let's go inside." He said and pulled me off of him. I reluctently let go of his body as I nodded and blushed lightly, then followed him up to the house.

"Wow..." I giggled softly and took in the site of the large room.

Snow had told me he was very organized, but I wasn't prepared to see what his small home looked like. His parents paid for this place for him as he went to the town's college, so he kept it well cleaned. There was nothing on the floor but a couch and a table, even his shoes had a small shelf by the door for themselves. The couch was spotless and looked like it had just been bought. The right half of the room was a kitchen, which was just as spotless, though the wood counters were a bit frayed where it looked like Snow had cut things.

That, made me cringe though. Snow wasn't exactly...safe with himself so to say. Every now and then he had come online to tell me of some awful things that happened to him as he went about his day. From getting mugged one day to accidently cutting himself with a knife the next as he cooked. Snow didn't drive a car at all, because he had crashed into a tree once. Snow needed someone here to protect him from the world, to help him if something happened to him. I wanted to be that person, so so badly...we fantazised quite a bit about me moving in with him at some point to keep him company.

What was a problem of that was I wasn't very strong though myself, I stood only 5 feet 10 inches, didn't have any kind of bulging muscles, and I wasn't anygood at sports or anything very physical. I wasn't weak or fat though either however, I got out of the house when I wanted or needed to. Snow was mostly the same as me, we were both just the same size, but I would give my life to protect him. I loved him with all my heart, body, and soul. I wanted him as my mate, but...the question couldn't be asked yet. He was in college and still under his parent's roof, as was I. We didn't need that to become complicated.

"What do you think?" He asked as he stood beside me.

"It's very clean, wish I could keep my own place like this." I murred and turned my head to the side to lick his cheek.

He blushed lightly under his fur as I licked him, staying silent a moment until he wrapped his arms around me again, turning his head to press his nose against mine, "I've...been looking forward to this...meeting you, I mean." His blush grew as he wagged his tail. I could tell he had been thinking of yiff at that exact moment, but he had covered it nicely.

I laughed softly and gave a light kiss to his lips, wagging my tail behind me as I played my paws through his lovely white chest fur, "If only you had agreed to let me come over a little sooner than this." I pressed my body up against his sensually, and he started to slowly guide us to the couch in response.

"I would have...but I was nervous...it took alot of time to get my parents to let you come here. I mean, what if we broke something?" he mock gasped as he pulled us down onto the couch, my body landing on his with a soft thump.

A grin crossed my muzzle as I nip his nose "Oh I'll break something, though it won't be any object, it'll be you." I lowered my muzzle to his neck to nip it.

He yipped and tilted his head back, eyes closing as he held still and I gave his neck a through cleaning with my tongue. This continued for a short while, a boner growing out of my sheath in my pants slowly while I could smell his wonderful scent. Suddenly his arms sqeezed me to him, and I felt the bulge against my leg. My Snow Wolf whimpered and he stared into my eyes pointedly, getting the point across quickly.

Still grinning, I sat up on his belly and kneaded his furry chest with my paws, a bugle in my pants and a slight wet spot forming. He groaned softly as he looked at my crotch, a hint of heady musk filling the air around the two of us. "Oh wow...please..." He whimpered lowly, unable to continue as my paws started to rub his nipples.

"Feels good huh? Different from a yiff over a textbox." I leaned down to kiss him deeply, holding his tongue with mine as he moaned in his throat. I could feel the cock in his pants throbbing against my leg eagerly. Gosh he was pent up. Snow wasn't my first, but I was his. I would have to go slow with him.

Apparently though, that wasn't what he wanted. He started to hump my leg in our kiss, and I broke it to hug him and nuzzle his neck as he grunted and gripped my hips with his paws, humping my leg and riding his pleasure as he rapidly came to climax in little than a minute and soaled his own jeans. He shivered as he had his orgasm, his muzzle hanging open in blish, before becoming limp in my arms.

His cheek fur had turned bright red he was blushing so much. I giggled and kissed his lips softly again, "Pent up are you?"

"I've imagined this for a long while Liki...To finally have you here...I couldn't hold it." He whimpered and stared deeply into my eyes with his own ice blue depths.

"It's okay, though I kinda have a problem now too." I pressed into his body with my own bulge, grinning as I pressed our noses together.

"Can I take care of it?" He asked and grinned, wagging his tail under us.

"I don't see why not, it's been just as eager to see you as I have been." I winked and got up off him, and we sat next to eachother on the couch. His boner hadn't even gone down at all, his pants just as tented as mine were. We held eachother's paw as we initiated another kiss, tasting eachother for the first time now as we explored eachother. My tongue coiled around his, tugging on it lightly as he responded with equal force. Slowly, it deepened and deepened until were muzzle to muzzle, buried so deep into eachother's mouths we could touch our teeth together as well as our tongues.

I felt a paw stroking my belly then, and I moaned in our kiss and shuffled a bit, laxing my pants enough for him to slip in and feel me up. His paw had a difficult time managing to get around my wolfhood, but once it did he started to pump his paw up and down my seven inch shaft. I continued to moan as he gave me a handjob, breathing through my nose as we held our infinite kiss, niether of us wanting to stop it.

Snow worked his paw on me tentatively, listening to my moans with flickering ears as he tested himself, judging what was giving me the most pleasure. He pulled my sheath down and exposed my knot, sqeezing it softly and making me yip in my throat, muffled and sounding like a "murf!" over and over again until the stimulation got to me and I broke our kiss with a gasp. Snow watched as I unbottoned my pants and unleashed my cock, his paw still holding my knot as it throbbed, my red shaded cock standing up hard on it and ready to blow.

But the paw on my knot did nothing more, and I was taken away from the edge. I looked to my side as I panted, seeing Snow staring at my shaft intently, his eyes gleaming until he finally said evenly and calmly. "I want to taste that..."

I blushed, about to say that he could suck me off, but he didn't even wait for an answer. He leaned over my body and took my seven inches into his muzzle quickly, his tongue coiled around it and licked, and then began to roll around it. It seemed he licked the taste, as he started to bob his head, his paw sqeezing my knot with each time he took me in.

I tilted my head back as pleasure flooded my cock and mind, I wasn't going to last much longer. My knot was swelling rapidly in my lover's paw and my balls were groaning as they started to churn up a load of my cum. I whimpered lowly as his paw left my knot and started to fondle my aching balls, which made the cum in them boil even more, aching to be released. I could feel it start to race up my wolfhood, my entire shaft flaring up with blood and streaching the lips of the muzzle that encased it. My knot throbbed and seemed looked improporsonal to my size it was so swollen.

"Ohhhhh...I'm gonna...ahhhhhh!!!" I yelled and howled as I went over the edge, my seed gushing from my tip and hitting the back of Snow's throat.

The white wolf gagged and pulled back a bit, leaving only my tip in his muzzle as I filled it instead with a flood of my cum, my wolfhood pulsing with each shot and my balls draining quickly, wasn't sure I would have any left after this. I had never had such an experiance. Snow was something special to me, he was my soulmate, and my body responded to his love fully. Any sex before this was nothing, this was truly my most estatic moment, giving Snow my seed.

It was over forty seconds before I finally stopped, and Snow swallowed, his muzzle still on my tip. He pulled off of me, and I shivered as I my sensitive member twitched again. He cuddled up next to me, holding his head on my chest and wrapping his paws around me. It took me awhile to recover and wrap my one arm around him, my other one reaching down to stroke my wolfhood, basking in the afterglow.

"Snow...that was amazing..." I whispered to him softly.

I could feel myself drifting to a cozy nap as he murred and nuzzled my chest, his warmth seeping in through my fur. His whisper kept me from falling asleep at the last moment.

"I'm hard again..." He whimpered.

I giggled and stired up, "Would you like me to do you?"

He nodded and blushed as we moved around, I decided to get down on the floor between his legs and began to fondle the bulge in his pants with a paw.

Right away, he closed his eyes and whimpered, his tail wagging on the couch in pleasure.

"More..." He told me in a soft whisper, and I grinned and unbottoned his pants, finding them very wet and sticky with his cum from before, and exposing his pink wolfhood to the air, a long line of pre drooling down the length of it. Just like our bodies, he looked just as big as I was, and he was already forming a knot at the base of his cock. Licking my lips I eased up close until my nose touched the tip. The coldness made Snow twitch and whimper, but his cock twitched and the amount of pre that drooled down his length pooled up even heavier soon after. I had more experiance in pleasing someone, I had lots of things I could do to Snow to give him the best first in his life.

Taking his balls in my paw, I felt them up with my pads to judge what was within them. He still felt heavy from his previous ejaculation, there was plenty of seed in those orbs for him to use yet, and I planned to get it all by the time I had to go home.

I hadn't noticed how hard I was making Snow pant as I treated his balls, he whimpered loudly and I heard his claws rip into the couch. "Liki...please..."

"Relax love." I giggled softly and wrapped a paw around his wolfhood, still holding his balls in the other one. My handjob started with a quick sqeeze on his knot and up to his tip before I began pumping him, imagining I was pumping a kind of valve, building up the pressure in the tanks so they could blow the liquid inside them. My paw messaged those tanks lightly, willing them to boil.

Snow went crazy, his lip curled up in a pleasured snarl as he moaned and groaned continuesly, his muscles all seemed bunched up in his arms and legs as he resisited the natural urge to hump. His knot was throbbing and swelling very quickly. He was so sensitive, the slightest touch to his knot would make it flare up bit by bit. At that point, I took his cock into my head, coiled my tongue around it in a tunnel and started to suck him off. He went even crazier, and thrusted into my muzzle heavily with a loud growl. I didn't gag, relaxing my throat as he took my head in his paws and started muzzle fucking me, taken over by primal lust from my expert treatment to his sensitive wolfhood.

"Ohhhhh god!" Snow yelled and panted loudly as he humped my head, his tongue hanging out of his muzzle, "Liki...it feels so good! I'm gonna...gonna...Aooooooooooooo!!!!" He reared his head back and howled primally as he came, his cum flooding down my throat straight from his tip, as he was buried balls deep into my muzzle. His knot was caught by my lips, stimulating a tie and causing his orgasm to be even more intense.

I could feel his seed flooding me heavily, the warm cum plastering the walls of my throat and all the way down to my stomach. I could swear my belly was protuding when he finally stopped, gasping and out of breath, the fur on the top his head matted by sweat. His paws continued to hold my head as his cock trobbed lightly in my muzzle and he came down from his afterglow slowly. I didn't mind, being able to continue teasing his now wayoversensitive wolfhood with my tongue which made him gasp and pull out quickly, wanting to avoid all that over stimulation lest he faint.

Slowly, I crawled up beside him and began to rub his belly with a paw slowly and softly, then started nuzzling his neck with my nose as I murred, "Enjoy that did you?"

He whimpered, unable to move his arms at all to hug me or anything, he could only whisper, "I did...I feel so tired now..."

I grinned and eased him onto his side on the couch, cuddling up to him and grinding our spent wolfhoods together. Hugging him, I rubbed his back with my paws slowly and licked my lover's nose slowly, calming him enough for him to hug me in return and burry his face in my chest.

Now was the time, the perfect moment to say what I couldn't quite say on the webcam and mean it. My heart pounded as I took a deep breath. I kissed the top of Snow's head and whispered in his ear, "I love you..."

He whimpered, and I heard him say, "I love you too..."

After that, nothing was said as the two of us slowly drifted off to sleep together.