This is me.

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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So I have been reading the works of devilmaycry who is an exceptional author and a superb story teller. I read his latest submission, "This is me" and have found it to be quite intriguing. Not many people on this site tell a lot about themselves, almost as if they are ashamed of it. I am not ashamed to be a furry erotic writer, I write more than erotica, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. So here, in the same style as devilmaycry style, is my version of "This is me."

This is me. The story of Arghos with interviewer Zigzag.

This song has been on my heart for a long time, it defines who i am pretty well.

I sat in a comfy ottoman, loosening my tie as I awaited anxiously to start the interview. It would be good to get things off my chest. A tall black feline woman approached me and assured the interviewer would be by shortly, and with a smile she walked away, her hips swaying in a beckoning motion. It was strange, doing an interview. Usually I declined offers, but this one was special, it symbolized the moment of my life where I was no longer ashamed. "Good evening Arghos." Came a sultry voice from my side as I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. I turned around and smiled, acknowledging the gorgeous creature before me. She was a rare tiger striped skunk, probably the only one in the world at that. She wore simple white shirt, which accented the black stripes and her ferocious blue eyes. I stood and took her hand, leading her to her seat where she promptly sat down and pulled out a small notebook. "Shall we begin then?" She asked as the camera turned towards me. "Yes, I must admit I am a little nervous." I stated as I picked up my glass of cabernet from the table next to me. It was nice of the crew to get me a glass, it always calmed my nerves. "Well I guess the first question would be are you old enough to be drinking that?" Zig asked, probably noting my very young complexion. "Yes, I just recently turned 21, and believe me when I say I look much older when I don't shave." Zig nodded and crossed her legs, chewing the end of her pen as she looked over me. "And I suppose Arghos is just a pen-name?" "Yes, my real name is Tim, but everyone on the web knows me as Arghos. My first character in the furry erotic genre was named Arghos." "What inspired you to be a furry?" she finally asked. "It all started a few years ago, when I bought my first real RPG Grandia 2. There was a character named Millennia that was a demon, and that drew out my exotic interests." "I think I played that game, I would hardly consider her a furry though." "True, it was a start though. Later I found Elfwood, a art website where I found my first real anthropomorphic females. I don't remember the original artists name, but she drew up female wolf-taurs, werewolves, and humanoid dragons. This was for the most part, my secret shame." Zig leaned forward and smiled. "So if that was the inspiration, when did you become a full on furry?" I scratched the back of my head, this was a harder interview than I thought. I felt her place a hand on my knee and she smiled reassuringly. "Well... I guess when I wrote ,my first book. The main protagonist fell for a wolfkin, a furry wolfen female. From there I attributed my life to my books, adding a lot of my personality into my characters." "Interesting. A lot of your readers say you are a great author when it comes to romance, but I always notice a lack of detail in your love scenes, why is that?" "Well first off it is an honor to know the great Zigzag reads my stories. And second... Well to tell you the truth I only have had sex once. It was with a woman I truly cared for, but she moved to a different state and fell into bad habits. But she gave me what I lacked before in my writing. And that was passion." "Very sad, I'm sorry." "Don't be. It was a good experience, and I will cherish it always." Zig smiled. I felt like this was a good chance to get everything out in the open. Thank god for devilmaycry. "So tell me about yourself, what do you do for a living when you're not writing?" "Well I work as a bartender at a resturaunt, and am a photographer on the side. I used to produce Dubstep, but lost my creative passion shortly after." "Interesting, do you play any instruments?" "Not really, but I do sing opera." Zigzag raised an eyebrow. "Opera?" I nodded and took another drink. "Yes. I sing quite a bit of classical music, ranging from Latin pieces to German arias. It is one of my few talents that my brother does not share." "Well then what about family? Do they know you are a furry?" I shook my head. "No... I was raised in an Irish catholic family. My mother doesn't hate furries, but the media gave them a bad name a few times, especially with that damned CSI episode. I have a brother, same age, my mother, and my dog." "No father?" "No. He left when I was born, has been on the run for years. I promised myself I would find him someday, and bring him in for not paying child support." Zigzag leaned back. I knew she knew about bad fathers more than anyone. "And what made you decide to write erotica?" I blushed, I knew she would ask that question. "Well... It was you Zig." Zig smiled widely and placed a finger against her lower lip. "Oh really?" "Yes. I stumbled across furafterdark and found quite a stockpile of stories and comics featuring you. Shortly after I wrote my first erotic short. A story that will never see the light of day." Zigzag pouted. "Well that's a shame. Did it feature me and you as the main characters?" She added with a wink. "Well yes, it actually did. It was then I decided to write mostly human male with female furry pairings. It seemed like the right thing to do." "And who would you say is your favorite furry?" She asked while leaning forward, giving me a delicious view of her cleavage. "Well geez Zig. I'm kind of stuck to tell you the truth. Its always been between three girls." Zigzag grinned and rubbed her thigh. "I don't mind sharing." "Enticing thought. Might have to write that down. Anyway It comes down to my original characters, Ketheren, Alora, and you." "So you like them as Alphas do ya?" I nodded and winked at her. "Well I am a Beta, that much is a fact. Strong, sexy women always draw me in. And of course." I started as Ketheren came from behind me and looped a hand against my chest. "I like a little bite to em." Zig stood and shook my hand, signaling the end of the interview. I began to walk away when she came from behind and grabbed my hand. "Not so fast, when are we going to write our own story?" "I wont be there personally, but I will send on of my most able bodied characters to be with you. I might send two." Zigzag groaned and slapped my ass, walking away as I walked out into the world. In the end, I have to say that furries shaped me into a writer. That and great people like Ausfer, and Aldain Darkwatch. I really appreciate devilmaycry for being brave and doing his own interview. In the end. I am proud to be a furry writer. So world, this is me.