Comedy and Tragedy pt. 2

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#7 of Fallen Sky Tales

Angel was sitting in Sere's room, as she was watching some more movies with the young dragon the previous night. She carefully set her head down and covered her with a blanket before leaving the room and made her way to the bridge, "AI, may I link to have a visual on the crew?"

"Very well. Sending information."

Angel saw the video feeds that the AI managed. The lounge was messy after last night, as Dante's gift to the crew led to a party of sorts. Chey and Jill were in each other's arms, passed out on the couch in the lounge, while Ratchet could be seen behind the bar. Well, mostly just her legs, she drank the most. Angel just assumed the rest of her was hidden. Titus was in his own room, with his lower half on his bed and his upper half on the ground. Dante was leaning up against his door from the inside, which Angel felt was odd until she saw what was on the other side. Miss Star had apparently been trying to break into his room then entire night, but she must have succumbed to the alcohol as well, as she was slumped up against the door.

Angel received a new communication from the AI, "A new mission. Please alert the crew. I shall go prepare for... Earth?" Angel briefly scanned over the mission details, "I see. A lost scouting crew. Please gather the crew here."


Almost all of Zero Unit was hungover, save for Sere. Dante didn't allow her to have any alcohol. They were all in their armor, "Alright people, listen up. This mission isn't too intense, the most we would fight are some poorly equipped thieves and bandits. So when we arrive, it'll just be myself, Chey, Jill, and Miss Star. If I determ-"

"YAY!!! I get to go out with you!" Miss Star was hopping around.

Dante sighed, "I will do the talking. I'll call for backup if needed."


The ship had arrived already, so the small crew hopped out of the Albatross at the last known location of the missing scout unit, "Alright people, keep a weapon at the ready and eyes peeled. You never know what's hiding behind the trees."

Jill took the lead and moved a little further ahead of the rest. Chey took the rear, "Dante, this place familiar to you? It's kinda.... creepy." Chey was referring to the overgrowth on all the rubble and rusting metal, which used to be houses and cars.

"It's like this all over now. Get used to it."

Jill spoke over the computer, "Dante, I see a... well... like a little fortress type thing... ahead. Armed guards on the walls." Dante and the others caught up and examined the sight in the distance, "What are your orders?"

Dante rubbed his chin, "Well... they don't look violent at least. It's worth seeing what they know." He led the group over a few hills and through some trees, "Hey! We have some questions!"

Immediately, ten old rifles were pointed at them, "What... what are you freaks?! You look like the others!" Dante and his crew all drew their weapons and took aim, "W-wait!"

"I don't feel like playing. Tell us what you know, and if we don't get too pissed, you may live."

The massive gates made from metal scraps opened up, and just inside stood three armed guards in old police and military gear and one woman in a dress. Apparently, the leader, "You there... I know you. You are a monster among the people, but you may be of use to us."

Chey stepped forward, "You aren't good at asking favors lady, nor are you in any position to do so."

"And seriously, what do you people think you can do against us? We have more technology on our little fingers than you do in this entire wreck of a compound!" Miss Star was trying, but didn't add much to the argument.

The woman cleared her throat, "I propose a deal. You help us, and we'll tell you about the other animal people who visited this planet." Dante gestured for her to continue, "We were attacked not too long ago by a group of slavers. They took our children. Please find them for us and take care of the slavers."

Dante rested his rifle on his shoulder, "Whatever." He lifted his wrist computer near his face, "AI, get the others ready, and scan for structures. We're looking for a lot of heat signatures. Near my current location I would imagine." He looked at Jill, "Meet up near the original landing point. I have some business to take care of."

She nodded, "Of course Dante. Wouldn't you rather at least one of us stay?"

Miss Star was about to pounce, "No, personal business. Nothing important." The other three left, and Miss Star was visibly disappointed, "So... I'm still a monster around here, even after all I did."

The woman had a stern expression, "Of course. You may have fought off those who took advantage of the innocents, but your methods were too extreme. Evil or no, they did not deserve death by your hands. You will always be a monster in these lands."

"Should have guessed. When you are all in danger, you beg for people like me to save you. When the danger is passed, we're exiled." He pointed at her, "You should consider yourself lucky. I help others because I want too. I should have left you to die."

She laughed, "Like you left your beloved to die?" Then it hit Dante. That bitch of a former love had spread stories. Passed off her work as his own. And of course, she wouldn't lie. She was a defenseless woman.

Dante lowered his finger and smiled, "Is that what happened... how foolish can you people be. Doesn't matter, if you don't hold up your end of the bargain, I'll see this place burned to the ground. Nobody would morn a few less idiots in the world." He wandered off to the meeting spot as the massive gates shut behind him, "Even now she tries to ruin my life. Good thing this isn't my home anymore."


"Dante. We are assembled. The AI has located one major location that is filled with activity." Angel was unemotional as always.

He nodded, "Good. They shouldn't have too much, and this armor will keep us safe. Still, keep your eyes open. No telling what they've confiscated from fallen military or militia members. Titus and Jill, on point. Ratchet and Chey, rearguard. Angel and Miss Star, to my side. Let's move."

As they made their way to the location, The members of Zero Unit were captivated by all the ruins and rusted up pieces of metal, "Hey, Dante, what are these things? There are a bunch of them..."

Dante looked, "Cars. Most were blown away when the war started. The rest were damaged beyond repair, and nature took over. Same with the houses and buildings. Try not to touch too much, this area hasn't seem much activity in years."

Ratchet was constantly scanning ahead, "This overgrowth reminds me of my home planet. A lot of green, a lot of places to hide. Good thing not every human is like you, or we'd be fucked."

Dante was looking around, "You wouldn't have made it this far into the forest if there were more like me." His words were surprisingly solemn, and sent shivers down everyone's spines, "Alright, according to the data, we should be coming up to the compound. Be ready. Take them out on my order, if we rush they won't have time to prepare."

"Yay! Sneak attack! Dante you're so smart!" Miss Star was jumping in place.

"The only reason you're here is because you may be able to open some locks quietly. Also, I need those papers." Miss Star handed over a little bundle of crinkled paper, "Good, looks like you do know how to be a thief." He scanned through them.

Miss Star giggled, "Of course! I would never disappoint you my sweet!"

Titus stopped, "I have visual." Zero Unit gathered at the edge of the forest, staying behind the trees, "Jill, how many do you count?"

"Hm... It's an odd building. Seems so cold, and the windows are... do humans usually have wood instead of windows? Either way... five lookouts all on ground level. There are... two guns I think."

Dante signaled the attack, which didn't last long at all. The five lookouts were dispatched in record time, "Star! Get that lock off! We don't have long!"

"Got it!" She dashed forward and began messing with the massive door lock (Dante guessed it had to be from a military facility, nobody else had locks such as this), "Hm... different but... click click baby!" She opened the doors so the rest of Zero Unit could rush in.

Dante shouted, "Shoot to kill!"

They charged through the building, separating into groups of two and three, killing slaver after slaver. They were poorly equipped, maybe a few guns, but mostly melee weapons like knives, pieces of pipe, and machetes. Since they didn't have to shoot off the lock and create noise, the slavers were completely caught off guard, "Pathetic... what a waste of ammo." Ratchet shot another.

Eventually, each member converged on a massive door on the inside, "Chey! Jill! Get the AI to bring the ship here. Have Rachel prepare some supplies, then escort her inside the building. Star! Open this door."


They three got to work, "Dante. I detect several lifeforms inside, they appear to be smaller than adult humans." Angel stated as she readied her special pistol.

The lock clicked, and Miss Star stepped back. The door popped open a little, and a horrible stench emanated from the room, "Don't tell me..." Dante rushed in and hit a light switch, "Dammit..." There were around ten young girls in the middle of the room, just sitting, with empty expressions on their faces. In the far corner, bodies were piled up and decaying.

"D-Dante... what is this..." Miss Star backed out of the room.

Titus rushed forward, "Hey! Kid! You okay!" The little girl slowly turned her head. Her eyes were wide, and that smile was just so unnatural. She tilted her head and he jumped back, "Gahh!"

The Albatross could be heard hovering down low, and within seconds Rachel was rushed into the room, carrying a bag of supples, "What is all this?!" She began to check the girls.

Rachet shook her head, "They were children..." The pile of bodies moved, "Movement!" A tiny hand popped out.

Chey and Titus rushed over and lifted some bodies. A little girl crawled out, but was shaking and appeared to have wounds all over, "Rachel! Hurry up!"

The rabbit dashed over, "Hold on! Hey! Can you hear me?! This should help!" She applied cream to the wounds, and handed the girl a little chewable pill, "Chew, it'll fight off infections. Dante... why would anyone do this?"

Dante remained silent.

The girl coughed, "They... did things... I hid for two days... the others... they aren't there."

Titus looked at the girls who were just sitting, "Uh... Dante... what's wrong with them?"

"Get out. Take the girl and wait outside."

Everyone looked at him. His voice was different, "Hm? Dante, we should get them all o-"

"I said, get out. Now."

Zero Unit had never been more confused, but an order was an order. Rachel and Titus helped the girl, and they all left. Ratchet turned just as she heard the door shut, "Hey!" She ran over and banged on the steel doors, "Open up!" There was no answer. Chey and Jill grabbed her arms, "What?! Hey!"

"I know, but he said to go. He probably could have done this himself. He should be out soon, he may just know something we don't"


The girls began to gather around Dante. Their blank stares and empty smiles triggered horrible memories in his head. He had been through this situation more times than he cared to remember. Girls were captured, used up, and disposed of. And it seemed Dante was always the first on the scene. The first time he saw it, he vomited. Now, just pains in his heart.

He kneeled down and gently held one of the girls' faces, "I... failed you all. Think of my what you will, but if I could I would never allow this to happen." His voice was serene and full of sadness.

"Dante... the... Monster... want... fun?"

He shook his head, "Forgive me for what I'm about to do, it is all I can do for you..." He stood up and removed his modified pistol from his holster, "Give me your pain, your suffering, I will bear the burden. In the next life, may you all find the peace that is owed to you." He took aim.


"It's been like ten minutes, we aren't waiting any- AH!" Explosions rocked the ground, and in a moment the building caught on fire, "Hey! Dante is still in there! Dragon boy! Get in there!"

Titus was in shock from the blast, "The flames are too great. And there are too much. I can't get in without getting killed."

The front doors opened, and they saw Dante. He casually walked through the flames, "We're done. Let's get her back to the compound and get our info." He was like a demon walking through the flames.

"Dante, where are the others?" Ratchet was getting serious.

Dante kept walking, "There were no other survivors. Only this girl. Now move."

Zero Unit got moving, and unfortunately, the information at the base was useless. Namely, that the scouting crew left shortly before the Albatross arrived. They just had a problem with their communication systems, so they couldn't contact anyone. Dante was surprisingly calm, and left without a word. Chey and Ratchet really wanted to kill some people for making them waste time and ammunition, but the others held them back.


Back on the ship, Titus confronted Dante on the bridge, when they were alone, "Hey... why did you kill those kids. We could have helped them! Done something! Hey!" He put a hand on his shoulder just as Dante turned away, "Don't look a-" He felt something hard hit his face before his back hit the floor. After that brief moment, he realized Dante had just punched him, "What the hell? ACK!" Dante put his boot to Titus' throat, and pushed down hard.

"You'd better listen close you little punk. What I did was a crime against all I stand for, and it was still necessary. You think it was easy? To kill those little girls? Do you?! You feel I have no remorse or regret for my actions?! Do you know what I did?! I gave them a mercy nobody would have granted them! I was too fucking late! If I hadn't joined Fallen Sky, I could have been there to save them!"

"D-Dante... can't... breathe..." Even though he was physically stronger than Dante, he still couldn't free himself.

"I gave them last rights! I granted them peace! I gave their souls the freedom they couldn't ask for! Do you remember your sister? Innocent little Sere? If I had let you go alone to save her, she would have ended up just like them! Is that what you wanted?! For her soul to be crushed?! To be used and and thrown away?! Pathetic creature..." Dante removed his foot and stormed off.

Titus coughed as he tried to take in air, but he didn't know how to react. He knew he wasn't as smart as other people, but he still understood some things. Dante's anger expressed everything he needed to know.


In the lounge, the rest of Zero Unit had gathered and were all talking about what had happened, "That was horrible... it must have been hell."

Jill nodded, "Yeah, I can't imagine going through that and being fine..."

Angel remained silent, and had Sere snuggled up to her, "What happened Angel?"

"Calculating... calculating... calculating... I apologize. I have no appropriate answers."

Rachel couldn't stop shaking her head, "There was nothing we could do... no medicine in the universe can undo what happened to them. Just goes to show that there is great evil everywhere in the universe."

"What?! Are you all insane! Fuck this. Where's that idiot!" Rachet ran to the bridge to see Titus sulking and rubbing his neck, "Why are you like this?! Shouldn't you be kicking his ass?! He's a fucking criminal!"

Titus shook his head, "No... he isn't... I think he did what none of us could have..." He looked up, and his eyes scared Ratchet, "He didn't want us there, he couldn't bring himself to ask that of us."

"Fuck! You're all cowards! I'll take care of this myself!" Ratchet ran to Dante's room and barged in, "Hey! Dan... te..."

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, slouched over, and holding his head between his hands. He looked so sad, and normal, "What? You'd better have a good reason for this."

"I uh... uh... are you okay?"

Dante sat up, "You know what I did. Why would I be okay? Do you think me that much of a monster?"

Ratchet walked in and began to twiddle her thumbs, "No uh... it's just... I haven't seen you like this before. Like you're just... a person. Not a fearless mercenary." She sat on his bed next to him, "It's... uh..."

"Pathetic? Weak? Either one will do. Would you rather I be a horrible person? Laugh as I gave them freedom? Most do." Dante fell back onto his bed, "So yell, hit, scream, bite, whatever. I don't care, I have enough on my mind."

All of Ratchet's anger faded, and was replaced with some other feeling, one she hadn't felt before, "Hey uh... you need someone by you. We all did. So..." She fell next to him, "I'll be here for a while. I kinda... like this side of you."

Dante stared into the ceiling lights, "What? The weak side? The devastated side?"

Ratchet grabbed his face and turned it to hers, "No... the person side." She kissed him.


Ratchet was blushing, "I don't know... but... I'm not gonna stop." She kissed him again, but Dante seemed to sense something amiss.