Journey's End

Story by Kythalia on SoFurry

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This is a sad sad story that I wrote to get it out of my head and to make the person at fault cry over it as well. It was inspired by that song, and a few simple comments about it. I also put that theme in the music box towards the end. Read and enjoy if you like sad things.


The gentle sound of the tide washing in mingled with the faint breeze rustling the trees around a little home that was nestled just south of Lavender Town along Route Twelve. It was a quiet place, especially with the Silence Bridge not too far off. The house had a lovely view over the shore, the beach and water painted in hues of purples, reds, blues and oranges that matched the sky above with the sun slowly sinking behind the horizon, giving a serene and almost surreal feeling to the place. Like those out of a story book.

The occupants of the home were enjoying the peaceful view as they rested on the porch outside. One was an old man, his hair silvery grey with age. Lines and wrinkles creased his weathered face; ones of worry, fear, stress, happiness, laughter and joy. He rocked gently in the chair, the light rhythm of the wood creaking on wood joining the surf. The eyes filled with the wisdom of age took in the view before shifting downwards to his partner when she shifted slightly against him.

She was a Ninetales, whose head rested against his leg as she too looked out over the setting sun. The fiery reds of the sky matched her eyes and painted her creamy-colored fur in orange shades that seemed more suited to a fire-type pokémon. He smiled down at her fondly while gently stroking the luxurious fur between her ears. She had been his very first, with him since he'd found her as a young Vulpix lost and alone in the woods. The fiery fox was the entire start of this long journey they'd shared together.

Most of his other pokémon had passed on by now, either through old age or unavoidable illness. Some others he had released back to the wild when he'd retired to this home, no longer wishing to hold their rarity or power at bay. Some of these had even come to visit from time to time, bringing families that had grown, or gifts. Every pokémon he'd had at least had respect for him, if they didn't love him as a friend; a testament to his care and training. A few of the younger or newer pokémon had been given to promising young trainers that he could trust to give the same care and devotion towards their partners.

The Ninetales was his last now, stubbornly refusing to leave his side even when he offered her a chance to live with others or to go out on her own into the wild. She was at least as old as him, with another nine-hundred years or so to go yet. But she stood by to watch over and care for him as he had for her, every day from the start and through his retirement, keeping him constant company in this quiet home.

By now the sun had made its way below the horizon, just a sliver of it left that was rapidly disappearing to make way for the night sky and stars. The sounds of night-time bug-types grew with the surf and breeze. With a groan and a creak of aged joints the man shifted to sit up while his Ninetales made way for him. "Come on, dear. Time to rest." He spoke quietly. She gave a soft whine, hearing a weight behind those words that had not been present before. He was quite tired it seemed.

They made their way inside, the door shutting with a quiet click that sounded loud in the stillness within the home. The Ninetales padded her way towards the bedroom to sprawl across the bed, keeping it warm as she had done for countless nights before. He shuffled slowly through the hall, pausing for a moment to gaze at the case along a wall. Many badges glittered within, along with trophies, awards and mementos of the past.

It had been a long journey across the world, taking on the league challenges and various contests, aiming to try everything at least once with his varying teams. He had risen to become the champion of different regions, and fallen to make way for new ones in the never-ending cycle. The man shuffled onwards with a smile as he recounted many of the trials he'd faced along the way. Now it was an adventure just to make his way up the path towards Lavender Town, where he would often visit the House of Memories to pay his respects to his other beloved pokémon.

An old pokédex, filled to completion, sat on a desk in a room as he passed by. It was outdated by now, along with much of the research he had helped contribute to professors around the world. There were sure to be plenty more pokémon hidden away in the world yet to be discovered. A never-ending journey, so it seemed. But there would always be new trainers, youths, researchers to continue on.

For now the man got himself ready for bed, humming the soft tune that would play from the music box on the table beside the bed. His joints creaked in protest with his movements as he slid in beside his Ninetales. She nosed over to give a soft, warm lick across his cheek and he smiled at her. "I love you." He said quietly. It wasn't needed, no words were. They both knew and had known for many years. She smiled and laid her head to rest against him as his own eyes closed and he slept.


The morning sun tickled warmth across the Ninetales as it filtered in through the shades on the window. Her maw opened wide in a yawn as she stretched even before she bothered opening her eyes. The old man lay still beside her and she gave a faint chuff. It used to be him that would always wake before her, having a tough time getting her out of bed, but lately it had been reversed. Old age would do that she supposed.

She nosed over towards him, washing her warm tongue against his cheek to wake him as she had done many past mornings before. The courier would be coming today and the old man should be up for that. The soft laps drew no response though, even when she nudged against him. As she came to wake fully she saw that he would not be. The man had passed in his sleep and lay there with a peaceful expression. Tears began to spill from her eyes, and though the loving tears of pokémon could hold great power these did little more than streak her fur with wetness as she pawed helplessly at her partner.

A mournful keen broke the stillness of the morning over Silence Bridge, bringing chills and great sadness upon pokémon and human alike who heard it. She laid there against his side with an overwhelming ache in her heart. The Ninetales had known his time was coming soon, as had the man, but it hadn't lessened the pain any. Her nose moved to tilt open the little music box, the familiar tune beginning to play. Inside were pictures displaying various states of his previous teams over the years. One constant was always in them, that being her right by his side, at the lead of every team. She had always been there.

Her memories wound through the adventures as she nudged through the pictures, each one clear in her mind as the day they had been taken. The tears started anew and the ache took her whole body, curling back up against his side for what would have brought her a comforting embrace. As the Ninetales laid her head against her paws, the tune in the music box began the ending stanza. It slowed almost dramatically as the springs within wound down, as classic music boxes often did. As the last notes built up and fell, she recalled the last few words from her master, her love... partner... friend... her life; the one whom she'd devoted herself to completely, from the start to the end. Her eyes fell closed and ache in her heart seemed to dull away. Sensations were gently slipping from her, ears not even twitching to the light tap at the door and the click as the courier entered. It sounded like he was breathing heavily... come running from the keen probably.

But then that was gone as well with the last note of the tune. The fires within her stilled and grew cold. It was time to rest, and so she slept. Forever beside her partner, faithful to the very end of their long journey together.