A beautiful world, prologue part 2/2

Story by Lucky Lumian on SoFurry

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Espheria is born

A gleaming light was seen, the gate of the opened portal they had ventured through lead the people to a new world, prosperous, bright and colorful, having a vast range of different climates, yet all seemed very friendly and calm.

The people who had walked through were sure to be amazed, much or their past memories had been erased, but a few things; like their previous world's ending, but not any remembrance of what had happened before that, not remembering the wars, the sorrows, the fears and previous hatreds.

It was as if it was wiped clean from their thoughts aswell, as no urge for high might or power was felt, no hatred or sorrow over the loss of their previous home: Esphorados.

And yet another thing had changed.

Since the professor had wanted no intolerance to be, there had to be differences at a great extent to tolerate in the first place.

So, almost everyone had changed into anthromorphic creatures.

Taking some forms of many of the animals that were thought of to be found on their previous world.

Anthromorphic wolves, foxes, dogs and jackals, yes, many kinds of the canine branch.

Felines and avians, reptiles and even draconians, bears and elephants, yes, practically any kind of animal there was, was an anthromorphic person there instead.

They were all very startled at first but they all sensed that it was okay, it was their form and they would still enjoy it as if it was normal, which it now kind of was.

They had been a society of modern ways, they knew how to get around a bit but they would have to rely on medieval ways and magic once more, for no weapon or anything, not even clothing, followed through the portal.

People started gathering as each and every one exited the portal.

There were quickly a few people that strived for leadership, but only to keep everyone from disarray and disorganisation, and established work teams very quickly.

Finally, the professor was the last to be exiting the portal as it closed behind him, cutting of the last remaining ties to their old world with a mist of blue ether that rapidly dissolved and flew away in the wind.

His world was way beyond what he ever could have imagined, and found it too his liking, adopting his new form as an owl rather quickly. He hurried to help the others establish a city that was to be founded on that very site, which was to be called Dastante.

It took about half a year before everyone had a house to call their own, much thanks to the leadership, quick action of the people and handy, crafty utilizations of each of every morph's own strenght.

A temple was raised, it was not dedicated to a god previously worshipped, but a new god which had its origins from well being, love and generosity.

It didn't seek to recruit new members, but it aided anyone with shelter and food if they were in need, like if a house burned down or another accident occurred.

Because of their great acts of generosity, they had many followers, for it was more of a path than a worship that needed belief.

Mages taught the schools of magic and studied how to use magic to help and improve their life standards.

Much of this was new of course, since much of the previous spells made in Espharados were mainly for offensive uses, so there was still much to be learnt.

Everything seemed like a perfect world, there were but barely any predators in the wilds and they all shyed away from society, and a good abundance of food as fields were raised.

Espheria was in many a furry's eyes to be what one would call 'Eden', it simply had everything one could ever need and crave for.

People lived happily and prospered as new cities and villages began quickly springing up around their first capital city of Dastante.

The first such city was Kolratia, a city that was actually much of a very long city.

Like a serpent slithering its way across the landscapes, it actually made its center at a mountain down to the forest below, and close to the jungle rivers, deeper in the forests.

Giving it almost three climates throughout the city.

It was mostly populated by lizards, reptiles and dragons, all prefering their own parts of the town, the dragons in the mountain parts, building high towers to the sky, and the lizards and other scalies more at the center and the lowlands.

And it was actually the lowland reptiles that made the city much favoured, for in the swampy regions not too far off, they had found herbs that made not only healing easier but also helped the magicians regain their strength, that inner strenght was to be called mana, which represented inner reserves of power that they could use, and with dedication and training, increase that pool of power.

So Kolratia became a grand exporter of medicine and alchemical components.

More stories were also to be told in Kolratia but that is to be left another tale as more of the world's tale is still to be told.

Another city was Nor'belung, which was located the furthest away of them all in the far up north.

Vulpines and bears were making out the largest amount but it was a city of the strong and rugged, so many strong individuals ventured there as they began a tournament, the tournament of might, which drew many a people's attention as muscular anthros competed to win in many different sports, such as: weight lifting, spear throwing, running, and finally the most respected, wrestling.

It was a competition some saw as a little barbaric, but those liking and understanding it more honed it as an art, where one were to test their strength in a friendly fashion of competition.

They also had various mines there which became their goods of trade and also in their point of view, training even at work.

The folks of Nor'belung also had a grand hunt every year after one famed hunt a wolf had performed, who later on became known as the great hunter.

However his tale and Nor'belung's are also to be told later on in their own tale.

The third city was Thunris Calceo, the spires of the avians.

It was in a huge, open valley, sheltered by a ring of mountains around it, where they decided to make their own city of the flyers.

The avians and some dragons used the recently developed magic to create the spires, unfortunately the place had some earthquakes coming and going, razing their towers time and time again, so they used magical bindings, creating networks to all the towers, and created eight magical chains that reached all the way out to the mountains. These were to hold the city together and stable, and it was actually the professor that had got them into this world, who came with the magical solution for the avians as he made Thunris Calceo his home for the last of his years.

Aqula'motos was the fourth city to be made, and the last for quite a long time before any new city was to come, it was actually located on an island.

This place drew many of the water liking anthros' interest very quickly, it was a warm island paradise outside the coast of Dastante.

A storm however occured and washed out much into the sea, so they established a very strong barrier all around the island to protect it against any such thing ever happening again.

Storms came and went, but one day there was a tsunami, a hurricane that tossed gallons of water high into the air and created a huge tidal wave right towards the city.

In the end, the powers of the wave were too strong, but not for the barrier, but for the foundation of the very island to hold.

So, after the storm had settled, the city was still much intact, floating around thanks to the strong barrier.

So they set large engines on the island and began exploring the seas.

They came back from time to time to trade the catches of the many sea foods they had, pearls and other aquatic treasures, and to tell the tales of the many mysteries hidden beneath the surface of the vast oceans.

And those stories are also other tales to be told in Espheria.

The time of peace and expansion continued, more tales were told of the many acts of bravery and wonders anthros did, people were living happily in the world and there were still many more nice adventures to come.

What nobody knew however, was to be revealed later, the consequences of tampering with the magic the professor had set in motion...

This is the second and last part of the prologue I have for the worlds stage before adding stories that I will have happening in this world.

I hope you all liked it and all, and if you have any bright ideas on any stories you have that you'd like to happen in this world, well I'm open for disscussion on it atleast, for after all, I have made a stageing ground, now all that is needed are the tales and stories to fill it's history with.

And special thanks to Fluffy Daemon for proofreading my stories.<3