Axel & Rena Part 20 By: Renatamer

Story by Shalamar Fox on SoFurry

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#20 of Axel & Rena By: RenaTamer

Axel & Rena. Chap 39

** ** ** Axel watched as Rena and the kids safely teleported away before turning his attention back to the bleeding human who now lay at his feet. This wasn't how he wanted this to go down. Though he had known that this outcome was unavoidable, he had secretly hoped that things would have ended more peacefully. Yet here he was, about to take the life of someone who was once... a friend.**

** 'So what now Axel?' Black's voice floated through Axel's mind.**

** 'I really don't know,' Axel sighed inwardly. 'I had considered that I might have to end Josh's life, but now... I don't think I can do it.'**

** 'May I make a suggestion?'**

** 'Might as well.'**

** 'Turn your mind off,' Black's thoughts drifted up. 'This is my domain... so let me do what is needed.'**

** 'I guess your right...' Axel sighed again as he began to release control to his darker self. 'Just don't forget that we need to know who has been pulling his strings.'**

** 'I won't,' Black agreed happily.**

** 'One last thing...'**

** 'Yes?'**

** 'Promise me that when you're done... that you will let Josh's soul go, he needs to be judged by the one who created him.'**

** 'This man was going to kill you and Rena, yet here you are, still trying to save his soul...' Black slowly shook his head as he took over. 'You're heart is to kind Axel, I could never forgive him of what he has done nor will I... in a way, I envy you.'**

Please Black,' Axel pushed, unflinching on this issue.

'I... I give you my word.'


** A wicked smile formed over Black's lips as Axel faded into the back of his mind. Now the dark one was in control and it was high time he showed Josh, and his digi-army, what hell was really like. Taking a moment, the dark destroyer tilted his snout to the sky and breathed deep. The smell of death was in the air, as was fear and sorrow... Oh how he loved and missed this smell, it was like food to him, a drug that he needed in order to survive. **

With his life spreading out in a crimson pool about him, Josh watched as the monster closed his eyes and stretch his arms out. "Come to me, your master calls." The BlackRenamon whispered to the shadows... and to the human's startled surprise, the shadows responded.

Unearthly sounds began to fill the air, echoing off building and floating up from the cobblestones themselves. Wriggling and writhing, the shadows detached from where they hid from the sun and as one, they ventured forth. Some slipped along the ground, others bounded along like children rushing to greet a loving parent. Together they massed and swirl around digi-god, blotting all light from the sky.

With the light of the digi-world fading quick and the void reaching out to swallow all of Kitsune valley, Black decided to return his attention to the dying tyrant at his feet.

** "You may take some comfort in knowing that Axel does not want your soul to be damned here. However there is much that you will live through before I let your soul depart." Black said as he gazed down at the frightened human. Reaching out he gently took hold of Josh's disabled arm, "So, you wanted to use my powers for your own selfish gains... well you're in luck. Now you get a front row seat."**

** With that said, Black gave Josh's arm a quick wrench... ripping the shattered limb off at the shoulder.**

** The scream that boiled forth from Josh's lungs was pure music to Black.**


** "Oh, thank God you made it out of there." Kimmy said as she ran up to her aunt.**

** "Yeah," Mary sighed as she moved up and took Sabrina from Rena's arms. "We didn't think anyone else was going to show up."**

** "Whoa..." Rena said as she held up a hand. "What are you two talking about?"**

** "You mean... you haven't seen it yet?" this was from Cleo.**

** "Seen what?" Rena asked.**

** To her amazement, the entire mass of digimon suddenly parted and Rena found herself looking at a huge lake of blackness. Slowly she crept past her kin and kith and up to the edge of the peek. The entire valley had been flooded with a black mass that ended less then a foot from the edge of the peek. It rolled and wavered as if it were nothing more then dark water, yet it held no reflection of sunlight and no sounds of lapping liquid.**

** Rena was looking at a physical manifestation of the void.**

** "How did this happen?" asked a voice from the crowd.**

** "Mommy, where's our home?" a Pokomon whined sadly.**

** "Why not ask her?" All eyes turned toward the blue male Renamon who stood near Mary and Kimmy. Slowly he pointed a finger at Rena, "This is her fault after all."**

** "Explain yourself," a red Kyubimon demanded of Blue. "What gives you the right to accuse a fellow Renamon of doing this?"**

** "Because she was the one who released the evil BlackRenamon," Blue said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I saw it with my own eyes."**

** Murmuring spread through the large crowd as all eyes, human and digimon, locked on Rena. Yet Rena didn't seem to have noticed, her heart and mind were trying to feel Axel... but there was nothing... she was alone. **

** "Is this true little sister?" a voice off to Rena's right jarred her out of her thoughts. Turning, Rena found herself face to face with a familiar looking Renamon... her older sister. Having been picked on all her young life by her older siblings, Rena felt no reason to explain her actions to Renamon... or to anyone else from the valley. All here had participated in the corruption of her development in one form or another and all knew that her life was to be given up to stop the BlackRenamon.**

** As Rena stared at her sister, she took note of the young red head girl who stood at Renamon's side. The pre-teen kept her hair pulled tightly back and wore a broken heart T-shirt. Rena could also see that the young girl held quite an attitude, almost as pissy as her digi-partner. It only took a moment for Rena to place the child... 'So this must be the girl Takato told us about... this must be Rika,' she thought.**

** "Well..." Rena's sister asked again in a much sterner voice.**

** "Yes it's true," Rena nodded as she took a stand, ignoring the gasps that rose from the ranks. "I did in fact call forth the BlackRenamon."**

** "In the name of the Sovereign, why?" Another digimon blurted out.**

** "To save your lives of course." This came from Cleo who was still in her Angewomon form.**

** "To save us," asked a V-mon, "or condemn us?"**

** "Yeah," Blue added. "Don't you realize, by releasing the evil one, you have condemned us all to the void."**

** "Little sister, what were you thinking?" Renamon growled in a bewildered voice. "You of all digimon should know what the BlackRenamon will do now that he is free."**

** "Renamon," Rika reached out and took hold of the digi-fox's arm. "Calm yourself and give..."**

** "And who says that I am free..." a booming voice interrupted.**

** It had been then, as Rika pulled her Renamon aside, that the sky above the mob of digimon had grown dark as thick black clouds swirled into life high overhead. Lightning could be seen criss-crossing the dark heavens as thunderous laughter rocked the land. As one the mob gasped for the liquid mass, the physical incarnation of the void that filled their valley, had suddenly heaved straight up. In no time at all, the void was towering some 100 feet tall before them... a giant wall made of shadow. **

** Panic quickly replaced anger as a tall, dark figure slowly stepped forth, the obsidian liquid caressing its midnight fur almost lovingly as the fabled BlackRenamon stepped out of the wall and set foot onto the world.**

** As for Kimmy and Mary, both couldn't help the shiver of fear that they felt as glowing red eyes swept the mass of refugees. Both had encountered Axel's darker self before, the hidden part of his soul that contained the evil digi-god, and could tell that the creature now surveying the mob with hungry eyes was the real deal.**

** The infamous BlackRenamon was here.**

** At first there were a few gasps of surprise, and then came a scream or two of recognition. Quickly the mob took several steps back out of fear that the creature before them might kill whom ever he could touch. As one, their eyes watched as Black slowly advanced toward the two Renamon who stood closest to him.**

** As the black creature drew closer, Renamon quickly stepped in front of him and blocked his path. "Halt evil one, you shall go no farther." She declared, bound and determined to protect her tamer and her weaker younger sibling. Yet she couldn't help but back down as the BlackRenamon stepped to within a few inches of her. With her tail between her legs, Renamon whimpered and slunk back to Rika's side.**

** Though most of the digimon could have flown or teleported away, they were too frightened to do so... this left them standing in awe of the BlackRenamon who now stood before them. But then there was no reason to run, they were all bound for the void anyhow... right?**

** As they all watched on in horrid disbelief, the evil one, the grate destroyer of worlds, the guardian to the gates of digimon hell stepped up to Rena... and dropped to one knee. "I have done as you have commanded," his announced, his voice drifting over the crowd. "What more dose my mistress wish of me?"**

** Rena let the smile that formed on her muzzle reflect the warmth in her heart. Her husband was back, and she once again could feel his presence in her soul.**

** Having Black appear like this had been part of Axel's plan all along. Mostly to show Rena's kith and clan that she, a runt, had indeed done the impossible... That and to hide the fact that Black was instead her mate Axel. By the sounds of toughs present, the plan was working. Even Rena's stronger older sister looked ready to faint. "You have done well," she found herself saying as she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.**

** "Renamon," Rika asked in a hushed whisper, "what the fuck just happened?"**

** "Dude," one child said as he turned toward his digimon. "I thought you guys said that he was an all powerful god bent on destroying the digi-world."**

** "I don't understand," another child murmured.**

** "I want my mommy..." cried a little girl.**

** Yet Rena took it all in her usual stride. This was her time to shine, her 15 minutes of fame and she was loving every moment of it. From this point on she would no longer be thought of as a weak ass runt, but as the Renamon who tamed a god. "You want an explanation for what I have done here today," she called as she surveyed all before her. "Then listen to me, all of you. I, the youngest daughter of Taomon, eldest house of Kitsune valley, have fulfilled the great prophecy. I have given myself and tamed the BlackRenamon."**

** To finalize her words, Rena pulled forth her digi-vice and held it high.**

** There was no sound from the refugees, it wasn't that they were stunned or speechless... it was just that there was nothing to say. Even Rena's older sister, the one who had picked on her through out her young life, could find no words at this time.**

** "If my mistress has no more use for me," Black's voice again filled the air, "then may I return to the void?"**

** "Hmmm?" Rena blinked as she was brought back to the moment at hand. It took a second for her to remember the rest of the plan, the whole showing off to the crowd had almost gone to her head... god what a power trip. "Yes BlackRenamon, you may depart," she nodded. Yet as she was placing her digi-vice away, she happened to look back at where the valley had once been. "ummm... Black?"**

** "Yes mistress?" he asked as he stood.**

** " there something you can do..." as she pointed at the void, "about that?"**

** "Yes my mistress," he nodded as he stepped forth and held his hand over the dark liquid.**

** "And Black," Rena smiled sweetly.**

** "Yes mistress?"**

** "Could you leave the valley and my home behind?" she asked as she jerked a thumb over her shoulder. "They still need a place to live."**

** Those closest to the BlackRenamon could have sworn he had rolled his eyes...if it weren't for the fact that his eyes had no visible pupils. As his shoulders slumped, Black gave out a sigh of disappointment, "As you wish."**

** What happened next was to be judged by most as the single greatest miracle known to Kitsune kind. The flash of light was so brilliant that none could look on. Every last being present had to shade or cover their eyes. And when it was over, the BlackRenamon was gone and there before then lay Kitsune valley in all its spender.**

** It didn't take long for Rena to lead her kith and kin back down to their homes, yet the progress was slowed by all the gawking and pointing. The valley was back to normal. Well... not just normal, it was perfect. All the damage that Fuzzywig's army had inflicted was gone, even the makeshift prison that was at the northern end of the city. It was as if the army had never invaded.**

** "Well it's about time,"**

** The crowd had just reached the large fountain in the center of town when a human voice grabbed their attention. The human had just stepped from the old hotel that Fuzzywig had used as his HQ (headquarters) with a large box in his hands. A few wondered at first if Fuzzywig was still alive, yet upon closer evaluation... it wasn't him. This man was rather tall, in his late 20's with bright blue eyes and wind swept hair.**

** "Axel!!" Rena cried out as she happily rushed over to her partner... before locking eyes with him and demanding, "were the hell have you been?"**

** "I'm not sure," he shrugged, keeping up the ruse. "One moment I was fighting with Josh, the next... I was standing here all alone."**

** "Well, I'm just happy that you're still alive." With that Rena hugged him close. **

** "umm..." Mary cut in after a moment, not wanting to brake up the lovers. "Mind if I ask... what's in the box?"**

** "huh?" Axel blinked and looked at the box as Rena let him go. He took a moment to react, acting as if he had only just laid eyes on it. "Oh, you mean this?" he asked as he opened the box and showed the contents to all. "It's a box full of digi-vices that I found it inside the hotel just now."**

** There was a hesitation from the crowd, and then one by one, whoops and cheers filled the square. Quickly the children rushed forward to retrieve the devices that Josh had taken from them.**

** While the children passed out the devices, Rena took hold of Axel's arm and pulled him aside. Once out of hearing range she again turned and hugged him. She smiled as she laid her head against his chest, letting his heartbeat sing to her for a long while before finally whispering, "That, my love, was completely brilliant."**

** "Thanks," he grinned as he gently held her in his arms. "Think they all fell for it?"**

** "hmmm... I don't really care," she sighed.**

** "Well, I'm just glad it all worked... however..."**

** "However?" she blinked and looked up at, and then past him. **

** "However, I'm still worried about Team 2." Axel slowly shook his head as he continued. "I can't help but wonder if Dee and Brian were able to intercept them."**

** "Then why not ask them yourself?"**

** Axel was caught so off guard by his wife's comment, that he hadn't noticed that she was now looking into the sky. Following her gaze, he saw two huge armored dragons approaching. One was Brian's alternate armored form, Dragonmon... the other was an Imperialdramon. Both were jet powered fliers that could convey a lot of people through the sky in a short amount of time. And as they approached, Axel could see that they carried Team 2 with them.**

** The two dragons hadn't even landed fully when bits of Team 2 began to disembark. By now Axel and Rena had rejoined their own team in time to meat and great the others. Together they watched as Henry and Rika ran up and hugged one another, while Takato and Guilmon nearly tackled Rena's sister to the ground. All in all, things had worked out quite well**

** "So how did we do boss?" Dee asked as she almost danced up to Axel.**

** "You two did good," he smiled, "I'm proud of you Dee."**

** "You hear that," she nudged Brian with an elbow. "He's proud of me..."**

** "Yes mistress," Brian nodded, yet he to was all smiles.**

** Slowly life began to seep back into the villagers of Kitsune valley, as well as their fellow digimon and their tamers. Somehow the joy of being free and safe had rejuvenated all around... it was then that a party had started. No one was quite sure were it began, but within an hour, the entire valley was awash with music and laughter. As the light of the day turned to night, a giant fire was built near the fountain and the party went into full swing.**

** It had just past midnight when Axel decided to wander off from the others. The party was still going strong, yet Axel needed a quiet place to think. Now here he was, once again lying among the bushes atop the hill that overlooked the valley. Here he was hidden from view and noise as he looked up at the stars.**

** "Thought I might find you here."**

** "Hello love," Axel smiled as he propped himself up on his elbows. Though she had made no sound, Axel had known of her approach well before she had appeared. Of course, now that he shared the massive amount of god like power that Black held, he knew were everyone in the village was.**

** "So, may I ask why you decided to wander off?" she asked as she knelt and crawled over to Axel's side.**

** "I needed some time to clear my head," he shrugged, his eyes watching her every move.**

** "hmm... well I do sense that something is troubling you." Rena whispered as she lied down and cuddled up against her mate. "Is it Black again, or something more?"**

** "It's not Black..." Axel sighed, "It's something more dangerous."**

** "And what in the name of the Sovereign could be more dangerous then Black," Rena asked.**

** "A jilted lover," Axel replied flatly.**

** Rena could only blink as she sat up and looked upon Axel with questioning eyes. "How or who could be more dangerous then the great BlackRenamon," she almost demanded.**

** "Rena," Axel sighed, not sure how she would react to this. "The one controlling Josh, the person behind your village being taken over, the one who was taking all those kids hostage..."**

** "Yes," she asked as she watched the sadness wash over his face.**

** "It was Sam..."**

** **** Axel & Rena. Chap 40**

** Rena and Axel lay in silence for a long time. They were currently cuddled together far from prying eyes, in the hiding spot they had used earlier that day to spy on the valley. A little while ago Axel had revealed the one person who had orchestrated the chaos that had brought them to the digi-world.**

** Axel's ex-girlfriend... Samantha Walker.**

** Sighing to herself, Rena sat up and glanced at her human husband. "Well what do we do now," she asked as she propped herself up on one arm.**

** "We send Mary, Leo, and all the kids back to the exit portal," he whispered softly. "While Kimmy and Cleo come with us to deal with one last obstacle."**

** "Mary won't like that."**

** "She doesn't have to," Axel shrugged. "But I also know that she won't let all those kids wander off alone..."**

** "What about the ones who can't make such a long walk?" Rena inquired.**

** "We send them back with Team 2 on that rocket dragon," he said, "and I'm sure Dee will be willing to have Brian help out as well."**

** "Then everything is set," Rena observed as she leaned over her reclining mate. Indeed, his mind had worked most of the details out already, he just couldn't let the idea of having to take on Sam slip his mind. Her mate needed to rest but with his brain tormenting him as it was... well there was one thing she could do.**

** Oh so gently she bent and kissed her startled mate.**

** "Rena..." Axel gasped as she broke the kiss.**

** "Ssssh," she whispered as she placed a hand on his chest. "You need to let go of all that is rambling around in your head... you have done enough for today."**

** "...But..."**

** "But nothing," she smiled as her hand moved slowly down his stomach, "you need to relax, to rest and regain your energy... and I know of only one way to settle that chaotic mind of yours."**

** "But Rena," he finally managed, "I didn't think you could have sex, at least not in your current state." **

** "Hay, I may not be able to have sex," she said as her fingers ran over the fabric that covered his crotch stroking at his hidden member. He shivered slightly yet made no move to stop her, not that he could have if he wanted to. "But there are still some things I can do and want from you."**

** Rena smiled at him, her blue eyes shining with that mischievous sparkle he had grown to love. Her cyanine mouth parted slightly, her moist tongue slipped over her lips as she glared at him with lust in her eyes. The moonlight that shown down upon them had turned her yellow fur almost white, and yet Rena was still the most beautiful creatures Axel had laid eyes on.**

** Her human eyes descended down his body, the passion in them souring to new heights as they found his crotch. She smiled tenderly, stroking the growing bulge still hidden in his pants. There was nothing timid in her touch. Every movement she made was deliberate, drawing him closer to what she desired.**

** Axel couldn't hide his excitement from the fox who would soon bare his children. He shivered slightly from her loving affection as he lay back into the grass. Turning his eyes skyward, he tried to relax. Yet he still jumped a little as he felt her fingers take hold the fly of his pants. Axel couldn't help but thank the heavens that they were both hidden from prying eyes.**

** Rena was opening his fly deliberately slow, her every move teasing and so sexy it was driving him mad. A giggle escaped her lips as his cock finally sprang free of its confines and pointed up at her. Rena took hold of her lover's shaft, and with a naughty smile, lapped at his fleshy pole with her moist tongue.**

** Rena was right, she knew exactly how to take his mind off of anything that might be troubling it.**

** Axel groaned as he closed his eyes, though still feeling tense about the future, he was no longer in any condition to think about it. His cock was throbbing madly now and burned with need each time her warm tongue slipped along his length. Somehow her touch was the greatest high he'd ever known.**

** With his throbbing meat now exposed, Rena decided to take her time. His cock, rock hard and proud, was now her play toy... and she was going to have fun. Gently she stroked Axel's cock as she marveled at it, god how she lived for the pleaser it gave her. Again her tongue darted out against its tip, already wet with his precume, a tasty treat that she was happily addicted to.**

** Axel's senses were assaulted as he felt something touch his cock right at the end were he was most sensitive, an overwhelming feeling of warmth and wetness. He knew it was Rena's overly long tongue as a small moan escaped from her lips. The sound was cut of though as she put her lips over his cock, her soft yet firm fingers grasping him at the root, pressing down so she would be able to get as much as she could into her mouth. He felt as if a warm moist glove had engulfed his cock and already he could feel the orgasm coming, her mouth so hot and sexy it drove him crazy.**

** She held him trapped as she worked magic with her tongue, licking at his shaft from inside her mouth, greedily sucking and nibbling at him, swallowing every drop of precum he gave her. Nimble fingers grasped axel and stroked him almost painfully slow, milking his erection. She trembled with excitement, waiting for his tasty cum, eager to drink it down and swallow it all.**

** It wouldn't take long, Axel's breathing was growing faster and faster by the secant, his hands gripping and clawed at the grass, his body going through spasms of pleasure as the beautiful digi-fox lapped and sucked at his erect cock.**

** Knowing what was about to happen, Rena lowered her muzzle further into Axel's lap until her small nose brushed his pubic hair, taking his cock fully down her throat.**

** Axel gasped as he felt his beloved swallow his cock deep into her throat, her snout pressed firmly to his crotch. He could hear her purring softly, vibrating his sensitive organ as she withdrew to yet again to suck on his wet cock like it was a lollipop.**

** That was it for him, his balls tightened and his cock spammed as the orgasm rushing in and flooded his now blank mind, his back arching off the grass.**

** She sucked hungrily as her mouth filled with her mate's warm cum, every drop he gave her she swallowed greedily. Axel howled as his cock throbbed and pulsed, each convulsion pumping seed into Rena's talented mouth... and then it was over.**

** Axel breathed a sigh as he slumped back into the cool grass, while above him Rena was licking her lips clean. "Well that was quick," she smiled before slowly crawling back up his trembling body. "I don't think you have ever popped off so quickly sense... well, our first night together."**

** "I blame your tongue..." he hissed while trying to ketch his breath.**

** "My tongue," she blinked, "what ever for?"**

** "You've gotten to good with it," he wheezed.**

** Wagging her tail happily, Rena couldn't help but giggle as she opened wide and began to lick her lover's face like an overly friendly puppy.**

** With Cleo, her Gatomon curled up next to her and a belly full of her mother's cooking, Kimmy should have been sound asleep. But she wasn't... she was laying in the quiet darkness, warm and safe...and yet.**

** Earlier that day the young teen had been witness to the most gruesome display of madness as she and her mother, digi-partners at their side, rescued humans and digimon from a man made hell. One would have thought the worst over at that point. Yet the residents of Kitsune Valley, upon seeing their home's devoured by the void, became angry with Rena and wanted her blood.**

** With a sigh the young teen slipped from her sleeping bag and stood. Team 1 was currently staying in her aunt's family pagoda, a large, two part house surrounded by thick walls... it had withstood the onslaught that was Josh's army quite well, and now served as home base. Not that Renamon didn't want to object to her younger sister and company taking over the structure... but she wasn't about to make Rena mad.**

** Rule one... don't piss off the runt who tamed an evil digi-god.**

** Besides, Renamon had more then enough to deal with once Takato and his red digi-dino got a hold of her... not that she was complaining. In fact Kimmy doubted that anyone could complain though the howls of sexual ecstasy that floated from Renamon's room. **

** Kimmy could still remember Rena's little speech word for word, and the stunned and gawking faces of the refugees would forever bring a smile to her lips. As for the teen, well it was the coolest thing she had ever seen. It wasn't everyday you get to witness an evil god being submissive to what others believed to be the lowliest member of their tribe. **

** Slowly Kimmy passed over to the room's door and slid it aside. Once in the hall she crept noiselessly along until she found what she was looking for... in the center of the pagoda was an open-air rock garden, witch held a small pond and family shrine. Almost contently the teen slid down to the floor and looked on.**

** The moon above was full and cast the square garden in a soft blue light, nerdy she could make out the fish that swam about the Lilies that grew in the pond... so peaceful. "You're up late," said a deep voice from behind her.**

** "huh?" Kimmy wheeled around and found herself staring at an open door, blackness filling the room beyond. For a moment the teen hoped that she had only imagined the voice, yet as she began to calm herself, it came again. "Someone needs to lay off the caffeine," the all too familiar voice said as two glowing red orbs appeared in the darkness.**

** "Damn it Black..." Kimmy protested as she held a hand over her hammering heart, "don't sneak up on me like that."**

** "It's what I do," the digi-god mused as he drifted out of the shadows. "Sorry if I scared you."**

** "You better be," she crossed her arms over her chest with a snort. "And isn't Axel supposed to be... Axel, at this point?"**

** "He let me have some free time while his mind rests." Black shrugged.**

** "...oh..." Kimmy blinked, "I didn't know you two could switch out like that."**

** BlackSetRenamon let a smile cross his mussel, this girl was brave and quite sure of herself... he liked that in his mates. But yet again there was something else that pulled at him as well... concern for the girl's well being. "So I make the observation again," he said in a softer voice as he moved up next to the teen and sat down, "You're up late."**

** "yeah..." she nodded as she turned and once again looked out into the garden. "I just couldn't sleep."**

** "Bad dreams?" he questioned as he reached out and slid his armored gantlets off so as to not harm his human.**

** "No, not really," she shrugged as she felt the digi-god brush ageist her. With a slight sigh she leaned over, pressing herself into the cool fur of his muscled arm.**

** "Mind if I pry," he asked, glowing red eyes looking down at the human.**

** "I can't seem to get the images of that prison out of my mind," she said as she watched the fish swim round n round. "How could anyone have been so cruel to children?"**

** "I wish I could answer that," Black said softly, "but you wouldn't like what I would say... nor would you ever want to be left alone with me ever again."**

** "...huh..." Kimmy looked up in surprise and bewilderment.**

** "Kimmy... I am the BlackRenamon," he said while searching her eyes. "I have destroyed countless lives, both digimon and human... I have taken the souls of millions, including children of all ages to the void. While I don't condone what Josh did, I am the last being one should ask for answers."**

** Kimmy sat there, leaning against the shadowy Renamon for several seconds, her eyes locked with his. Then a question popped into her head. It wasn't a question that one would expect to have form in Kimmy's mind, yet for some reason it seemed quite reasonable to her. "Black, what's it like inside the Void?"**

** "I... well... ummm......" BlackSetRenamon could only blink. This wasn't something he had ever thought someone might ask, so had never needed to think up an answer. "For the most part it's... dark and scary," he hesitated while trying to find the right words, but he couldn't. "I'm sorry Kimmy, but it's not something easily put into words."**

** "...Oh..." a disappointed look washed over the teen's face, yet she wasn't ready to just give up. "Then can you show me?" **

** BlackSetRenamon visibly flinched at the teen's request, how could anyone want to go into the void...willingly? "umm... I don't think..." he began, fumbling badly with an answer, any answer.**

** With the ease and grace of youth, Kimmy stood and turned to face the black god. "Please," she asked while reaching out with her right hand. Gently she placed it along side his muzzle, the teen could feel him tremble slightly at her touch. "I would like to see where you come from, were you take the souls of those you harvest." She whispered as her hand slowly moved trough his cold fur.**

** Black felt the shiver start at his ears and end at his groin. Kimmy, much like Rena, knew all to well how to get her way with the dark god. He actually found himself wishing that Axel were awake at this point to talk some sense into the teen. "Kimmy, I'mmm not sSsure...about," by the Sovereign, he was struggling just to speak.**

** Kimmy wasn't going to let this go without a fight. For sometime now she had listened to and felt jealous of Rena and Cleo. Rena could feel and since Axel and Black's emotions, and Cleo when in her Angewomon form, could see both Axel and Black. They both had had a personal connection with this god. And now Kimmy wanted something, anything that she could have all to herself. "Black," whispered Kimmy as she slid her hand down to his thick leather belt, "don't make me beg..."**

** Black tried to stifle the growing urge she was setting off inside him, but the deep groan that suddenly slipped forth gave it all away. Reaching down under her backside, he hefted the human teen up as he stood... she was now, more or less, sitting on his right forearm. With a giggle of glee the girl quickly threw her hands around his thick neck and held on.**

** And suddenly there was nothing but darkness...**

Fin of Chapter 40.