Public Enemies: Welcome to Crows Point Prison

Story by Castro Talon on SoFurry

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#8 of Public Enemies

Greetings once more! I hope you all are enjoying my series so far because I'm having a fun time writing it! Anyway the last time we left off the leader of the gang Johnny and main hero Ralphy were both captured by the cops and taken to prison. Will they escape? Will they have a fair trial in court? Enjoy!

(Ralph's view)

Well this sucks....just a few minutes ago I was about to have sex in the tub with my dream girl Jamie...and now here I am in a prisoner car and being transported to god knows where! Johnny and I put our backs to the wall to see if there were any dents or weaknesses to the car.....nothing. and Johnny were in quite a guns, no lockpicks and absolutely no way to contact the others....I wonder how Jamie is doing? I can't believe the cops would nearly threaten her with a gun....what fine citizens of the law! Nearly killing anyone associated with us.....real heroes.

"You'll think we'll be on TV?" Johnny asked with a small grin

"Probably...but they'll be all over me because I'm the better looking one" I said with a soft chuckle, trying to relieve some of the tension

Johnny chuckled too and looked at the ceiling of the prisoner car.

"Like hell you are" He said never taking his eyes off the ceiling.

After what seemed like hours the door opened and we were greeted by at least 20 men with guns pointed at us in the middle of an airport. One of them was a bull and shouted.

"Get the hell moving dead men" He said motioning his gun for us to get out.

Johnny and I shared a quick glance to see if maybe one of us come up with a last second plan....but it seemed both of us had nothing. I exited out first with my handcuffs still on and the cops pushing me quite hard towards a small plane. Johnny was getting the same treatment.

We all entered the plane that had its engines running and making any communication impossible between anyone. Johnny and I sat opposite of each other in the cargo trunk with the cops sitting right next to us and still had their weapons pointed at us in case we tried to do something.....I don't plan on dying yet I told myself, trying to take control now would be suicide.

The planes engine started to get even louder as it started to hurt my ears and head, and thanks to the hit to my face earlier made it all the more worse for my thoughts. Finally I felt ourselves moving on the runway and soon after I felt us leave the ground.

The plane was a piece of shit, It was rumbling and creaking at liftoff which was never a good sign...I think we'll be lucky to make it a few miles let alone......where ever were going. As soon as we reached the maximum height of this thing the engines started to quiet down and give my head a rest. Johnny started to chuckle again and everyone including myself looked at him.

"I hope you boys don't plan on giving me airline food because I've heard that stuff is terrible!" He said mocking them with his smug look.

One of the human cops stood up and walked slowly over to Johnny and hit him hard across the face. I saw Johnny's head nearly hit the ground from the force of the blow and it was clear neither of us were meant to talk....Fuck these guys are serious about taking us prisoners! I've seen many people being punched and hit and I barely even flinched but that punched made me jump I thought maybe it was meant to kill him for a second but it did hush up Johnny...and myself.

My thoughts swiftly drifted back to Jamie....what was I thinking bringing her into this? This is way to dangerous for her.....If I ever see her again...I'll....I'll tell her where my secret stash of cash is and let her keep wasn't enough to get her to Paris or Italy but it would be enough for a few years....Jamie....I hope you forget all about this and move deserve a better and peaceful life then I can offer....I wonder what is she doing right now?...Jamie.....

(Jamie's view)

Ralph is gone?!?! I can't believe it! I won't believe it! I WON'T! Those men were fucking cowards! Attacking him from behind and surprise! He even defended me to the end...when he said I was some girl he picked up I knew he was just trying to make me look innocent to the cops and be let off free!

But I won't let Ralph go to jail! NO! I need to find the others! I need their help! I still had my towel on and wiping away the tears of disbelief as I began to sit up from the bed and get dress quickly.

I had not time to worry about appearances or others opinions. I put on a quick cheap dress that fit me perfectly and ran out the door passing the the people giving me odd looks...probably because I was a fox wearing human clothing and my tail was brushing against the ground. I was wandering around aimlessly looking for any theater to check into.

The rest of them said that they were heading to a theater right?! God I wish I knew which one! I ran as fast I could past the stores displaying their items until I passed a TV store and something on the news report caught my eye.....Ralph......

(Ralph's view)

It didn't feel like long probably because we landed only an hour later in Illinois, at least according to the guards. I felt the hard impact of the touchdown of the plane and it nearly knocked me to the ground.....its a fricken miracle....we survived!

The cops all stood up and pushed us to the cargo door and we waited patiently for it to open. It was very slow but it got the job done and once again we were greeted by more cops with guns...the only difference between these ones from the last were that the reporters were right behind them.

Camera flashes were going everywhere as were the shouts and questions of the paparazzi. There must have been at least 100 cops holding off 300 reporters and trying to form a trail for me and Johnny to go through. But I could tell they were not succeeding.

We walked the unstraight line to the car only a few feet away from the cameras nearly going off right in our faces causing me and Johnny to almost go blind, of course there were a few cops still pushing us from behind to keep moving forward.

The 100 foot journey to the next car seemed like an walk to Beijing China and back but we made it with the reporters on foot following close behind. As we entered the medium sized city we saw numerous people holding signs and cheering as we went by.

At first the cops were thinking they were cheering for them...but after they saw the signs and a few stones thrown at the cars they realized the people were on our side. The crowd was getting violent and now were throwing what ever they could at the car hoping one would bust a window and would allow Johnny and I to escape.

One stone did manage to crack the window and the cops were using the radio to calm everyone down from the near riot.

"Please return to your homes or you will prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." The driver said into the radio talking to the mass of people.

But the people weren't fact...I think they were trying even harder to free me and Johnny....I never thought me and Johnny were this popular with the people....It seemed we had the support of the poor, both human and furry and I could have sworn I saw maybe a rich girl or two holding up bounty pictures of either me or Johnny saying things like "Let them go!" "Their Heroes!" Or even "At least they try to balance the economy!" that mocking both the cops and the government.

The riot was reaching its climax and I think people were ready to charge at the cars and take them by force. The cops were pulling out there guns and looking at each other wondering if they had to do the extreme.

"Sir! Should we begin firing warning shots?!" One asked over the screams and shouts of the crowd.

"Negative! Warning shots will only piss them off more! Shot to kill! SHOT TO KILL!" The cops said to each other over the radio.

Johnny and I reacted quickly to the threat and just about when the cops were taking aim at the mess of people Johnny got hold of the speaker radio, just barely in time as his hands were still bound from the handcuffs and talked into it.

"People Stop! please! These cops are going to shot you if you don't settle down! Please!" Johnny begged over the radio.

"We don't want anyone getting hurt or worse over us! We will be fine please just stop this!" I said into the radio.

Amazingly when the crowd heard our voices they began to move away from the cars and let them pass to the prison. The cops took the radio away from Johnny and pushed him back into the seat. I too was pushed back and the rest of the ride went smoothly until we got to the prison.

The building was made of stone and concrete from the outside and there were already reporters again waiting for us. Thankfully the crowd of civilians from before were cut off from us because the entrance to the prison had a huge steel gate blocking them from doing anything except watch their outlaw heroes exit out of the cars and enter the prison.

A few reports maybe 10 were allowed entrance into the prison for exclusive interviews with us and the local police chiefs. I think my eyes were finally healing from the flashes before as only maybe one or two went off ever minute or so...much better then 10 in a second.

There were still 50 guards still escorting us to the mug shot room....weren't there other criminals and crimes being committed elsewhere in the world? I mean-oh forget it.

Johnny and I passed the numerous hallways that seemed very bland and boring to us until we saw one with the 10 reporters already out the door and waiting for us. Thankfully only 10 guards entered the room with us with the 10 reporters and two other people besides myself and Johnny.

One was a human man at about his 40's and was fat as all hell....something told me he wasn't a field cop....he had sort hair and a shiny brand new business uniform on and was smiling at the camera's shaking the hand of a woman no less, she was a human of about 30 with dark brown hair that was short and curly....I wonder who she is?

The reporters turned their attention to me and Johnny as soon as the door shut and we stood in the middle of the room still handcuffed and exhausted by the journey here. Despite the smaller group their were still too many questions being asked until I swear I saw a face that looked familar to me!....he was a wolf...his fur was black...wait....Jarad! Son of a bitch he probably got himself a great story with my arrest.

I knew Jarad when I first joined the gang...he took pictures of the gang for the wanted photo's...we didn't mind...hell we asked him! He was more then happy to do so and I heard he was keeping up with us, telling the country the real story unlike the rest of the government controlled crap.....they made us look like criminals and murders all the time...but Jarads paper, 'News Right Now' or NRN called for short was a favorite among the common people. Hell sure! He can have an interview with me!

"Umm yes you..the wolf...or would you like me to call you Jarad?" I said with a smile

Jarad lowered his pencil and notebook and the other reporters looked at him. He was awkward in this position I could tell but still....I liked him over the rest of these idiots. Jarad calmly approached me and was only feet away facing me.

"H-H-Hey there Ralph, Johnny" He said nodding to both me and Johnny.

"Long time no see Jarad" Johnny said also with a soft smile

"U-Umm yes well...tell me Ralph and Johnny how are feeling right now? Being captured and all." He said ready to write our responses as were the others.

Johnny went first

"Well lets see only about 2 hours ago I was enjoying a vodka before 3 men suddenly entered the bar and tackled me to the ground and were beating on me and shouting know would it have killed them to say 'Freeze Johnny!' or something? Because really if I turned around and saw 3 cops with shotguns pointed at me I would have come peacefully." He said trying to make the cops look bad at this

The thing was....they did handle the arrest and crowd control badly. My turn to tell my story.

"Yeah I have to agree with you there Johnny, I was about to get ready to romance the most beautiful fox in the world before 3 men also ambushed and beat the crap out of me and dragged me out of the room...Of course not before pointing their loaded guns at my girlfriend looking ready to kill her if she took one more step." I said shrugging with my shoulders.

The cops were looking around not facing the camera's directly....they knew we were telling the truth.

"Jeez! Right when you were about to make love to her Ralph? God forget my bar thing that sucks for offense" Johnny said laughing at my story.

I laughed back and the reporters actually started to laugh knowing I indeed got the worse side of the story.

"Anyway we were thrown into a car and-" Johnny tried to continue the story before.

"I think you criminals have had enough gossiping about your lies." The fat man said putting his arm on Johnny's shoulder.

The camera's flashed again and I heard a common name come out of the questions. Hubert.

Johnny then put his arm on Huberts shoulder making it look like they were best friends or something...I could tell Hubert was both anger and humiliated by this and I smiled.

"How fast did you boys rob a bank? What was your best time?" a female human with blonde hair stepped out of the reporters

"Hold on what's your name Maam?" I asked

"Oh! I'm Sarah-Sarah Jergenson...a reporter from NRN" She said happily...she must be new on the job or something.

"Well my fastest time was 3 minutes" I said proudly

"Yeah those boys at Kentucky didn't know what hit them." Johnny added knowing his all time fastest but acting humble....we were having fun with this.

"Oh come on Johnny! Don't act humble with me! You know your fastest time and your just trying to make me look better from this! Tell them your time come on!" I said rolling my eyes

"Oh nothing to fast.....just a minute and 40 seconds...flat" He added and the reported chuckled at the immpersive time of our crimes

I heard Hubert say something to the woman next to him and I think it was

"Get them out of here"

As soon as he said that the cops began to block off the reporters and lead us out of the room. We were lead to a changing room where we were stripped of our clothing and given a prison uniform that was striped black and white and lead to the actual jail.

He saw a massive door made of steel or metal of some kind open up and we saw rows and rows of prison cells all having men of our age in the same outfit and doing there own thing. They didn't pay mch attention to us..only a few glanced at us and watched us go past them as both me and Johnny headed to our cell...which thankfully we shared. Mind as well be together through this.

It was about midnight and I wanted to just sleep this off.

"I call top bunk!" Johnny said jumping on the bunk bed in the room

"The hell you are!" I said grabbing his feet and we wrestled playfully on the ground

He won of course and I was given the bottom bunk....despite all the fun from earlier.....we were still in prison...and we don't even know from exactly where. Jamie......what I wouldn't give to see your face again. I said in my thoughts as I went to sleep.

(Melvins view)

I stood up late to watch the news broadcast and I felt both happy and frustrated...I was happy to hear that the Minnesotan cops got two of them but I was frustrated that we over 100 cops and agents could not. 6 cops managed to do what we couldn't.....take out the head and the fangs of the Johhny Makarov gang...Johnny being the head...and Ralph being the fangs.

But still....we now know where the rest of them are..if we can get to St.Paul we can capture the rest and maybe regain our honor.....but my hopes were dashed as a phone call interrupted my was from Hubert. I picked it up and waited for what he had to say to me.

"Yes sir?" I said softly

"6 cops managed to get one fourth of the Makarov gang while I poured you men tens of thousands of dollars and you have nothing!" He shouted angrly at me over the phone.

"I'm sorry sir I take full blame for the failure."

"You bet you fucking do you useless piece of fur trash! I knew hiring you was a fucking mistake and look where I am?! Shaking hands of cops and jail owners who I told we unprepared to capture and hold the Makarov gang! Johnny even fucking put his shoulder on me! I want both of those bastards sentenced to death!" He shouted and I heard a bottle break from the other end of the line.

"Sir they will be given a trial like everyone else...I trust that the people will make the right decision and send them to Al Cartraz" I said assuring him

Al Cartraz was a prison, fortess, and a unescapable one has ever managed to escape alive as the security there is extremely tight and after that.....3 miles of swimming endless ocean where all escapes have ended with them drowning.

"You better hope they will or else I swear I will skin you alive and use you as a rug and cut off your head and mount it over my fireplace!" He said hanging up the phone which caused me to jump.

I hang up the phone to and put my hand around my head....what the hell was I going to do now? As I thought that I heard a knock on my door and I knew it was pointless know...I've been humiliated and yelled at enough...what else could they have to bring?

"Come in" I said closing my eyes until

"Melvin?" I heard a familar voice say......Tucker

I looked up and saw he was wearing normal day clothing as well as a bottle of wine.

"Oh Tucker...what are you doing here so late?" I asked him standing up.

Tucker got closer to me and seemed nervous about something.

"O-O-Oh! Umm I heard about Johnny and that mess and-well I thought you might need to be encouraged or something." I said handing me the bottle and scratching his head.

I noticed his tail was up and his legs were shaking. Strangely my tail was raising too....what was going on?

"Thanks, that was very thoughtful of you......T-Tucker?...why do you act like this?" I asked putting down the bottle on my desk.

He jumped and struggled with his words

"I-Umm-Well I'm not much of a mean person or a cop as you can family comes from a proud line of officers and policemen and I was forced into it.....B-but what I really wanted to be was an artist or work at a vineyard or something." He said very softly and I could barely hear him.

Tucker was so innocent like a child I really did enjoy my time with him....and ever since my wife left me and took my son away I.....I just couldn't stand being near women anymore...but...does that mean?

"T-Tucker....Umm...tell you have a girl? know like a girlfriend or a fiancee or something" I asked my tail stiffening, waiting for the response.

I saw Tucker blush underneath his fur and turned away slightly embarrassed by the question.

"N-N-No....I'm not seeing anyone now...nor do I think anyone will see me Melvin" He said saddened.

I felt myself in a trance and I wrapped my arms around his smaller but equally as muscular body. I turned him around and looked at him straight into the eyes...he was so strong...yet so innocent and kind....I felt my pants grow out a bit and my tail flickered around like crazy....I new what I needed right greatest desire...a loved one...

"I see you Tucker" I said before I pressed my muzzle against his.

I heard Tucker gasp at the connection of our lips but quickly feel into desire with me. He rubbed my back and his leg rub against mine and our bulges rubbed against one anothers. I ran my claws up and down his back scratching his beautiful fur and skin as we both opened our mouths and shared tongue and saliva.

Our tongues wrestled for awhile trying to see who's was dominate over the other but eventually mine won and I explored my new found territory in Tuckers mouth with my tongue. I stopped my scratching and pulled him into a tight embrace and we both rub each others back fur. The embrace made both of us moan as we both were still sharing tongue and I was moving my hand to his shirt.

I pulled off his shirt gently both of us lost in our lust and desire for one another and we continued the kiss. We did all of this standing up. I felt Tucker step forward and I laid down on my office desk with Tucker on top of me never breaking the kiss.

Tucker quickly ripped open my jacket and began to lick my abs which caused my to purr and grunt loudly. Most of the things on my desk were pushed off and I continued my intercourse with Tucker.

I lost track of time as the next thing I remember after that both our pants were off and we were looking at each others members both throbbing and stiff. Tucker got on his knees and elbows on the floor exposing his spasming hole. I grasped each furry butt cheek he had and moved my tongue all around his hole.

Tucker was grunting loudly and clawing the floor aching for my entrance. I shoved my tongue up his hole and began to wiggle it around all around his insides. Tucker was shaking and leaving claw marks on the wood floor but both of us had enough of this tease.

When I was done with my tongue I shoved my member slowly into him and gasped. I wrapped my arms around his chest and braced both him and myself for all the thrusts. My member throbbed and wiggled for release as each thrust into Tucker was getting faster and more powerful into him. I felt my precum releasing steadily and we were both gasping and grunting in bliss.

"T-Tucker I'm gonna come! I'll get out and-" I said before

"No! Come in me! I want to feel you seed in me!" he said grasping my hand and both of us squeezed as hard as we could.

I shouted his name and he shouted mine as I felt my seed burst into him with many blasts and overflowing seed. I saw my seed exiting out of his hole and around my member still in him and I slowly pulled it out letting more seed flow out of him.

Tucker collapsed on the floor and landed into a puddle of his own seed and nearly fainted from pleasure but I turned him around and laid on top of him whispering.

"I love you always know how to make me feel better" I said resting my head against his.

"I love you too were my hero and my idol when I was reading about your success in the papers" he said before he also feel asleep.

(Ralph's view)

Last night was awful and not only because of Johnny's snoring!...well mostly his snoring but still! Some of these other prisoners are real of them keep banging a metal spoon across his jail bars keeping me and the rest of us up the whole night.

Others got into small fight in the middle of night and their fighting could be heard across the whole damn building....and not a cop in sight. It was morning and Johnny and I were looking around the cell seeing if there was any thing that could help us escape....we didn't see a whole lot of good options.

A bell suddenly rang and all of the doors opened followed by a shout

"Breakfast time ladies!" A warden shouted and the other prisoners exited out of their cells.

We had no choice but to go to the mess hall and eat the slop they dare call's special...oatmeal...or oatmeal that was left to rot and collected mold then eaten, thrown up, and then served to us.....maybe starving to death isn't so bad after all.

Johnny though was a pig and could eat anything. I ate just enough to keep my alive and handed him the rest. After the we were allowed to go to the courtyard and get some air....but as soon as Johnny and I stepped outside there were maybe at least 30 men mostly furs of all types giving us a stare...and their time in prison must have made them angry and hateful of most humans.

Finally one horse that was muscular and fit stepped forward and looked down at both me and Johnny....the horse had to be taller then 6ft 8in and the very presence of his body would make the strongest and toughest of soldier shake with fear.

"So your Johnny Makarov and Butcher Knife Ralphy huh?" He said looking down and snorting out air that could have blown out a fire.

"Y-Yeah?" Both me and Johnny said in unisom.

"Well....IT'S A PLEASURE TO MET YOU TWO!" The horse shouted happily and hugging both me and Johnny tightly in his arms.

He had such great strength he lifted both of us off the ground with the hug and the others started to surround us and give us pats on the back and cheers for some reason.

"I-U-You-What?" I said speechless.

"Oh sorry! It's just that you guys are heroes everywhere to the poor and commonfolk! I guess I just got a bit careless in my joy sorry!" the horse said putting us down and embarrassed.

"U-Umm no its alright. It's just we never expected to be treated this way" Johnny said before shaking a few of the other prisoners hands.

"Oh no no no! We would never mess with you guys! Hell I'm frightened of you! I mean just look at you! Bodies of champions and faces of supermodels!" The horse said complimenting us.

"Hey Eddie! Tell them what they did for you and your family!" A prisoner shouted in the crowd.

"Oh Yeah! I owe your gang alot! You see, I was laid off work at a steel making factory and my wife and daughter had no money for food....I resorted to stealing food but one day I was caught and thrown into the very steel bars I use to a prisoner." He said saddened and looking at the main building.

"Umm no offense but what does that have to do with us?" I asked

"Oh well one day when I was in jail my wife sent me a letter saying one of the Johnny Makarov members left $10,000 at her doorstep! That was enough money for her to pay off her debts to the cabin she was living in and enough to get my daughter into college! I don't know if your the very member who gave us the money but I will treat every one of you like a brother in your time here!" He said hugging us again...he was a very huggy person I guess.

We took a little tour of the prison and we were indeed more popular then we thought! Everyone knew who we were and applauded us for our efforts against the unfair banks and governments. It was about 5 PM before our time outside would come to an end and we would eat dinner and go back to sleep....we still didn't even know this guys name...he was talking so fast neither me or Johnny could ask him.

"So yeah thats about everywhere were allowed to walk...anything else?" He said like a tour guide almost

"Umm two in fact.....what is your name and where is this prison?" Johnny asked.

"Oh! Oh my goodness! I can't believe I never told you my name I'm sorry I must seem like such a fool!" He said rubbing his eyes

"Umm...its alright" I said looking at Johnny and we both shrugged.....this was a very strange horse.

"My name is Eddie Green" He said shaking our hands again

"Nice to met you Eddie....And?..." Johnny asked determined to know where we were.

"And Welcome to Crows Point Prison"

So Johnny and Ralph are more popular with the common folk then they think, will this help them in the future or lead to tradegy? Melvin and Tucker have shown each other secret feelings for each other but will it last? And what does Jamie and the rest of the gang plan to do to get Johnny and Ralph out? Find out in the future parts of Public Enemies! Goodbye!