Stray Nights - For Sevlow.txt

Story by Taiko on SoFurry

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A gift for Sev the wolf, and something that really helped kick my production up in that year. Seriously, big thanks to him for helping inspire this story and keep me going while I was writing it. :-)

Stray Nights

Written by Taiko Akito Editted by Primus Leonides Characters Sev and Ken belong to Sevlow Wolf, and were used with his permission. The character Debaun belongs to Taiko Akito; this story nor its characters may not be copied or redistributed without the express permission of their makers.

The rain was pouring outside, as though someone had taken the contents of the oceans and stuffed them into the clouds, to the point that it was nearly impossible to see more than ten feet ahead of one self. Everyone was trying to get inside be it a house, a car, or even a simple shelter at a bus stop, lest they and their cargo got soaked, umbrellas bending under the sheer weight the weather was giving them. It had been going on for at least a full hour beforehand, and showed no signs of slowing down.

Despite being members of the football team, and damned good ones at that, both Sev and Ken hadn't been able to get to their dorm room, or even the dorm itself, before they were drenched solidly. Part of this had to do with the fact that they'd gotten lost three times while trying to find the damned building, and the other was the fact that they'd both forgotten something in the college building itself, having been too hasty in trying to leave and get back home.

The result was that, while their backpacks had kept them dry enough to keep their books and notes only slightly moist, the timberwolf and buck had come into the dorm sopping wet, to the point that they were still dribbling water when they reached the fourth floor. Still looking like they'd only just stepped out of a shower when they got to their dorm room, the pair had immediately begun to disrobe, their shirts and shorts splatting onto the already overflowing hamper.

They were still soaked half an hour later, and smelling strangely of grass (although that could have been from the slips they'd both made on the way over the lawn of the campus). They didn't dare turn on the air conditioner in the room, lest they freeze to death, but the room quickly became muggy with the prespiration rolling off their bodies.

"...Fuuucckkk..." Sev groaned as he peeled himself off his bed, grimacing at how the blanket clung to him, wondering if he'd even be able to sleep in it come that night. "I feel like I'm going to stay waterlogged for a month..." To prove his point, he reached to his wrist and gripped at it, water dribbling down from it and into the rest of his arm's fur. He growled as he picked up the equally waterlogged towel at his side, futily trying to dab himself drier.

Ken, far shorter-furred and thus not nearly as wet, although still uncomfortably so, tilted his head towards his roommate and dully asked, "Then why not use a towel from the bathroom?" It got him a dirty look from the wolf.

"Because we're already running low on towels to use after showers." He jerked a finger towards the admittedly small pile of folded white cloths in their long blue laundry bin, situated outside the washroom. "There's no way I'm drip drying anymore than you are."

"Then take a shower..." Ken gruffly replied, trying to not sound irritated, "It'll lower your hackles and clean you up a bit. It's not like the rain's going to stop pouring anyways, and you know how close we are to the city."

Ken's comment at first made Sev tilt his head in confusion, before he shook it and got up. Grunting as he picked up a towel from the pile, he glanced back over his shoulder. "Put on some pants before I get back. We aren't in the locker room." he growled, before he shut the door behind himself and locked it tight, missing the way that Ken rolled his eyes.

The buck was annoyed at the sheer attitude that was radiating from Sev, but he didn't take it too personally; they were both men, after all, and the timberwolf got crotchety if he didn't get a good hot shower in before bedtime. Besides, his shorts were already soaked through, and they weren't getting any looser on his thick legs.

Groaning as he picked himself up off his bed, and managed to slip off the tan shorts practically glued to his waist. Ken picked up the wet garments before realizing that his jockstrap had come off with them. Immediately his hands went to cover his groin, along with his rump, his eyes jumping from one side of the room to the other.

Not that he had anything to be embaressed about, honestly - the buck was very well endowed - but he didn't like being naked while at home. The locker room with the rest of the team was one thing, but that was to be expected. Only real men got naked with one another and showered together! Hell, the Romans did it (at least, that's what he remembered they did) and they were some of the manliest guys in history! Fags got naked at home and walked around casually.

He scampered to his chest of drawers, at the head of his bed, careful to avoid the windows lest anyone saw him - he knew that the bluejay down the hall eyeballed him on the way up, the guy was easier to read than a picture book. Rifling through it, and groaning as he remembered he'd worn the last pair of underpants he owned that morning, Ken realized that he had not but two options to choose from - wear his swimsuit and look like a nutjob, or pick a pair of shorts and wear nothing under them.

The debate between both options bounced around in his head like a tennisball in a tie-breaking Wimbeldon match, and he looked between both garments with increasing skittishness. Did he choose the navy-blue shorts, or the bright green trunks? Did he wear both? Neither? Take his bedsheets and go in a toga?!

The sounds of the shower door slapping closed, through the unfortunately paper thin door that the washroom had, Ken immediately dropped whatever was in his right hand and shut his drawer, grunting as he slipped a leg through. Blinking to the coarseness of the legging, it took all of two seconds for Ken to realize that he'd put the swim trunks back into the drawer and that the dark blue shorts were now slipping up to meet his junk. He groaned to this, and slowly made to reach into the drawer again, but something in his mind made him pause. It wasn't as though he was going to be inspected for underwear, and he could change into the trunks when he needed to sleep later on.

Taking another two seconds to think it over, the buck shrugged and slipped his other leg through the empty legging, slipping the shorts carefully onto his hips. He was especially careful with them over his bare sheath, not used to having his bare crotch run up against a zipper. It took him a few tries to actually get the thing done up without getting a bit of fur caught in the metal teeth, but he managed, and when he got the button slipped into its hole under his muscle gut, he had to admit that he couldn't tell the difference himself (in a mirror anyways).

Slipping himself back onto his bed, and shifting awkwardly as he felt his balls run along the seam between the two leggings, the buck picked up the TV remote and pointed it to the black box sitting on Sev's own squat set of drawers. Hoping that the machine was picking up something that would distract him from his unfortunately persistent itch, he pressed the large red Power button, and watched the screen blink.

He'd do the same himself as he watched the snow cover the screen, his lids opening and closing again as he flipped through the channels. Black and white fuzz covered everything with each press, and his brow furrowed further with each attempt to find something else. "What...the...fuck?!" he growled as he tried to skip from the cable to the DVD player, knowing that there was a movie inside that from the night before.

Instead of showing a blue screen with the DVD player's logo on it, however, the screen turned blank, and then black. No attempts at pressing the Power button, or any other combinations of mashing buttons, helped at all. Not even a good swear mingled with a smack helped the machine out, refusing to operate even when its own buttons were pressed.

To say that this distracted Ken from his problem was something of a misnomer; while he wasn't noticing his itch, it wasn't due to losing himself in something better. In fact, when he turned his head away from the dead box and noticed that Sev had already walked out of the washroom, a towel under his arms and his fur sticking out at odd angles, the buck realized that not only was the seam still rubbing his balls the wrong way, but it was ten times worse than before!

"Oh-uhh..." he abruptly said, as he put in the gargantuan effort not to scratch at his crotch, pointing an accusing finger to the TV, "The, television's busted..."

Sev's own tyrannical attempts at getting the box to work went no better than Ken's own, and though it almost scared Ken at the rapid change the timberwolf had made, from relaxed to practically foaming at the mouth, it did give the cervine enough time to reach into his shorts and shift his junk around without being noticed.

Giving a sigh as the itch finally passed, and as he sat down on his bed, the buck watched his roommate practically threaten to sue the television for all its circuits before he bothered speaking up. "I think we need to call the repair man again." The exasperated look on Sev's face, this time, was so cartoonish that Ken couldn't help but snort.

"There's no way I'm paying that bastard to poke around in this junk heap again!" he all but roared to Ken, his finger stabbing towards the domed screen of the appliance and lightly stubbing his claw against it. Taking his hand back almost immediately, the canine huffed and growled out loud, holding the digit in his fist and snarling towards the machine.

Ken, to his credit, kept himself from laughing out loud and settled with another snort. "Well, it's either that, or we turn on a radio and pretend to be our grandparents when they were our age."

Again, Sev wound himself up for another lambasting of swears, threats, and a many shaken fist with something in it...but the sudden black and yellow image in his head of himself and Ken dressed up in coveralls and sitting next to huge blocks of ice made him stop for a moment. His face cracked into a smile for a few moments before his anger won over enough to make him storm off to his bed. Still, Ken grinned victoriously as he saw the timberwolf's tail wag a few times before being plopped down onto the mattress, knowing he'd once again saved himself from another rant by his roommate.

For now anyways.

The room was silent once again, save for the downpour still happening outside, both men listening to nothing as they sat together. The two of them thought for a few moments on what to do, or say to one another, to break the ice in the muggy room. Nothing came to mind for several minutes as they sat there, Ken eventually lying down on his bed, prompting Sev to try and do the same.

The silence was broken as the wolf's bed rustled below him, the canine trying in five different ways to get comfortable on the bed before he started growling again and shot back up to a proper sitting position. Getting a raised brow from Ken, Sev pulled away at the sheets of his bed and felt along them, eventually getting to the mattress...and groaning as he hung his head.

"...fuck..." he groaned, his head slapping into his palm as he looked around. "Hey, dude, you know where we put those futons and fans?" he asked as he looked around. Ken, confused, rose a brow as he raised himself from his blanket.

"Um, yeah, I think so. Why do you ask?"

The look that he was given was dirtier than the clothes in the hamper, and Ken wisely decided not to comment on it. "Because my bed is soaked and I don't want to sleep on the floor." Sev stalked off to find the futons that he knew they had, growling to himself as he looked around. As he did, Ken had the misfortune to shift himself in just the wrong way, biting his lip as he felt his sheath rub lightly against the teeth of the shorts. It didn't hurt, but it pinched at his sheath in a way that pricked enough to get him aroused.

"Fuu-" he went as he felt his cock begin to react, grunting as he sat upright and shuddered as the zipper was pressed even tighter against his groin, this time in a less than appeasing way. Standing up, carefully, the buck slowly said, "I'm, uh, gonna use the washroom...look in the closet for them!" before he made a desperately non-desperate looking dash to the still open washroom door.

"I'm checking there already!" Sev shouted as the door slammed shut, before he heard the sounds of drums pounding in a strangely high pitched tone. His fingers immediately reached down to his pocket...before he realized that his shorts, fresh on his hips, were missing something. "Fuck!" he roared, before he stomped to the washroom and knocked on it, hard. "Hey, Venison ass! Get out!"

Ken. fumbling again with his sheath, had to keep hard from braying out before he stuffed his shorts again with his manmeat. "Wh-What?!" he shouted back out, almost growling himself as he forced the door open again, "What stopped me from taking a piss?!" In truth, Ken had been far from doing so; he'd actually been attempting to jack off to deal with the tension in his groin so he wouldn't have to make the night any more awkward than it already was.

"My cell is in there!" the wolf growled as he stuck his face into Ken's own, the wolf nearly going back into a frenzied state again. Although, to his credit, the look was restricted to his eyes rather than how he was practically foaming at the mouth with the television.

"B-But I-" Ken muttered, slowly backing in as he felt a draft at his groin, blushing as he realized how close he was to showing off his junk to his roommate.

"Now!" Sev snarled as he reached in and gripped the buck's shorts by the waistband, ignoring the inch or so of undone zipper in favor of pulling Ken out of the room. Ken, surprised as all hell for this move, shouted out as he tumbled to the ground, his rack of horns catching on the edge of Sev's bed.

"Gahh..." the cervine grunted as he held at the base of his horns, glancing back to the wolf in the washroom to see what the huge rush was for...and in the process, noticed that the wolf had picked up one of Ken's own shorts. It wasn't a huge mistake - hell, half the time Ken found he was wearing one of Sev's shirts instead - but it meant that the waistband, normally snug around the buck's firm, if bulky waist, was now sagging on Sev's own slighter form. It also meant that, when the cervine stepped up and looked down at it, he could actually see past the band and between the straps of the wolf's jock.

Which meant that he could quite clearly see the canine's ass practically hanging out of his garments.

For a few moments, Ken entertained the idea of giving Sev a bit of his own medicine, as the timberwolf finally managed to answer the drumming ringtone in his own pants. He thought about who it could be on the other end - Sev's parents, perhaps a girlfriend, or even the coach himself - and what their expressions would be if Sev gave a yelp to his tail being yanked or his ass slapped for such a faggoty look.

...but, when the initial wave of anger finished washing over him...the buck had to admit, he'd not had anyone good to have a lay with in over seven months (he refused to call his hand a lay), and it was a fine ass as far as- wait, what?! No!

No no no no no!

Immediately turning his head away, and gripping at his skull, Ken managed to make his way to his bed as he tried to get the gay thoughts out of his mind. He was not gay! He didn't rub, pinch, or even ogle another guy's ass because it looked like a girl's! Hell, he refused to even get naked in front of someone - shower room notwithstanding - unless he was sure that it was a woman he was doing it for!

He didn't even dare looking at Sev again, as he tried to dig himself a nice, deep hole into denial. However, he was all but forced to when he heard the sound of wood crunching against metal, his head instinctively turning to see what it was that had caused it. Though he saw the thin door hanging in two pieces, his roommate shaking a hand like he'd just punched through it, the man's eyes were once again drawn to the timberwolf's form. This time, however, to his shock and strangely growing delight, Ken's peepers went beyond just ogling at Sev's handsome rump, and went on to check out his handsome self instead.

Air drying fur, both stuck out and slicked along his form, revealed that the wolf was no small fighter on the field. Though Ken knew this for himself, he couldn't deny that it was still quite the eyeful to take in, and he had to bite at his tongue to keep it from slipping to his lips. His partner's body didn't vanish, however, and the subtle ache that had been between Ken's legs was now growing all the more prominent once again.

The buck felt his heart begin to race with both fear and excitement for how he was reacting, and his eyes traveled upwards to the twin pecs he knew were there. He'd crashed into them often, both in and out of protective gear while playing football with his friend, and he knew the power they possessed. Oohh, how much time and effort must have gone into them to make them so resolute, so-

"No..." he managed to grunt as he tore his eyes down to the floor, his hands practically dimpling his skull he was holding onto it so hard. No, he couldn't be...fuck! He'd cum from just watching a video online of a woman showing off her jubblies, and doing some mexican dance while showing them off...and without touching himself! Why was he so hard now that he'd-

"Ken?" Sev said abruptly, as he moved to his friend's side, concern finally showing through the anger that had dominated his face, like cracks appearing in porcelain. "Dude, you okay?" The wolf blinked as he looked over the buck's head, and noticed a piece of fluff sticking to one tine of the male's horns. Looking back to his bed, and noticing a rather prominent hole in the blanket that was draped over it, a variety of emotions flashed across the canine's face.

Anger, first, for the damage; confusion, as he realized that despite his glare to the buck, nothing defensive was coming through; and finally, a cold start as he realized that the tear was not only his fault, but it likely hadn't been all that pleasant in the making.

"Oh, shit!" Eyes wide, Sev immediately dashed towards the wireless phones sitting beside the dead television, his fingers flying over the buttons before he realized that the screen to the handset wasn't even lighting up. When smacking the device caused as much a reaction as it would have had it been a rock the wolf, instead of the anger that had been running rampant across his face beforehand, he came close to whining as he slapped it back down and dashed to his friend.

"Ken? Ken, you okay man?" he asked quickly, mistaking the buck's refusal to meet his gaze as some mix between pain and a grudge, "Listen, I...dude, do you feel okay? Nothing leaking inside that head of yours? Do your horns feel like they're about to fall off?"

He'd backed away to give the buck some room as he reached for his phone in his shorts, before realizing again that it wasn't there, and having another realization as to what he'd punched through the door upon receiving the stock phonecall for "better credit ratings". It didn't make him feel much better knowing that he'd inflicted bodily harm to someone he lived with for the sake of an automated message.

"L-Listen, um..." he'd start before he whined again, openly this time, and dashed to his dresser drawers, taking out a roll of tube socks he wasn't about to use and went back into the washroom. Ignoring the bits and pieces of phone and wood that lay on the tiled floor, he quickly took to the sink and tried to get the water as cold as possible, turning the knob for it to the point that it nearly threatened to come right off (a design flaw that he'd raged at before). Soaking the rolled up sock in as much of it as could, and squeezing out as much as he dared, he ran back into the room and dabbed it gently at the base of the buck's horns.

Parting the white hair that covered the man's head, Sev didn't notice at all that his roommate's eyes had once again opened...and were now gazing deep into his rigid pecs, and down into his abs, even as he continued to try and apologize.

"K-Ken, um..." Sev said slowly, trying to find the right words, "I...I really...I shouldn't have done that. You, me...we've been living together for a long while, and you've been great to me. Really..." He'd pause for a moment, as his hand spun in the air for a word that was on the edge of his tongue, but refused to leave. " deserved better than that." Sucking up what little of his pride he could find, the timberwolf slowly puffed out his chest (much to Ken's reluctant admiration) and let out a deep breath. "...just...dude, I...just do what you want to me."

The wolf jumped when Ken's head not only snapped upwards to meet his gaze, but the cervine actually jumped back further onto the bed. Ken's hands were no longer on his head, but Sev was more shocked by the expression he was getting from the man, the buck's flax eyes making double takes like they were breaths.

"Wh-What?!" Ken shouted out loud, eyes wide and threatening to fall out, "What, did...what did you just say?" Falling back to the bed in his shock, sure that he had heard wrong, that whatever gayness he'd picked up from the last place he'd been - the bar, that's where he got it! He knew he shouldn't have gone the night before! - was affecting his hearing as well as his sight. He looked into Sev's eyes, as though challenging the wolf to say the words again, to prove him wrong or right, to whatever extreme needed.

Sev, as confused as he could be without thinking he was a woman, slowly said again, "'ve been great to me since we started staying together..." taking a deep breath as he worked the words out in his head first. "And...and you didn't deserve to be thrown around like that. I'm sorry, and...I want you to know that, for it, you can do whatever you like to me." He'd give his stomach a slap with his two hands, distracting Ken from his eyes as he continued, "Punch me in the gut. Hell, punch me, and give me a black eye while you do! I deserve it!"

The seated buck's eyes slowly glanced over Sev's groin, the loose shorts making it possible to see the top of the timber wolf's jock and hinting at what they both hid. Slowly, forcing himself to look upwards, he asked, "...anything?" The response he got, loud and sure, didn't at all help with what his mind was cooking up.

"Anything!" Sev nodded again, readying himself for what he was about to be asked, trying to expect the unexpected as much as his mind could muster.

It still fell pathetically short when Ken slowly pat the space behind himself, and lowly uttered, "Just...sit, sit here for a moment, okay?" His tone was...oddly calm, almost calculated, like the man was thinking about what he wanted.

It didn't make things any easier for Sev to expect, but he nodded, slowly, settling himself down besides the larger buck, and waiting for the harm that would ensue. He and Ken had roughhoused before, and they'd gotten rough when someone angered them midway through; maybe the other would pick something up from that? Give him a noogie that would leave a bald spot? Give him a punch to the arm that would knock him to the floor? Maybe even stuck something down his ear that-

"I need take off your pants." the buck slowly said, as he looked to the wolf at his side, watching as Sev's mind froze to the blindsiding request. In a process not unlike a computer restarting, the blue and white face slowly turning to save Ken's own as he blinked with a blank face.

"...what?" The question was as dull and confused as his face was at that moment, and he slowly tilted his head as he tried to figure out what he was being asked to do. Ken didn't budge.

"You said you'd do what I said," he firmly stated, although there was a hint of fear in his voice as well, repeating in the same tone, "And I said, take off your pants." Once again, the two locked eyes as Sev questioned, again and again in his mind, whether or not he was hearing right, while Ken wondered if he himself was even awake for all this.

Then, slowly, out of obligation to his word and to his guilt, while keeping his eyes on Ken's just to see if he was being teased, the wolf began to undo the button on his shorts. Popping it back through the hole, the canine's furred fingers gripped at the zip and slowly tugged down on the slide, popping tooth after tooth of the zipper apart and spreading the fly open.

Nothing changed on Ken's face but what he was looking at, and as the sound of metal being parted from metal came to the man's ears, he slowly looked down to the wolf's groin. His eyes never parted from the way that Sev's fingers seemed to glide over the twin flaps the shorts provided him, parting them properly to show off the white bulge that had been hidden. This time, Ken's tongue escaped his mouth and licked his lips with gusto, and Sev had to close his own eyes to try and think of something else besides his friend. It didn't work.

"That, that's it..." Ken slowly whispered as he sat there, waiting patiently, the wolf realizing that he wasn't in any way taking part in a joke. Gripping at his shorts' waist line, and tugging it down, Sev didn't start questioning what he was doing until he felt Ken's hand (well it wasn't his own, he knew that much!) rubbing along his package.

"Oh my god, Ken, are you a-"

"Anything, I say..." Ken slowly rumbled down, his height advantage and weight suddenly making Sev realize just how easily the buck could enforce getting what he wanted if provoked. However, the man quickly toned down his voice, and thus the threat that seemed to be within it, merely finishing with a calm, quiet, "You promised..."

Swallowing the lump that had grown in his throat, and looking away, Sev didn't protest further as he felt his friend slowly feel him up, his fat wolf sheath rolling gently in the buck's large fingers. Trying to pretend that he was merely touching himself with a numb arm, and that Ken was off doing something else with some girl in her apartment, Sev managed to get over the awkwardness of the situation some.

This wasn't helped by the buck's rather prominent tendency to huff into his ear when aroused, a tell that had come in handy beforehand when putting together the man had a date or not in the past. Now it only made Sev aware of how into the act the cervine was.

"K-Ken, what...?" Sev asked, before Ken slowly shifted them closer together, and pressed themselves hip to hip, his deep breath making itself all the more apparent with the lack of space. As Sev swallowed again, he tried futily to think of this as some female moose who was interested in him. Any and all thoughts of feeling huge, sopping breasts rubbing against him instead of sports gained muscle horribly backfired in turn, as he realized that he had a thing for getting off with people larger than himself. Not just women, he realized - any person larger than himself seemed to invoke this reaction.

His first girlfriend, his next, the first person he'd gotten into when he went into college, hell, even half the guys on the team had all been taller, and larger around than he was, and he'd never had an issue with it (although none of the guys on the team had jugs he could use as pillows at night)! Sure, he'd never slept with anyone on the team, but he was never feeling any danger around them, and it wasn't like they'd ever offered either...although...

Panting as he slowly felt his jock becoming too small for its own good, as his fleshy member slowly managed to sneak its way out and onto his white furred belly, the wolf managed to open his eyes once again to see the pointed tip throbbing at the base of his belly. Thick veins ran over the crimson member, as it practically shone in the lights the room had, and he swallowed again as he felt them throb with his heartbeat. He looked to his friend, slowly, as though he were about to wake up from what was either a nightmare or some sort of drunken dream; he didn't know which he preferred, all things considered.

However, the moment that he felt Ken's hand slowly wrap around his emerging member, and began to tenderly tug it completely to hardness, he really realized how far the man wanted to go. Without even being asked, he recognised the look in the buck's eyes easily, knowing it from his own face. This man wanted to go all the way with him. There was no desperation, no malice, no hidden agenda behind his joy. It was like he was seeing a virgin finally getting his chance to shine in bed with someone he'd admired for so very long.

He'd have been lying if he didn't say it scared him a little - after all, both of them had only been with women, never having even jacked off with another guy in the same room as them. Nevertheless, despite this fact, Sev was not only getting the feeling he wanted to see this happen...he was feeling like actually being the one to do it with Ken, as though there was some little virgin in him too shouting to be let out and become a man. He'd said many times in the past that gay men weren't real men...but now he wasn't so sure.

He knew that once he did this, he'd never be able to call another man a fag without thinking of himself...but, on the other hand, he knew that Ken was fairly well endowed to say the least (there was a reason the women kept coming back to him) and if he could take the buck without complaining, he'd likely be able to handle anything else that was fired at him too...

Biting his lip for a few indecisive moments, the timberwolf slowly turned his head back to his roommate, his jaws opening and closing a few times before he managed to whisper, "If...if you're going for it, down there..." He'd pause, as he waited to get Ken's attention again, the buck blinking for a few moments as he waited for the statement to finish. Taking a deep breath, Sev managed to finally say, "...then you'd best take off your shorts before I back out."

Ken, not expecting this from his friend, began to grin as his hands reached for his own groin. "Y-You're really saying that?" he asked quickly, as he came close to tearing the button off his shorts in his haste, "You're not joshing me here?" He'd fumble a bit with the zipper as he remembered just how tight his package actually was to the metal teeth, and he groaned as his cock got all the harder from the images running through his mind.

"I'm saying it, not joshing you." Sev said firmly, as he watched the buck struggle with his shorts, quickly adding, "But I call on what we do next time. There's no way that I'm just going to be your ho' away from your ho'."

Ken was all but laughing as he stood up and tried to get his shorts open enough to get his cock out, his eyes glowing along with his grin. "Fuck yeah, I can live with that!" he grunted in his excitement, holding the twin flaps at the top of his shorts together as he worked the zipper. Then, with a groan of triumph, he managed to get the slide from the top all the way to the bottom of the fly, and he shoved his shorts down to his feet, his heavy cock flopping into the open air as it was freed.

The wolf's golden eyes practically jumped out of his head again as he looked at the piece of meat that Ken had been packing, and once again he felt a lump form in his throat. The shaft was, simply put, massive, and he wondered how he'd not noticed the fact beforehand. Sure, he knew that men Ken's size typically had an appropriately sized up endowment between their legs but...damn! He was going to fit all that...into him?!

However, before the canine could prematurely back out of the agreement, despite his cock staying nice and hard against his own abs, the other man was already dashing to his chest of drawers, opening and closing them in rapid succession. With each shift to another sliding bin, the buck's cock bounced between his legs, gently slapping at the underside of his hard belly each time. Though it wasn't anything beyond a little tap, Sev imagined he heard each slap ring in his ears, and he swallowed again to take care of the saliva in his mouth. Thing was, he wasn't sure that he was scared...or if he was actually getting a little excited from it.

"U-Um...what are you looking for?" he asked as he sat on the bed, twiddling his thumbs slowly over his cock as he watched Ken's own.

"My lube..." the other grunted out loud, as he rearranged his clothing with nary a thought to putting them back into their folded places. "I know I had it around here..." He'd groan as he shoved another drawer closed, garments sticking half out of it like all the other ones were.

Sev, blinking as to this requirement, got up and reached a hand under his bed, pulling a somewhat slick bottle out without even needing to look. "Will this work?" he asked, holding it out for Ken to take.

The buck's eyes glanced back to Sev for a mere moment before he went to searching the next to lowest drawer. They were all but beaming as he made his double take, grinning as he clopped over the carpet and took the container from the wolf's hands, turning it over and smirking as to the label. "K-Y? Really?"

The buck was still snickering as Sev grinned and shrugged his shoulders back to the larger man. "Hey, it works." was all the wolf said in his defence, before he walked back to the bed and lay himself back onto it, shifting from position to position, trying to get himself comfortable. "So, um...what are we going to be doing again?"

The question struck Ken dumb for a few moments. "Um...I'm, gonna fuck your ass?" he said, slowly, frowning as to how awkward the phrase felt coming from his own mouth.

"Yeah, I know that," Sev quickly said, gesturing absentmindedly with his hand, "What I mean" He'd shift onto his hands and knees quickly on the bed, cheekily raising his tail as he asked, "Are we going to be going doggy style for this?" He'd then roll onto his back and raised his legs out of the way, aware of how odd it felt to be doing this for a guy. "Or, missionary? Just a straight up standing fuck?"

The questions, understandably, left ken frowning a bit too as he thought it over, wondering what it was that he actually wanted to do between Sev and himself. "We, could..." he started, thinking out loud, "Ummmm...fuck?" At first, Sev thought that the other man was making a joke, or teasing him...before he realized that Ken didn't really know what he wanted either. It made the entire situation that much more awkward...and strangely enough, far easier to be in.

Snickering lightly, the wolf laid himself back and stretched, sighing as he heard the bottle top pop off. "Well, you're going to have to make up your mind soon, big guy." he grinned, "Otherwise we'll never go gay." Ken smirked as he tilted the bottle over, a slow stream of clear lubricant pouring out and over his thick phallus. The buck needed to clench his teeth to keep from gasping to the surprisingly cold fluid, Sev grinning to the expression given. "Oh, yeah, that stuff takes a little while to heat up."

He'd close his eyes as he laid back, assuming it'd take the buck a few moments more to get himself nice and slathered up. The wolf would all but jump as he felt himself being proven wrong, just short of yelping as a cold, lubed digit pressed itself against his asshole.

"Ga-ah!" he shouted instead, his hands gripping at the bedspread below him, his eyes shooting open and glaring to the slyly grinning Ken. "A little soon much?!" The buck merely grinned as he slowly pushed at the ring of muscle, his finger having carried a large dollop of the slicking agent.

"Well, it's not like I can fuck a virgin without a little prep work, can I?" he asked, wagging his brows as he worked his dick over with the other hand, the bottle being left...somewhere.

"'re so gay." Sev replied, although there was a bit of gratitude in his voice as he lay there. He'd actually just expected the buck to simply pick him up and start fucking. How glad he was to be wrong! "...most guys dethrone their girl before she realizes that lube is a good thing to have."

"Well, it's a good thing that you are not a girl." Ken replied, his face focused as he continued to spread the lube around Sev's anus, his finger slowly making its way in deeper into the wolf. "Otherwise...we'd have done this...months, ago...and gotten kicked out." Despite the slight pain he was going through, Sev airily laughed to the joke being made, the grin on Ken's face showing that the result was the desired one.

"You..." Sev said, wanting to wag his finger in the buck's face, say something back, only for words to fail him and the finger at his ass to leave him breathless. "Oohhh fuck..."

Ken, knowing that he wasn't causing any serious harm, but aware of how massive his digit was even compared to some cocks, went slow with his exploring finger. He'd never actually done this with a guy either...or a girl for that matter, so the going was slow even without taking his finger's size into account. The twisting seemed to help, and the more he slipped his digit in the easier it got, due to the lube finally beginning to warm up and not cause Sev to clench.

The wolf panted as he felt his rump being spread far and apart by that one finger, although to him it practically felt like a chair leg. He wasn't used to things going up the backdoor, having identified himself as a straight man beforehand, and "above" all that. Oh how he'd have laughed an hour ago if someone had told him that he'd be taking it up the ass from his best friend.

He was suddenly beginning to have more respect for the average gay man, if he had to put up with this from his partner.

Eventually, though, Ken managed to get the entirety of his finger into Sev's ass, his tongue at the corner of his mouth like he was solving a particularly tough riddle. Slowly pulling his thick finger out, he looked at the hole gently gape from its absence before he pressed two fingers against it, and slowly into it. "Gah!" Sev shouted out, gritting his teeth again before his hole slowly accepted the two digits together, his toes curling into the soles of his feet as he lay there.

And so it went on, with the rain acting as their background music, the buck slowly easing his fingers into and out of his friend's ass, each lubed and ready to go. Like a champ, the wolf took each new digit with surprising fortitude, the pain making his cock slowly lose its size, but with each new amount of stretching came an almost perverse amount of pleasure. The best that the canine could have equated it to would have been a very thorough workout, or a bikeride in a pair of shorts that rubbed him in all the right ways...and that still didn't come close to covering it!

Ken, himself, was slowly becoming entranced with the way that Sev's pucker closed in around his fingers each time he pulled them back out. His cock throbbed in his hand, glistening from the layer of lube that covered it, its liquid coating so hot it was practically oozing from his groin and to the floor. Each time he felt that hot rump squeeze so deliciously around his fingers, muscles clenching brilliantly tight about his digits, his shaft pulsed in his hands, and the buck continued to masturbate himself off to the act, not realizing at how far he was actually masturbating himself until he realized that his shaft was starting to feel a little dry.

"Hm?" he went as he looked down to his shaft, blinking as he realized that he'd actually rubbed much of the lube off. "...oops." Keeping his four fingers nice and burrowed inside of his friend's rump, much to said friend's increasingly vocal pleasure and impatience - seriously, how much longer till they'd actually fuck?! - Ken reached out and picked up the bottle of K-Y again. He had a few troubles keeping it in his grasp, as while his dick wasn't slick his hand was, though he did manage to get it over his cock long enough to get another, still cool squiggle onto it. "Okay, just give me a moment, Sev...and I'll be plumbing your ass before you know it."

The wolf howled quietly as he lay there, gripping the blanket in his hands with a screwed up expression on his face, expressing his impatience in one, long note. Ken, getting the message, decided the pace needed to be picked up.

"Okay okay, sorry." he said quickly, even as he fingered his buddy's rump a few more times, leaving the wolf to sigh exasperatedly as all four digits, practically up to the knuckles by that point, suddenly left his rump in one swift movement.

"Gaahhh...Ken, this is taking too-" the timberwolf started, before he felt his legs being gripped and spread out, blinking as he noticed that Ken had finally gotten up and onto the bed. "...long?" Sev watched the buck slowly crawl up and above him, blushing under his blue fur as he lay himself straighter along the bed, realizing just how much two feet counted when it was on the dominant of a pair. Fortunately for them, they'd chosen to lie lengthwise on the bed, meaning that they wouldn't have to worry about any walls meeting Ken's two pitchforks of a set of antlers.

"Okay then..." the man said as he adjusted himself above his canine partner, his muscle gut riding low and rubbing against the wolf's own erection as he lay there, kneeling over the other. "Let's see how this turns out..." Releasing one leg of Sev's form, the buck reached down between his legs and slowly rubbed at his still hot erection, bringing it between the wolf's blue cheeks and into the white that they surrounded. "Ooohhh, that feels nice..." he smiled as he rubbed his oiled cock over Sev's now somewhat loose pucker, knowing that in a few days, like a good hole did, it would get nice and small again, albeit far more experienced.

Sev almost growled for things to get a move on, despite the ever present size difference, but Ken didn't seem to take mind to it. Quite the contrary, he actually seemed a bit motivated by it, and with a grin the man quickly began to nudge his hips forwards, gripping Sev's ankle again as he did. Both Ken and Sev gasped lightly as they felt the cervine's knob sized cockhead rub against Sev's rear, the timberwolf biting his lip again as he felt the shaft slowly sink into himself. The stretching, while likely leaving him sore till he started hibernating, had done its duty and left him able to take the buck's manmeat without causing him to have a hernia, and was even gracious enough to allow him to actually feel some pleasure while he was at it.

Feeling the head of the cock resting in, just past the pucker, the two men panted hotly before Ken abruptly began to slip his shaft further in, using the wolf's legs as handles to push it in easier. Sev growled again to this, but that was more reactive than anything else, the sensation of being on the bottom of a sexual encounter something new to him, allowing Ken to do as he pleased.

Pleased as he was, by the feeling of a man's ass wrapped around the first inch or so of his cock, the buck however, was finding himself more and more in need of something...more. It was like for every bit of his endowment he slipped into Sev, the rest of his shaft itched to be slipped in with it all the more. Almost like his dick was jealous of itself.

Giving a small laugh to the idea, and getting a bit of an odd look from Sev, Ken spread the wolf's legs wider apart and eased himself a little farther forwards, crawling on his knees over the bed. The wolf before him groaned as he felt himself being spread even further by the coke-can-cock, panting slowly as he tried to adjust to the feeling of something so huge being pushed in so slowly.

"Wha-what're you doing, Ken?" he'd slowly pant up to his friend, all the while gripping at the bed below himself, "I, I thought you said that I wasn't a girl?"

Ken blinked, glancing down between the canine's legs for a few brief moments to be sure that he wasn't mistaking what was being asked of him. "'re not?" He'd tilt his head slightly as he casually bucked another two inches of his cock into the wolf below himself, Sev barking shortly to the sudden thrust.

"Then, why are you going so slow?" Sev's voice came out in almost a growl as he lay there, gritting his teeth as he braced himself for what he was asking. "Come on, give it to me like a man! Stop pussy footing through this."

"Hmmm..." Ken went as he rubbed at his chin, slowly rearing his hips backwards and making Sev grip at the sheets again, the wolf closing his eyes in wait. When nothing happened in the span of what felt like an hour, he slowly opened his eyes...and groaned slowly, and lowly as Ken's dick slowly slid into himself again, the buck seeming to tease him along the way.

"Ooohhhh, wha, what the-" Sev started to ask, before Ken abruptly reared back an inch and gave another short buck into the canine's ass, "Gah!" The gasp was followed by an intense blush on the blue and white face, a look that made Ken smirk back down.

"Naww, I think I'll get you used to this first. I think that, if we're both really going to go gay, it'd be good if we take our time in going about it." Sev growled lightly again, before he felt Ken's cock slowly begin to inch its way into unfamiliar territory, and he hissed as he was stretched wide in places that had never been touched before. "Besides," the buck continued, biting back his own bliss from the exploration, "A good first fuck never rushes through the good bits..."

Even if he could have talked, Sev couldn't have argued with that logic, and even if it was something of a (literal) pain to have to be stretched like this...he had to admit, it felt good. Maybe he hadn't been giving gay guys nearly enough credit in the past.

Ken himself was wondering what it was about "fag" that was so wrong, now that he thought about it. If going gay meant he could have sex like this, and not worry about getting someone knocked up, he'd have gladly taken part in this sooner! "Ooohhh, fuck Sev...fuck, why'd you never tell me about your ass being this good..." he slowly moaned down, before he caught up to what he'd just said, and couldn't help but snicker to his own words.

The wolf below did his best to laugh too, but it came around more as a series of moans as he was teased by the buck's cock, the phallus slowly rubbing itself against his prostate in a way that left him breathless. Ken, unaware of just how good he was making his friend feel, went even slower as he managed to slip over half his cock into Sev, leaving only six more inches to go.

Panting hotly to his first ass, as his heavy gut continued to rub into the wolf's fluffy white balls, the buck slowly reached down to his stomach and rubbed under it, wanting to give Sev something for being such a good sport. Sev's eyes shot open with surprise as Ken's lightly calloused fingers ran against the pointed tip of his cock, the wolf's yellow peepers slowly being covered again as his shaft throbbed from the attention. The digits would slowly squeeze at the tip of his shaft, rubbing over the urethra and gently compressing it with a finger, preventing the hints of pre leaving it from actually escaping.

To say that this attention was driving Sev mad, along with the hot and heavy cock in his rump, seriously made him wonder if he had ever been straight at all.

"Hrrphh!" he groaned through his teeth as he held the bed, trying hard not to tear into it, or to let it go and grip at Ken's antlers (the last guy who tried didn't end up so hot). The effort got all the more titanic as he felt more fingers wrapping around his cock, as well as the palm they led into, Ken's entire hand slowly jerking his impressive nine inch member, even as the buck's belly rubbed against its base. If he were any less of a man, Sev might have whimpered out loud to the pleasure he was receiving from such an ensemble. As it was, he only made several half baked attempts to moan and squirm, his hips trying hard to rise to the hand that held his manhood

Ken was finding this something he liked - he'd never held a cock other than his own in his hands, but Sev's was incredibly interesting to hold, much less please. The skin felt so much hotter than his own (literally), the texture more supple than his own thick pleasure tool, and the shape itself was something he could spend hours feeling over and learning. Damn, was this what women felt when they felt another's breasts and compared them to her own?

Grunting at the sudden image of large bouncing breasts in his mind, Ken gave a low groan and squeezed down on the member in his hand, forgetting for a moment that it wasn't his own. Sev gasped again as he felt his shaft being roughly jerked off by the buck, his eyes closed tightly as he began to slowly piston his hips back and forth, fucking the wolf as well as jacking him off. It all left the wolf panting hotly as he realized he could do nothing to stop it and, what's better, that he didn't even want to!

"Ooohh, baby..." Ken groaned as he continued to both jack and fuck his friend off, still not quite putting it together that he wasn't working his own shaft over. "Yeeaaahhhh, you like that, don't you?" Sev didn't even think that Ken had lost himself into another little fantasy of his mind's own making, taking the words as though they were meant for him.

"Ye-Yeah...I, I am..." he managed to grunt as his shaft began to slowly spew pre over the buck's hands, panting for a few moments before he openly said, "Fuck, yes! L-Loving this!" The praise snapped Ken out of his little fantasy, and made him realize that he'd distracted himself again from the task at hand - not an uncommon thing with him really.

However, the buck found himself grinning despite the mistake, and he slowly began to thrust all the harder into Sev, pushing more of his cock deeper into the wolf. "You liking being gay?" he rumbled down, a cocky grin spreading on his face as he gripped the wolf's cock a little harder than before.

"Ooohh, fuck yes!" There was no hesitation in Sev's voice, as he managed to find it long enough to actually speak. "Fuck my ass!"

"Whatever you say!" Ken grinned as he jacked the wolf off all the harder. His palm slowly eased itself lower and lower along the throbbing phallus, bouncing against his belly more and more as his hand travelled. However, as he did, the heel of his hand slowly came upon something funny; a bump, slowly swelling at the base of the wolf's dick. At first the buck thought he was imagining it...but as he slowly came upon it more, and more, and it continued to swell slowly... "Um, Sev, okay down there?"

"Haa...haa..." the wolf panted as he felt Ken's hand, and hips, stop moving, looking down from the ceiling and actually looking at the buck. "Wha...what?" The heat from the other man's hand was still running hot on his cock, and for a moment Sev thought that there was a welt or something forming from it. Reaching down, a little worried, the wolf managed to slightly lift the firm ball gut that Ken owned...and blinked as he looked over his shaft. "Um...where's the problem Ken?"

"It's right here? Don't you see it?" Sev frowned as Ken's hand drifted, slowly...before he howled as the buck squeezed lightly at the problem. The timber wolf shuddered as he felt his cock jump back to its normal size, recovering what bulk had been lost by his initial fear of injury. Ken, surprised by this pleased reaction, accidentally squeezed again, leading to Sev once again clutching at the bed with all he had! "Woah woah, what...what?!"

Surprised again, Ken released the endowment and almost jumped back, although not to the point that his cock slipped out of his friend at all. Sev lay there, on the bed, slowly panting as his shaft got a bit more air from under the heavy belly, his hard knot throbbing as it slowly grew at the base of his shaft. "Wha...what?" he airily asked as he lay on the bed, "Never...never seen a, a knot, before?"

Ken frowned to this new piece of terminology. "Wait, you a shoe kno- ohh!" he started, before his biology lessons and sex-ed classes finally came back to mind. He'd blink for a few moments before a sly grin came to his face. "Ooohhh, I see now..." Grinning as he leaned over Sev again, the buck began to pump his hips slowly into and out of his earlier rhythm, his hand moving at the same pace. At first, Sev didn't know what to make of this...until he felt the buck's large hands move to the base of his ever growing knot, and that utter burst of bliss rock his mind out of any deep thoughts.

"Aahhh, ooohhhh! Fuck-Ken!" he shouted as he felt Ken make another revolution of this, that firm, lubed hand slowly running along his cock and squeezing it lightly every few inches. He couldn't help but groan as his knot was targeted again, as his prostate was rubbed again by the massive endowment, before the cervine's shaft and hand moved away from their little pleasure spots.

Ken was getting a kick out of this, his heart pounding heavily in his chest as he looked at Sev squirm before him, and felt that sensitive warmth in both his hands and around his dick. This, this was more, so much more interactive than when he'd fucked all those girls beforehand. Sure, it was fun back then, and he didn't doubt it'd be fun in the future...but fuck, he never knew he could do this!

The fact that he could give so much pleasure without missing out on his own made Ken all the more eager to continue - not that he was lacking in enthusiasm beforehand. His pace both behind and between Sev's hips began to increase, his breaths becoming heavier as he once again heard the slap of balls to ass, and felt each fluffy collision against his orbs. His hand squeezed all the more against the canine's pointed shaft, and polished fist-sized-knot better than any butler could to a piece of cutlery. Ken's own cock was pounding between his legs, as he returned to full speed, each thrust into the wolf's anus causing the endowment to spurt another great glob of pre to help the next buck along.

Sadly, despite the passion that was going into the encounter - or perhaps because of it - Sev and Ken were winding up to the explosive climax. Already the buck's cock was tingling with the foretelling of a release, and with each milking squeeze he was getting from Sev's ass, it was impossible to stop. Not that Ken wanted to stop - quite the opposite, in fact, he wanted more! Each bed shaking thrust he made was peppered with another gasp of air from the wolf below him, and a grunt from his own mouth, his teeth clenched together as he put all the power he dared into his legs.

His hands were just as desperate for an orgasm, one still holding Sev's leg up and away, the other still massaging his lupine shaft like it was the one about to blow, Ken once again lost in the fantasy he'd fallen into earlier. This time, however, his roommate wasn't about to wake him up from it, completely unaware that Ken had fallen into it to begin with! Even if he had known, Sev was only able to make grunts at best, his moans and the bliss from his flaming hot shaft stealing away any words he had.

The two men were a fucking machine for one long minute there, Ken doing the driving while Sev lay on the bed and played the backseat driver. And then, it happened, catching both of them by surprise. One stray tug caught around Sev's knot, squeezing just at the base of it instead of around its hefty girth, made the wolf howl once again as his cock began to throb. The pointed tip like a nozzle, hot wolf seed gushed up from within the bale's fluffy white balls and splattered thickly against his stomach, the sultry scent of sex suddenly tripling in the air between them.

"Arrrooooo!" Sev's howl served to spark some hidden, tribal part of Ken's mind, something that years of civilization and complacence had failed to breed out of the buck. Instead, he gave one final, powerful shove with his hips, burying his bone as deep as he could into the timberwolf's ass without splitting it open. The moment that the second rush of seed splattered out and over Sev's white belly, however, the wolf's anus likewise clamped down and seemed to vacuum seal itself around the thirteen inch obelisk, holding it back from its promised exit.

The heat, pressure, and that ever present tingle turned to an impossible explosion inside of Ken's mind, and with a barely suppressed bray he shuddered and ground his hips against the blue and white ass again. His heart felt like it'd burst out of his chest as his balls deposited their mighty load, into the bank that was Sev's rump, each burst making his nerves flare with a pleasure he'd not felt in so many years.

The effect was so intense for both men that they hardly noticed it ended when it did, both of them nearly burnt out from such a powerful climax. In fact, Ken only realized that he'd let go of his lover's shaft when he felt himself falling forwards and onto the wolf, his arms moving to stop himself from burying the wolf's face into his chest. He succeeded, albeit barely, his palms pressing into the mattress below causing both men to bounce gently upon it, both of them panting with each bounce.

"Haa...haa...haa..." the canine breathed into the daunting white chest above him, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as his grip on the comforter below loosened slowly. "Fu...fu..." he started before giving up on the impossible K, eventually settling with a simple, pleased, "Damn..."

For some reason that Ken couldn't put his finger on, the statement made the buck start to chuckle above Sev, before he began to slowly laugh, falling to his side as exhaustion took its tole on him, finally. The wolf would follow suit, too, as they lay side by side to one another, the rain still pounding away outside. They'd continue laughing until finally their chests began to hurt, and they slowed down to a mere pant, both men slowly breathing as they looked into one another's eyes.

There was no pain. No malice. Nothing to suggest that one regretted what the other did.

In a spur of the moment, Sev leaned in and gave a small kiss to Ken's lips, the buck blinking in surprise before he gave one back. They paused for a few moments before Ken started up again.

"Do, all wolves taste like you do?"

Said wolf started laughing again before Ken's next kiss cut him off...and slowly, things began to escalate again, the two of them ignoring the sounds of the rain watching through the window...

"Come on boys, hustle hustle hustle!" the coach shouted out, as he watched his players slip and slide on the field towards himself, resisting the urge to put his face into his palm. The rain hadn't let up in the slightest since the morning, a repeat performance from a couple days previous. He'd hoped that the practice would be okay to work in, that they'd get some clear weather sooner or later. He turned out to be wrong - the entire field had turned into a mud pit, to the point that the ball was being confused with torn pieces of turf.

The principal wasn't going to be happy by the end of the day...

"Come on Herman..." he sighed as he helped one of his linebackers up off the field, his bovine muscles still as strong as they were when he was a student himself. He nearly lost his balance in the uneven earth below them, much like the doberman he was helping did, but he managed and eventually pulled the dog up. "Try and get those clothes off you as quick as you can. It ain't good to stay so muddy for too lo-"

"Fuck!" someone from within the hallway to the shower room shouted out, interrupting the bison's statement. "Fuck, wha...what are...cooooaaacch!"

Rolling his eyes at the roar, coach Debaun clopped his way into the hallway - although his hooves made more of a squish sound each step he took, due to the mud everyone had brought in with them. "What is it now, Jack?" he asked out loud, side stepping a few blocked team players as he looked up and over their heads. "Did someone squirt massage gel into your fur agai-...oh my."

For once, Debaun didn't blame Jack for shouting out, his jaw coming close to dropping as he looked at the scene playing out before them. Given the amount of flexibility going on before him, too, he wasn't entirely sure that he was seeing who he thought he saw.

Sev and Ken, two guys who were literally tripping over themselves so bad the coach sent them to the shower rooms to get warmed up (and subsequently forgot them in the torrent of other problems the guys on the field were having) were...a tad more warmed up than he anticipated. Downright hot for each other, even (in a literal sense as well as the Fraudian - there was more steam in the room than a bathhouse)! The buck had Sev clinging to a brace on the wall as the wolf stood on one foot, cock firmly up Sev's rump as the two fucked like rabbits in the spring, the other leg looped firmly in one of Ken's arms as he held it up.

Water splattered over their two forms, dripping lightly off Ken's antlers as they entered into the spray the twin shower heads were buffetings them with. Their moans were mostly covered by the sounds of spray hitting their muscled forms, and the tile below, as well as the transparent shower curtain they shared together, washing in the disabled persons stall. Not that it did any good in hiding them, the curtain treated to keep moisture from building up and fogging up the view through it.

Watching the pair for a few moments, his eyes discretely keeping a bee-line on the firm bubble-butt Ken was thrusting outwards into the curtain, Debaun slowly, quietly, clopped towards the stall, holding a hand up to keep anyone else from following him. Jack tried to speak up, but the bison's hand immediately pointed to him, a glare from the bull coach shutting the eagle up immediately. Looking around to be sure everyone knew this, the coach sneaked casually up to the stall and peaked in, his ears catching the beautiful moans and words the two men were exchanging.

"Fuck...yeah, fuck, Ken~"

"Gotta...gotta get, get that curtain, out of my crack..."

"Leave it, it'll lube you up for tonight!"

"Tonight? What's - gah, fuck! - What're we, doing, tonight?"

"Promised fun-now my god, there! Harder!"

Without saying a word, and keeping himself out of view, the bull slowly edged himself around to behind Ken, an arm lifting the curtain up carefully to let the non-treated part obscure the buck's ass. Then, just as silently as before, the man leaned in to Ken's ear, and whispered in, sultrily, "If you wanted a fun time, I could have lent you my own personal showers..." Imagining the expression on Ken's face, two of the bull's fingers, lubed in the suds that lined the shower, reached out and sunk into the buck's rump, squeezing themselves into the tight anus the buck owned.

Braying in a mix of surprise and bliss, Ken jerked backwards and abruptly came deep into Sev's ass, gripping the wolf's leg and raising it all the higher as he shuddered and shot his seed deep into the canine. Sev, unaware of what was happening, and shuddering as his tailpipe was further tightened by his risen leg, howled in turn and came hard over the tiled wall, his seed being slowly washed away along with the suds of their lubricant.

Debaun smirked as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of Ken's ass, easing it open slightly before pulling them out, and wiping them on the buck's thick cheeks. Clopping out, openly this time, he said in a clear, loud voice, "Okay you two. Clean up and meet me in my office. We're going to have to..."talk", about this." his voice stern for those unable to hear.

However, by the time that both Sev and Ken gave him worried looks - understandable, considering their position - they saw that his face was clearly not the same as his voice, the big bull giving them a wink as well as a subtle smirk before he walked off.

"And if I hear of even one, of you boys spreading the words "fag", "homo", or "queer" around here," he growled as he addressed the remaining players, some of them awkwardly trying to keep their groins from being seen, "Just remember my good "friend" Adrick...the one who helped set up all that equipment you boys were wasting out there. I'm sure he'd like to have a repeat of that conversation played when he comes back next week to see how it's holding up...if you're even on the team, still, by that point."

He held back (barely) the mighty smirk he got from seeing how many faces turned shell shocked from the revelation, and how many grins he likewise got from it. Debaun slowly peeled his shirt off and tossed it into the hamper down the ways, mud flinging off it as he clopped to his office, and the showers they held. "Now, wash off that mud. Classes might not start for another hour, and you might have gotten off the field early, but that doesn't mean that this is your own personal sauna."

Letting the young men be as they were, and shutting the door after him, the coach finally allowed himself to start laughing as he took the rest of his clothes off, clapping his hands as he pulled a notebook out of the desk. "Damn...didn't expect that out of them." he chuckled to himself, as he wrote in a coded response within the book, a cryptic check list of how many members of his team were into men. Debaun wasn't about to abuse it or anything - it was just something he used to keep his mind off his wards in inoppertune times - but it was very interesting considering the two had never shown even a glance towards any of the other guys on the team. "I think I'm going to have to interview them...see how their stamina is..." he grinned to himself, as he slowly pulled a camera out from another drawer. "...maybe even see how much they like their ol' coach."
