Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur? Chapter 3: The Tournament Part. 2

Story by Fur Ball on SoFurry

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#4 of Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur?


This story contains situations of a graphic sexual

nature. If this offends you, then please don't read

it. If you have any coments or if you want to draw one

the caracters in this story, then don't be shy feel

free to email me ([email protected] or [email protected])

here is the second part to the story series that every one has been reading... well maybe i am alittle full of my self to go that far, but hey i just hope you enjoy reading it, and sorry its so long but i wanted to fit every thing that i had in my head on this one insted of spliting it up to three parts witch would have just pissed people off, anyhow i will try to pump these out as quick as i can but things have been hard lately, but anyhow have fun reading and remember theres still more to come and i love feed back. ^_^ and enjoy the read.

Chapter 3: The Tournament Part. 2


The stadium filled up rather quickly as Lenka and Claudia, found seats some where in the front of the seats reserved for the competitor's guests, witch meant they had fairly good seats, with an even better view of the arena witch was a fairly large 20 yard circle. Shortly there after a half elf man, with a patch of a beard just on his chin, and small pointed ears, and short blue hair, stepped into the middle of the Ring and held up his hands for the crowd to quiet down so he could be heard by all.

It was then he started to shout loud enough to be heard very clearly even from the nose bleed seats. "Lords and Ladies! I bid you Welcome!" as he took a small bow and the crowed started to applaud only to halt a short while after he stood again. "Yes, Welcome to our annual torment. We have several divisions of combat witch few have the stomach, and yet fewer still measure up to standard." he earned a dull roar from the crowd again only for them to halt at the sound of his voice again. "You all know well how this works, However it is required by the law of our good Queen, that we must review these rules as well as any particular order in witch the events are to take place." he cleared his throat and continued on, "First we have the Archery contest, targets will be set up at 10 paces first competitors receive three shots, the remaining competitors have 2 shots and the target moved back another 10 paces, then the final round will have the targets moved yet again, and the last competitors get one shot, and any ties will be handled in a shoot out between any and all competitors, and judges rulings are final." he stopped to clear his throat again and drink from his water skin, "Next is the meat and bones of our lovely tournament, the Mage Fighter Division, Each fighter stands in the ring with there own Mage, Priest, or what have you, on the outer ring on the mage stands, the mages can only cast enhancement magic only, they may also lay traps that effect an area, but the knowledge of where these traps are cannot be shared with any one but the Mage who cast it. Thus it could harm there own team mate. How ever they may not attack anyone directly, by the same token they may not be attacked they are there simply for support of there fighter. Fighters, may not Kill or Mortally wound a combatant when they are downed, Understand that the weapons are very real and if your Opponent is standing and able to defend him or her self inflict what wounds you may, but Killing is very Illegal and will get you disqualified from the running, along with an arrest pending the nature of witch you kill your opponent. Ring outs occur when a combatant steps outside of the line that makes up our cozy ring, and will be called by a judge if they are to land on the ground out of the ring, then they automatically forfeit the match. The match consists of five points, bringing your opponent to his knees is one point, and laying him on his back is two. If a binding spell is cast, it must be in play for a ten count for it to count as a point, if the combatant breaks free then the battle continues." he stopped for a moment to take another drink then he started explaining the rules for Jousting while Lenka and Claudia stopped listening and talked to each other.

"wow there are a lot of rules in this thing?" Lenka sighed as she had a little more amusement watching all the people, scurry around to set up for the Archery contest.

Claudia nodded and leaned on Lenka's shoulder "yeah this is usually the boarding part the actual events are the what draws in the crowd." she said sarcastically to her new friend as she poked her side under the chair.

Lenka Let out a small "EEP!" and jumped. "Claudia, please behave, I would not like to be thrown out before it even starts." she smiled and gave her a quick bap on the nose with hit tail.

Claudia simply smiled and laughed as she looked over to the ring again, and the half elf was giving the end of his speech. "Hey its starting," she nudged Lenka as the first set of competitors walked out in front of there respective targets and took aim.


Meanwhile in the waiting area, the half elf had every one in the fighter mage division gathered around him and a board behind him, with several marks on it to make up a graph indicating who fights who. Leon counted 3 times but only saw 14 people including he and his sister, yet there where 8 slots, meaning one team was missing.

"All right, listen up folks since 8 teams made the qualifier this year, it will take a bit longer than expected." he continued as he started to pace in front of the board "but, If we all follow the rules then we should all have fun. Right?" he looked around then crinkled his brow for a moment. "right good then..." he continued to go over the rules again and Leon started to look around again wondering where in the world the last team could be.

Then he heard heavy foot steps coming from behind him where the entrance to the waiting area was, just as he turned around to the entrance to see a large form coming in from the outside. The outline looked vaguely familiar then none other than the Dragon knight that Leon and Tess had ran into before was standing there right in front of Leon.

He simply smiled and extended his paw to the dragon, "Fancy meeting you here Sir...?" he started when he realized he hadn't got his name from earlier.

But the dragon rather than be insulted returned the smile and took Leon's wrist in his paw and gave it a good squeeze. "P-Uh.. Draco." he nodded "just call me Draco" as he cleared his throat and continued "and might I have your name good wolf?"

Leon smiled and released his new friend's wrist "Leon, and it's great that I will get to fight some one I know has some skill. Most of the fighters I watch in this Division, are fairly decent but don't look like they would be a REAL challenge." He crossed his arms while talking to the dragon.

By that point, Tess had heard him talking and turned to see the Knight from earlier talking with him. "Ahem, Leon where are your manners?" she almost scolded, as he knew full well he should have introduced her too.

"ooh, sorry." he lay his paw on Tess' shoulder gently and brought her into view "but I believe you two have already met, Tess this is Draco."

She smiled at him almost blushing but retained her self, as he took her paw again and gave it another kiss "the pleasure is all mine." she would have given a comment back to him but they where interrupted by the Half elf commentator at the front.

"Ah, I see two of our competitors half already met, well then they can be the first to come to the front and draw lots." as he smiled and held his hand out with straws sticking out of his fist, as the two made there way to the front. And gave each other a look that said, for lack of a better term "hear goes nothing", and simultaneously drew from the lots. Leon's was the longest, and Draco's was the shortest. Then the Half elf spoke up "right then, you sir wolf, are Red and you sir dragon are black, witch is a coincidence seeing as you start at opposite ends of the tournament table" he gave a laugh "looks like you two 'friends' have lucked out the only way you will fight each other is to make it to the finals." he then called the next pair up to draw, as Leon and Draco where given shields of the corresponding color, and returned to the back where Tess and the Pudgy Raccoon priest waited.

Draco smiled and put his Claw on Leon's shoulder. "I will see you in the final round."

Leon nodded and retuned the pat on his shoulder "ooh, and Draco?" he inquired with his head tilted. "is your helm comfortable? You haven't taken it off since you got here? In fact you had it on when we where in the streets as well... you are allowed to take it off are you not?" he smirked knowing how uncomfortable helmets where, and how unnecessary they where for a dragon especially.

Draco stopped and flicked his tail in almost a nervous manner "Uh, bad luck to take it off until the tournament is over." he then nodded and continued walking.

Leon had to laugh at that, he had never met a superstitious Knight before, but he was sure to keep his laugh down so he didn't insult his new acquaintance. Tess simply gave him a look, and shook her head. "Is this the same wolf, who as a cub, believed if he didn't chase his tail at least 3 times a day it would fall off and turn his rear purple?"

He laughed held his paw up "hey that isn't fair, you and my other loving sisters are the one's who convinced there younger brother that that little wise tail was very true."

She simply giggled back at him "well that wasn't the only wise tale you believed, for months since the season you came of age, you where afraid you would go blind at any moment.

Leon stopped for a second. "you mean you made that up?" and gave her a serous look.

This only made her Laugh harder. "Oh, Yes my dear cub... its ok, you won't go blind" she said between her horrible bursts of laughter.

He gave her a quick kiss on the nose and smiled "yeah its funny now, but I was afraid of that long after a few months, but we will drop the subject at that, lest I forget you're my sister dearest one." he said with a playful tone but she knew not to push to far, and started to walk with him to his ready room, where they could sit and watch the ring form under the stadium where the crowd sat, and he could make his armor ready for use. But by the time they where done setting up they had finished giving out awards for archery and started to bring out the first combatants for there division, one of witch so happened to be Draco, and his opponent was some Human duo the fighter was very large had no hair on his head but had a weird looking mustache, and was carrying only an ax and the yellow shield that he was supposed to carry in one form or another. The human mage was a scrawny pitiful looking man with a pair of specials, a device of gnomish design to help one read better, on his face and a thick book on his hand. On the other side, Draco's armor was fairly reflective like a polished mettle should be but when the sun wasn't out it looked very dull and black like the color of his shield. They took there positions on the field and gave a bang on there shields when they where ready, and the fight began. The Human charged full tilt at Draco with, his ax high in the air. As the mage behind him, started to read from his book and the ax gave off a slight glow, but all that didn't seem to matter when the dragons mighty tail wrapped the Human's foot and used his forward momentum to continue carrying him forward... so far in fact that he landed out of the ring. The crowed went silent for a moment, then started to cheer wildly, this match had already been won in the first round, it was an amazing display even if it only lasted for a few seconds. The human mage shuffled off in disbelief while the medical team carried his partner off after him.

Lenka and Claudia watched from the stands. "wow that dragon is going to be tough to beat, I wonder who he is?" Claudia said with a rather existed tone in her voice.

Lenka, smiled "yeah but my Leon can take him on." she smiled wide as she gave a cheer of her own with the rest of the crowd.

The other fights where fairly entertaining, and one of the fighters, was ahead but ended up loosening because he was hit with a freeze trap and couldn't be unfrozen by any other means but time, so his fight was forfeit. Then came Leon's turn to fight, his bout was against an Elvin female, who had only a rapier and a bow, with her shield. Leon made quick work of her, with out actually touching her, one quick swipe and her sword was broken where it meets the hilt. He could tell that she was a skilled fighter, but she was ill equipped for this fight, she dropped her shield and hilt, to draw her bow in a back flip, not an easy maneuver mind you. Her mage cast a fire spell on her arrow, witch Leon didn't expect but Tess was right on top of as every one could tell when the arrow pinged off a fiery shield that appeared around Leon. Then he brought his sword, across her bow splintering it on contact. After witch, she simply gave a sigh and threw out a white flag into the center of the ring meaning she conceded the match, and picked up her broken weaponry and made her exit gracefully, and honorably. The next two matches started out of coarse with Leon, and Draco in the two remaining matches, they had certainly become the crowed favorites, there next two battles where fought Fiercely by there competitors, Leon was up against a dwarf fighter and a Gnome Illusionist next, he had a hard time figuring out witch of the 10 dwarfs he was fighting was the real one at first, but he held out long enough fending off the onslaught, of death from below while Tess set a magic trap, as magic knows no lie, and the real dwarf was caught her vines, while Leon leapt out from the middle of the Illusions and knocked his stocky opponent cold. Earning the crowds unrelenting approval, he could even hear Lenka shout her love for him from the stands, so he gave her a wave from the ring, as he and Tess made room for Draco's fight, every one was excited and cheering Draco's name... then a royal messenger came to the other combatant, whispering something in his ear that made him turn ghost white, he Immediately threw his white flag in and knelt down in respect for his opponent, the crowed was somewhat shocked, Draco hung his head in a light amount of disgust not for his opponent but for his secret being let out sooner than he would like.

Leon took the Field sooner than he would have liked but did so none the less he did so, and the messenger came up to him, and whispered in his ear as well and he could see Draco's heart sink to his stomach. Leon slung his shield over his shoulder and reached behind him to pull a flag, but the one he had in his paw was red not white.Then he tossed it to Tess, this only made his sister give him a very shocked look. Draco's head raised as if he had just been delivered from certain doom, and he followed suit throwing the priest behind him a red flag, and the crowd went completely insane at this action cheering as if the greatest fight in the world where taking place before there very eyes.

Lenka Immediately turned to Claudia with a bewildered look on her face. "what dose that mean?" Claudia was about to answer when some Human in front of them heard the question and turned around to answer it.

"it means that the fighters want no interference from there mage support, it means that this is going to be one serious duel, and its highly honorable, WOW! This will be a tournament to remember." he was so existed that he nearly belated it out all in one breath.

The two girls looked at each other then gave a loud yell and started to root for Leon, the crowed in general didn't pick one fighter to root for, they just wanted to see a good match. Leon took his sword and gave the shield on his back a thump, to signify that he was ready. And Draco did the same with his shield to say the same, they paused only for a moment, and then they started to walk toward each other, then they both started to pick up the pace, and soon were charging full tilt at one another, when they were within striking range of each other Leon came up with an upward swing, and Draco met him with a forward thrust, but Leon predicted this move and made a roll to the side working with the momentum of the blade, taking Draco's spear off balance. However Draco recovered quickly, making his tail sweep under Leon's feet this would have laid him out flat if he where a normal adversary, but he sprung off his hands and landed on his feet again, and leap right back at Draco with a downward swing, he saw this as his chance to strike at the opening the swing would leave if he blocks with his shield, so he placed his shield where the strike was aimed and begun his counter attack, but was surprised when his spear was knocked away by the swing, leavening Draco totally defenseless at his chest, so Leon sprung forward carrying all his weight to the center of Draco's chest, sending him to his back. Leon backed away to his side as the score marked up him 2 Draco nothing.

Draco shook his head in shock wondering what went wrong then he looked at his shield witch was in 2 peaces, Leon's sword must have gone straight through. He stood up and tossed what remained of his shield aside, and took his spear properly in his hands now, and gave a different stance with the spear now over his head pointing down and his feet positioned in a wide position. Leon came at him again only this time to be met with a strike from a distance, with the spear grazing off his shoulder pad of his armor, forcing the wolf to take the Defense and move out of the dragons longer range. Leon had to think sharper the dragon would no longer underestimate him, every time Leon moved close enough he had a spear to dodge or deflect with his sword, until finally he found an opening and lunged at Draco, to be met with a swipe from the spear to knock the sword away, and the dragons big knee in his stomach knocking the wind out of Leon, and bringing him to his knees, but he made sure to stay propped up with his sword. As Draco walked away this time to his side of the ring, while he gained a point but still trailed the wolf 2-1. After Leon stood, and took a breath he gave his sword a twirl, and brought him self to a new stance, one that seemed completely open to the front with little to no defense. Draco pondered this for only a second then took the bait, and thrust at Leon's midsection only to have the wolf grab his spear and pull in the same direction he was thrusting taking the balance away from his attack, and himself roll down the spear and kick out Draco's right leg, this would have normally brought down any opponent but this dragon was vary lucky his tail was in the right position to stop him from hitting the ground and just enough time to bring his spear back to Leon's left knee and put him on his back, giving Draco the lead by a point. But Draco knew that situation came from more luck than skill but such is the way of battle.

Leon flipped to his feet, and smiled at Draco only to receive one in return, the cowed was loving it cheering at every small move, and the fighters where loving it more than the crowed. They both had a look that said this was the round that would end this bout. They looked at each other and started to lead each other in a bit of a circle, then Draco made a swipe and Leon dodged to counter with a thrust, only to have it knocked away by the dragon's spear, moving Leon to the side enough for Draco to spin completely around and thrust his spear at the wolf, Leon had enough of a split second to bring his shield from his back and block it, but the sheer Power of the strike made Leon move back to the length of the spear plus Draco's arm, the crowed was amazed at the fortitude of the two, Leon's feet didn't even studier but it did make two long trail marks in the dust where his paws slide from point A to point B. After Draco's spear stopped singing from the powerful move, Leon's shield started to crack so he just tossed it away.

Draco then with out warning leapt into the air at an amazing height with his spear raised as if he where going to throw It but something shiny was heading toward him it was Leon's sword, he only knew this by the time it was knocking his spear form his hand, and then he felt a tug at his tail, Leon had jumped just under him to take hold of his tail, then Draco felt completely helpless at this point due to the force of him being spun around in mid air and being hurled to the ground, he landed on his back. Draco smiled and looked up in time to see Leon hit the ground with both there weapons sticking straight out of the ground.

He looked up at Leon with a smile on his face "That was a neat trick but I wont fall for it again." as he started to stand again.

Leon smiled and picked his sword out of the ground. "you wont have to I just won." this statement earned a laugh from the mighty dragon.

"have you lost count? That's only four, you need five to win." he scoffed "unless you scored a ring out... but I am still inside the ring."

Leon smiled and pointed. "Better check again, those horns are a killer." as he offered his paw to Draco, as the dragon took a look back to see two large horn marks just out side of the ring.

This earned another laugh from Draco "well I guess I am out." as he stood with Leon smiling at him rather warmly as he gave a bow to Draco. The audience was a little confused by this action, until Draco took off his helm witch was almost a mask anyhow, to reveal the face of the Prince Recalo. Then the cowed, after a moment of shock, started to muter to one another no one really knowing what to make of the situation. Until our good Prince instead bowed to Leon, "My friend, you are this tournaments winner, and I thank you for giving me your all in the fight... as you saw most would back down when they knew who I was afraid of being persecuted for treason should any harm come to me during the fight, or maybe they knew they couldn't win." the Royal Dragon then took Leon's paw in a firm friendly shake. "But in any case they all would concede ultimately robbing me of my joy in life witch is competing against the best, and you my friend are by far the best there is."

At this time, the crowd couldn't really hear their conversation but by the actions taken they all started cheering madly. With Tess moving from behind Leon, neither of the two fighters taking notice that she had even moved toward them. She shot a sly glance up to the large dragon, then making a slight curtsey as she spoke "My liege" she said politely.

But The dragon was quick to take her paw, and bow even lower than she had given him "Please, my name is Recalo, but I prefer my nick name Draco it is how you all know me best, and it is what my sister calls me." then he again lay a soft kiss on her paw to make the Sorceress blush. Just as if on cue the Half elf walked up to the ring and announced Leon the winner and gave him his money along with Draco his second place prize, and they walked out of the stadium where Leon was almost bowled over by his lover from her charging at him full tilt.

"I Knew you could do it, I just knew you would win." as she almost squeezed the air out of him, while Claudia stood back more in awe of her being in the presence of royalty than anything, while the royal messenger came up to meet them.

"Sire," he began as he knelt slowly before Draco. "you Uncle... Err... the royal steward requests that you return immediately to discuss urgent matters." he kept his head low in fear that he may be punished for interrupting but Draco simply smiled and spoke "Of coarse, but I need you to take the day off, spend it here at the festival with your family I am sure I saw them here earlier."

The messenger bowed again as he backed away "T-thank you sire, and my family thanks you." as he took off happily into the crowed.

Draco sighed "well no leisurely walk home for me, why don't you come with me Leon, bring your friends two?" he smiled and continued "there will be food, I'll hold a banquet for us" he smiled with confidence, but inside only hoped they would accompany him.

Leon, looked to them "Well its up to you guys, I don't mind going." Tess spoke right up "I think I might quite like a nice meal," she couldn't help but wink at Draco "I believe I'll go." Lenka kept her hold on Leon's arm with that if your going I am going look, and Claudia smiled softly and shook her head "sorry I have to get back to my tent, my sister and brother will be missing me by now." as she bowed and walked away.

Draco smiled softly at them "so are we ready to go?" he looked at them and they all nodded, but didn't expect what was coming next Draco gave a whistle, and a large wyvern came swooping out of the sky and landed next to them, it was a light blue color with a saddle strapped to its back as it sat down next to them, and gave an affectionate trill toward Draco, and he got into the saddle with ease. "well come on then hop on she wont bite." as he held out his claw for them to get on Tess sat in front of Draco his long neck being able to see over her head easily, and she was able to rub her rear on his crotch to give him a tease while riding, as Lenka and Leon took seats behind Draco, and they took off to the castle, witch was a good distance away, how ever when flying in the air it seemed like only a few moments ride.

Soon they landed on a small pad that was made just for Spark to land, Spark is the wyverns name, and also is one of Draco's only friends. Draco got down from Spark and the others followed suit, and suddenly they all heard the clack of claws running toward them, and heard a young girls voice as a young dragoness came bounding out of the door way, and grabbing Draco's neck and hugging him tight, her scales where platinum like his but her markings where red instead of green as his where, and her body was adorned with a white robe that covered most of her body, her arms had no sleeves as well as the neck being some what low cut, but one could tell she was still young and just starting to come of age. Draco returned her hug as he smiled softly.

"hello dear sister, I have brought you home a gift" he started to reach into his pouch, but just as he said it Leon stepped around to the side of him and she dove at Leon tackling him to the ground with a high pitched girlish squeal.

"Its him, Brother you brought me my hero" as she nuzzled his chest while holding him rather tight, all the while every one giving bewildered looks to each other.

Draco sighed "No, Rita... he isn't your present he is one of my friends, and he is already taken" she sat up on his belly with a small frown.

She let out a disappointed sigh "ooh well, I guess one like him can't stay single forever"

Leon started to stand as she got off of him, "umm, can I ask what she means by 'her hero'?"

Draco smiled and almost laughed "you mean you don't know Leon?" he looked as Leon shook his head "you are quite well known around here, what with your slaying beasts and saving villages you think you would have guessed by now that you would have expected every one to know your name, in fact there where several drop outs at the tournament at the mention that you where fighting." he gave a smirk "well needless to say your exploits all cross my desk and travel through the rest of the Realm and coincidently have become my sisters favorite hero."

Leon gave a small smirk "well I am glad I am at least well received" he then laughed a little with Draco

Draco Calmed his laughter slightly and put his claw on Leon's shoulder "well I didn't expect her to react this much toward you" as he then pulled out the gold necklace and gave it to Rita. "there you are dear sister, that is your gift I got you."

She smiled "no my Draco, meeting my hero is the best gift you could have gotten me." she blushed and smiled to her larger brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Draco started walking into the castle with his sister in tow "I have to see what my dearest uncle wants, and change out of my armor," he paused a moment noticing that Rita had her wings folded behind her in an informal manner "Rita, fold your wings up proper we have company." as she blushed and folded her wings around her neck making them look like a cape that draped to her ankles "well the servants will show you to your quarters I will see you then." as he took his leave down one hall and was met with a barrage of servants talking to him about things that didn't concern any one and most of witch where quite boring.

The servants quickly attended them leading Tess to her privet quarters, and Lenka and Leon to there own quarters, Leon didn't see Rita go down the hall with Draco, but she also didn't go with Tess, and certainly wasn't with them but he soon dismissed any thoughts of it at all, and found his quarters with Lenka with no further thought to the matter. The servant asked if they needed anything, they both gave a head shake and thanked him he nodded and told them that the prince would be quite a while and to make them selves comfy while they waited and closed the door behind him.

Leon came up behind Lenka as soon as he shut the door, and put his arms around her waist. "Murr... do you think, we have enough time, love?" he have her stomach a light rub and she returned with a purr and wrapped her tail around his back from his waist and the tip resting at his shoulder.

"Mmm... well not to mate properly, if we cut a few corners we should have plenty of time." she rubbed her paws down his sides and started to purr even louder.

He nodded and smiled leaning her over the side of there bed, and pulling her skirt up to her rear, and moving her panties down her legs half way to her knees well enough to unveil her glistening lips, already wet with the thought of mating her love. He soon pulled his own pants down far enough to rub his swollen sheath over her sex, coxing out of her a soft low moan. Both lovers unaware of there audience, that hid in the closet. Rita may have been most of the way across the room, but her small view of the sight was good enough for her, This was not the first time she had seen a pair mate, as she watched from the closet she did this with many guests but this time, she got a special treat it was her hero, one she had imagined many a night since she had started to come of age and gain these feelings. She lifted her robe as he watched Leon press his tip into Lenka making her let out a very loud purr. And her own finger-claws where dancing and teaseling her sex, she new exactly how to make her self happy with what she would see. She watched as he pushed all the way into her, and both lovers expressions where of pure joy that was one of Rita's favorite parts was not just the happenings of below the waist, but the joy on there faces, she brought her tail up to help her fingers, she moved it along her lips pressing the tail tip against her swollen clit, she tried not to whimper from the excitement, her foot talons where starting to scratch into the floor, as she saw the two lovers mating start to speed up, and Lenka started to let out a very feral "MERROWW" noise that seemed to provoke Leon, witch dint make it any easier for young Rita to keep teasing herself. Finally she couldn't take any more, she shoved her tail inside her virgin sex and began to pump it in and out of herself. She knew just how to flip her tail inside her to drive her self crazy while her talons played with the nub at the top of her lips, she soon brought her self to a climax with a very silent scream, it was only by her pure luck that Lenka happened to scream out in climax at the same time and Leon didn't hear the small squeak from the closet.

Leon started to pump very slowly into Lenka, as he started to rub his paws up her belly to her breasts. Se simply lay there in utter euphoria wrapping her tail around her loving mate, as he leaned over her and kissed her cheek, then he slowly pulled out of her and pulled his pants up Lenka did the same with her undergarment and straightened her skirt and gave her wolf a glance "a prelude to tonight I hope?" she winked and he gave her a peck on the lips nuzzling her nose with his.

"yes love, I think we will have much more fun later tonight" he smiled and looked out the window to the sun "but now we have to go I think they may be waiting on us." he smiled and they both headed out to the dinning room.

Rita waited till the cost was clear and cleaned her tail off with her tongue and smiled "thank you both, I wish it was that good every time." she peeked out the door and when it was all clear she slipped out and started to take the long way to the dinning room.


Soon Leon and Lenka walked into the dinning room with Tess and Draco already there, and Draco laughing very hard "Your kidding? Fall off and turn purple?" he covered his eyes as he continued to laugh.

Leon came in and cleared his throat "hey what, have you been telling him Tess?" they all three laughed leavening Lenka in the dark, but soon they all caught each other up on the past few years of there lives, with existing tales mostly form Leon, and some stories funny, and some sad, but all had an enjoyable time, getting to know each other.

Soon there friendly dinner had ended, and Draco Insisted that he had to retire to his quarters, getting no argument from Leon or Lenka, who also returned to there rooms, and Tess simply bowed and left the table, as well then Draco walked over to Rita who had already fallen asleep and picked up the smaller dragon, in his arms with a slight grunt "My dear sister, you are growing faster than I thought" he took her to her bedroom and laid her down on to her bed and tucked her in with a kiss on the forehead, and a stroke on her cheek "goodnight little dragon sweet dreams" he smiled warmly, and turned to the large painting of there mother and father and smiled "if only you could see her now, she is very curious at times, and sometimes mischievous, but a good girl all in all and I gladly take care of her for the rest of my life if need be." he then walked out of the room and closed the door be hind him quietly, then padded down the hall to his room with a yawn, and stepped inside. He didn't expect to see his bed drapes drawn, or to see a figure inside them, he stepped closer to the current and pulled it back, to see who was in his bed, to find Tess he really wasn't too surprised that it was her.

He took her by the paw and pulled her up to her feet, and smiled warmly "please dear lady, I have no time for games, I really must be going to sleep" he then kissed her paw again.

She smiled back and put her other paw on his cheek "really? No time?" she frowned and pulled a strap on her cloak that made it fall to the floor, revealing the fact that she was wearing very little under it, but a strap of cloth tied around her breasts, and a loin cloth with what appeared to be gold coins dangling from it all the way around its hem. As she took his royal blue robes, and ran her thumb and finger across the edges of where it hung from his shoulders and smiled at him even wider than before.

He looked down her form, with the moonlight illuminating her light grey fur, and her deep blue eyes penetrated his gaze and felt as though she where peering into his soul. "W-well... I-I... umm..." he started but she put her fingers on his lips and looked straight back into his yellow eyes, that burned with the soul of a true dragon. She could only marvel at the beauty they haled with in them. And she traced his green markings along his body, with his robes on rather than full body armor it was easier to see them and it was apparent to her that they traveled all the way down his body she could hardly wait to see just how they looked. She gave him a smile and then took a few steps back to the bed and started to crawl onto it making sure that her tail was waging ever so slightly higher than normal to give him a full view of her rear, then she lay down on her side and beaconed him to her, as she licked her chops slowly and seductively. He couldn't do much else but get on the bed with her. When he finally got to her, he felt her paws move up his thighs her with her mussel trailing it, she finally made her way to his hips and she stuck her mussel under his robe where his crotch was only to find out that dragon's usually where very little clothing as her mussel met his sheath. She was almost as shocked as he was, but didn't waist any time inhaling his scent into her nose, she loved the way he smelled especially as existed as he was. Smiled at him and started to run her tongue from the bottom of his sheath to the top, only to find that he was bigger than she thought originally. She then slowly lifted his robes off of him to leave him completely nude before her, she had her breath taken away by how well toned his body was, and how the roomers about dragon's sheaths where true. She took his sac into her paws and let out a light murr before she continued to give his sheath the tongue bath she had started a few moments ago, only to watch it grow to a quite large state. She thought about taking him into her mussel but he would assuredly be too big, so she simply ran her tongue up his body to his chest and straddled his stomach, making her hips and belly move very slowly to an imaginary beat. Draco's breath started to grow heavy already he could tell by her ministrations that this was not her first time, but he didn't care about that, he had never had any attention like that before. It was then he noticed that she had reached behind her and was fiddling with her strap in the back, then it came loose, and she let it hang just on the top of her breast her body leaning back ever so slightly to keep it there as she put her paws on his stomach, and started kneading his scales gently.

He let out a very low Murr as her paws rubbed his scales his tail gave a slight twitch due to the sensation. She started to lean forward and soon the cloth fell from her breasts, unveiling the large round spheres of flesh and fur that his eyes where now glued to. She could tell that he was rather shy, so she grabbed his wrists and placed his claws on here breasts, as she moved her head back and let out a soft moan that was induced by the sensual tingle that she was getting from his claws on her breasts. After the moment passed she started to stand on the large bed and slowly and very seductively started to pull off the loin cloth, she pulled one side down with her left paw, then she turned to face her rear to him pulling the other side down with her right paw, until it was able to be dropped to her ankles but still wanting to tease her new dragon she held her tail between her legs to cover any of her sensitive areas. Draco started to be come restless from watching her seductive dance, so much so he was ready to tackle her and start mating her right then and there. Little did he know that his wait was almost over.

She got down to her paws and knees, then lifted her tail in the air allowing him to see all her hidden delights. She tuned her head toward him after lowering her front half to position her in the most common wolf mating position, then gave Draco a wink and a small wiggle of her rear, that said all he needed to hear. He moved forward to her laying his back across hers to bite her ear softly and he gave it a pull to the side, soon finding out that Tess utterly loved it when her mate did that to her, when she let out a moan of pleasure when he pulled her ear. He made a mental note of that little spot, and grabbed his erect length and aimed it toward her opening, and started to push into her very slowly to make sure how far he could fit being roughly seven and a half inches of dragon. To his surprise Tess stretched out rather nicely to accommodate her dragon lover, he only had a half inch left out before his tip started pressing against her cervix hard enough to penetrate it, and finally got himself all the way in. In return to his fitting all the way in to her she let out a loud moan, and again placed his paws on her breasts, instructing him to squeeze and massage with her own paws. It wasn't long before he started to thrust his hips back and forth in to the lovely female wolf, his claws soon started to rake across her stomach, as she returned the affection with her foot claws digging into his ankles but not able to penetrate the tough platinum scales. Tess growled and moaned with every thrust her large dragon lover had to offer, she soon found her self biting on the blanket her knees no longer on the bed, but wrapped around his waist and his claws keeping her balance, as his thrusting got yet faster and suddenly Tess felt a knot rise up his shaft until this point she had no idea that dragons had knots like wolfs. She pressed her feet against his lower back to help him thrust his knot into her but he stopped her and bent over his long neck easily reaching her ear. "are you sure?" he asked as he kept his pace while whispering to her. She gave a weak nod as she gasped at his next thrust, and his knot pressed deep with in her earning a yelp from her, as she did he stopped and looked down to her. "are you hurt?"

She looked back at him with those hungry blue eyes "of coarse it hurt, but that is why I like males with big knots... the sharp pain is part of the pleasure." she then started to gyrate her hips on his shaft earning a soft growl from her dragon. As he started to thrust back his knot being squeezed by her muscular reaction to the knot being inside her, his thrusts where quick and short but powerful as she soon threw back her head and let out a howl for her climax, then Draco saw his opportunity, and pulled back and thrust in extra hard letting his own climax go shooting his seed deep into her womb, and she really didn't know what hit her but as soon as he did, it threw her into another climax she hadn't ever had that happen to her before, but she thought she would like that to happen to her every now and again.

Soon after both had caught there wind, Draco's larger body draped across Tess, she looked back to her dragon "well I didn't expect this you know we are stuck like this now?" she giggled and smiled to him "my body wont let me relax those muscles till your knot stops pressing against them"

He laughed and smiled "well my fair mate, we are stuck like this till mourning, cause if your muscles wont relax then my knot will take at least that long to shrink." he tussled her cheek.

She smiled back at him and embraced him in a long loving kiss then pulled away and looked into his eyes "well I cant think of any one I would rather be tied with for that long" she smiled as he kissed her again both in a very affectionate way letting there tongues slide around in the others mouth then he folded his wings around them both and they drifted off to sleep.

The End.


Thanks every one for reading this far, i do intend on contiueing this series how ever it may not be for a while due to all the stuff i have had to do lately.

and i would like to give a specal thanks to the fans who accualy wrote me and said "'OY YOU LAZY BASTERD GET UP AN' WRITE SOME MORE BEFOR I KICK YOU'ER BLOODY ARSE" well not in so many colorful words but hey i thank them none the less, i always want to hear from you guys even if its just a "hey like your storys keep going" cause i need to know that people accualy want me to keep going or i kinda loose heart and stop going at it. but thanks all, and i will get working on the next chapter ASAP.

PS. i jsut have to plug my new web site that my mate made for me, i am not sure how good i will be at the comic wich is supposed to be the main point of the page but, you can read this stroy series there eventualy and check out som yiffy art, and a potenualy funny comic. any how here is the site.


(gee i hope its ok to plug the site here... oh well the worst they can do is say no right? : D )