Boyfriend's nightmare : Meeting the Father

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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#1 of Jupiter Suppliments

Jason peered out over the city of Kylosium from his room on the seventeenth floor of his apartment complex. It was a city of only four hundred fifty thousand and his building was one of the larger ones. This was typical of the smaller colonies, especially those that were Templar holdings. Off in the distance was the Citadel which was the dominate feature of the Kylosium skyline. He could see his reflection in the glass pane and he took a moment to look over his athletic spotted body which was complete in stark nakedness. He had a lot on his mind and could already tell that today was not going to go well.

He sensed movement coming from behind him and heard his boyfriend of three years yawn as he awoke from his slumber. He had spent the night here and had been spending the night here ever since his place had been seized for "the glorification and betterment of the city and colony of Kylosium." It had ended like most official letters in Templar space "Praises be to Armend His Holy Majesty of on High."

"Have you been up long" posed his tan colored lupine lover and best friend.

"No" he stated still contemplating. "I just thought it would be nice to get a view of the city. It's peaceful this early in the morning."

"And they say I'm the gay one" the other jested. Jason couldn't help but smile and return to bed taking the other in his arms.

"Tell me again why it is that you won't move in with me for real. We basically do everything anyway so why not just go ahead and move in." The wolf just sighed at the Dalmatian.

"I've told you Jason, it's just a really huge step and I'm not comfortable with it just yet. It's sort of a cultural thing and also a personal thing. I know we've already taken some pretty big steps and I think that times have changed enough to go that far I just, I don't know, am still old fashion in a sense."


"If you're still not comfortable getting bound, then I still don't see a need for us to move in together permanently. Now we better get ready, we have a lot to do today before we head up to my mothers." Jason rolled his eyes because he had never been very good at meeting his significant other's family. He had already met Richie's mother and they got along well but Richie was the youngest of what had been described as a typical Anthropoid family which meant very large, and they would all be gathering there soon. The reason being was that his father was going to be home.

Richie's father was a Templar Captain which meant that he was a very important person. As Jason understood it each Templar gets a day of leave a year but as you got higher in the ranks they got more time. Richie's father being a Captain got a whole week's worth of time and apparently had been on crusade the whole time they had been dating so he was taking his whole week off at one time. This of course meant that Jason not got the honor of meeting Richie's father, the great Captain Tiberius Junius Ulysses of the Divine Hammer Chapter. He somehow felt that the Captain would exercise his right to use a gun that he got on Templar worlds.

"Great, I can't wait."

"Oh stop acting so dreadful. My father is going to love you" the other said trying to reassure Jason in the fashion that most significant others try to do. "You know he was the youth league tennis champ just like you. He will also like your track and field record. Don't know how much he'll like your soccer." Jason lifted himself out of his bed and over to his small bathroom to shower leaving his wolf who sat up and turned on his Viewer to watch some morning news.

He let the warm water wash over him as he contemplated his situation. He knew that Richie probably spoke the truth but he was wondering if his father would give him a chance. Jason hadn't been born on a Templar world and actually came here as a Federation Envoy and had decided to stay here when he met Ritchie. Also there was the fact that Ritchie was some kind of miracle child since his mom had some genetic disease that had struck her before he was born and had supposedly rendered her infertile or was suppose to make her eggs turn into mutations. Out came Ritchie though, a perfectly healthy mutation free baby. It also had meant that Ritchie was far off from his other siblings whom all mostly had pups of their own and careers while Richie was still in college. This had caused him to grow a strong bond with his mother and Michael his closest sibling.

Jason finished his washing and exited the shower drying as much as his spotted fur as he could. He wrapped the towel around his waist and brushed his teeth. He exited the bathroom to find his boyfriend in the same position he had left him. He just let him be and head over to the closet that was in the hall that connected the bedroom and wash with the kitchen family room combo-thing.

"Oh no, that is just awful" Richie cried out.

"What is it hun" he called after."

"Come see this." Jason got up taking with him the clothes he thought would be nice to wear to meet the great Captain. He found the wolf staring intently at the Viewer which seemed to have some breaking news story. There was a newscaster standing on the deck of some ship out somewhere in space.

"Thanks Jory" said the caster to the person Jason could only guess was back in the newsroom. "As you can see behind me is the Landsraad Nebula and what is left of Ataemus Station after a devastating attack by what sources have claimed to be craft from the Lom Imperium. The military is currently not allowing any traffic near the station but even from this distant you can see the station and clearly, if you can recall the christening, there are several key piece are missing." The screen became split between the newscaster and the newsroom.

"Can you give any guesses about the casualties?"

"From what we've been able to get a hold of we can guess that from anywhere between thirty thousand and a hundred thousand perished in this surprise attack. As you can see a relief fleet from the Alliance has arrived and a rescue and repair mission seems to be underway."

"I'm sorry Baultar, I'm going to have to cut you, it seems that King is about to address the Senate. We now go live to the Senate chamber at the Capitol." The screen cuts to a large spherical shaped room with platforms built into the walls. In the middle was a pillar on which congregate sat which was usually comprised of the Prime Minister, the Speaker, the Major and Minority leaders, and several other key bureaucrats. It was connected by a long bridge like walkway that led to the back of the chamber. This of course had been done after the foundation of the Federation because the old way had been deemed that it could be insulting to those who had to sit in the back, so the new Globe Senate hall had been constructed. Today the podium in the center of the globe was held by the King.

"Members of the Senate of these federated states; I come to you at a solemn occasion. We have suffered an underhanded blow and many people, innocent people, have lost their lives in a surprise attack by the Lom Imperium. Let me reassure you that there was no declaration of war."

I have spoken with the Lom ambassador and he told me that his government felt there was no need to make such a declaration. To ignore such intergalactic rules of engagement is a slight against our sovereignty, a slight we shall not soon forget. We cannot and will not stand for such a slight against us. I have revoked the Lom's right to embassy and sent the cowards messenger back to his sniveling masters."

If the Lom will not respect our sovereign rights than they have no claim to their own! We should hereby refute any Imperial claims made by the Lom. Our military forces shall go out and dispute their claims to their worlds. We shall liberate those people from this now obvious tyranny. We shall free the hundreds of illegally seized worlds from the clutches of the shifty Lom.

I issue this declaration of war against the Lom and all forces that stand with them. Our troops full of honor and courage shall go forth and march against the Lom and where ever they go they shall rebuke the Lom for the deeds they have done today. I urge you, the voice of the people, to enact wartime measures as we show the Lom how true warriors fight! May they carry the Aquila high with great pride for all eternity in Armend's Grace!"

The room was filled with a great sound of much applause which was expected after such a moving speech. The camera focused in on the King who was making a two handed salute to the crowd of senators. It took a good look at his face which was covered in sense of determination with his colorless eyes glaring out over those who cheered at him.

"Michael wasn't on there was he" inquired Jason.

"No he wasn't but he is out in that region." Michael had shocked everyone when he made a very patriotic declaration that he wanted to serve the Federation even though he had been born and raised here on a Templar world. It seemed though that the question on everyone's mind would be if Michael would get caught up in this intergalactic war the Federation had just got itself into. It only had been half a century since the last intergalactic war and there had been a huge loss of life on all sides.

After about another hour they set out to gather up some things Ritchie's mother had asked him to bring for the meal she was preparing. Usually Jason hated shopping but Ritchie always made it fun for him. They would joke and engage in just general tom foolery. Anywhere else they would have gotten in trouble but they had come to know the store owner well over the years. They however didn't spend as much time as usual because they did need to get to the house before everyone else.

Ritchie's mother lived on the other side of the city in one of the older neighborhoods. People called it ekker which apparently somehow meant that they lived in the shadow of the Citadel which no one really mined. Really any of the buildings within the city at some point of the day would have the Citadel's shadow cast upon them but Jason realized that they had to be speaking figuratively. It was a modest home and looked like a giant box because it was a giant box. Most of the earlier housing was prefabricated and since people had found them to suit their needs they decided to keep them. They just strolled on into the house carrying the massive load of groceries that Ritchie's mother had asked them to bring.

"There's my little Greggy-pie" called out Ritchie's mom from the kitchen. "You two just carry those in here. How have you been Jason?" Evelyn Mary Scott-Ulysses was a woman who had aged well. She was large woman but she also say she had wonderful god-given curves and anyone who said otherwise was jealous. The stress of all the children and her illness had caused her body to form in this manner but her spirits were never down, always full of love for her family and those around her.

"Just fine Ma'am. I trust it that you've been doing well." She gave a great big smile.

"As good as ever, it's so nice that you can join us."

"You can just hang out here while I help mother out" said Richie planting a peck on the cheek. Jason just nodded and took up his usual spot in a large dark green sofa that was up against the family room wall. He sighed as he looked around at the mauve colored walls and the beige carpeting. Ritchie's mother always had a weird sense of style which did fit her energetic attitude. He was wondering how they were going to fit all those people in here.

From his understanding that Ritchie's parents married very young. It seemed the Templar wanted you at seven, fourteen, or twenty-one preferring seven. You aren't supposed to marry once you're a Templar but the loophole was if you were already married you stayed married. So when they were fourteen they got married. When they turned twenty-one they started having kids, about once a year, none stop. That was of course until Ritchie's mom's disease presented itself which meant there was about a ten year gap between him and Michael. That made it that Ritchie had about thirty or so siblings. Anthropoids usually don't have litters that huge and actually are only half that size. The Captain however wanted a large family and the Misses was happy to deliver.

Jason wasn't that scared to meet some of the relatives and in fact had met almost about a third of them over the three years they had been seeing each other. They were the ones that had stayed here planet side to work in the civil sector. They had been cool with him and their brother dating, well most of them. Damien the oldest hadn't like the fact that he wasn't a "true Lupine" but had made the comment that at least he was close. From what he had found out from Gythel, one of the older sister, Ritchie had been quite the experimenter and she was happy that he had found someone so stable.

"SPOTTY" came several small loud voices from behind Jason. He had been so lost in thought he had heard the several small nieces and nephews sneak up on him and promptly pounced him.

"Now now children, get off your Uncle Ritchie's boyfriend. You know better than that." They released Jason from the dog pile and ran off giggling.

"They like to touch wee-wees" commented one of them as they ran out and into the backyard. Apparently they had been curious and their parents were all too happy to give them an explanation which was somewhat accurate. Jason just sighed as he picked himself off the floor.

"Sorry about that Jason, they just don't get to see very many Dalmatians" apologized Carol one of Ritchie's step sisters.

"No, there's no need to apologize. I should be used to it by now" he said half laughing. She just smiled and went off to the kitchen. Jason just sat back down on the sofa. He was joined by two of Ritchie's brothers.

"So, you're the dude who's been sexing up my baby brother" said one trying to start a conversation.

"Uh, I guess so, my name's Jason." If he could really show blushing he would as he wasn't used yet to the boldness of this family.

"I'm Joshua and that's Plutonius. Aren't you a little old to be dating a college student?"

"Isn't your brother a little too old to be a college student?" It was true because Ritchie was going back to school for an Art degree. He originally had one in marketing but felt that while he liked the work hated the atmosphere.

"Touché spotted one. I guess you bested me. Let's drink."

"Not till dinner" called their mother from the kitchen.

"Ok then let's sit here and be bored till dinner." Sit there is what they did as others came in from the outside. They all stopped to say hello to each other and even Jason though he got the feeling they did it out of politeness. It didn't really matter that much to him as the family that counted, meaning those closest to Richie, liked him. Then the Captain came home.

The Captain was a very large and towering white wolf; Richie had definitely not gotten his father's height. He had a stern look about him and his Templar dress uniform gave him a powerful air about him. It was crimson and white and consisted of a fine tunic, slacks, and the Templar's tabard. He was truly a man to be in awe of.

"Daddy" yelled Richie as he ran up and leapt into his father arms.

"Greggorius, my child, I take it that this spotted thing is your new boyfriend."

"Yes father and I want you to be nice to him." The great wolf chuckled and Jason felt his soul vibrate. The head of the household strode seamlessly over to the Dalmatian and got right in his face which caused Jason to retract a little. He could feel the man's breathe on him and it was rather unnerving.

"He's scared, good, that means he's not stupid like the other ones. One should always fear his significant other's father, Lord knows I was scared of your mother's old man, but I had the courage not to show it. This one has no spine Greggorius."

"Daddy, don't be so harsh."

"GRANDPAPA" said a horde of shouting children who proceeded to pounce on the imposing wolf that was somehow able to catch them all. "What did you bring us?"

He let out another bellowing laughter. "That will have to wait till after dinner young ones. Grandpa has important business to take care of first." They all let out a sound of disappointment in unison.

"You heard him children, not get off your grandfather and go outside and play." They complied with their elders and ran off to play some more. Jason just sat back down looking like he had seen a ghost.

"Don't worry" reassured Joshua, "You're way better than the last boyfriend Richie brought to see father. That poor boy, I think his tail still hasn't grown back."

"Oh and don't forget that rabbit he brought the year before that" chimed in Plutonius for the first time. His voice was rather robust.

"That was classic. Father actually got him to pay for the window he threw him through. Just like that fox he got to pay for the chair he got broken over him."

"Oh remember that one guy Gweneth brought over for Saints' Day" said one of the brothers Jason hadn't met yet.

"Luckily the paralysis was only temporary" responded Joshua with a laugh.

"Would you three stop scaring the boy" said Jennifer another sister-in-law.

"Aw come on Jenny, none of that stuff going to happen to him. He should at least join in the fun we all get to have when people bring bad dates to family occasions. We all know Cassy is going to bring some guy she met on the way here."

"I still can't believe you three. You find the dumbest stuff funny. I have no clue where you get your sense of humor."

"Hey dad, there's some Federation guys here to see you" called a tall gray colored wolf that Jason thought was named Nathaniel. Or it could be the tan one standing on the other side of the dining room.

"Is my Michael home" their mother called back running into the family room and the middle of the festivities. She stopped dead in the middle and let out a scream that sounded somewhat like a no. She then proceeded to collapse onto the floor. Her children nearest to her tried to support and comfort their mother who was in obvious emotional pain. Jason looked at the front door to see what had caused her to act in such a way.

Standing in the door were two men, both in Federation Marine uniforms. They were in formal dress of dark khaki with shinny shoes and strong hats. The first one through the door wore the insignia of Major while the other wore the rank of Captain. The other man also was carrying a book and had on his shirt collar the symbol of Chaplain.

"Misses Ulysses, I'm sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances, but I am afraid that I am the bearer of bad news. Your son Sergeant Major Michael Lucius Ulysses died valiantly in the service of His Majesty Sollus Patricia Gaius Sadow, defending the freedom and sovereignty of these Federated States. I know it is of no really conciliation but he has been put up for the Star of Courage and Honor and I assure you his body is being transported here with the utmost care and..."

"Where did he die" said the powerful voice of the Captain coming up behind his wife.

"Uh, I'm sorry sir but that's classified. All I can say is that he led the men under his command well and that they died courageously against the enemy to defend their position."

"It was in the Lars-Pan Straight wasn't it? My son loved the Federation and they repaid him by sending him to land that the Federation had no business claiming and were not willing to send the proper forces to defend it." The smaller man just looked up at the wolf showing no emotion.

"Sir, my job is to deliver the worst news any one person will ever hear. Do you think I wish to be here now? I am soldier and I obey my orders. Your son was a good soldier too who obeyed his orders to the end. He is a person that I would have been honored to have the chance to die beside but as you can see I didn't get that chance."

"You're services are not required. We as a family shall heal these wounds."

"If that is what you wish I will honor your request. I will send you the details on the arrival of his body when I get them." The two saluted the towering wolf and left the family gathered around their parents. Jason got up and headed over into the kitchen where he could find Ritchie. He was standing over the counter chopping something up. Jason just walked up behind his boyfriend and put his hand on the other's shoulder.

"Hey, are you going to be all right?" Jason could feel the shaking of his boyfriend's labored breathing. He was trying real hard to hold back tears.

"What kind of question is that? I just lost my brother. Of course I'm not all right." There was a lot of anger in his voice. It made Jason retract a little.

"I'm, I'm so sorry. I know there's nothing I can say that could ever make you feel better."

"Then don't say anything." He was going to be very difficult so Jason decided just to get right in. He stepped up and wrapped his arms around the smaller wolf's waist putting his head on his shoulder.

"I just want you to know that I love you and that I'll always be there whenever you need anything." Richie broke down sobbing going limp. Jason just let him go to floor going there with him.

"I'm such a bitch sometimes."

"Shhhh, it's ok to be a bitch sometimes. You just lost one of the people closest to you. I understand and I still love you." They just there for a moment together on the tiled floor of the kitchen. Jason had never noticed it, but it was yellow tile.

"I bet they're going to touch wee-wees" said a snickering voice from the door to the outside.

"Beat it you little shrimps before I crack your skulls open!" They just ran off giggling. Jason had never heard his lover speak like that. "I'm sorry about that. I really need to get back to cooking dinner." He stood up brushing himself off. He bent down and planted a kiss Jason before he could get up. "Thank you, you're too patient with me. Now get back into the family room so I can work."

"It just feel awkward out there, can I please stay in here with you." Jason put on his begging face.

"Fine, you can stay. Just sit at the table and don't interrupt me."

"Yes dear" he said sitting down at the small breakfast nook that was situated in the corner. He soon joined by some of Ritchie sisters that had come in to continue what they had been doing earlier. They chit-chatted to each other about the sadness of these recent events and convey how sorry they were to Richie. Then Kathleen, Ritchie's very dominating sister, joined them. She sat down beside Jason and if Jason didn't know better he would say she was a lesbian.

"So, you're my little brother's new chew toy."

"Katie, don't bother Jason like that" defended Richie.

"Yes Kathleen, this is hardly the time to have such conversations." This was one of the sisters Jason hadn't met.

"Oh come on, Michael wouldn't want us to sulk about. Beside I'm just trying to strike up a friendly conversation."

The rest of the evening went just as well. The dinner was good but at the same time it had a gloomy air about it. Cassy had brought some died black wolf in heavy leather and upon hearing of her brother's death decided herself that he needed to leave. When he refused she asked him again only this time with her foot. After the dinner was over they cleaned their plates and then everyone started to head off after saying their good nights and until tomorrows. Richie went to help clean up in the kitchen and Jason went to help him. It was another activity he disliked but doing it with Richie just made things better. He just liked to see him smile.

"Jason, why don't you come with me to my study" called the Captain. Jason sucked it up and went out of the kitchen, down a small hallway, and into the Captain's study, waving at Richie a goodbye as if it was his last. The other found no amusement in it.

It was actually a larger room than what Jason expected. It was furnished with dark wood and leather upholstery dyed crimson. "Please have a seat." Jason could do nothing but obey. "This is a sad time and I wish to know your intentions towards my youngest."

"I, I love him sir. I want to do no wrong to him. I want to be there to support him in his time of need, now and forever." Jason became embarrassed because he hadn't expected himself to make such a declaration.

"It's good enough for me. You seem to be an honest and trust worthy person. If you weren't the King wouldn't have made you an Envoy. You do realize that on this world not only is the ancient bonding rights heresy, but homosexual marriage is forbidden."

"I understand, but because of your current arrangement with the King you have to observe Federal laws and papers. I'll just find a Federal judge to sign off on the binding."

"That seems fair enough. I was also told that you enjoy many of the fine athletic activities this world has to offer. You were also some sort of tennis wiz back on your home world?"

"Yes, Blois was famous for its tennis competitions."

"It's a shame what happened to it and Hector."

"I was lucky that I got a call from an old boyfriend to head out of there."

"How nice of him to do that for you, I wonder how he knew the storm was coming."

"I think his dad had some position at an astrological society. Look I know what you are trying to do sir, but there will be plenty of time for you to come to like me and frankly as far as I see it I don't need your approval. I know Richie would like for to like me but I know he would hate me if I had gone and asked you to marry him."

"That is what you have been waiting for isn't it? I've been gone on crusade and you were scared to marry my youngest child while I was away. Let me tell you that these last three years have been hell. The Matriarch called the entire order to a crusade against heretical brothers. You see all chapters have Icons; it's where they get their names. If two different people both see a different interpretation of an Icon as we found out can have disastrous consequences. I come back from fighting my brothers to find one of my most cherished possessions, my child dead. I would have been glad to have you as a son-in-law."

Jason's heart skipped a beat. "Do you really mean that sir?"

"Yes, as you are the first decent person Greggorius has ever brought home. Even though it is not require and not recommended I would bestow my blessing on such a union. Beware though, for if you ever wrong my son, I will personally hunt you down. I have your file memorized and I can track you down like the dog you are." Jason almost crapped himself. "Since I have read your file I know you are smart and won't tempt me with such a hunt. Though it would be a fun one"

"So how detailed is that file sir?"

"I know you lost your virginity at the age of thirteen in your middle school bathroom. You have retained some friendships from your envoy days. You also like to sing the Francian National Anthem in your shower."

"That is pretty detailed sir."

"Please, call me dad."

"If you say so" he paused, "dad."

He returned unharmed from the wolf's den to the kitchen. Richie was there waiting for him with a hug. "See, I told you he would like you."

"About that hun, your father got me thinking and, well, you want to get hitched?" He was greeted with a blank stare of shock and slight anger. "Before you say anything he brought it up first. I had no intension of asking him for permission." He still got no response for the smaller younger wolf. "I get it. You don't want to talk about it now. I'll go see about getting us transportation back to the apartment." He started to walk off toward the exit.

"Jason wait" he said and the spotted dog obeyed looking back to the other. "I would love to." Jason's eyes lit up, he got a huge grin on his face, and even his tail started to wag. He rushed over and lifted the wolf off his feet and spun him around. Ritchie's mother started to sob. They stopped to look at her.

"My babies getting married" she said between sobs. The captain took her into his arms in a big embrace comforting his mate. She pushed away with a new wind of determination. "We are having the wedding here at the house and I'm not taking a no for an answer. All of our weddings have been here and this is blessed ground. That's how Michael would have wanted it, to come home to a wedding of his little brother!"

"Yes mother, I wouldn't have any other way either."

"Oh my Lord, I have wedding and funeral to prepare for! There is too much work to be done. All of you out of my kitchen!" She shooed them out the kitchen and into the family room.

"She's right, we do have a wedding to prepare for" said Ritchie who had become attached to Jason's left arm. They left together and walked all the way back to Jason's apartment in pre wedding bliss...


...Jason would call his friend Clyde who was not only a Federal Judge but also an ordained priest. Jason and Ritchie would be mated that week in front of all of Ritchie's family.

Ritchie would finish the semester and graduate with his Art degree. He decided that Jason's apartment was two small for a mated couple and they moved to one of the newer housing developments.

The war went very well for the Federation against the Lom and Jason would be approached to be the Royal Envoy to the Lom's surrender...

"Why me, I left the service."

"Because the King feels that an Archaia won't be able to enter negotiations with a level head. You being both an Anthropoid and one who has lived here on a Templar world outside of the war make you a perfect candidate."

"But I have a family now."

"Perfect! The Lom have a rigid social system based on honor and sexual prowess. Where is your lovely wife?"

"You're looking at her" chimed in Richie who was feeling ignored beside of Jason on the couch."

"Well, um, that isn't that big of problem. Homosexual relations are welcomed, you just can't get married on Lom. In fact its encouraged as faithfulness to your wife, but they would respect you more if you had a female partner and children, lots of children."

"Well" Jason started nervously rubbing his chin trying not to look at Richie "I do have a son."

"What, when were you planning on tell me?"

"Well it wasn't important because his mom was a total bitch and decided that I should sever all parental rights because I wanted to be an Envoy and she didn't want to be an Envoy's wife."

"Well that's dumb, he's still your son and if you truly love someone it shouldn't matter what they want their career to be." When Richie talked like that it was so hot to Jason. He just wanted the Envoy's to leave so he could run the wolf up and down the house.

"We'll look into that and have it added to dossier. By the way you won a lot of awards and are expected on the transport by an hour from now."

"Are you saying I have no choice in the matter?"

"Not really, you can read all the changes to the dossier on your way there. We are expecting the Grand Pumar of the Lom forces to surrender within the week and we want you there to give them the terms of the unconditional surrender."

"We'll I'm not going without Richie."

"We were suggesting he comes to validate your claim of prowess. We will need your son to validate your claim of virility though." Jason just sighed, here he goes again...

...And so Jason would go down in History as the First Federation Envoy to the Lom forces. He would on behalf of the King accept the unconditional surrender of all Lom forces from the Grand Pumar. He would open the way for later Envoys to begin the process of integration of the Lom into the Federation. He and Richie would live for several centuries in happiness and were buried together in the National Cemetery on the Capital.