The runner part two : Hospital then home.

Story by ComradeCommissar on SoFurry

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He awoke in a bright white room dazed with a strange wrapping around his left arm and going up to his shoulder, He tried to move it but it only made that discomforting feeling that he felt while he was laying on the ground back....were was he? It did not matter now, scared he wrapped his tail around his other arm and started to play with it with his paw very nervously. "Well well the runners awake" a unknown voice came from the corner of the room and once again the wolf who was chaseing him. "Were....were am I?" The young white tiger choked out trying not to sound scared. "The hospital. You were hit by a bus hunter your lucky tone alive." The young tiger got a confused look on his face "Who's hunter?" The wolf had a shocked look on his face " You are. Do youreally not remember your own name? What about me do you remember me?" He tried to think back but he could only remember the wolf chasing his through the cold streets and next to the river, he remembered the gun but he remeberd something he yelled " Ashton?" He sputtered out. The wolf breathed a sigh of relief " Yes hunter good." Ashton said trying not to cry as for a split second he thought Hunter had gotten his memory back. He looked up and saw hunters mouth starting to open worrying about what he was going to say " Who am I?" Ashton sighed " I told you, your hunter....hunter Blackstone born on September 9th 1993, your sixteen almost seventeen and some how you have amnesia." Hunter? That was his name? He thought about it for a few minutes " Hunter is my name? I guess if you say so since I really don't have a lot else to go on. But I have a question if you do t mind?" The wolfs ears perked up leaning in to make sure he heard it " What is this strange feeling called whenever I try to move my arm?" Ashton laughed " That's called pain. What about your head and chest you had a concussion and internal bleeding." He reached up feeling his neck and moving up to his muzzle and finally reaching a weird rough thing wrapped around his head " What's this?" Hunter questioned with a innocent kitten look on his face. Ashton laughed again " That's something they put on your head to stop you from bleeding put." Hunter did not know why but this wolf....which he was running from now made him feel safe. They carried on a conversation for another few minutes even getting in a few laughes every now and then. Then a strange ringing came out from some were in the room and he watched as Ashton pulled out, a strange box and held it up to his ear and start to talk to it. " What's that?" Hunter questioned now slightly moveing his tail about and watching it almost like he was going to attack it. " Its a cell phone hunter....listen" He said with a worried look on his face " I have to go to work so you have to be Alone for a little while" Hunter instantly stoped playing with his tail and shot a woried look toward the only person he knew. He felt those warm drops come out of his again " Don't cry I will be back I promise" " Cry?" Hunter questioned him. " Yea....what your doing those warm drops those are tears its what your doing right now." Crying is what its called? Hunter thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by Ashton " Bye hunter i'll be back in a few hours" he said as he left. Now the scared, young white tiger was now alone. He was still crying trying to stop but unable to stop. Just as he stared to calm down the nurse walked in, the nurse was a deer, female, and looked to be about 45. " Hows your chest feeling?" The deer questioned " Fine but my arm is in alot of pain" " Would you like some painkillers?" Hunter got a confused and asked " Painkillers?" the deer remembered this was the amnesia patient " It will help take some of the pain away" Hunter nodded in agreement and she handed him a small cup with some small blue thing in it. "What are these?" He asked politely " There painkillers hunny. Just put them in your mouth and drink some water." Hunter followed her instructions and sliped tthe pills in his mouth and drank from a small cup of water, after he did he got a puckerd look on his face as the deer started to laugh" They do have a pretty bad taste hun, just wait a little it will go away. Try and get some sleep hun your uncle will be back in a few hours." So he laid back and closed his eyes drifting off into a deep sleep. He woke up about three hours later and just the the nurse had said the pain was gone in his arm. " Hello?" He questioned trying and hopeing that someone was there, but there was no one just himself and his thoughts. ********Three months later******** "Finally I'm out of that stupid hospital." Hunter screamed out on joy as he left through the automatic slideing doors " Don't get to excited, the doctor said to keep you in bed and make sure you get plenty of rest." Ashton said Boleyn but inside he was happy he was finally taking his nephew home as they got they got into his squad car. As they drove home through all the slums of Detroit hunter could only wonder what had happened to his parents and why he lived with his uncle and asked " What happened to my parents?" Hunter questioned. Ashton sighed and said " They died when you were just a small kitten." Hunter did not understand "How did they die?" Hunter continued to question " They were shot hunter, in a drive by shooting. They were innocent bystanders. Your mom was shot three times and your dad five." Ashton said coldly. Hunter could tell Ashton was about to cry so he stoped questioning and just enjoyed the ride home....were ever home was that is. They pulled up to a small country houseand Ashton said " Ok were home. I left your room just as you left it before you went for your run." Hunter thought back to when he was running away from the wolf he was now living with. They entered the house and Ashton pointed to a dark room at the end of the hallway, he walked toward it and stared into the dark room. " How do I..." Hunter asked wondering how to make the light " Feel the wall and flip the switch on it" and sure enough he felt a switch and as soon as he filped it it lighted up the room and when he finally got a look at his room for the first time he was exstaic. He ran and jumped on his small bed looking around his room, there was a small work desk and a few posters on the wall. He could tell it was all going to be fine now but he was still unsure of one thing....when his uncle kept calling his nurse hot he was to busy stareing at his male doctor......what did that mean....what was his uncle going to think? Only time will tell.