A Fateful Summer - Ch. 1

Story by Zephyr Swiftpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of A Fateful Summer

Today's the day, it's finally here! I've been looking forward to this the entire school year, studying hard to get a good B grade average so my parents would let me go. But it was all worth it, because now I get to go take care of the little ones at camp, my first year as a senior volunteer. The last two summers I was the assistant of a cabin leader, but this year I get to do it all on my own. I'm a little nervous I'll admit, but I'm also so excited I can barely contain it.

I adore working with children, that's why I love camp so much. When I finish high school I'm probably going to go to school and become a teacher. I'm thinking around the middle grades of elementary, because the younger ones can be a little difficult and the older ones even more so. That's also why I'm so excited, because most of our campers this year will be 8-11 years old, my preferred age group. Something tells me this is going to be a very special summer, one I'll never forget.

I got in my car this morning to drive from my hometown of Auburn to Lake Alpine, having packed and gotten gas the night before. This is my first year driving myself there, since my mom wouldn't let me do it last summer due to sheer distance despite the fact that I'd flawlessly aced my driving tests. But I guess it's all for the best, she's always looking out for me, trying to keep "her little girl" safe. It's cute, but at 17 I'm hardly little anymore, I'm almost a fully grown vixen. I guess that's why the minimum age for being a cabin leader is 17, because we're nearly adults and responsible enough to handle our own groups. Didn't stop me from applying as a helper as soon as I was old enough though, which was convenient because by now I already know all the staff and other girls that have been doing this as long as I have, and have the experience to settle into my new roles as cabin leader quickly and easily.

Sometimes people wonder why I would go to Camp Alpine when it's so far away. Well, my parents sent me there as a pup, and I had so much fun I practically begged to go back next year. This little tradition of mine continued year after year, becoming an assistant volunteer at age 14 and working my way up to a cabin leader this year. I'll be given a group of 8 girls since the cabins are separated by gender, leading them in their day to day activities, some of which I get to choose myself. Sadly camp lasts for only a month, but after two weeks all the cabins go on one big group camping trip in the forest, with two cabins and a camp employee per site for extra safety.

I manage to stray myself from my cheerful thoughts and flip my blinker on, exiting off the freeway on my way to the camp entrance. I pull into the parking lot and park in the designated spot for cabin leaders, getting nearly first pick because I'm early. I wanted to get here as soon as I could so I could get my clothes and stuff set up before coming back to greet the campers as they arrive off the buses. For years parents drop their children off at a depot point and the buses bring them to the lake, making it easier for everyone. Volunteers and employees provide their own transportation, but I'm not complaining. It was good practice.

I pop open my trunk with my keys and grab my suitcase, carrying it as opposed to rolling, which doesn't do much good on the camp's dirt trails. You just end up getting dust all over the outside and occasionally on the inside as well, which does wonders for your clothes I'm sure. It's not the hottest it's ever been but it's still pretty warm as I look longingly at the cool waters of Lake Alpine. I wish I could just change into my bikini and go for a swim, but I've got things to do. I pull the instructions mailed to my house out of my pocket and skim over them again, designating me at cabin number 4. I fold the paper back up and pick up my suitcase again, stopping at the office to get my key before heading off for the lodging area.

It's hard to get lost here, the trails stomped into the ground by dozens of children over the decades the camp's been in business, but I know this place as good as my own backyard anyway so I decide to take the scenic route. I smile as I walk, my ears swiveling around on top of my head to catch the birds in song, breathing in the fresh air as my tail slowly wags in relaxation. I sigh happily and walk up to my cabin, unlocking the door and stepping inside. I look around, pleased to see the cabin spotless as usual, placing my suitcase on the cabin leader's bed and unpacking essentials like a picture of my family and my toiletries before zipping it back up and shoving it under my bed for later. Clothes won't be much of an issue since everyone changes in the bathrooms anyway, but I'll have to sleep in my underwear with a pair of shorts nearby in case I need to go pee in the middle of the night. I'd rather sleep naked like I do at home but there's no way that's going to happen here.

I walk outside and lock the cabin door before heading off to the drop-off zone to meet the campers, whistling contently and wearing my Camp Alpine t-shirt. Sure enough, the buses begin to pull up right on time as I walk back and forth, introducing myself to the campers and welcoming them to camp, making no effort to hide my smile. "Hi, my name is Heather. I'll be one of the cabin leaders this year, welcome to camp." Then smile and say hi back, filling my heart with joy.

After all the campers load off the buses they start their engines and drive away, not needed again until the end of the month. We round up the campers, including the special few that try to wander off every year, and organize them in a large group while the camp instructors call out the camper's names and assign them to cabins. I stand patiently, having done this before as an assistant, waiting for my group to be assigned to me.

"...are in cabin 4 with Heather Cypress. In cabin 7 with Ashley Wineheart we have..."

I feel my ears prick up. Did he say Ashley Wineheart? Do we have a new cabin leader this year? I stand on the tips of my shoes and look around to try and spot her. I notice a pair of slightly lowered feline ears, indicating nervousness. It must be her, as all the other leaders have been training for a year at least and know what they're doing by now. I lean forward ahead of the lines of campers to try and get a look at her, see if she's someone I might know. One of the boys sees me looking at him and steps back, giving me a clear view at her face. When I see it I feel my heart skip a beat.

I pull back into the line, feeling my face grow hot and my ears flatten, heart racing. I had locked eyes with her and she smiled at me, which sent a jolt of electricity through my body as I pulled back. I'd seen and checked out a lot of hot girls before, but this felt different. I felt nervous but at the same time I wanted to see more of her, that brief glimpse of her face burned into my head forever and dominating my thoughts. I snapped out of it when I felt someone tugging on my shirt, looking down to see a girl from my group trying to get my attention.

"Um, Miss Heather? Everyone else is going to their cabins..." I nod, sighing in relief and partial confusion. "Alright everyone, follow me and stick close so you don't get lost."

We arrive at cabin 4 and I unlock to door to let everyone inside, helping the girls find their beds and get settled in. I instruct them on how to put their suitcases under the bed and next to the ladder on the side for the girls in the upper bunks, telling them to keep their toiletries handy in case they need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

"Alright girls, the bathroom is over there, you can see it out the window. If you need to go to the bathroom at night wake me up and I'll escort you. I will be locking the door behind me when I leave so if you wake up and I'm not here, don't panic if you're locked in. It's a safety feature to prevent campers from going out alone. Everyone understand?"

"Yes Miss Heather."

"Okay, good. Now it's almost 5:00, who's hungry?"

Judging by the unanimous raising of hands you'd think the girls had been starved to death. I chuckled and did a quick head count before leading everyone outside and locking the door behind me. I then did a second head check mentally to make sure nobody had been left inside, and began to walk my group to the mess hall. As we walked I remembered my encounter with Ashley, and wondered if I might see her again during dinner. I felt something and looked behind me to see my tail wagging, a little to my surprise, turning back around and feeling myself blush a little in embarrassment, luckily not strong enough to be visible through my cheek fur.

We reached the mess hall and I lined the girls up, doing yet another head count since I can't keep my eyes on all of them at once. Once I confirm they're all there I... wait, where's Tina?

"Tina?" I call her name, then listen, my ears swiveling towards the bathroom and picking up a small child's voice.

"Miss Heather! Sorry, I had to use the bathroom..."

I sigh in relief and put my hand on Tina's shoulder when she gets to me. "That's fine, but tell me next time before you just take off like that, okay?"

She nods and I give her a quick scratch behind her wolf ears, making her smile. I redo my head count and sigh in relief when everyone comes up present. I line up my group and hold open the door as my cabin marches single file into the mess hall, stepping inside myself as the last girl walk in. The smell of fresh food hits my vulpine nose and makes my stomach growl, my ears flattening a little in embarrassment. Normally I make sure to eat lunch but I wanted to make it to camp early so I skipped it.

I gesture to my group with my hands to follow me and line them up again in the corner of the room, grabbing a tray and instructing each of them to do the same. I then lead them down the cafeteria, showing them how to pick out their food and get their drinks. Once the last girl picks up her milk carton I bring them over to their cabin table and set off for the cabin leader's table to join my fellow volunteers and camp instructors. At first glance I head in the direction of a group of leaders having a conversation and laughing. But as I look again I notice Ashley sitting by herself, and have to grip my tray to keep from dropping it as I feel my heart race again and my mouth begin to salivate, and not at the thought of food. In fact, I think I've lost my appetite.

"Is this seat taken?", I ask, using every ounce of my willpower to look and act calm.

She turns from her food and looks up at me, purring residually from eating. "Huh? Oh, no, go ahead. You're... Heather, right?"

My heart skips another beat and I swallow, hopefully not to noticeably. She knows my name! I sit down and turn to her, her feline eyes freezing my thoughts again as I draw a blank. After a second or two I'm able to force out a response. "Yeah..."

She smiles again and I feel my ears trying to lower, having to fight to keep them up. She reaches out and extends her hand to me. "I'm Ashley, Ashley Wineheart."

I look at her hand, forgetting what I'm supposed to do, remembering in a moment and shaking it. "I'm, uh, Heather Cypress."

"Well, nice to meet you Heather." "You too, Ashley."

Oddly enough touching her hand seems to have relieved my nerves a bit. I turn to my food and poke at my mashed potatoes with a spoon, standard camp fare, simple but delicious. "So, are you're new to camp? I haven't seen you around here before."

She takes a sip of her milk. "Yeah, my family just moved here from New Jersey. I like working with children so they suggested volunteering here to help remove some of the stress of living in a new city."

I blink. Did she just say she likes children? "Oh, which city do you live in now?"

She finishes eating a carrot and swallows. "We live in Auburn."

I almost want to feel my ears and make sure they're still working properly. Did she say she lived in Auburn? My Auburn? Does this mean I might see her after camp is over? What if she goes to my high school? Could we... no, I don't know yet. Probably not, knowing my luck.

I turn back to my food and start to eat, knowing I'll get hungry later if I don't. We spent the rest of dinner talking, about our families, how annoying brothers can be, about school, and about what we want to do for a job. Turns out she wants to work with children in a school too, but as a counselor instead of a teacher.

As time goes by and we notice our campers begin to finish their food we stand up and take our trays to the sink, instructing our groups to do the same. I can't help but admire the way she works with them, how good she is, how much patience she has. We say goodbye and that we'll make sure to talk again soon, hope the other sleeps well, stuff like that. I lead my group back to our cabin, utilizing the small but powerful flashlight assigned to me by the camp staff to use at night. We all gather up our clothes and head to the bathroom to brush our teeth and take showers.

Only about halfway there does it cross my mind. Showers! Oh no, if Ashley and I are taking a shower at the same time and I see her naked... My mind starts to fill with images of her standing under the water faucet, her fur soaking wet as she rubs soap over her breasts and thighs, rubbing her vagina and moaning while looking at me. One of the campers call my name and snap me out of my thoughts a few seconds before I run into a tree, the rest of the campers looking at me with confused looks on their faces, making me feel like an idiot. I blush and clear my throat, not even trying to think of an excuse.

We reach the bathroom fine after that, everyone taking off their clothes and showing after I give them verbal instructions and show them how the knobs work. I take out a bottle of body wash from home and begin to lather up, working the soap into my fur with my fingers and claws. I'm still thinking of Ashley in the back of my mind though, and it's not long before I start to get aroused and feel myself start to lubricate, not to mention my tail wagging and smacking against the wall. I'm separated by my group behind a wall but there's no way I can masturbate with them here. I feel like I'm going to explode with longing but I somehow manage to keep it under control, rinsing myself with water only and avoiding physical contact with my vagina and breasts. I finish rinsing and shut off the water, my ears flattened in annoyance at a sexual urge unsatisfied as I dry myself off with a towel.

After I start to dry off tell everyone from over the wall to finish up and dry off, then change into their pajamas so we can head back. I change into a pair of panties, shorts and a braless tank top before stepping out again, everyone dressed and ready to go. I lead them out of the bathroom and back to the cabin, helping everyone get to bed on their first night at camp before flipping the light switch and calling lights out. I walk back over to my bed in the darkness and lift up the covers before lying down, removing my shorts and putting them aside before rolling over and trying to get some sleep.

...only I can't go to sleep. I try, I toss and turn, but I can't go to sleep. I keep thinking about Ashley and I can't settle down. In fact, I'm getting only getting worse as time goes on. I'm still a little aroused from earlier, and it'd take care of these thoughts instantly if I did. But I'd get in so much trouble if I got caught, especially in a room like this surrounded by little girls. I decide against it and put it out of my mind, but apparently my mind likes the idea because it sticks around. I rub my thighs together in discomfort and whine quietly to myself, in desperate need of relief. I roll over onto my back and sigh, thinking I must be crazy for doing this yet wanting it so badly that I don't care.

I took a quick glace around the room, my ears flattened, to make sure nobody was awake. Sure enough, they were all asleep. I slip my hand into my panties and begin to tease myself mercilessly, dragging two fingers along either side on my slit without any direct stimulation. I slip my other hand in as well, dragging a fingertip slowly across my opening, having to bite my lip to keep from moaning. I rub my clit gently with my wet finger, squeezing my eyes shut from the sensations. I pull my other hand out of my panties and reach up under my tank top, fondling my breast and rubbing my thumb across the nipple.

I exhale quietly, my breath feeling hot as it comes out. I slip a finger inside myself and begin the move it in and out, determined to breathe out of my nose to try and stay quite. It doesn't last long after I add a second finger though, forcing myself to roll over onto my stomach and breathe into my pillow instead. I can't massage my breast anymore but the greater availability for clitoral stimulation more than makes up for it. I continue to slip my fingers in and out of myself, drenching my palm as fluid flows from within me, pulling my hand out from my tank top and moving it back down to rub my clit. I moan deeply into my pillow, thankful these kids are sound sleepers. I keep thinking of Ashley the entire time, imagining that she's doing this to me instead of myself, my tail wagging back and forth happily under the blankets. I feel the familiar tingling sensation approaching me, trying to time my orgasm just right to get the most out of it.

My efforts only take me so far though, and after a while I have no choice. I moan into my pillow, gasping as waves of pleasure rake my body, my vaginal muscles squeezing my fingers over and over as I collapse onto my bed, panting. I roll over, miraculously my fluids having coated my thighs, crotch, and hand but only a few drops actually making it onto the bed. I reach over and shakily put my shorts back on, favoring soiled shorts over being caught. I stare up at the ceiling, my chest heaving as I come down from my orgasm, my body warm. Ashley Wineheart, you are something else...