Shadows REturning: Chapter 4

Story by GladiatorW07f on SoFurry

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Benjamin was frightened by my story and said, "S-s-s-so what do we have to do to s-s-stop-p-p this th-thing?"

"I have to kill him, and in doing so finally eradicate the regrets of my past," I replied.

Chapter 4: The wake.

"Kill it, you could not even keep it in you," said Tyler with a rather irritated voice. "And besides, how the hell do you expect us to do anything about the aggressive part of you, when we can't even best you in simple competitions? Does it even have a name?"

To this I replied, "I called it Nivek, and because he feeds on the darkness in people's hearts. He left me and in doing so left his primary power source. He will slowly diminish unless he finds a host. By the way, he can not inhabit just anyone. He would need someone who has great pain in them. From there, he could possess them."

Just then a scream shot out from down the hall. It was one of the staff members, and it seemed as though they saw a ghost. Benjamin was the first one to reach the nurse, only to find that she was pale and withered. Her vitals were weak, but it seemed as though she was scared to within an inch of death. Few words escaped the nurse's lips, but the ones spoken were akin to having seen the dragon.

A short way down the hall in a supply closet, one of the doctors was retrieving some syringes when Nivek appeared to him. "I sense much darkness in you. Many wrongs done to not only you, but also to your loved ones. The murder of your father, the kidnapping of your brother. All wrongs that I can help you 'right'."

"Who the HELL are you?!" exclaimed the doctor to an empty room.

To which, Nivek replied, "I am someone who offers you power beyond your wildest dreams. I can give you that which you need to end your suffering. I offer you my power." At this time, Nivek chose to reveal his appearance to the doctor, who began to cower and step back. However, the door shut behind him.

"What do you want with me? Why would you give me this power, and what if I don't want revenge?"

"I simply need your body to do one thing for me first. You will also find that you do want revenge. Let me open the shadows locked away in your heart." With this statement, the doctor fell to the ground and accepted the deal that Nivek had presented.

"This feels so...amazing. I could become accustomed to this power." As the docot felt the power of nivek make every aspect of his being 'better.' The doctor had become fully drunk with the power that Nivek had given him. The doctor drove his mind so deep into the power that Nivek gained total control of his body.

"Now, with that weakling suppressed I can do what I want." Storming down the hall in the new body. Arriving at my room, Nivek spoke with the doctor's voice saying, "Hi, there I am here to review your charts really fast, and then to administer the sedative so that you can rest up. Okay?"

I responded, "No! I was given an oral sedative not even 15 minutes ago by Dr. Clarence from Anesthesiology. Besides, NIVEK, I can see the fires in this poor mans eyes. What did you do to him?"

"So you saw through my rouse. Very good. I have merely suppressed him, and you would be surprised how easily I can corrupt people's mind with power." Just then Tyler lunged for Nivek, but was halted midair. "Now did you really think that would work."

"YES HE DID!" bellowed Benjamin as he grappled Nivek. "Tyler was a distraction, and from what I recall, you can't keep this body for very long." Ben held the body that Nivek had processed in a sleeper hold, until unconscious overtook it. Over the course of the next few minutes, the body of the doctor squired and thrashed about as the doctor tried to regain control of his body.

As Nivek vacated the doctor's body, he said, "I will get your arm. Your simple shenanigans will not stop me next time." And with that Nivek fled the area.

As they stood there watching the events unfold, I took the time to explain to them exactly how the possession worked. They grew to understand that the more a person wants revenge the faster Nivek will gain control of their body, and that once in control, Nivek has until the person starts to fight back because at that point his hold on their heart beaks and he must flee or be devoured by that person.