Ice World - Crystal Memory

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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Ice World - Crystal Memory ©2011 by thwale

Writers Note: Though the sh...

Ice World - Crystal Memory ©2011 by thwale

Writers Note: Though the short story "Ice World" posted August 13, 2011, was meant to be a complete "short story", I was asked if I could write more by a member of sofurry. I promised to give it a go and this is it. The events in this story take place a few million years before the events in the original "Ice World." In my first story the original concept of the people deciding to go back into the water was as in-depth as I had wished to go.

This story was written in a couple of days so have mercy on me. -thwale

This then is the story of that decision, the consequences of which continue to this day and into the future.

Ice World - Crystal Memory

_A star in a nearby Galaxy goes supernova, the energy wave from this star heads towards the planet Cheltin...

Civilization on Cheltin is about the level of 20th century earth, the planet is rich and fertile. The people of Cheltin did not know war or poverty, slavery or murder. The seven deadly sins did not exist. The number thinkers (you would call them scientists) see the energy wave approaching. They understand enough about this wave to know it will cause massive global change, a new ice age. Most of the population will likely die, they must save as many as possible.

The least amount of damage will occur to the oceans of the planet, however there is no technology to support the population under the sea.

A council of thinkers decide to use the forbidden Life Magic (DNA alteration) and alter certain genetic traits in the population. These traits will allow the people who survive to live in this new world of ice.

A group of planet worshipers decides that reverting to a more primitive form and living in the water will better protect them. They call this process of transformation "reversalism."

The planet worshippers are made up of those possessed of strong psi abilities. With these talents they can talk to and listen to the planet, stars or universe. They understand the nature of the wave heading towards their planet and began the process of reverting to a form that can live in the water. As the wave approaches, both sides promote their solution to the populace.

The planet worshippers say they can enhance the psi ability of those on land but these people must agree to reversalism and live in this form under the waves. The number counters promote their Life Magic and say with this, those that survive can live on the surface of the planet. But there is a drawback, the survivors will become more primitive so that their survival instincts can come to the fore and help them.

The people chose sides, unfortunately for most they chose Life Magic to stay on the surface over Reversalism to live under the oceans.

The wave struck the planet, the weather changed, the sky darkened. Debris from the planet were thrown into the atmosphere and the planets axis, altered. Floods and upheavals killed millions , more on land then sea. Those that survived this global disaster began to build a new civilization._

This new ice age of Cheltin, the Ice World had begun.

Our story starts about 20 cycles ( 27.4 Earth Years ) after the wave hit.

Hello, my name is Dokoto, I live in the water, I chose reversalism and I am one of the lucky ones. There was much death when the world changed, we were witness to this, for those like me with special mind abilities felt the deaths of all those millions who perished. Many of my kin went mad and vanished into the deep oceans, others like me incorporated it into our beings and became extremely empathic.

Over time we have noticed that we can hear each other without words. This group mind was not foreseen but is not terrible either. We are learning to use it to our advantage. The people who chose Life Magic did revert. They understand fire but not math, living in a community and growing food, but not what lies over the next hill. Clothing themselves and building shelters but not healing wounds or medicines more advanced then the use of a few surviving herbs. The land bipeds have forgotten our civilization, I don't think they mind.

It seems we who chose the water are now the only ones who remember civilization before the wave. We understand this memory will fade over time and we do not think we will miss it either. There was also one other major change in entering the sea, we now have both male and female reproductive organs. The planet worshippers, those that survived anyway, have no explanation for this and so we just accept it.

I have yet to find another for the act of reproduction, this makes me stand out. When the children are born they look just like their parents. Their minds do not join the group until they are about 2 cycles old. Oh, if you do not know, a cycle is the time it takes for the planet to go from day to night 500 times, if you do then my apologies. As far as we know our lifespans are no greater then those on land, as not enough time has passed for anyone to go from birth to death since the wave hit.

The landscape has become all of snow and ice, with the waters frozen over. If not for our molten core Cheltin would be a solid ball. The oceans currents have changed and some undersea volcanoes have caused tunnels with currents of heat. Like tubes between bodies of water allowing us travel where we wish. We are able to breath both underwater and on land. Planet worshippers saw that we may need to interact with the bipeds from time to time and made sure we could do this with our voices as bipeds had no mind powers.

Since the wave, we have been hit by many pieces of material from space. The impacts have decimated whole continents, but this is to be expected as the wave was very destructive. Yet our people survive, even now I can feel an impact on the other side of the planet as it occurs.

A few of my kin swam by, I nodded at them and sent a mindgreeting, one of them turned to the other and it swam away. This one headed towards me and stopped about two fins in front of me. Shi looked like me, perhaps a shade darker and three meters in length with a silverish Grey skin. Hir arms and hands blended perfectly with hir body which belonged to that of most ocean mammals. Hir eyes were a bright blue with hints of brown and these shi used to communicate as loud as any voice.

The familiar tingle of mindtalk was initiated. "Greetings yourself Dokoto, my name is Rifotis and I know that you have not yet mated" with a swish of hir tail fin.

"Salutations Rifotis, this is correct, I am still as such. Are you offering me a coupling?"

"This was my intention Dokoto, the others have been avoiding you for this reason."

"That is why I have been alone so often?"

"Correct, the others do not consider you fully a member of our society until you have taken this final requirement of your new form."

"I had wondered why, even mind talk gave no hint of this."

"As it would not. You are a prime example of our species and should have joined your organic material to your kin by now."

"I regret not having done so, there have been many reasons for this."

"Oh yes, the recording crystals, did I not notice you using it before I arrived?"

"Correct, I wished to record what I could before it was forgotten."

"You know that those crystals are useless, by the time we would need them we will have forgotten how to use them."

"This I understand, before I chose reversalism I was a scholar at University Siet, it is in my nature to record events."

I suddenly noticed I had left the crystals activated, recording our conversation visually and audibly.

"I see that your scholarly pursuits consume your concentration" shi nodded towards the crystals.

"True, but the crystals are important and should not interfere" I placed them in my cave and proceeded... The mating ritual had begun.

I swam up to hir and brushed my belly against her tailfin, shi turned around and returned the favor though slower so that hir body was against my genital slit longer. This stimulated me causing my penis to exit its protective pouch and my vaginal orifice to undulate. I quickly returned the favor and was rewarded with hir maleness fully erect.

We were both secreting pheromones that triggered ovulation (yes we give birth to live young). Our minds suddenly joined so that we would feel each others pleasure, this echoing effect caused both of us great stimulation, further promoting the creation of eggs within.

We moved close together and I pressed my tailfin against hirs. I could feel hir organ enter me as I entered hir and we quickly hilted. Swimming belly to belly we proceeded to thrust against each other, a pleasant pressure building. We stopped for a moment and using our arms pulled each other close as the combined energy of our coupling finally erupted.

With shaking and trembling I released my semen into hir womb while shi did the same to me. The water began to fog with our combined fluids. I could feel hir filling me as I know shi was experiencing the same. Our minds were lost in the act as all that could be felt was intense pleasure and the release and acceptance of sperm.

Thus completed with our minds still joined we separated and rested. This act was repeated several times until our bodies confirmed that our eggs were fertilized and the pheromone secretions ceased. These secretions quickly dissolved into the water around us leaving a pleasant tingle and a full feeling in our lower bodies.

"I Thank you Rifotis, I hope this will allow more contact with my kin."

"Yes Dokoto it will, you are now fully a member of our society."

We nodded to each other and the mind contact was broken, there was only the background murmur of hundreds of voices that we all lived with daily, these were easily ignored as I swam back to my cave and crystals.

Concentrating and looking at them again I continued.

"I have just coupled and am now fully joined to my kin, this should make it easier to finish this record."

"From time to time the bipeds would come by to visit with us, they would ask us questions about simple things and we would assist."

"Building a cart meant learning the wheel and they found this concept hard to comprehend but we eventually communicated this and they learned the process."

"There are many things they do not know, but hopefully the life magic will one day disappear, allowing them to have their intelligence back, if not then so be it as we cannot effect a change."

"This has been life since the great wave. My hope is that sometime in the distant future someone will find these crystals and figure out how to use them. We had a mighty civilization before the wave and I hope others that I can't even imagine to exist will hear this and remember us."

"But I don't hold much hope for this as the races we have been able to listen to mentally are to primitive to even understand they exist."

"If you are hearing this then you have figured out how to activate the crystals and my recordings were not wasted. I compliment you. Please let others know of our civilization and that we were once greater then we are."

"Good bye whoever you are, you have made this scholar very happy."


The Neanderthal reached over and picked up this curious stone again, but was more careful this time. It had originally made noises and projected images frightening this gentle creature and causing it to drop the crystal. The sounds and images had been in its head and only one word remained "Cheltin." The stone was now quiet, it sparkled in the light of a planet that was not its birthplace, she placed it in her animal skin pouch as it looked as if it might be useful.

She ambled back to her family mumbling the word "cheltin", by the time she arrived she was pronouncing it "cheldon." Upon hearing this the leader of her clan pronounced it "eedon" having a slight problem with sound since his teeth had been damaged in a fall from a cliff during a hunt. But his strength still made him leader.

The crystal, her clan and her species have now vanished into the past.

The universe is a very unforgiving place, make your mark in it and hope that someone, anyone in the future will remember you. They may not fully understand, but in the long run that does not really matter.

The End ©2011 by thwale