The Big Bear's Morning Routine

Story by azulobo on SoFurry

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A follow up to "Big Ben" and "Dumped at the Dogpark." In this chapter, Big Ben gets ready in the morning before taking his little wolf to work. Macro, scat, w/s.

Big Ben allowed me to clean up from our kinky first session in his bathroom sink. After re-drying my fur, which still seemed damp with the stench of Big Ben's raunchy shit, the giant bear picked me up and took me back into his bedroom. On his nightstand was a small terrarium of sorts, like something a child might keep a captured lizard in. My bear master had placed a folded hand towel into the bottom, forming a bed of sorts, as well as two small paper cups, one containing water and the other what looked like eggs. "Well, little wolf, welcome to your new home. I've got some left over eggs from dinner you can eat. I bet you're starving--there's no telling how long you were laying there in the dogpark."

He dropped me in. Once again, my giant bear master had proven to be more caring than I had anticipated. The water and food was devoured in a blink, and I drifted off to sleep on the towel as Big Ben closed the lid on my little plastic carrier and shut off his light. Finally....sleep.

I should have known I would have nightmares. I felt like I was in the giant bear's ass again, with its hot, slimy walls pressing down relentlessly on all sides. I was suffocating....before I awoke with a start. It was just barely dawn. I drifted back into an uneasy sleep for a few hours, before Big Ben's alarm clark began to blare and I was wrenched back to consciousness.

"Fuck!" Ben awoke with a snort and aimlessly pawed at the top of his alarm clock. He finally found the off button. "Ugh." He sat up, and rolled out of bed. The light came on.

"Well, little wolf, time to wake up. How'd you sleep? Well?" I nodded. "Nice. Well, today's a big day for you, first time at work with me. But I've got a couple of hours before I have to be on-site. So, I've got some other plans know, I'm always ready to lay down a big, steaming dump the morning after I've had some pizza and beer. It's feeling like it's going to be one of those mornings. Of course, since you're my little toilet wolf, you'll have to experience it as well, so it's time for you to get acquainted with swimming in the toilet. Think of it as a little morning exercise before work."

Now, I was fully awake. _No! _I shook my head desperately, my eyes bugging out. "Come on, little wolf. Like I said, you had better just get used to it. I'm not gonna flush you or anything, but I might leave you to stew for a bit." Big Ben guffawed and flashed his disarmingly goofy smile. He opened the top of my plastic prison and plucked me out.

He strode into the bathroom and hit the light on his way in. Clutched in his massive paw, I watched him move towards the toilet and open the lid. "Little wolf, the water might be a bit cold. But cold swims in the morning are great--and I have to piss first, so that'll warm up the water pretty quickly." I squeaked as he opened the hand around me and turned it sideways. I slid off, falling a good twenty or thirty feet into cold water. The toilet was relatively clean....I looked up and Big Ben loomed above. He was holding his beautiful, gargantuan bear dick and clearly began to aim. "Here it comes, little wolf." Ben let loose, and I was pushed under the water by a firehose of warm, pungent bear piss. The sound of the piss hitting toilet water filled the porcelain bowl with a thundering echo; finally, the noise subsided as his stream of urine began to dwindle.

Then, he farted, a massive, loud, flapping fart. I was momentarily so glad his ass wasn't yet on the seat above me; had he farted _that _into the bowl, I might have suffocated to death. "Well, little wolf, there's definitely something waiting to come out. Smells like it's going to be a bit ripe, judging by the farts I've had this morning." Big Ben turned around, and bent down to sit. The light streaming into the bowl was blotted out by my master's ass cheeks as he sat on the seat.

A hissing sound echoed about the porcelain chamber, followed by a crackling. It was still dimly lit in the toilet, and I could see the firm, slimy, brown log descend from Big Ben's hot asshole. This was a moderate sized log, maybe six inches long, and just thick enough that I could have gotten my hands around it if I were to hug it. Soon, the big bear began to shit out a much runnier mix of sludge, which rained down on me in chunks. One plop of dung managed to hit me square on the head; it rolled of with a squelching sound, but not before it had caked much of my upper half with soft bear shit. I inhaled deeply, and realized that I was starting to be turned on by the deep, spicy smell of Big Ben's refuse; sheepishly, I became aware of my raging boner.

But that was all Big Ben's enormously powerful and effective digestive tract had to offer for now. The bear stood up without wiping, and turned around to admire his handiwork. I was again covered. "Well, your bottom half isn't that bad, but you must have gotten hit by one of my turds. Looks like you took it in the face! Sorry about that. Whoa, little wolf, looks like you've got a boner--are my turds turning you on yet? Maybe you're getting broken in faster than I thought you'd be." He reached in with a sheet of toilet paper and retrieved me from his mess. He wiped the upper half of my body, roughly removing almost half of the wet mud from my chest and back.

"It's shower time now. I'm going to lather you up in soap and use you to scrub my fur--you'll get nice and clean in the process too. And I'll be mindful of your little wolf erection. Maybe some friction will get you off." He turned on the shower and stepped in, grabbing a bottle of body wash with his free hand. He opened the cap and dropped a dollop onto me. I reached up and began to remove the excess shit on my body. "Actually, little wolf, there's not much sense in you cleaning up yet, because I didn't wipe after I took that dump. I was hoping you'd wipe for me--or be my wipe, to be more precise."

I was dizzy as his hand carried me too quickly to his exposed asshole, as the big bear bent over and spread his cheeks. He drew me across the sweaty crack, before my face was shoved into his quivering, grasping hole; brown gunk spread all across my face and body as shit smeared onto me. He pulled me back up to his face, and gave me another dousing of body wash. "Now you can get clean...thanks for that, I feel like I'm much cleaner now, too."

I washed for a minute, before Big Ben began rubbing me on his body, as warm water tricked down his fur and made his chest slick and slippery. My hard cock brushed against an exposed nipple, once, twice, and then three times, and I began humping. "Oh, little wolf, you like that stimulation then? Ok--it's making my nipples feel great, so keep at it." His nipple had grown rock hard--as hard as my little wolf penis, which was dripping pre-cum now. I humped and humped, feeling my balls tense and my dick pulse as a huge glob of cum sprang from my cock. Big Ben laughed. "That was a big load, even I could see you shoot at your tiny size!"

He continued to scrub his fur with me, and I was quickly disoriented and dizzy from all the movement across his body. I was vaguely aware of his pitts as I was soapily dragged through the hair, and I was well aware of his massive bear schlong that I spent a good three minutes jumbled with, as Big Ben massaged his cock and balls while I tumbled around in his hands. Finally, the shower wrapped up, and he turned off the water.

We toweled off; I waited on his bathroom countertop as Ben finished drying himself and walked momentarily into his bedroom. He returned wearing a jock strap which only just accommodated his fat dick and huge balls.

"Well, little wolf, as promised. I'm putting you in a jock today. I'll take you out periodically, I'm sure it's going to be a hot and sweaty sauna today. It's a hot one, and I'm working at an outdoor site today. Time to get dressed." Big Ben picked me up by the scruff of fur on my neck, and dropped me into his pubic fur. The jock shell closed above me, and the light became very dim...