Mari Blackpaw's Background Story (basic)

Story by Mari Blackpaw on SoFurry

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The night had been long, and cold. The full moon rose and cut through the dark sky as it began to snow. Winter was kicking in harder and sooner this year than what the townsfolk had intended. Mari looked up to the sky and shivered a bit before she pushed past the two wooden double doors into the tavern. She would treat herself to a hot meal and some ale as she had delivered marten furs to the local shop in trade for 30 gold pieces. It wasnt the best price, but it was still rather good.

It was a late night sitting at the local Briss Tavern. Looking around, Mari would see the normal idiots rough housing in the corner, and others talking business at the back tables. Mari had been sitting in the tavern for quite some time, picking idly at her food. A plate of her honey pickled peaches, and a side of warm apple cider with a hint of liquor to it. It burned the back of her throat, but oh how she loved to feel that warming burn. Laying down a gold coin to pay for her meal, Mari stood and headed out the two double doors. The air sent a chill through her body as she headed down the path out of the town.

Something didn't quite feel right, and Mari was grabbed. She tried to scream but her mouth was covered by something, her vision dark. She was shrouded in darkness, and it made her scared. But her fighting instincts kicked in as she tried to escape. It didn't much work. her hands had been tied behind her back as her chest was forced to the ground. She withered under the heavy weight, snow filling her nose and mouth as her head was shoved to the ground.

Her body was lifted, rendered practically useless when the veil over her eyes was removed as the assailant carefully pushed her backwards over the cliff edge. Mari staggered backwards before she lost her footing, still trying to gain control of the situation. Her body turned, as she reached up towards the person who threw her over the edge. She tried to scream but her lungs were sucked of the air, her body trembling. A random light around her flickered and brightened, warming around her like fire. She closed her eyes, and hit the ground with a thud. Her back spasmed, her body trembled more, and her lungs filled with a sudden intake of air. She coughed, quickly turning from her back to her belly, trying to catch her breath. Mari coughed more before she fell limp to the ground and passed out. Slipping unconscious.

Mari had fallen on the beach along the Oregon coastline. She had just so happened to fall through into another dimension, roughly around midnight. The sand she landed on gave way under her weight. She lay there, face flat with labored breath. Upon her landing, though rather smooth for what it was worth, cracked a couple ribs. Mari's body wasnt in the best condition due to the fight she put up as she fell through the time portal.

For four weeks, Mari was tended to by two female wolfess woman. They had found her broken body on the beach in early sunrise. They wrapped her ribs, bandaged her broken and fractured arm and leg.They even trickled broth down her throat made of both meat and vegetables so she didn't waist away from malnourishment. It wasn't until a day past the moment she arrived in such a fashion that Mari woke, and the first thing she saw was the greying frame of the of one of the wolf woman.

Mari lurched herself backwards, reaching for her weapon but fell to the floor collapsing. She was still injured. It took her another week to be convinced that she was not in her own world. She would never be home again. She had to be shown that her gold was worth money still, but not like the worlds paper dollars and coins. Mari was in a whole new world, with all new people.....((Kind of a bad ending I know but I suck at writing.))