The Dragons Eggs

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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The Dragons Eggs, By thwale

(It co...

The Dragons Eggs, By thwale

It could use some polish I know but I lost the original and had to work from memory.Ed.

**_Look at Dragons Mystical and Free living high in the mountains above the Sea.

See the Castle on the Hill a King and Queen living there on their thrones of Gold and Jewels right beneath the Dragons Lair

One day the He dragon said "Whats all this noise? all those creatures down below look like dragons toys."

His mate replied "you should see, go down below and i'll watch thee, check the creatures that make noise and see if their really dragons toys."

So down he flew from his lair Checking out the noise, little did he know when he arrived there would be no toys.

Down the Dragon swooped suddenly and fast, scaring all the cattle rustling the grass.

The King called to his men "defend the realm!" then the Dragon swung around, starting on his second look, never heard the arrows fly, could not have known the chance he took.

The arrows struck, there was a scream, the Dragon plummeted towards the sea as if in a crazy dream!

His mate was surprised to see his body fall, wondered what was going on what to make of it all.

Then she heard the creatures shout, waving objects all about, happy that they killed the beast and ready to hold a victory feast.

Then she cried at tragedy knowing that her mate was dead, she cried tears like a stream and bowed down her shaking head.

Then she checked her eggs, lovingly with care, knowing that she was the last and checking that they were still there.

A fortnight later she felt a scratch, then moved to watch as her three eggs hatched, then she looked with happiness at her crying kids, noticing their beauty under their closed eyelids.

Visions of her mate were stirred as she saw them move around, then snuggled them close and whispered motherly, warming them upon ground.

Soon they grew big and strong, she told them to listen then follow her along, she told them of her mate, of the creatures below, describing their father and his death, warning them not to go.

Then they flew into the sunset, leaving man behind, never to be seen again ere the end of time._**

from memory©1982-2011 thwale

Original lost©1982 thwale