The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" - Part 1

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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#6 of The Tent & The Change "Earth"

The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" Part 1 By thwale

We start ...

The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" Part 1 By thwale

We start keeping time from when we wake up after being hit with the metallic gas lightning bolt, all time before then is 00:00:00:00:00 00 Years 00 Months 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds.

_--- 0 Months 0 days 0 Hours 0 Minutes 0 Seconds( 00:00:00:00:00:00 PM ) _

I was at a Renaissance fair with a person who I considered a very close friend. The fair was located in a forest type setting, tall evergreens and scraggly bushes on the ground, lots of leaves and pine needles were scattered everywhere. It was perhaps late spring or early summer since the ground was moist but not overly wet or muddy, there was moss not yet dried on the trees and few pebbles and stones on the ground.

I was walking with my friend enjoying the sights and was pointing out a particular item of interest when something like liquid metal or metallic gas shaped like a classical lightning bolt struck both of us, it originated from a dark colored tent at the fair. In a flash of bright light I lost consciousness and the last thought I had was that the same thing must have happened to her.

---13 Hours 45 Minutes 34 Seconds( 00:00:01:01:45:34 PM )

The first thing I recall as I became conscious was standing up and getting off the ground, I reached down to dust myself off, and had to strain to reach my legs, perhaps I was hurt, I didn't think anything of it nor of the fact that my hip fur itched so I gave it a good scratch. You would think the fact I had fur would have been immediately obvious, however still being a bit unbalanced and dazed from the event I didn't think anything of it, that is until I turned to look at my friend and noticed that we both had fur, FUR???

Infact not only did I have fur but I no longer had a human shape, now I was really confused and a bit fascinated as well since this new form felt perfectly normal, I also wore no clothes, again perfectly normal...

First thing I noticed was my feet, resembling a Kangaroos but a bit larger and more splayed with large retractable claws, there was hair on the tops and sides and the pads had black rough skin, like on the bottom of a Wolfs paw, no fur between them though. I was about 1.86 meters tall and looked to weigh about 95 kilograms, my ankles were large and muscular as were my legs and thighs, infact my lower half was very large and furry, there was a hint of humanity in their shape in the fact they didn't bend at odd angles or backwards, infact due to their shape I was in a continual crouching position, or resting on my haunches again similar to a Kangaroo.

I could see my lower abdomen and noticed it was more muscular then before still covered in fur, I now realized my fur was light brown with lighter and darker patches here and there, on my chest and groin it was light grey, at this point I noticed I had no penis, curious, still examining myself I held up my arms and noticed they also looked very Kangaroo like, however, they were more muscular and seemed more human in appearance, still shorter then I was used to, long fingers with an opposable thumb and re tractable nails that looked very sharp.

At this point I turned to look at my friend and saw him, him? wasn't she supposed to be a her? but the thought was replaced by wonder as I saw him examining _him_self, he seemed as surprised as I was. As I watched him I was able to see aspects of my new form that I was unaware of upon my initial examination of myself, he was however smaller and lighter then me, perhaps 1.81 meters tall and looked to weigh about 81 kilograms.

The face and eyes were both human and animal a cross between a Deer, Kangaroo and a human, all the individual aspects worked together, that is to say they blended well and did not look like they were thrown together haphazardly, all my senses were heightened and astoundingly vivid and so by simple reasoning must his be. If I crossed my eyes I could just see the tip of my muzzle, and when I stuck out my tongue it was purplish and long, very interesting.

The form of a Kangaroo is as close as I can come to defining how we looked, it was still recognizeable as my friend and had more facial animation then a Kangaroo ever had, the ears were long and moved independently of each other, were a light grey inside and had dark fur on the tips.

His coloring was similar to mine, but his body was a bit more muscular, as to size he seemed a bit smaller then me. There was a thick tail that was being used to help balance him and when I thought about it I could feel my own tail, powerful, and shifting its weight to keep me balanced, perhaps prehensile? As to the groin area, it was covered in light grey hair like mine, the genitals were not visible on him either, I knew however that he was a male, I don't exactly know how I knew but some part of my new form informed me, perhaps it was pheromones...

I noticed he was looking at me in the same way and seeing what I was seeing. Then he loped or sort of slow hopped over to me using his tail like a balance at this point I said "what just happened?"

"I don't know, but its strange" he replied.

The fact that we were able to think and speak at all told me I was no animal but a different kind of intelligent life, a new species perhaps... Suddenly we both saw a police car coming towards us, my friend started to run or rather move away quickly but was unable to move that fast, I myself tried to run away but found my legs did not work well for running, I guess using this form well will take some practice.

As the police car pulled up I told the officer to relax, I kept telling him we were human, but he either didn't hear me or understand because he grabbed a gun, at this point I apologized to him then lifted up the car from the driver side and turned it over on its roof, I did it slowly so as not to hurt the officer, then I slow walked/hopped? away from there trailing my friend.

Soon we were about 4.5 kilometers from the forest, we could see it in the distance, so we must have traveled fairly well, we came to some low hills that had several caves and decided to take a rest in one of them. I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom and told my friend I would be right back, he simply nodded breathing hard and then continued to examine himself, that was the last thing I noticed as I left the cave.

I walked around the hill that the cave was in making sure to look and see if anyone was coming, no one, only the sound of the wind and a few birds were noticeable, it was late in the afternoon with the sun low on the horizon, as I crouched down to relieve myself I noticed that between the hills and the forest was a flat plane with tall dry grass.

Another shock was soon to come, as I reached down to take hold of my penis as I would do if I was a human male, there was nothing to hold onto. I was surprised to say the least and forgot for the moment about relieving myself, I then thought back to when I first examined myself, seeing no penis at that time, I think I figured it was in its sheath or hidden in the fur so not visible.

This however was not the case as I was to find out, as I bent low to feel myself I noticed I had what felt like breasts just at the spot where a navel should be "no navel?" I said to myself, then felt myself further down and what at first I thought was a sheath, having never had a vagina I had no reference as to how it felt to have one, I had felt them on women when I was human but that's different. As I touched and examined it to see what it was shaped like I noticed I was not getting hard but getting wet, then it hit me like a physical blow, it was no sheath it was a vagina, not only had I changed form but also my sex!!! ...So needless to say relieving myself and examining myself became both interesting and educational.

When I was finished I slow hopped back to the cave and found my friend still examining himself he looked up as I entered the cave and I noticed he had an erection which quickly disappeared back into his sheath as I entered the cave.

---1 Day 17 Hours 25 Minutes 55 Seconds( 00:00:01:05:25:55 PM )

"You will not believe what I just discovered"...

"Try me, I think I could believe almost anything right now" he replied.

"I am now a female of whatever species we have become."

This took him aback for a moment "are you serious?"

"yes, yes I am..." I said in a hushed and slightly embarrassed voice.

Then he sniffed and said "I didn't notice before but now that you mention it I can tell your female, but I don't know why."

We just looked at each other silently, he knew I had seen his erection. He then said he needed to relieve himself, so left the cave, when he returned his first words were "So what do we do now?"

"We should find some shelter and discover what we are supposed to eat, as to what happened, that will have to wait, as to what to eat I have an idea..."

"Come over here and let me look at your teeth, usually the type of teeth something has tells you what their diet consists of."

As he came close and I started to examine his teeth I noticed his smell, then we both forget about teeth. Before the change we didn't really think about how we smelled other then clean or dirty, humans smell like humans and usually just accept it, there is however a lot of information conveyed in smell for both humans and animals, and I guess after we answered the call of nature so to speak we now smelled different, and our new brains assimilated the smells on a primal level, without conscious thought.

What followed was outside my experience beyond pleasure and what little thought there was was disjointed and strange, most definitely not human. After it ended we were both to exhausted to register anything accept the need for sleep... shortly after that thought we were both thinking nothing.

---2 Days 8 Hours 21 Minute 47 Seconds ( 00:00:02:08:21:47 AM )

The next time I awoke he was still there next to me, we were both still whatever we had become... no dream was this, this was real, we also appeared to sleep standing up. Then came the awkward moment... the proverbial morning after... we both felt confused and uncomfortable which quickly faded but did not go away, always at the backs of our mind.

We both headed outside to relieve ourselves, we didn't even try to find privacy we just sat side by side and did what needed to be done. I thought about what had happened and found I was not ashamed by what had happened, our new bodies had control and we were just along for the ride, I told myself not entirely certain.

He was the first to speak.

"Are you OK?"

"Yes I am, that was quite an experience... what little I can remember anyway and the few memories I have are to alien to me."

"Yes... at least we know one thing... whatever we are has two sexes and you have breasts that means we breast feed our young like mammals."

"What should we do now?"

We got up when we were finished and headed back to the cave... I was still talking as we entered...

"We should go back to our original plan, and try to find shelter and food."

"But now that I think I have mated with you won't you become pregnant?"

Heh the tables had been turned we had had plenty of sex as humans me as the male and her as the female as it should be (need to change that thought for now). This however was very different and I was not certain how to respond yet a response was needed.

"I guess really have no idea... it was this new form that precipitated the act though so you should not feel guilty and anyway its not like we had a lot of choice is it?"

I was trying to convince him as well as myself.

"True, but I still feel a bit uncomfortable, what are we going to do with a child?"

"Well these bodies allowed us to mate so they should let us take care of any offspring that occur, its good however that we were such good friends before this happened, perhaps deep down we both wanted this..." Yeah wanted it (I thought remembering a talk we had had a year ago) but as humans with her as the mother and me the father... how we do kid ourselves that we have any control over our destinies and decisions. I had made the statement more to calm him then comfort myself it would take more then this to comfort me.

"Yes perhaps... it had been so intense I had had no control

"Control?... control should not be an issue, like I said our new bodies had control, did you not enjoy it?"

"Of course I did, that makes no difference, I just wish..."

" had had control."


"Well rest assured it was out of our hands, err paws? infact it probably would not have been as intense or pleasurable if you had been controlling it or we had not been so intimate before the change."

"Perhaps... still..."

"Lets get back to business..." I wanted to stop thinking about it it was to alien to what I knew and I was more comfortable with deciding how we were going to survive at this point...

"Our teeth look like human teeth, therefore It's correct to assume that we are omnivores."

"Can we eat uncooked food?"

"This I don't know yet, we should start with the premise that we can't, that means we will need to cook our food, we can however safely experiment." ******************************************************************** "A simple one would be to look for wild foods such as, wild onions, or tubers. our teeth are not designed like a herbivore nor a carnivore, they are an omnivores teeth, like a humans. Suddenly a thought occurred "Now when did I start thinking of ourselves as other then human?" perhaps when I mated it removed the last human type notion of who we were, we are now comfortable enough with who we are to stop thinking like former humans, but like the beings we now are.

"We certainly cannot stay here" I said "almost certainly the authorities are going to be looking for us, and this is just to close to where we were last seen to be safe."

"Maybe we should leave right now?" he volunteered.

"Well if i'm going to have a child we will need some sort of long term shelter we cannot travel well or fast with a baby."

"Speaking of which I found it very hard to run, I don't think these bodies are designed for running, perhaps fast hopping like a Kangaroo."

"Sounds plausible to me, perhaps we should spend some time getting used to our new bodies, I did pick up a police car without straining so we must be very strong."

"Lets practice as we move, I do want to be out of here and away as soon as possible."

"Ok before we go we have to remove signs of us being here, since we have used a spot behind the hill as a bathroom we need to bury the evidence and cover our tracks, as to the mess here in the cave from our mating we can only hope it dissipates quickly, since it will smell like an animal to a human there is very little we need to do."

We then left the cave and began to dig a deep hole, I found a stick and used it to remove our waste and place it in the hole, then we buried it and ran a dead bush over the surface to remove signs of our work. We than began to walk towards the setting Sun making sure not to leave tracks that could be easily followed.

"Now they will probably use dogs so we need to find a stream or river or lake so that we can remove our scent from the trail."

"Agreed, lets use our new senses to find one."

A good idea that, so we began sniffing in different directions as we moved, it was getting dark and we still had not found any water, it was interesting to note however that we weren't thirsty, nor terribly hungry, but that could change at any time.

We found that our eyes adjusted to the dark nicely and therefor did not need to stop for want of light, we then began to practice moving, I started with a short hop, finding I went faster but it didn't feel comfortable either, so I guess just hopping was not correct for fast movement. We have the muscles to move quickly, however it seems our new forms do not want to do it unconsciously, so its something we will need to figure out by trial and error or so I thought.

As dawn broke we suddenly smelled water, and whether we were unconsciously thirsty or not I don't think we will ever know, we started moving very fast and not even paying attention to how we did it, until I looked down and discovered in a big and messy way how we moved so fast. I knew it was a bad idea the minute I did it however, I tripped and went crashing to the ground and ended all sprawled out on my belly.

My mate... err... friend stopped and turned around quickly and came running towards me, I watched him come and saw how he was running I then knew how we were able to run. Basically we had to step forward with one foot and hop at the same time landing on the opposite foot, then repeating the process from foot to foot, leaning forward, the tail acts like a balance and rudder to keep our bodies from becoming unbalanced, not the prettiest form of running but certainly the best suited to our new bodies physical abilities and attributes.

When I looked back I noticed we had covered several kilometers, we must have been moving very fast indeed.

"Are you injured?"

He sounded really worried and concerned...

"No i'm fine, I guess we know how to run now, no? hehe."

"Uh yeah, you did notice the direction of the water smell before you wiped out didn't you? I got distracted when I turned around to come to your aid."

"Yes I did, if we continue straight on we will find the source of the smell, however, did you not also smell domestic animals?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think they were important, was I wrong?"

"Um... let me put it this way... where there are domestic animals there are usually humans, and we don't want to be spotted just yet."

"Your right, I will have to pay more attention to these new senses, they will take some getting used to."

"That's ok i'm the one who tripped over my own two paws... uh, feet."

"You did at that" he said smirking, so I threw a small rock at him playfully and offered my paw... um... hand, for him to help me up.

Now that we knew how to run, we could run at will, instead however we moved slowly so as not to attract attention to ourselves, we eventually reached a small cliff, we had been traveling most of the night and I figure we must have gone about 8 kilometers., the Sun was now rising behind us so we kept low to the ground, we didn't want to be seen against the brightening sky. We saw a small lake, around the lake was perhaps twenty or so medium sized shanty houses, behind each house was a small yard with a garden and a few small farm animals, there were a couple of large corrals and each had several horses, directly below us were some grazing cattle and sheep...

A round building seemed to dominate the small island in the middle of the lake and several boats both coming and going from it meant it had some sort of importance, some with people fishing were fishing others just sailing, the village looked like something out of an 1880s photograph. About 1 kilometer to our left was a fresh water spring that emerged from the cliff, it was fenced off to prevent the animals getting to it, it fed a small stream that ran directly into the lake, I turned my ears without thinking, but only heard the animals and a few barely audible voices from the people.

"What should we do now?" he suddenly asked.

"Perhaps we should move slowly and get a lay of the land then of course we will need to introduce ourselves to the locals and hope we don't get shot or worse."

"Why do we need the humans help?"

"We may have been human once, but no more, we are now the aliens on a planet filled with humans, and we will need their help to survive."

"But why should they want to help us?"

"I can only hope that they will, from the way they are living its a safe bet they don't use technology and therefore will not know we are wanted by anyone, we will however have to tell them the truth."

"And if they say no and try to attack us?"

"Well since they are so isolated the chances of them contacting anyone else is slim and if they do it will have to be by horse and we will be far away by the time anyone arrives..."

"We are not weak either, and although I would feel bad i'm certain we could take care of anyone who wanted to do us harm..."

"So when should we head down there and introduce ourselves?"

"We should wait until tomorrow, I know the longer we stay here the more likely that we will be discovered, but we need to see what they do so we can know who to introduce ourselves to."

"Ok I saw a small gully a few meters back lets stay there tonight."

"Good idea, we can spend the rest of the day observing the humans."

We were so absorbed in our task that forgot to watch the sky and it seemd to suddenly get dark.

"Let's go, I think we have enough information to make a safe introduction."

We headed back to the gully we he had seen and hunkered down between the bushes to sleep.

-To be continued in Part 2-
