Monster I Have Become: Prologue 2

Story by Soul Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Monster I Have Become

Please, no hating, hate comments, or hating this story so much you decide to nuke your computer. I am fine with polite corrections if you find something grammatically wrong. If this story and/or characters is familiar to you, please tell me so and I will try and figure out why and what to do. One more thing: I cannot seem to find good chapter names, so I am open to suggestions. Other than that, ENJOY!!!!

Monster I Have Become

Prologue Part 2

**Ryun (and other characters if I say so) will be talking to themselves with ('') and Rukan will be talking with (*)**

'Man I really need to go see someone about this hearing voices thing' *Kid, believe me, you are fine.* 'There it is again! It is at the very back of my head and just faint enough for me to hear! I will just keep on walking home.'

When I got there I went through the hole leading inside the den. I walk in to find my mom just sort of lying around lazily. When she saw me though, her face lit up like the night sky just starting to shine with stars. "RYUN!" She yelled at me. "W-Wait! MOM!!" She had gotten up and was running towards me. "UMPH!" I grunted really hard when my mother bowled me over. She clung to my fur so I was forced to roll with her. She was happily rocking me back and forth in her paws while she was on her back.

"Mom! Let me go! I said this morning that I was not a baby anymore, remember?" I said to her while pushing at her paws to get out of the vice grip she had on me. (Hey I am just an eevee, ok?!) She let me go while saying frantically "Oh I am SO sorry my little baby! Are you ok? Here sit down and let me clean you." I just groaned and moved away. "I think I will go take a bath in the river, mom. Oh, I won't be back until tomorrow. You know? The evolving thing. Gotta go train and/or find something." I said to her while making a beeline for the exit. "You just won't give your mother any hint will you?" She asked me in annoyance. "Nope!" I said happily as I walked through the tunnel and out into the sunlight.

As I exited the tunnel I made an immediate right and went to the other side of the tree and started heading to the river that was close by. *So what are you going to evolve into, Ryun?* I faintly heard. So faintly, in fact, that I even doubted if I heard it. 'Whatever, I must be hearing things again. Maybe some cold water will help me.' I said to myself as I approached the river.

The river empty's out in a big lake a little bit deeper in the forest. Nobody knows where it comes from. Everyone is too scared to leave the safety of the forest. Where my home is along the river is where there is a waterfall. I have basically lived half my life in the water here. I step behind the waterfall. There a bunch of rocks at the bottom. If I was here for the first time I would have fallen by now. But practice has made me accustomed to the slippery rocks. So I just stood under the waterfall and let the water wash away any dirt I had and my worries. When I stand here, I just feel like I am the only one in the world. A world where what I want to happen happens.

Before I could think any longer on the subject, I found myself in the water past the waterfall. I awoke from my day dream and began swimming for the shore while sputtering water out of my mouth and nose. I felt the soft dirt under my feet as I slowly dragged my soaking and shivering body out of the river. 'There is no way I could have slipped. Someone pushed me!' Not long after I thought this did I turn around towards the waterfall to see something white, and black in some places, come around from behind the waterfall.

I started bounding forward to ask this weird Pokémon what the HELL he thinks he is doing! Then I noticed how big he was and stopped in my tracks. He was HUGE. My mother is about 2/3's his size! But even knowing this, I continued to walk towards him to find out what his problem was.

"Hey! Why did you push me into the river? I have not even seen you around here before!" I angrily asked this crazy 'mon.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." He said in a deep and calm voice.

Even though that voice scared me, I stood my ground and asked another question. "Does it still seem like a good idea?" At this he started laughing uncontrollably. "H-Hey! Why are you laughing?!" At this the crazy 'mon started to laugh even harder.

After a couple minutes of laughing, he finally calmed down enough to talk. "Still seems like a good idea." He said with a slight laugh. "Well it is not a good idea! That was nowhere near nice. I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" I kept yelling, and surprisingly, my voice kept rising.

"Hey, kid calm down. I was just having a little fun. Oh, by the way, try not day dreaming in the open. You leave yourself vulnerable. Just be glad I got to you before something else did." At this he turned around and made to walk away. "H-Hey! Wait! I don't even know your name!" At this he stopped and turned around to look at me before saying something so low I could barely make it out. "Absol." Then he jumped up to the top of the waterfall and walked away. "Weird guy. But maybe I will see him some other time." I said to myself. Then I decided to take a nap for now. So I walked over to the waterfall and went behind it again to get inside the cave behind it.

'For being behind a waterfall, this place sure is warm.' I thought. Then I curled up into a ball and fell asleep. My last thought being 'I sure hope my friends won't leave me.'


**Like how I am keeping you guys in the dark about what he is going to choose for evolving? If you have been paying close enough attention, you will notice that I have set down enough clues for you to figure out what it is. If you know, I ADVISE you NOT to put it in the comments, but I won't force you not to. This is when he will evolve, so NO MORE WAITING!! Actually, I don't really know if I can fit it in right now. Oh I will find out soon enough, but don't complain if I don't put it in now. Oh yeah, if anyone wants a back story to Absol, say so in the comments. I am waiting for at least 10-15 'say-so's' before I will write it. **

I awoke feeling reinvigorated and the "creepy-voice-inside-head" was completely gone. Or I think so anyway. I walked out the cave to see it was night above. I saw all the stars twinkling in the night sky. I was guessing it was about halfway through the night because the moon was halfway through the sky. 'Okay, time to go.'

I walked out from behind the waterfall and stepped to the other side of the river, the side that did not have my home on it. I just kept on walking calmly. I never bothered to look around. I could hear everything in the dead silence that surrounded me. There was that, and I did not want to alert my stalker that I had noticed him or her. I noticed when I had walked out from behind the waterfall and taken a drink in the river. The smallest sound of a paw step came from behind me. But I decided to have some fun with whoever it was.

And that is why I just walked on calmly through the forest. Normally, I would be looking around, trying to see everything at once. But I had to feign that I had somewhere to go. Which, because of my stalker, I actually did have somewhere to go. I was heading out of the forest. I was trying to see how bold my friend was to keep tracking me. As I stepped out from the safety of the trees, I heard the paw steps for a few seconds longer before they stopped.

I put a little distance between me and the trees and then I turned around, immediately noticing a pair of eyes that closed shut before I could see them, or so the owner of those eyes thought. I spoke out to the owner of those eyes. "So why have you been following me?" There were a few seconds of dead silence before I saw the bushes straight in front of me shake and part to reveal..."ABSOL!!??" The white Pokémon nodded his head. "Yes, it is me. Congratulations, kid. There are few who can detect me unless I want them knowing I am there of course." He said to me. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Why were you following me?" I asked him, completely pissed off that he would try to follow me at this time. "I simply wanted to know more about you, my brown furball." He said back to me with a calm and collected tone. But he snickered at the end. "Hey! I am NOT a furball!" I yelled back at him. 'If I have to, I will fight him to prove I am not some helpless little cub.' "Calm down. So, I understand that you are supposed to evolve tonight? Have you made up your mind?" He calmly asked me and at the same time lying down and getting comfortable.

"Well, if you must know, I am going to become a-" I started to say when all of the sudden I heard a growl come from the forest. "Well, well, well. Boys, it looks like we found him." I heard a very deep and hoarse voice say. "And if isn't my lovely little dumbasses!" Absol said while turning around. "Stay behind me kid." He whispered to me right before three Mightyenas came from out of the trees. "You will NOT be escaping us this time, Blades." The center one said. "Well, I have plans, so I think you all should leave unless you don't want to go home. AT ALL." Absol, or 'Blades', said to the Mightyenas. 'I do NOT like this.' I thought to myself. I was right behind Blades. "I don't think so, Blades. You have caused me and my boys too much trouble." The middle one, apparently the leader, spoke again. "Now if you just hold still, I will make sure this hurts as MUCH as possible." All three launched forward and tried to use Crunch on Blades. He jumped up to avoid the attack. Unbeknownst to Blades, I was right behind him and was now the new target for the attack.

I yelled out and used scratch while turning my head away. However, since the Mightyenas had aimed for a taller target, they ended up sailing over me. But when I used scratch, I raked the underbellies of all three. Sure they weren't very deep, but they were pretty long.

All three landed awkwardly and splayed out. But when they got up and turned around, I knew I was in BIG trouble. 'I sure wish I hadn't used scratch!' They all looked at me with the biggest amount of hatred possible. "You two get Blades, I will handle the runt." The leader said with the most disgust I have ever heard.

"Uh oh! H-Hey, I d-didn't m-mean to h-hurt y-you Mr. S-Sir." I said in a small voice and stuttering as much as possible, not on purpose of course. The Mightyena just started laughing. 'Why does everyone laugh at me when I talk to them? Wrong place, wrong time?' But this wasn't a joyful laugh like Blades'; his was a weird creeper laugh. It had that low tone that went to high and then he just stopped and looked at me.

"Runt, I am about to make you wish you had never lived." He said slowly. Then he jumped at me. He made to pin me under his paws, but I ran forward and went underneath his belly. While I ran under his belly, I made another swipe directly over the first one I made, which ended up making three crosses on his belly.

"ARRRRRGH!!" He yelled out at me. I am pretty sure that my scratch did nothing but get him angrier. When I passed from under him he kicked out with his back legs attempting to hit me, but forgetting that I was an eevee, not another Pokémon that was the same size as him. So I jumped up and did an AMAZING (I think it was pretty amazing, anyway) back flip and landed on the Mightyena's back. I started scratching as much as I could on his back. He roared and bucked, trying to throw me off. But I held on, I wasn't going to let go anytime soon. Unfortunately, he did what I was hoping he wouldn't. He jumped up into the air and flipped around so that when he came down, I hit the ground and was also pinned under his weight.

He laid there for a second, probably trying to catch his breath, before getting up. I was barely conscious. My head was swimming and I saw this white light shining everywhere. I tried to look at the Mightyena with my limited vision and just saw him standing there with the dumbest look on his face that I have ever seen. I couldn't but give out a small laugh, than I fell over and gave into the white light.