It Tis' in Flight!

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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The underbelly was Maroon Fire---

The Overscales Magenta---

The mane from tip to snout was Ultra-Violet---

The claws a Marbled, Tan.

The Ox and the Ass both feared it's flight----

By dark of day or Bright of night---

It's Amber eyes with pupils not---

Both glowed with malice and Single thought.

Extended wings Like Bats so large---

With tail of length to fit the sight---

Razored teeth of Mother of Pearl---

The tips of which glowed a bluish light!

" To Arms! To Arms! It tis' in flight! "---

The claxons roared with Torches alight!---

This Darkest of Day's!---

This Brightest of Nights!

©2009 thwale