Horse gets claimed (pt 2) - getting clean

Story by Schiron on SoFurry

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#1 of Horse gets claimed

(Contains M/M, Anthropomorphic characters, hyper cum scene, shower scene, and some other things :P )

The shower began to drip water as the pressure built up in its pipe bowls, slow gurgling to low to hear with ears of any type, emitting as the pressure rose further more. A torrent of coughs and sputters escaped the nozzle of the shower as water spewed forth out of the many holes, hot water splattering the wall across from it as it began to fill the musky bathroom with steam. The steam intermingled with the musky smell as though it was making it more potent, like euphoria for anyone who dared to enter it and suffer an instant boner in their pants. A deep luxurious male voice spoke up over the water pelting the wall, it was a dreamy type of bass voice that would send shivers over your spine and make you go hazy with erotic images. "Let's get cleaned off you animal." It was inviting upon the ears of the wolf that stood in front of him with his paws resting upon the counter behind himself, the wolf stood stark naked (except for his fur) as he lifted himself up and walked up to the pure black stallion that towered him in size. His voice moderate for anyone his size, slightly deep and definitely manly on the average scale of vocals for people 6ft tall (give or take an inch) his figure lean and toned enough for muscle to show through his fur coat. His legs the most defined as each sported a nice chiseled look to the calf, his torso muscled enough for a six pack to show a bit, and his chest had small pecs that were slightly toned. His arms defined showing he lifted weights regularly to the point of a good workout, his tail hung down to his ankles when not wagging or excited or lifted up. (For very rare occasions)

The wolf simply stood there as he gazed up at the 8 foot horse, the steam already abstracting his view making it hard to focus. Placing a paw on the chiseled abs that rested right in front of his muzzle, the wolf rubbed up between the forceful pecs then back down further until the stallion's powerful endowment rested between his middle and ring fingers. "I don't think both of us will fit into that shower stud." Grinning wide the wolf rubbed the tip of the sheath in his paw. "Especially if your friend here decides to grow between us." Wagging his tail as he purposely began to make the horse groan with pleasure from his constant rubbing of the sheath, the head already pushed out as it began to grow longer and thicker with every passing second. Already halfway up the horses chiseled abs and still growing the wolf began to lap at every inch with his canine tongue, the new treatment making the horse grow faster until it stopped at his chiseled chest cavity. With pre already gathering on the swollen gland of the head, a slow glob found its way down the throbbing shaft and onto the wolf's nose making him smile as he lapped that off the shaft but left it on his nose. Looking back up at the stallion as the pre stretched between his cold wet nose and the meaty two and a half foot pole that throbbed with every beat of the strong equine heart. "See what I mean stud... no room even for a tiny wolf like myself." His voice meek in comparison to the deep base voice of the stallion that stood raging hard and wanting more attention as the equine spoke. "We'll fit wolfie, we will fit."

It was like the Stallion knew something the wolf didn't, the dominating voice echoed like a god through the bathroom making even the steam quake (if it was possible) with fear. Reaching out and gripping the furry shoulder of the wolf, the stallion moved him towards the shower from where the steam rolled and billowed over the top of the door. Looking back at the stallion with more of a gleeful expression than worry, the wolf opened the shower door letting all the pent up steam gush forth pass his legs as the stallion pressed his throbbing meat pole onto his tiny back and head. "Before we go in... what is your name wolfie?" This question rung in the wolf's ears as he realized they never said, even during their yiff session thirty minutes ago on the floor as the horse got claimed, they never said anything remotely towards that. "Well my name is... is..." Trailing off as the stallion pressed his meat pole against the wolf's cheek making him murr deeply as a gob of pre stuck there as it stretched between them. "Just call me Hemingway stud." The equine looked down at him (mostly covered by the throbbing meat pole between them) as he raised a brow to the name. "Well then if that is your name wolfie, then mine is Jack... Jack Thorton." His voice boomed again in that romantic and soothing bass voice, but what was most dreamy of it was when he said his name in it. Hemingway felt like he melted the moment he heard the name in that deep voice, reaching back and giving some more attention to the throbbing pole Hemingway spoke up with his ears twitching. "Well Jack... how are we going to do this?" But before even a second passed he got the answer, Jack pushed him into the shower stall forcing him chest first against the wall. Letting a whimper out in the moment as he realized he wasn't just pressed against it, but stuck between the wall and the throbbing meat pole against his spine. His tail thrashing about as the pleasure filled moments ago left his mind and his heart started to pump faster in fright from his predicament, but soon after he felt the throbbing meat pole remove itself off his back letting him turn around. Looking up at the horse with slight tears in his eyes and his ears flat against his head Hemingway looked up at the equine as he spoke with a shaky voice. "I told you we wouldn't fit in here together." But that was short lived as the door closed and they both stood together inches apart as the hot water (partially cooled from running) sprayed the wall to their side as it pelted them with the rebounding splashes.

"Told you we would fit." Jack's deep voice soothing the fright that Hemingway had moments ago, his hooves clacking against the shower floor as he moved closer to the shower head. "You can have that side, that way you will be able to wash off better." A slight grin crossed Jack's face as he finished his sentence, Heming way caught it though and without question he knew what was implied. So walking over to the spot the water hit, he stood there getting drenched as his dark brown fur matted down and glistened in the dim light over the door. Jack reached up and turned the shower head away effortlessly, his sights off Hemingway for only seconds until he groaned and bucked his hips forward instinctively before looking down and around his erect pole between his legs. With a wagging tail that threw water everywhere, and a muzzle buried in the fleshy sac that held the potato sized orbs, Hemingway began to lick and nibble tugging gently on the short fur that coated them. Louder groans escaped Jacks throat as gobs of pre jettisoned out of the tip of his pole landing on, and covering Hemingway's back and head in thick coats. The new coat of pre that covered his back and head only nagged him on as he began to fit one potato orb into his maw and massaged the other with his paws, his tongue lathering the sac in his muzzle the best it could as he sucked profusely. Gob after gob either jettisoned out of the tip coating Hemingway more and more, or it leaked out and down the meaty pole, slowly over the sheath and down onto Jacks orbs where it began to cover Hemingway's muzzle.

Gripping his two and a half foot pole in his own two hands, Jack began to rub up and down its full length, soon realizing it wasn't working well he lowered one hand down to the bottom half as the other worked the top half. More pre left his member as it help lubricate his efforts to achieve climax, his potato sized orbs getting full attention from the greedy wolf covered in pre. Another groan followed shortly by a gasping spasm through his groin sent Jack forward over Hemingway as he clenched his eyes shut from the pleasure, or was it pain. Either way it was beyond comparison in words alone, his eyes held shut as he continued to feel the long canine tongue that belonged Hemingway coating his orbs in more saliva than water.

Hemingway heard the groans followed by a gasp as Jack lurched forward towering over him more than usual, letting the orb (he switched to the other by now) out of his maw as he began to lick between both the orbs with his long tongue. Following it up to the sheath that scrunched at the base of the meaty pole, he realized that his own member miniscule in size to the equine, was throbbing with every heart beat. Pressing below his naval, throbbing constantly, and letting (far less amounts) of pre out of the tip in its own haste, no its aching need to reach climax soon. Letting a slight moan out in realizing this he continued his exploration with his tongue up the salty, sweet, intoxicating pole he wanted so badly to erupt letting what seemed like gallons from before to either coat or fill his muzzle and body. He wasn't paying attention to how big his orbs felt between his legs as they churned the juices inside slowly, he was only paying attention to how big and tasty Jack's throbbing pole felt against his tongue. Paw after paw of the equine orbs that rested at the base, let him feel how full Jack was, it was a surprise neither of them exploded again by now. But that thought slipped away as Jack let a bellowing nicker out as what seemed pints of pre coating the wall and the backside of Hemingway instantly shot forth out of his meaty pole, feeling, seeing, and smelling the hot musky pre all at the same time drove Hemingway to the edge as he felt his own member release copious amounts of pre in return.

The painful or pleasure filling Jacks groin kept at it as the tongue of the greedy wolf began to lick and taste up pass the median ring on his pole. Letting a nicker that rivaled the howl Hemingway let forth only two hours ago, feeling his orbs churn with what felt like gallons of cum that lay in wait inside his bobbing sacs. Feeling a gush push itself up his shaft from the inside slowly reaching the tip of his pole, opening his eyes finally in time to watch the tip flare open and shoot more pre than usual onto the wall, himself, and Hemingway. His voice covered in agony from the delayed climax shook as he spoke aloud. "Gonna come any... moment!" His voice leaving as he gasped as another gush of pre jettisoned forth from his ever throbbing pole hitting him in the lips seeping into his nose and mouth.

Hemingway licking and swallowing the pre that either splashed back onto his tongue from the wall, or the copious amounts that managed to cling to the pole and make its way down to his muzzle. The taste never got old as he finally reached the flared tip of the pole, resting and throbbing against Jacks chest (further up since bent over) between his chiseled pecs coated in pre. Licking around the head of the pole, his tongue teasing the urethra as it passed over multiple times gathering up more pre into his mouth. It was pure bliss for him to taste, swallow, and get covered in so much pre that he felt tingly all over, like it was a form of erotic stimulant trying to push his whole body over the edge into a mind blowing climax. Another copious amount of pre gushed out and into his maw; bloating his cheeks out in seconds as it spilled forth from his lips, down his neck and coating his chest and abs in one go. The pre barley making it to his groin as he felt its warm texture all over, swallowing as much as he could before he leaked any more out. The thick, flared tip of the pole pushing his head against Jacks pecs and wracked body as he tried fitting more into the his tiny muzzle, getting about three inches in he began to feel his jaw strain as he thought to himself with the tiny rational part left. "He wasn't this big before... was he?" The thought fleeted away just as it came to him, but even if the thought stayed around it would have been washed away shortly after.

Jack heaved deep breaths in as he felt his swollen orbs tighten against his pelvis, looking down at Hemingway as he felt the gush push into the tiny wolf's muzzle, fearing he might hurt him. The thought of releasing a climax into that gorgeous muzzle, watching it fill with gallons of cum as it pushed its way into his gut making that swell out further with each shot of horse cum, this thought threw him over. He always had a thing for that type of cum fetish, picturing it at that moment pushed him over the edge further than he thought possible. Letting a deep moan out, as his whole body began to quake in pleasure his heavy swollen orbs tightened more and more against his groin, the release was beyond imagining, beyond words as he let his senses wash over with rapture of pure euphoria. He moaned again as he felt it, his eye's clenching shut again as gallons of equine cum slowly stretching his canal as it pushed out into the tight muzzle of the wolf around the flared pole.

Hemingway felt Jack shudder, it was a good sign he was close to releasing all that spunk held in the swollen onyx sacs between his legs. Paws rubbing the underside of the shaft as the meaty pole twitched then jerk as it happened, a slow bulge pushing its way up the shaft from the swollen orbs at its base. Hemingway couldn't help but push his paws against the looming bulge that moved up it, blocking its way only for a short second before the pressure pushed his paws away, letting a deep joyful murr out as he prepared himself. What happened next surprised him further, the first blast filled his muzzle, pushed down his throat, and spilled forth covering his whole front side in thick, creamy, white equine fluids in a matter of seconds. The hot cum pushing his muzzle off the tip, his head forced to the wall as the first blast ended, coughing as he swallowed the remainder of thick cum down his painfully stretched gullet his paws coated in the same thick cream wiping his eyes free of the fluids. Without thinking he opened his eyes only to see another blast of cum shot forth from the meaty pole, the musky smell overwhelming his senses as it plowed into this face and back into his maw, covered from head to toe in thick creamy equine cum in a matter of seconds. Letting a yelp out as he was pressed against the wall, his body getting thrashed by gallons of Jack's jizz, forcing himself to turn as the torrent subsided he placed his paws on the wall under Jacks hands. It was a short lived relaxation for he was doused more with what seemed a bigger amount than before over his backside, his tail getting coated also as it wagged franticly with joy throwing giant gobs of cum everywhere.

Jack was thrown into a mind ripping orgasm as gallon upon gallon upon gallon filled the shower; he had never jetted so much before. It was taking its toll on his senses as his mind went blank as another wave shot forth from his pole, his mind blanking as he began to talk into the air in pure ecstatic bliss. "OH... fucks yeah! " It was more of a ramble from his wracked senses than it was logically stated, his mind bending at the seams as another wave of cum jetted out onto the poor wolf below him.

It seemed forever before his climax ended or even subsided enough for rational thought to form from his over spent mind. With each shot of thick equine juices it felt like every load after felt bigger and more potent than the last, he couldn't tell which since he was too busy being wracked throughout his whole body by every gallon that shot. Hemingway on the other hand was coated in more layers of thick white jizz than his own fur, it covered every inch of his being so much so his fur didn't even show through it. (That's a lot since he is dark brown almost black furred wolf) If you didn't know better from afar you might think he was naturally white furred, until you got closer and smelled the strong equine musk that covered him along with the copious amounts of spunk.

Jack exhaled a deep shaky breath as he slowly opened his eyes to the wall, his own muzzle covered in copious amounts of his own equine juices. His hands and arms also covered in the same juices, slowly removing them from their spots he saw gob upon gob of thick horse jizz stretch thick ropes before dropping to the gallons of cum clogging the drain. He didn't notice Hemingway at all when he looked down at the collection of cream lapping at his knees with water, he turned around and shut off the shower as he looked down at his endowment sliding back into its thick onyx sheath as gobs of unreleased cum slipped out before it was encased. "That was odd." His deep voice composed now as he spoke, his mind still forgetting Hemingway as he sighed, gripping his orbs in one hand he tried to figure out how this happened. "Perhaps I was over stimulated?" Although a good question it still couldn't explain this amount he just gave out, his orbs weighed the same, they even held the same size as before, although empty of gallons somehow he felt ready for another release if that was even possible. "Hemingway... did you like the taste?" His deep bass voice trailed off as he felt an alarm go off in his mind, the whole time he was cumming he never once opened his eyes to see how the wolf was doing. Turning around he quickly trudged through the cum at his knees, getting to the wall he shoved his hands into the still warm liquid searching for the tiny wolf. Feeling something he gripped it and hefted it up and out of the thick white cream that seemed to lower a few quarts as he did, it was Hemingway he held in his hands by the sides.

Coughing made a few bubbles form and pop from his nose as he slowly raised his head, his eye's coated shut in layers of thick equine juices as he let a big smile cross his face as the jizz stretched between his lips, his voice scratchy from the extension that his throat took earlier. "Took you ...long enough." His voice singed with sarcasm as that giant smile beamed at Jack as though nothing had happened. Jack slowly lowered him down into the draining equine juices, the warm liquid lapped at Hemingway's orbs as it sloshed around from Jacks movement's seconds ago. The wolf stood on his own, the giant smile not leaving his face as his tail began to wag as giant gobs lashed out and strung thick strings to the walls, the musky smell of horse juices overwhelming the whole room. "Did I hurt you Hemingway?" Jacks voice still a deep bass although it was full of worry and compassion for the wolf he nearly drowned, his deep forest green eye's shimmering in the dim light with slight tears as he wiped the jizz from his tiny mate's eyes. Feeling this Hemingway gripped Jacks arm as he began to nuzzle the strong manly hands connected to them and the one he had fallen in love with only hours ago. "You could never hurt me Jack." Hemingway looked into those deep forest green eyes as he leaned up onto his toes and planted a very sloppy kiss upon his new lover's lips. Jack taken aback by the sudden kiss went wide eyed at first then he slowly accepted it in what he thought the best way, his hands slowly gripping at the wolf's cheeks as they slid down to his shoulders then down his arms, the massive amount of equine juices collecting with the rest as Jack pushed it off. Hemingway broke from the kiss as equine juices attached between their lips, he was still looking Jack in the eyes, his voice soft as he spoke. "Jack... I love you." His paws sliding up and down Jacks chiseled chest and abs as he confessed this, he didn't know how the stallion would react to such a confession, he didn't even know if Jack was that way.

Jack felt his heart skip in his chest, it was a very warm sensation as Hemingway spoke those words to him, and a smile crept at his lips. He never once had a guy say those words to him before, he never once had anyone covered in his cum either, but all he knew was his feeling told him the same thing. "I love you also Hemingway." His deep voice soothing especially with those words in the wolf's ears, it was a moment that both shared together, nothing else mattered except those words and how they grew more and more from then on.

Needless to say Jack seemed to get random moments when he gushed gallons of his equine juices all over the place. Hemingway no matter where always seemed to need another shower immediately afterwards. Although these moments came (a lot) around randomly, they both stayed together because Jack liked being claimed by his dominant six foot tall wolf, and Hemingway found it arousing to get his eight foot stud of a stallion to gush gallons. (Especially in the shower)

Months later...

Hemingway sat on the brand new couch they got, it was pure leather, and the smell of it was exotic to the senses. His tail thrummed against the cushions to the right as he flipped channels on their expensive new flat screen, a surround sound plugged into it so that even when it was low on volume it blared like they maxed it out. Life was good, life was complete, and he couldn't wait for his mate to get home and walk through the mahogany door in all his equine glory. Just thinking of the scene made him groan with need for it to happen, he had worked all last week without a single rest and he was behind on relieving the much needed pressure he felt in his loins. Just then the mahogany door rattled, the knob turned slowly as the latching noise echoed through the ears of the wolf, as it opened up the sun glistened off deep forest green eyes as a smile greeted Hemingway. A deep luxurious voice drifted out of that smile, across the room and filled the wolf with the only emotion he always wanted to feel, or hear. "I'm home love."

(The end?)