Horse gets claimed (pt1)

Story by Schiron on SoFurry

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#2 of Horse gets claimed

A horse that gets claimed.

(This story consists of anthropomorphic characters aka-furry (horse and wolf), m/m, yiff, and lots of pre)

The light of the day radiated into every house and every crack as the sun slowly rose to its peak, by noon it already cleared a good chunk of its usual course up in the sky. Looking up at the sky a dark brown nearly black wolf shielded his eyes with his paw, letting a low growl out in protest he continued his walk through the park. The wolf was dressed casually for a mid weather day, but today was a scorcher; temperature reaching nearly 106 degrees already and suppose to stay like that.

The wolf panted lightly from the heat like all canines do when they start to get hot, his tongue lolling out to the left side of his muzzle as he passed under a steeple picnic area. His cloths consisted of a red and black checker flannel that hung open showing off his athletic build, baggy blue cargo jeans held up with a black belt locked on its fifth notch. He wore no shirt or shoes for reasons he said were arguable, always complained they either hurt or made him lose his balance but the truth was he like feeling the wind on his fur. There are other reasons than that for why he dressed so little, and why he always wears his flannel open showing off his semi chiseled chest and abs.

He didn't want to flaunt what he had, but he didn't want to keep his pride and joy closed from the world. The wolf took care of himself to the point of drinking a blended concoction of fruits and veggies in the morning, up to eating a good sized steak for dinner with another blended concoction. He even went to the length of going to the gym where he worked out daily while he happened to glance freely around at the other guys whom were built like minivans up to tanks. He found the flabby gutted men (minivans) were less attractive than the beefcakes (tanks) but he didn't like the excess muscles squeezing together.

That is another thing about this wolf, he was gay and he was proud of it; he never told anyone unless they suspected it or unless they were really close friends and even then he rarely told them.

Panting faster now he looked around the park, it seemed almost empty to the point a horror movie could film here and they would have the perfect atmosphere. The heat radiated off the cement in waves that made everything seem to writhe and skew before his eye's, closing his eye's he sucked his tongue to get enough saliva to coat his throat. Putting one foot in front of the other he began walking again in the killer heat, the shade of the steeple picnic area was no better than in the direct sunlight. He actually thought to himself it was hotter under that than out in it, his fur gleaming with sweat as it beaded on the ends of matted parts before dripping to the hungry ground which gobbled it up in a split second.

It felt like the sun wasn't moving, like all time had stopped just to scorch the poor wolf until he was nothing but a burnt smear on the pavement. Things started to blur and fade as darkness encircled the wolf's vision until all he saw was a pair of hooves next to his nose, thinking to himself as he felt a pair of heavy calloused hands grip him around the waist and lift him up. "What the... did I fall? If I did where was the pain, where was the heat from the cement?" But the one thought that ran across his unconscious mind before he blanked for good was the right question. "Who has me...?" His thoughts trailed off there as everything faded to nothingness.

Warmth was the feeling only to be felt up his legs, and then a douse of coldness swarmed in like knives at his exposed chest. Jumping what felt like a skyscraper the wolf landed on the bed awkwardly before he slid off and onto his head upside down, adjusting his eye's which were still hazed with fog from waking. Light groans escaped his dried throat like that of paper on sand, his paws laying bent and upside down also while his arms bent and leaned opposite of his body. The only movement he could make was a swish of his thick dark brown tail across the sheets that were still intact upon the bed.

Getting his senses back in check the wolf scanned his surroundings, ears twitching as he began to notice the different scents that roamed across the drifts of air near the floor. Sweet succulent musk filled his nostrils as he began to right his body with gravity, rolling his legs over his body and onto the floor he raised his head slowly. Making sure he wasn't going to throw up or pass out, he raised his muzzle along with his body as he stood up. Paws on knees as he used his own resistance to get his footing which seemed to of left him at this moment, scanning the bed along the way he let a cautious growl out.

"Where am I...?" Another growl covering his words as he trailed off, the scent of many lingered in the air as he let his powerful nose work its magic. Dust permeated the air in troves along with the musky scents, sweet pinewood emitted off the dust particles as the wolf sneezed two times consecutively. Using his power of observation he started to look around carefully, the room was decent sized for him since he stood six feet tall give or take an inch. His tail lightly brushing the bed as it mindlessly flicked back and forth in agitation.

Pictures hung on the walls encased in wood as the light shown off them radiantly. "Probably made of pinewood." A raised brow showing his curiosity as he continued his ever dutiful observation, placing a paw to his chin he let a grunt out as he saw underwear strewn everywhere; briefs both black with a white band, and a white with black band hung from a chair near a computer while red thongs hung from the computer screen. Boxers littered the floor in many different colors, but the one set that caught his attention was a pair of neon yellow speedos that seemed his size if not a bit bigger.

Feeling a wet drip on his shoulder the wolf turned his head just as a hand landed on his shoulder coating him in water, slowly turning his body around he stared up into the eyes of a pure black stallion. Gulping down his own saliva that had pooled in his muzzle while he looked at all the underwear, the wolf flattened his ears and tried to smile at the daunting giant. "Hello." His voice shaky as he tried to sound bold and unafraid, but to no avail his voice and eye expressions snapped that lie like an over spent rubber band.

A deep soothing bass voice rung through the poor wolf's ears as he winced. "I see you're awake... thought you might lay on my bed forever. If that was the case I'd just snug right against you." The stallion let a grin cross his face as he peered down at the miniscule wolf; just then the stallion placed his hands on the towel at his waist. The only thing between his endowment and the chest of the wolf, glancing down as he saw movement the wolf couldn't help but look over the bulge that pushed out behind the towel. "Hand me the yellow undies." It was hard to imagine a gruff, intimidating tower of pure muscle would use such tiny words as snug and undies for anything.

Looking over his shoulder he slowly walked over and grabbed the neon yellow speedos that lay on the floor between a pizza box and a scattered pile of papers, it was stretched definitely but there was no way a giant of a stallion. Could fit that giant of a bulge into something that was the size of the wolf, holding them out to the stallion the wolf couldn't help but blurt out the words he didn't want to say. "Can I watch?" He felt betrayed by his own muzzle, gripping it shut with both paws he looked up at the stallion that seemed to be pulsating with joy. A grin across his face again as though it was a game and the wolf had chose the right answer to a question long lost, gripping the towels edge the stallion gave it a tug and like a gust of wind. The towel lay at his ankles bunched up over his hooves, and that is when he gripped the wolf's head and shoved his muzzle straight onto the tip of his swelling sheath. The wolf fought as he pushed at the powerful legs on both sides, it was a war and the wolf knew he had lost more than just the battle but his free will. Muffled words escaped the lips of the wolf as they seeped pass the growing organ in his maw, shaking his head and letting a nicker out the horse pushed harder on the wolf's head.

"Feels so good.... More." The stallion was enjoying every breath that passed over his swollen orbs that hung like bags of potatoes between his legs, his member slipping out of its sheath and coating the wolf's tongue in gobs of salty pre. The wolf knew horses in general were well endowed up to the point where they had two or three feet when hard, he knew if the horse was to mount his virgin tail hole he wouldn't be able to take it all. His height made sure of that, but he wouldn't be able to take it all cause he never had anything back there knocking before and if it all was somehow shoved all in at once he would have a protruding horse member in his gut. The thought quickly subsided as the horse bucked his groin against the wolf's face forcing the tip of his meaty pole down his throat, as gobs of pre seeped its way down his gullet and into this belly. The warm musk of the pre permeated his nostrils as he let a deep moan out in pleasurable accord, his own throbbing member stuck in his pants as it pushed the baggy fabric taut into what people call a tent. Sticking out and raging, the wolf's growing member wanted attention badly; every move of the taut fabric sent a shock of pleasure though his churning orbs.

A deep menacing chuckle escaped the confines of the stallion's mouth as he spoke briefly. "I know what you need." The chuckle still there as the Stallion removed the six inches of his meat pole out of the wolf's muzzle as the flared head made a slurp noise, strings of pre still connected to the wolf's lips as gobs of new pre dripped in succession upon the floor rhythmically. "Undo your fly." His voice demanding as he rubbed his two and a half foot meat pole with both his hands, watching the wolf do as he said the stallion simply grinned wider as he placed the tip of his pole into the fly hole. The wolf decided to help him and reached inside his own pants and opened up his boxers letting the giant pole slide right under his orbs as it pressed along between his legs. Stopping before his tail hole area the stallion petted the wolf on the head and smiled with what looked like kindness in his eyes as he spoke. "So you gonna hump my pole, it's slippery."

The wolf simply couldn't resist the chance to ride a member especially when it was offered to him willingly; he began to rock back and forth as he felt his knot press against the surging warmth beneath it. Leaning forward as he gripped both sides of the pole, the wolf began to go to town with his own pre lubing up the top area of the stallions pole. Gobs of horse pre soaked the backside of his pants and boxers as most of it seeped down his legs soaking his baggy jeans to his legs, after a good while of pure humping and the stallion nickering in pleasure the wolf stopped and looked up at the stallion with his best puppy eyes. "So can I take a shower stud?"

The stallion caught off guard simply went slack jawed as he pondered why the wolf wanted to do that now, it was a difficult thing to wrap a mind around since only a moment ago he was humping like no tomorrow. "Why now? Aint you enjoying yourself?" His voice unchanged, but his eyes and brows showing his curiosity down at the wolf. But all he got in return was a wagging tail and a big smile across an almost black wolf, sighing as he gripped his pole ready to pull it out of the wolf's pants.

The wolf growled as he swatted the hand away from the pole he was humping moments ago. "Your coming with me stud." A grin crossed his muzzle as he spoke seductively dominant, the pole bouncing into his orbs as he guided the 8 foot stallion back into the bathroom from which he came earlier. "You're not gonna need that speedo stud." The stallion lifted it up and looked at it for a bit then dropped it to the floor as he reached down and undid the button making the wolf's pants fall straight to his ankles. The dark blue boxers soaked with the stallion's precum along the base between the wolf's legs, down the leg holes and most of his inner thighs, and near his tail hole. As the wolf blushed he simply placed a paw on the stallion's stomach as he smiled up at him, moving back as he removed the meaty pole from his boxers he pushed them off letting them make a schlop noises hitting the ground.

Pushing the horse against the wall the wolf began to lick and nibble all over his chest and stomach, slowly rising up onto his tiptoes as he pulled the stallions head down to him placing a big wet kiss upon the horse's lips. Tongue shifted back and forth between each other's mouths, along each other's teeth, and that lasted for nearly fifteen minutes before they broke panting. Each covered in sweat from all the excitement of their love, both raging hard as they bobbed to their heartbeats; adrenaline coursed their bodies as they felt their orbs churning for a release. It was too late to turn back, the wolf gripped the horse by his giant meat pole as he began to lick and nibble up and down its full length. The gobs of pre dripping upon his back as he worked the whole underside with is long canine tongue and teeth, using his free paws he gripped hold of the potato sized orbs and began to tug and juggle them gently. As a shudder of pleasure shot through the horse's body the wolf went back to the tip and took it as far as he could into his muzzle. Sucking profusely on the flared tip at first, his tongue teasing the urethra by scrapping over it multiple times as it let gob after gob of pre out into the maw that surrounded it. Pre dripped out the sides of the wolf's mouth as he looked up at the stallion, slowly dragging his teeth over five inches of the meat pole before he let go of it and using his finger twirled it around with a grin upon his face.

The stallion looked at the twirling finger with a slight smile; his tail twitching with anticipation for what was to come out of the wolf's little body. Walking over to a more open spot the stallion slowly got onto his hands and knees as he looked at the wall in front of him, looking back at the hungry wolf with a swish of his tail. The wolf let a low dominating growl out as he looked the stallion over like prey which he was about to clamp his mighty jaws on, the chiseled back of the horse curving ever so gently as he readied himself. The flanks tough yet firm enough to get a tight grip on and still hold on if the need arises without hurting his new found prey, and the most prized asset he was about to make his own rested just in front of his raging boner. He placed both paws on the stallion's rump as he massaged them around till he got into position, standing at his regular height without the need to bend over since the horse met evenly with his crotch the wolf started to poke and prod for the stallion's tight tail hole.

The stallion grunted and snorted as he felt his rump get poked and prodded over and over again, he was getting mad cause he never knew anyone so inaccurate before as to miss a perfect target. Getting his tail up out of the way the stallion instinctively tapped the floor with his hind hoof as he spoke up. "Get it right, or I will do it fo...." Letting a whinny out as he leaned his head back in pleasure, his pole spurting pre onto the floor under himself. The pure pleasure was an overload to him since he wasn't expecting it; he actually didn't think anyone other than another horse could make him feel like that.

The wolf held a giant smirk across his muzzle as he finally hit home, slowly his pre lubed up the entryway as he began to push and pull little by little inching his eight inch member up the rectum of the stallion. "So tight... for somebody so big." The wolf announced into the air as he clawed at the flanks of the stallion for traction as he pulled closer to having his knot rest against the stallion's tail hole, halfway in he stopped and pulled out to the tip as he started over again. This time going passed where he pulled out and pushing further, his grunts and slight moans of pleasure merely squeaks compared to the stallions.

The stallion was going into ecstasy as the wolf push and pulled his member in and out of the tail hole that once was sacred, unable to control himself the stallion moaned and nickered constantly aloud. His meaty pole dripping gobs of pre from its flared tip creating a pool beneath him as he felt his innards expand for the intruder over and over, foam was starting to coat the corners of his mouth. It was a sensation the horse was new to, he recalled a bull taking him from behind with a member easily one foot long and still getting nothing but some gasps and moans. But it was a surprise that a tiny wolf gave him more sensations than the bull ever could do, so he was enjoying every inch of the small wolf rocket that penetrated his tail hole.

The wolf was taking his time, slowly progressing into the bowls of the stallion with his throbbing member. Getting deeper every time he thrusted, the confines of the stallion flexing and milking his member of its juices. The wolf licked up the stallions back as he finally pressed his knot against the tight tail hole of the horse, hearing a loud moan from the giant below him spurred his ego. Letting his knot rest against the spasming tail hole of the stallion the wolf gingerly licked and nibbled as his paws slid up and down the chiseled abs of the stallion, lightly rubbing against the sides of the meaty rod pressed against it.

Shudders wracked the stallion's body as he felt the knot press tightly against his backdoor, moans escaped his throat as he gave into the joy of such pressure trying to force in. Letting a gasp out in reaction to the wolf's paws rubbing his abs and slightly against his meaty rod, dripping another gob of pre onto the floor he bucked forward wildly trying to release his load onto the wall. "So close..." His voice shaky as he spoke between gasps, it was enticing to be so close to having a wolf locking with him, looking over his shoulder lightly he smiled. "Feel this stallion... fill me good." It was a mocking smile, the one that drove most men into a rampage because it taunted them so badly.

The wolf gave the stallion a smirk in response as he pushed his knot slightly into the tight tail hole, hearing the moan escape the stallion he simply rested a bit then pulled out to the tip and began a steady rhythmic motion of sliding his member in and out of the stallion.

Their gasps, moans, and grunts intermingled in the tiny bathroom as they grew closer and closer to that glorious climax that would soon cover the floor and fill the innards of the stallion while the wolf's knot lodged its self deep inside tightly. Sweat beaded off the fur of the wolf, dripping onto the back of the stallion as each pump of his member pushed them both ever closer to the edge.

After what seemed like an eternity of schlops and moans the wolf dug his claws deep into the sides of the stallion as he let a thunderous howl out in pure pleasure, feeling his orbs tighten up against his pelvis as his member swelled with anticipation. The wolf rammed his knot deep into the bowls of the stallion's tail hole, its size increasing rapidly as he let shot after shot of hot sticky cum fill and coat the innards of the horse.

The stallion let a moan of intense pleasure as the wolf shoved his knot deep into him, feeling it plug up his tail hole so none of the cum escaped sent him off the edge. Thrusting his hips forward as he exploded with backed up jizz; he coated the wall in front of him in what seemed like gallons of white hot sticky horse cum. Both of them made noises as they came but compared to the howl of the wolf the horse barley heard his own pleasured filled moans. The wolf thrusted deeper pushing his cum further into the innards of the horse as his knot swollen to capacity locked deep within the shuddering horse, using his paws the wolf gripped a hold of the meaty pole under the stallion and playfully rubbed up and down its length the best he could to help relieve his new mate.

Throwing his head back as he jetted more and more cum against the wall as it splattered back at him covering his face in his own creamy jizz as it slowly pooled out and around his knees making a puddle trail as long as him. The feeling of warm paws stroking his pole threw him overboard as he began to buck tugging at the swollen bulb lodged deep inside him, his arms shaking from the bliss that covered and filled his body.

After a long two minutes the stallion looked over his shoulder to find the wolf smiling as wide as his muzzle would allow, his chin in his paws with a dreamy gaze staring back. "What are you smiling about?" The stallion simply asked his deep voice soothing to the exhausted wolf as they looked at each other. Finally after a few seconds the wolf shrugged slightly as he placed his paws onto the stallion's back and began to push himself back tugging at the tie that held them together. "Good... I won't be... falling off you anytime... soon stud." Talking between pleasured moans as he tugged repeatedly on his buried knot, he began to wag as he lay down on the horses back and reached under and began to play with the meaty pole the stallion called a member. "You think you can go another round stud?" The wolf's voice seductive as he gave a nice pull at the softening length below the stallion's abs.

(The end...?)