Where Am I? -Part 2

Story by Helka on SoFurry

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#2 of Where am I?

Aaron swallowed back his panic and forced himself to smile at the skunk. Feeling very awkward about the whole situation he quickly asked, "Is there something more I can get for you?"

The skunk smirked at him and Arron wished that he could get lost in that gaze, but the knowledge of his body held him back from giving into the strong man before him. "No we are perfectly fine with what we have here but you left before I could answer any of your questions, seems rude to leave the floating in the air unanswered, wouldn't you say?" Aaron let out the breath he was holding in relief, which apparently was visible because the skunk chuckled at him, making Aaron's neck fur stand out more in embarrassment. "First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am Hector, and this little squirt," he tickled the little girl until she was giggling uncontrollably in his lap, "Is my niece Hillary."

"Niece?" Aaron was slightly embarrassed that he had assumed the girl was Hector's daughter.

Hector laughed and grabbed Aaron's paw, "Yes, my sister asked me to watch her for the day. Now what can we call you?"

Aaron could hardly think of his own name, Hector's fur felt so soft against his own and he was growing ever hotter knowing Emily was watching him. Finally, after what seemed like a hour, he found his voice and said, "Well I suppose you can call me by my name, Aaron."

Hector smerked at him, "Aaron huh? Well Aaron we seem to be done here, I would be glad to answer your other questions but would prefer to not have Hillary with me when I do so. When does your shift end?"

Aaron wasn't sure if he wanted to be alone with this skunk, he still wasn't sure what Hector thought of him and he didn't necessarily want to find out. While in the process of trying to come up with a good excuse of what he had to do after work he felt a paw on his back. It made him jump at first but he turned to see the mischievous smile of Emily. "He gets off at five-thirty, a half hour after we close. But if you come at five and help us clean up you can have him early I guess." With a knot tying his stomach Aaron looked from Emily to the handsome skunk.

"Well I guess I'll see you at five then Aaron." He smirked again and scooped up Hillary to put her on his back. He reached the door and turned to look back once before he glided outside into the buzzy rush of everyone being late for one thing or another.

Aaron stared after him until he felt Emily's paw slap him across the back of the head. "Just cause some pretty boy comes in doesn't mean that you are allowed to slack, I don't pay you for nothing you know."

Aaron felt his fur start to lye flat and a warmth wash through him at the familiarity of Emily's bark "Of course," was all he said to her before going to check up on those who were there. He was looking forward to that night and, with any luck, he wouldn't have to face his family again for some time.

"Oh yes, Hector was it? Please come in." Aaron heard the wolf letting him in and stayed where he was trying to gather some courage to face him again, and to try not to make a fool out of himself again. He was in the back room trying to find a broom, well he had found the broom but Emily didn't know that part. "Aaron is in the back right now, you can start by taking this spunge and wiping off all the tables." Aaron purred as he pictured Hector's face at receving the blunt orders from Emily. Well he did agree to help. "Aaron get out here." He jumped, too lost in his own thoughts to notice that Emily had come up behind him.

"Must you do that?" He turned around and saw that she was stifling a laugh. Rolling his eyes and purring he walked out with the broom. "Hay Hector, sorry about this. Emily makes the rules though."

The skunk was focusing so hard at sponging the tables that he looked as though he had hardly heard Aaron at all but he spun around and smirked, "Nah, I don't mind it much. I got someplace in mind to take you though so lets get this done and over with."

"Where are we going?" Aaron felt the knot tying in his stomach again, though it was more nervousness of what the skunk thought than what would happen on this date. Date? Aaron grew hot and started to flex his claws into the broom. He became suddenly aware of how high his voice was and the slight bulge that the binding couldn't hide. He wanted to run away, to hide from the world behind Emily's caring sternness.

"We are going to..." He trailed off and was suddenly on the floor beside Aaron, who was huddled around the broom breathing heavy. "Aaron what's wrong? Do you have asthma? What can I...." Trailing off again he ran off and came back with Emily.

Aaron forced himself to stand up and smile at the skunk, "Sorry bout that, not sure what happened there but I'm better now." He wasn't better at all, he didn't want to talk but Hector seemed honestly worried about him, which was both unexpected and an unusual experience for Aaron. Besides Emily those that were involved in his life didn't care much for him, or even went so far as to hate him like his sister or his father. "So you were telling me where we were going?" He attempted to make his voice sound light, without the burden that seemed to weigh his life down into the cracks on the sidewalk.

Hector still didn't seem quite sure that he was ok and continued slowly, "Well I was thinking we could go to this nice park that I went to as a kid. There aren't many that go to it and I thought it would be a good spot to relax and get to know each other. It isn't far away so I thought we could walk, it will be dark when I take you home but I always liked walking at dusk and thought maybe you would too." He fiddled with the tip of his tail and Aaron let himself let go of most his fear, though he still made an effort to slouch and to make his voice deeper whenever he talked.

When they were done they said goodbye to Emily, "Now you boys behave yourselves," was all she said in return. Aaron followed Hector along the street in silence, he was a whole head shorter and had a lot less muscle than the skunk.

Hector stopped walking and looked down at Aaron with his soft golden eyes and smirked, he never did seem to smile but his smirk was getting very familiar and seemed to always lift his mood at least a little. "Why you so nervousness huh? Scared someone you know will see you with me and know you aren't straight?"

It took a while for Hector's words to sink in but once they did Aaron felt like squealing in pure joy. Hector never thought he was a girl at all, he was just gay! Aaron grabbed Hectors paw in his own, looked up at him, and purred, "Not at all, now where is this park you speak so fondly of?"


Pleace comment, I like the feedback weather you liked it or not.

I own this story and the charictors in it