To the Moon and Back

Story by Avon on SoFurry

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A few people who have read my character history story were captivated by the level of detail that was applied to the background of some of the characters, and a few of these people wanted to know a lot more about the history of Caldarvier. The homeworld of Avon, and another similarly cervine race. Both united under a single banner. I am therefore going to start writing a few exerts from Caldarvier's history, both recent and ancient in order to give everyone a feel for the place. This very short story gives an account of the launch of Caldarvier's first attempt to land a member of their race on one of their moons. It should give the reader an insight into the biological differences of Southern and Northern Caldarvierie peoples. As well as an introduction to their number system (Base 8) and level of equality of the sexes.

To the Moon and Back

Avon Derussate

Alma gripped at at the armrest of the seat as if she were holding on for her life. Any minute now, the gravity was going to smash into her frame with a force that verged on the painful. Any minute now the small cockpit was going to be shaken by the force of a thousand bombs all exploding at once. Only the amazing ingenuity of Caldarvier's finest engineers and scientists keeping her and her three crew members safe or at least as safe as was technically possible from the force barely contained within the thin skin of the rocket.

As the countdown continued past 40, she took one last look to her right. Her pilot sat there, with his digits resting much more calmly on the armrests than hers. This has been her third launch, and his first, yet he look far more calm than she did. Swallowing hard, she tried to relax, knowing she had to compose herself. This mission was hers, she was in command. Looking frightened and shaken would not do.

Unable to crane her neck behind her to see how her mission specialist and lander pilot were coping, she instead concentrated on thinking of her mate. A lovely, sweet buck from the Southern continents. He was the main thing she was looking forward to coming home to. What he meant to her was something even her good friends would never understand. Hassling her as they always did about her future. "You'll not be able to have fawns with him you know...why not find a good Northern stag to settle down with? I am sure there are plenty about as nice and generous as Ren."

It was all good natured of course, but she often wished her friends would stay out of her private life. She loved Ren completely, and she was never that keen on reproducing anyway. At the end of the day she knew she could always adopt. What mattered to her most right now was the fact she loved him. More deeply and completely than she had loved anyone in her life. Now thirty-five years of age, it was even perhaps a little late to be thinking about having fawns anyway. Her career had always been the foremost love in her life. So much so that romance always took a back seat. Not any more. She had resolved herself to committing her life to her mate. She had made up her mind. After this mission, she would resign from the space programme, and take up the teaching post that her boss had offered. Training the next generation of space programme hopefuls. Four times up and back down strapped to the front of what was little more than a giant explosive device with a capsule perched on top was more than enough for her. She was going to go out on a high. Landing on and actually walking on the surface of Lareies....what could top that?

A sudden static charged announcement over the communication unit echoed in her environment suit, rattling around the plastic done of her helmet and snapping her out of her day dream.

"Unity Seven...control...acknowledge final sequence 50 dots_(1)_..." barked the launch pad controller, announcing the last sequence before the lift off.

"Acknowledged.." replied Alma, before turning addressing the crew "This is it. Good luck everyone."

A mere fifty dots to go. Lareies...the largest of Caldarvier's moons awaited. Their goal. Their prize. Their ticket to the annuls of history. Alma was snapped back into reality by the sound of the fuel pumps firing up, applying the last bit of pressurisation to the ignition system before the rocket ignited and the point of no return was passed. She bit into her bottom lip leaned back into the seat.

The countdown continued;

"30, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 7, 6..."

The crew all suddenly grunted as the towering form of the Unity class heavy lifter rocket suddenly shuddered into life, it's main engine igniting and draining the internal tanks.

"5, 4, 3, 2..."

Another explosion as the twin solid fuel booster modules strapped to the lower half of the rocket also sprang into life. The whole vessel groaned as it strained at the clamps on the launch pad, the forces starting to stretch the superstructure as the power of the ignition fought for dominance with the strong grips of the clamps.

A loud bang filled the cockpit as the gantries fell away successfully...the clamps snapping away at the same time, the huge craft finally leaving the grip of Caldarvier's gravity. Thousands of assembled onlookers cheered loudly as the towering giant powered it's way into the orange tinted evening sky. Northern Stags and hinds; and Southern bucks and does alike held each other tightly as the concussion wave of the rocket's blast hit the viewing gallery. The wind parting their fur and forcing them to turn their ears away to block out at least some of the noise. All as proud of their people's combined accomplishment now as they were when the first rocket edged skywards twenty years before. This one was different however, this was moon bound. No more would space travel be confined to low orbit. Just as the first fight marked the first chapter of Caldarverie people's journey to the starts, so this flight marked the opening of a new chapter. As the machine disappeared into the clouds, many dared to dream. Would they be flying on the next one?

(1) Roughly 40 seconds