Terra Nova

Story by Joe 2-0 on SoFurry

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Do you want to hear a story? Yes? Good, because I have one I think you'll like.

Do you want to hear a story? Yes? Good, because I have one I think you'll like. Terra, our home. It used to house nearly eight billion of the human race, the other four billion scattered about the Sol system, and most farther out, but since Terra Nova, it has faded into Myth and Legend. Nobody knows quite what happened to Terra, only that one minute it was there, and the next it wasn't. But, I know. There was a boy, on the outermost of the colonies who knew, and I have his story, right here in this journal. Here, take it. Pass it on, people should know. Goodbye now, don't hurry back.

Entry 1; July 24th, 2275.

I'm not sure what to write here, so I guess I'll just stary with my name. Joey Gage, say it like Gauge. Mum just gave me this thing for my 16th birthday, along with a Moretti 91 Combat Rifle. I hear that your not allowed to have these things, the rifle not this book, closer to the Sol system; but then again, we're pretty far out. In a couple days, me and my Pa are headed to Ilsgrad to fetch some water, and trade the Tychus plants we have for supplies, hence the rifle. I always like going to Ilsgrad, even though it's a three day trip there with a lot of bandits from A to B, because in the town square they have a big 'ol ship, they use it as a playground now, and the foil stuff is pretty torn up, but I still like to look at it. The scholarly folk in Ilsgrad point at the 'CCCP' on the side, and call it a Sofia Lander, at least I think they're saying Sofia, but I just call it the Ship.

Entry 2; July 26th, 2275.

I think this whole Journal thing is starting to grow on me. There isn't much to do on the ride to Ilsgrad, so I think I'll just write in here. I shot my first Bandit today, not too far from home, couldn't have been more than five or six kilometers out. He was running towards us with an old bonesaw when I shot him, and it put him flat on his back. Pa stopped the MULE and put another one in his head and buried him. I just cried. I didn't cry because I felt bad, Pa told me that they ain't people anymore, but I cried because I didn't feel anything. I made sure to stop and clean myself up when Pa finished burying the Bandit's body. Somehow he knew anyways, and told me that it's a whole lot easier the second time. Not sure I believe him though. I'll write more later, there's a toll booth up ahead, and i need to get some money out.

Entry 3; July 28th, 2275.

Firefight with Bandits. Those we didn't kill retreated back into the woods, so we're safe for now, thankfully, but Pa took a hit to his arm during the fight. I think it's just a flesh wound since his arm don't bend in any new places, but I'm still worried. I pulled the bullet out with a pair of the smallest needlenose pliers i could find, and after I washed all the grease off they were okay to use. Pa said this ain't the worst he's had, he'd had worse in the defense forces. That's news to me because I never knew he'd been a soldier. He just chuckled and told me to keep tying the bandage around the wound and the Biofoam. This does mean that I get to drive the MULE though. Pa says that the MULE might be a machine, but it's just like any woman: It talks back and doesn't do what you tell it to. I'm pretty sure he was talking about the voice in the onboard computer that gives you readouts, and the sluggish controls, on accound of it being a Jetcar. Well, we got to get moving, so I think I'll write in here later.

Entry 4; July 29th, 2275.

We made it to Ilsgrad! The first thing we did was go and see the Doctor, Doc Bernd. He used to be a Field Medic in the DF, so he's got plenty of experience under his belt. Oh, and he's a Fox, or whatever the Alien equivalent is. It sounds weird when I say it, but I mean it in the most literal sense. Pa tells me that when people first settled our planet, people like Doc Bernd were already here. They thought the settlers were Gods, what with settlers big ships and all, but after the first hundred people died during the winter, they realized better, and came to help. Don't know how they did it, but the Natives managed to keep those settlers alive long enough to establish permanent, heated shelter, and an economy. Since then, they've pretty much become as much a part of society and I am, and even spread out to all the other colonies. Hell, I've even seen some of the younger ones running around with suspiciously more human-like faces (shorter snout & ears, vestigial lips), if you're catching my drift... Damn. Got to go and unload some of the Tychus plants we've got. What better way to pay a doctor than with a medicinal plant?

Entry 5; July 30th, 2275.

I never did get to finish up yesterdays entry, so I'm gonna tell you today. Dear Diary... Nope, can't do it. Just too weird. That aside, we had a busy day yesterday after seeing Doc Bernd. he took those Tychus plants, and gave us some Biofoam canisters on the house. Maybe Tychus is an ingredient? We took the Biofoam, and went on our merry way. The next place we went was the market. Now, before I get to that, there's something that whoever's reading this should know: Our planetary currency is Tychus plant, and the richest people on the planet are the doctors. Since Tychus is Biofoam ingredient, this makes it valuable, and therefore makes it tradeable. It's also common, but that's balanced by needing a few of them per canister of Biofoam. So, we took our load of Tychus, and began to trade for supplies. Water, bread, beef, pelts, Ammunition. The essentials. Pa even had a little bit of an impulse buy, and bought us a pair of pistols, himself a .50 caliber hunting revolver, and me a 10 millimeter repeating pistol. So, that's where we are now, on our way back home with a full load of supplies and enjoying the 8 degree Celsius weather. We hardly ever get weather this warm.

Entry 6; August 4th, 2275.

We're finally back home! Every time I come home, all seems right with the world. Mum's cooking a delicacy on out planet, string noodles in tomato sauce with beef meatballs (It's called spaghetti. I wonder if they have it on other planets?), somehow managing to put up with Pa pestering and tickling her. My sisters are currently trying to braid my hair, which thankfully is too short for tham to get a good grip on, but their attempts are quite entertaining though. I fear though that they will soon realize the futility of their attempts and start trying to braid my leg hair. That is not a happy thought. But, it's better to let them get tired now so we don't have to tie them down at dinner to keep them from chasing one another around the table. Mum's calling for dinner now, and my sisters have abandoned their effeorts which means that I'm obligated to get to the table before they do so that I may actually get to eat some spaghetti, rather than admire it on their plates as they arrempt to fill those bottomless pits they pass for stomachs.


I'll add more in here later, about three to five entries per day. Just keep watching and enjoy.