Hawkstone Road

Story by GingerBear on SoFurry

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Thirty years ago, I was a marvelous fighter. A warrior, you could say. The battle field was my playground and everyone knew that. Oh, but that fateful day... the bomb that took my sight.


A bright young dragon dawns his camouflage jacket and retrieves his gun. His bright red scales shimmer in the sunlight of the hot Arab dessert.

"Sir, the enemy is closing in, Sir." His voice is steady and confident. He has no fear of the opposing side.

"Very well, Sargent. Fall out with your troops. Meet back at base if more than twenty men are lost," The commanding officer's voice is gruff, but steady. "And remember, Hill, we take no prisoners." At that last statement, the commanding officer grins his wicked smile, his sharp teeth glistening with saliva.

The hardy red dragon gives a smiling salute, and then trots to gather his men.

He reaches their tent and gives the commands his general had given him.

One of his men, a very strong bull, walks to him, giving a salute. "Permission to speak, Sir."

The dragon nods, giving permission without words.

"I've got your back, bud" the bull lays one hand on his friend's shoulder "no matter what."

The friends smile.

Hill had joined the army with his best friend, and now, even though he's become a higher rank, the two friends still cover each other in times of need.

With that, the strong dragon spins a one-eighty and swiftly walks from the tent, feeling his troops follow at his heels.

Stopping at a sand dune, Hill crouches into the sand, his men doing the same. Looking through the sight of his gun, he locks onto an Arab enemy.

"Remember" the bull whispers "don't pull the trigger until you can see the whites of their eyes."

Hill grins at this statement and pulls the trigger, the enemy's head exploding into a thousand bloody fragments.

With the first shot fired, his troops charge out, their guns firing wildly at the opposing side.

Hill and the bull stay behind, their tactic is to hit from a blind side.

With their guns high, the two friends aim at one of the Jeeps headed their way.

Just as Hill fires, something small and green falls at his feet.

The bull throws the dragon out of the way and dives onto the object.

His body ruptures, spraying gore all over his best friend.

The flash from the grenade makes the world go dark for the dragon.

" NO" his voice calls. He feels a hand on his shoulder "Sir, we need to fall back!"

The voice is dull compared to the loud gunshots and screaming.

Hill nods and orders his men to fall back, retreating.

Now he lies in the medical tent, he can feel gauze patches over his eyes.

"You're one hell of a man, Hill." His commanding officer's voice flows into his skull. "One hell of a man."

"Well thank you, sir, but I believe that Reichen was the real hero. He saved my life." The dragon's voice shakes.

The general places two small pieces of metal into Hill's blood covered hand "they were able to find his dog tags. I want you to keep them with you. Never forget this war, your troops, you're your friend." Then, there's a breeze and the dragon can tell that he is alone in the tent.

He slides his claws down each etched letter in the dog tags

Private Reichen Pratt

His eyes water, emotions flooding into his head.

His best friend was dead... he had saved him from certain death.

END FLASHBACK____________________________________________________________________

You see, while he had ended his life, he had saved mine. He lost his very breath, and all I lost was the ability to see. The bond between friends like that can never die.