This and Vat

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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This and Vat

A seven foot eight inch humanoid and humanized wolf-bear or lupursyn with green fur, orange stripes, a purple diamond mark on his forehead and a purple Mohawk in an armored black trench coat, cammo fatigues and combat boots sports a combination grenade launcher, assault shot gun and assault rifle into one heavy weapon stalks through a maze of industrial chemical tanks in the near light of the witching hour with the only lights are coming from the chemicals reacting behind clear reinforced plastic as strange forms float within in North East Philadelphia. A sweeping piece of chrome covers both his eyes at once to protect them from the chemicals around him as well as being blinded by any sudden bright lights. Above him on the catwalk is a steel gray rabbit woman in skin tight black latex that leaves all four of her cybernetic limbs free and clear.

Behind the wolf-bear is a fox-wolf lady whose fur pattern is the same as the large male but the colors are reversed with orange stripes and an orange star on her forehead. Her attire is biker babe chic with a black leather jacket, skirt and boots with fingerless gloves and a silver oriental dragon on her back that is also on the back of his coat and on her jumpsuit as the dragon logo is that of the company they all work for. She carries a gyro-rocket pistol in both hands as she is the technical aspect of the three, the rabbit is the spy and the male acts as the heavy as they keep an eye out for trouble.

"See anything up here, Keiko?" Kodyax Byzarrowulf asks over a secur connection to the bunny.

"Not a damn thing, Kody,:" Keiko Yojimbo responds to his inquiry and over the same sort of conference call on their Personally Integrated Data Management Accessory, which is a piece cybernetics in the back of each of their skulls that acts as an iPhone, iPod, iPad and other computing devices all in one, to ask the folf: "Any readings, Rory?"

"Nothing yet, Keiko," Aurora Oddity responds as she goes over what is going on in the tanks with the same gear as the rest of the team. "Did Mussashi send us on a wild goose chase?"

"I'd like to think he wouldn't," Kodyax states to his compatriot and sometimes lover, "Silver Dragon Securities does have a contract with this Bio-Tech company but the arrangement is weird."

"Makes you wonder what they make here doesn't it?" Keiko postulates in a questioning tone as figures in black from head to foot drop down like ninjas, each one has a logo on their chest of a globe with a hand crushing it. "Kody Rory! Watch your tails, we got big trouble incoming. They haven't seen me yet but OGRE agents have entered the building."

"It's at times like theses I wish you had become a sniper instead of a gun bunny," Kodyax growls teasingly. "Be careful, and don't do anything stupid."

"What grenades do you have loaded?" Aurora asks of Kodyax.

"Flash-Bangs and EMPs, why?" Kodyax asks as he aims his gun up towards the ceiling and then mutters so only she can hear: "Sound check, Keiko."

"We're on the same page, never mind," Aurora says with a smirk as the OGRE ninjas are blinded by the grenade going off in their midst as Keiko takes out twin hand cannons.

"Party time!" Keiko says with fiendish glee.

Kodyax fires the assault rifle portion of his weapon at the human terrorists as the shotgun portion does not have the range to effective against them as Keiko starts targeting ninjas two by two. A three man team takes off for the control cabin directing the animation working the entire floor and Aurora follows them. Bodies drop like heavy rain due to the efforts of the lupursyn and the rabbit but in the control cabin OGRE hackers get to work.

The ninja hackers murder the human technicians before getting to work reprogramming portions of the vat controls for some of the simulacrum developing for various clients. Aurora logs in to do some sysop tinkering and direct the complex's computer matrix to attack the hackers. Inside the closed system, Aurora finds her avatar, a carbon copy of her real world self, dressed as a Victorian era noble woman as the complex becomes something resembling a stem punk cross between a factory and a hospital with her as a nurse.

Aurora finds a window to look out of and it's a scene out of H. G. Wells' novel "War of the Worlds" with world war one era tanks and artillery taking on Martian walkers and doing surprisingly well. She wanders the complex as a vision in white with tanks represented as rooms and each bio-form as a patient. Rusty steam punk robots inject various thing into the beings as part of the regulation of whatever functions are needed in each case.

Pools of blackness with glowing red eye spots slither down the halls and through the various wings in search of someone or something. Naked human forms occupy some of the beds and are sexually molested by the robots as part of their programming for what their being designed for when fully formed. One human female in particular draws Aurora's attention as it looks like someone she knows and is often annoyed at as she is competition for Kody's affections.

The woman is of Asian stock, specifically Japanese, with natural blue hair. Aurora has aught her with Kodyax enough times to recognize the boss's daughter and is semi alarmed. Behind her she can hear the heavy footsteps of Kodyax as he and Keiko are having a discussion.

"I'm telling you, Keiko," Kodyax says in argument, "The walker is from the novel. A lot the media keeps updating and ignores the original material."

"But is it really steam punk?" Keiko asks. "The term is from the twentieth century, the original novel is from the nineteenth century."

Wells, Dickens, Doyle and Verne are precursors," Kody argues, "Without their works the later authors wouldn't have the foundation they did and the movement might never have existed."

"We could be dead if we don't find, Rory, Kody," Keiko says.

"In here you two!" Aurora shouts as one of the ink spots invades an injector robot while she isn't looking.

"Mikiko!?!" Kodyax says incredulously as he sees a friend with benefits he has in the woman Aurora is standing over.

"Wasn't she killed on the expressway the other night?" Keiko asks.

"That's what the police report said," Kodyax says. "I gave Musashi a ride down to the morgue to identify her."

"According to this," Aurora says while holding up a clipboard in her hand, "This isn't the first time she's been created."

"Why do I get the feeling that she was never real?" Kodyax asks rhetorically.

"Some of the DNA used is Musashi's," Aurora says as she looks over the file, "Enough for a natural birth. But the other half doesn't look like it came from any on human female."

"He made his own daughter?" Keiko asks incredulously, "That sounds a bit extreme even for him."

"Remember how much of a control freak he can be," Aurora chimes in, "He wants things how he wants them with few if any compromises."

"Is that what happened at the Mushulu?" Keiko asks. "Some punk gave him lip and he threw a managerial tantrum?"

"Pretty much," Kody responds, "Jerk wad host refused me entry so Musashi pulled everybody off the boat and canceled the contract."

"What did you do before leaving, Rory?" Keiko asks with a smirk.

"And what makes you think I did something, Miz Rabbit?" Aurora demans to know with a mock indignation.

"I just let some of my viruses into their system,: Aurora says as she tries to look innocent.

"Just let it rest, Keiko," Kodyax growls, "The place is destroyed now so what's done is done."

"Spoilsport!" Keiko teases, "You slept with her afterwards didn't you?"

"A gentleman does not kiss and tell," Kody retorts demurely.

"You; a gentleman?" Keiko laughs.

"He can be very gentle," Aurora states coyly, "And you know it too, Keiko."

Keiko has no snappy retort as the fact that she has been on the receiving end of his tenderness on more than one occasion. She frowns as she wants some that tenderness from Kodyax after all this is over but Aurora has been taking up a lot of his time lately. Aurora nuzzles Keiko in private domain of cyberspace as the robot injects the enemy hacker's avatar into Mikiko's blood stream.

Elsewhere in the facility the other two hackers are physically entering code into the interface where Mikiko is developing in the real world. OGRE is tired of having its schemes disrupted by Silver Dragon Securities operatives so the decided to destroy it. And what better way is there to destroy and enemy organization than from within?

Memories of abuse from her father, both physical and sexual are programmed into her mind as the first layer of betrayal that they will use later to utilize her skills as an assassin against Silver Dragon Security. They then go into her memories of her mother and twist that to make the woman, who may or may not have ever existed, as sick nd perverted as her father, mentally abusing her as well as physically but with the added myth that she cheated on her father and covered it up but was eventually caught and murdered by her father when Mikiko was a teenager. As a final touch for their own twisted amusement the "bodies" of her mother and the big biker dude she was sleeping with at time of her death were used to create Aurora and Kodyax as means of further poisoning her mind.

Already programmed into Mikiko's mind are all the classic skills of the ninja, something her "father" wanted as one of her primary functions, which the OGRE agents are more than happy to leave alone. Next they put in memories of an infiltration scheme that never happened in which she joined OGRE on false pretenses and learned their way to betray them to Texas officials who had contracted with Silver Dragon Securities for this very mission.

The ninja hackers of OGRE go a little overboard at this point with details of a base that never existed. Instead of portraying the Organization for Global Revolution and Extortion as something noble they impress upon her their philosophy that the world is corrupt and can't be redeemed so the best that anyone can hope for is to do the best by themselves and live a good life. A version of the classic American dream of a companion, a comfortable place to dwell and maybe children is what is put forth as the goal of most members of the organization.

In the real world the hackers hear heavy footsteps and fear that the lupursyn is headed in their direction and decide to leave it at that and hope for the best. They check on their man still in the matrix and find him dead; a coronary collapse by the folf which pisses of the other two. But when they go looking for revenge they find she's already logged out and looking for them.

Discretion is the better part of valor has always been a mantra of the agents of the organization so the pair leave their fallen compatriot behind and hope the efforts they put forth will have the effect that she will kill the hybrids for them in her righteous rage before "returning" to OGRE. The pair find the scenario they set in motion so amusing that they get a little careless in who they extricate themselves from the complex. Kodyax stands behind them and debates internally whether he wants to snipe them or not as using the shotgun portion of his long arm in here is not really a viable option.

Killing the agents will not reveal what they were after and it's still a mystery to the hybrids why they were here. The one that Aurora caught committed suicide rather than reveal any information. Musashi is currently unavailable so the bounty hunters are in the dark about what this is all about.

As for Mikiko, her developing mind absorbs and incorporates the changes as best it can; overwriting older versions of her memories in favor of the newer versions and integrating the false mission in what she knows is her history. For Aurora and Keiko there is an upside in that Mikiko's feelings for Kodyax starts to reverse so that she is no longer competition for them in regards to him. Unfortunately she is still willing to seduce Kodyax in order to set him up for destruction later.

Outside of the facility, armored personnel carriers and walker tanks with the OGRE logo painted on the side move into attack position. Foot soldiers in armored suits that hide their identities pile out of the APCs and rush the perimeter screaming the acronym of the organization. The tanks seem to have very little to no room for a driver, seeming to be oversized drones but one look is all it takes for Kodyax to realize that each tank has a disembodied brain in a cylinder directing its movements and fires its weapons.

Brain tanks concern Kodyax far more the APCs as the minds in each tank are usually highly psychotic. For the mind encased in steel this is their last chance to prove themselves to the organization. Failure in this role means death as the tank will explode before it can be captured, taking the brain inside of it with it to the grave.

Five walkers: a scorpion, a praying mantis, an ant, a beetle and a cockroach, advance as one on the complex with each of the ten carriers releasing fifty troops into the field. Aurora calls the situation in as all that manpower is advancing on the complex has only the three of them and the automated defenses left to defend them. Reinforcements are on the way is the message Aurora gets back which doesn't help as they need help immediately.

Roughly one hundred soldiers, each and every one of them clones of Musashi in his younger days, march out of their vats and equip themselves before they take up positions to start firing at the incoming enemy infantry. One hundred Asian men in black body armor with the same Silver Dragon logo on them as the hybrids are a little disconcerting to the three hybrids who look at each other and then shrug. Another hundred soldiers soon joins the first as Kodyax looks for something to even the odds against the brain tanks.

Kodyax finds a pepperbox rocket launcher in an ammo dump and shakes his head as he smirks. Keiko is plugged into the system and treats the automated defenses like some kind of video game as she an Aurora share control of the weapon system. Meanwhile the ninja twins are approaching an armored personnel carrier as stealthily as they can.

Gatling gun turrets shred the enemy infantry while missile pods make the tanks back off. Kodyax targets the scorpion and manages to destroy its Gatling gun tail before he runs out of missiles to fire and goes back to get another pod. The girls are starting to get flushed with their successes.

"Don't get cocky!" Kodyax growls in warning over a secure shared channel. "I've seen these guys act far more aggressively than this."

"I hate to admit it, Rory," Keiko chimes in, "But he's got a point, it's almost as if all of this was a show."

"Kody," Aurora asks, "Did you ever find those other hackers?"

"I couldn't catch them," Kodyax replies honestly, "I wasn't going to snipe them because we need intel from them."

"I don't think would have gotten much," Aurora replies back, "The one I caught activated a cortex bomb that turned his brain into pudding before I could get anything out of him."

"Well, he's also not very good at sniping," Keiko chimes in, "Especially with the gun he has, the sights on that thing are criminal at long range."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Kodyax jokes, "but my shades recalibrated the sights themselves and it works great for me."

"Well," Keiko says sarcastically, "You have a targeting computer along with flash compensators with that thing. Did you get a viewfinder option too?"

"Gun cams aren't picking doing much for me in that department," Aurora states, "What about you, Keiko?"

"Same here, Rory," Keiko admits, "I barely have control over the Gats."

"Missile launchers are giving me a hard time too," Aurora reports.

"And here I am with a pepperbox pod doing it the old fashioned way," Kodyax semi gloats.

"Show of," Keiko grumps, "Just because you're as strong as my cyberarm naturally..."

"Are we overcompensating?" Aurora teases.

"She has one advantage in the she can temporarily take off all her limbs," Kodyax says coyly as he smirks to himself as neither of them can se his grin. "For you Aurora, I have to use a spreader bar and an arm binder."

"KODY!!" Aurora screams.

"Jealous?" Keiko teases.

"NO!" Aurora answers too quickly.

"Why don't I believe you?" Keiko asks teasingly.

"That's enough you two," Kodyax growls.


Keiko_Yojimbo: Hey, wanna tag team?

Aurora_Oddity: Tag team?

Keiko_Yojimbo: W/ Kody

Aurora_Oddity: U mean a 2 girl show?

Keiko_Yojimbo: Yeah, U, Me & Him

Aurora_Oddity: Harem fantasies much?

Keiko_Yojimbo: I've thought about it.

Keiko_Yojimbo: Play Gay?

Aurora_Oddity: Some; w/U?

Keiko_Yojimbo: >:-)

Aurora_Oddity: Just us?

Keiko_Yojimbo: U min him watching?

Aurora_Oddity: Only if he can barge in

Keiko_Yojimbo: icon_biggrin.gif

Keiko_Yojimbo: NE time he wants

Aurora_Oddity: icon_biggrin.gif

OGRECommander: Is it done?

OGREAgent2: Yes, fearless leader!

OGREAgent3: We lost 1 but it went down as planned.

OGRECommander: Casualties were expected.

OGRECommander: Defenders?

OGREAgent2: 3 but 1 Sysop

OGREAgent3: Rabbit + Lupursyn Pys-Sec

OGRECommander: SFA's killer?

OGREAgent2: Yes, Fearless Leader

OGRECommander: We will to kill him soon.

OGRECommander: & 3; kill 2

The one ninja hacker kills the other execution style then himself to prevent any info falling into enemy hands. After getting confirmation of the completion of the mission, OGRE Commander calls for a withdrawal. Everyone obeys and falls back, leaving as mysteriously as they arrived.

Inside the complex the three hybrids are disappointed as the clones celebrate victory. The compound was defended successfully but none of the three get the feeling that OGRE wanted to take the facility or destroy it. Aurora starts to run a diagnostic program on the developing bio-forms to check on them but all seems to be in order.

Atlantyz Federal Police come on the scene along with the Confederated Army troops in response to the call for help. OGRE and ACA troops fight as the terrorists are in full retreat with OGRE fighting defensively as they just want to get away. AFP are ready to arrest the hybrids when they recognize the logo as a legitimate private security firm.

Musashi calls in to confirm that the three hybrids are supposed to be at this site at this time which alleviates any concerns that may have risen. Once the OGRE troops are in full retreat the ACA departs back to its base. The AFP has the hybrids fill out reports on just what happened before they are let go.

With the AFP going over the facility, Musashi gives the three hybrids the rest of the night off. All three pile into Kody's armored SUV for the trip to his apartment complex on Roosevelt Boulevard in the North East. Kodyax drives up Cottman Avenue to the boulevard before making a right to make their way to a fast food place for a quick bite to eat.

Mikiko slowly opens her eyes to view the outside of her tube and glares at the Federal police poking and prodding the facility. She uses her PIDMA to watch Aurora and Kodyax get in his sport utility vehicle with much contempt as her mind comes up with plans to get out of her predicament. A technician is brought into help with the investigation and in him Mikiko sees her chance.

Old and fat the technician helping out is a senior analyst for the company who came up through the rank. Mikiko accesses his file in the company database: Divorced twice; owes child support to each wife and a substantial life insurance policy. She smiles darkly as a plan formulates in her mind.

Through his PIDMA Mikiko convinces him to hake her out to his place for a good time, the best time of his life she promises. He listens to his lower head and rushes through her check-up, too fast to catch the marks of tampering the OGRE agents left behind despite their best efforts to be subtle. The alterations would have made him suspicious if he wasn't distracted by a perfect set of tits pressed against the glass.

The technician lives alone in a gated community and drives there with Mikiko in his trunk. Once they are safely in his garage she slinks out and leads him to the bedroom. Mikiko has every intention to fuck the poor bastard, it's just that has a weak hear and the stress she is going to put him through fucking her be too much for him.

She has him lay down after getting undressed and gives a sensual massage to relax him and lure him into a false sense of security. Once he is relaxed she has him flip over so she can blow his mind. His heart starts to race with excitement with her just performing fellatio.

With his heart rate racing and his cock hard as a rock she impales herself along his length with her bouncing boobs in full view of his eyes to further his excitement and get his heart pumping even faster. She mixes up her speed as she rides his pole and makes his heart work even harder. He has a massive climax and he has a matching massive coronary and Mikiko makes sure the signal calling the ambulance to the rescue is delayed by quite a bit; smothering him with a pillow as a final nail in the coffin before stealing his car and going on a spending spree with his credit cards.

In the mean time the chimeras walk into a local branch of Gluttons' a general fast food franchise serving finger food for anyone with the credits to spend. Aurora and Kodyax both get ribbit sandwiches and Curly-Q fries while Keiko gets a meatless salad with Chipotle ranch dressing but all three fill their cups with Kook-E Cola. While eating their meal at the 24 hour establishment they discuss what they saw back at the chemical plant.

"What the Hell did we just go through back there?" Keiko asks in an annoyed tone.

"OGRE threw all that hardware at us for a reason," Kodyax states and then asks of Aurora: "Was there any of trace of them in the local matrix?"

"Not that I could find," Aurora admits, "There avatars were oozes, like something from a superhero cartoon or an animated adaptation of something out of Lovecraft's twisted mind."

"Sounds like they were trying to be subtle, invisible or both," Kodyax says after washing down the barbecue sauced drowned cloned pork sandwich with Kook-E cola.

"Did you just inhale that thing?" Keiko asks of Kodyax. "Now I know why you got three."

"Oh, hush you," Aurora says as finishes off her first sandwich, "There's not much to these things. Their salads are huge, the sandwiches, not so much."

"My body is more rabbit that human in some respects," Keiko admits, "I can't digest anything resembling meat. The wonders of being a herbivore."

"Whereas I'm mainly a carnivore," Aurora jokes, "And Kody is mostly an omnivore."

"When means I eat just about everything," Kodyax retorts with a smirk and then sighs, "I still can't get over the fact that Mikiko is a dolly."

"Makes you wonder doesn't it?" Aurora asks. "What kind of programming she's had?"

"And what kind of memories," Kodyax adds. "Did you check her before we left?"

"Not really," Aurora admits, "You think they could have been looking for her?" And to do what? Kill her?"

"Not kill," Kodyax says firmly, "Alter, maybe, but not kill."

"Alter? How?" Keiko asks.

"Despite everything else that happened at Neo-Atlantis before it was destroyed, we did get the cargo that was supposed to go there," Kodyax explains.

"Cargo swiped from OGRE," Keiko states. "I think I'm starting to see what you mean. They might have turned her into a mole"

"Mikiko, a double agent?" Aurora asks incredulously. "That would take some serious reprogramming, I caught the one in the cloud before that could happen."

"How many did you say there were?" Kodyax asks to which Aurora holds up three fingers and gives him a look. "So the other two were still in real space. We should have checked the tank."

Kody, you're scaring me," Keiko whines, "Can we just go back to your place for the night?"

"What's this we, geisha girl?" Kodyax growls playfully.

"It's a surprise," Aurora promises as they both grin at him lustfully.

"I think we need to get some apple pies to go," Kodyax says with a smirk to which the other two just nod.

They get six apple pie pods to go which are consumed on the drive down with Keiko eating one, Aurora eating two and Kodyax getting the rest. They see nothing weird on the road home and no sector cop pulls them over. In fact the only bit of weirdness they encounter is in Kodyax's apartment.

Keiko had never been here before so all the Tiki masks, mugs and statuary are more that a little freaky to her but in a good way. She oohs and ahs over everything as she is very much a Japanese bunny and her opinion of Kodyax gets higher than it already was. Aurora looks askance of Keiko as Kodyax just smirks.

Aurora helps Keiko out of her cyberlimbs and Kodyax carries her nude torso into the shower with Aurora close behind. Kodyax and Aurora washes Keiko like parents bathing a child much to Keiko's delight as Aurora is a little freaked out. Keiko eats out Aurora as Kodyax fucks her while the folf and the lupursyn wash each other.

The fact that Kodyax is complacent in fucking a torso semi squicks Aurora until she realizes that with her limbs gone, Keiko becomes a perfect fuck toy which turns her uneasiness to amusement as she enjoys the rabbit's muzzle on her labia. Kodyax shoots a load into Keiko before they finish in the shower and dry off. Kodyax is very attentive to both of their racks which amuses both females quite a bit.

Kodyax carries Keiko like a child carrying a plush toy, which gets her giggling up a storm, as Aurora leads him to his own bedroom with her hand on his dick. Keiko's tail twitches a mile a minute when she sees how extensive Kody's obsession with Tikis is goes into the décor of the bedroom and especially his water bed. Aurora is amused as she has been in here before and Keiko's reactions with her body how it is actually is somewhat comical.

Aurora takes her turn riding Kodyax's pole as Keiko has her rack licked and suckled by the large male. The folf lady milks his shaft of his seed with her inner walls as Keiko looks on and pouts as she knows Aurora is fully capable of getting pregnant by Kodyax that she is as she waits her turn to have him inside of her. Kodyax has had some enhancements added to his equipment so after Aurora gets her load he starts to pound bunny pussy to her heart's delight as Aurora's rack gets attention from Kody's muzzle.

Keiko is basically pounded into dreamland by Kodyax and one she is asleep the wolf-bear collapses beside her and cuddles as best he can with both females as he goes flaccid much to Aurora's disappointment. In the middle of the night, Kody gets wood that Aurora discovers after heeding nature's call. Aurora helps herself until she tuckers herself out and goes back to sleep still attached to Kodyax.