Archie's Adventures Guest Chapter - The Shepherd.

Story by Jevin on SoFurry

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*NOTE* This is a series that will be continued by: - I'm simply kicking it off for him as a request :3

_"Shepherd the others with confidence. Nuture all roles as they nurture yours. If ever the shepherd should fall, then another must take his place, for without the shepherd, all roles fail." _

"I've only just been given the position as leader and I've already screwed it up..." groaned a young raccoon while he stared towards the wreckage of his village. All around, micros of barely 3 inches in height were working to collect twigs, grass, and anything else they could easily get their hands on in order to rebuild.

"My dad would've been ashamed." The raccoon sighed, watching everyone else work while he mopes. "Well, sitting around isn't really going to make that better is it?" The raccoon turned in the direction of the sound, spotting the face of a grinning fox nearby. His own muzzle curled into a smile and he walked over to squeeze into the fox's torso, pressing his cheek into the vulpine's chest. "Now, Adan, you're the leader right? You've got to take charge of this!" The fox spoke, trying to cheer the smaller raccoon. Ever since Adan had taken over things were going downhill, and to no fault of the raccoon. Even so, it always seemed like Adan blamed it all on himself.

"I know, Aiko..." The raccoon lowered his ears and turns to peer at the villagers getting things in order. Aiko's head shook and he rubbed gently over Adan's ears. "Adan, you've gotta be strong now. So what? A few of the ferals thought the food reserves smelled good. They only damaged buildings and buildings can be rebuilt. It's not like what happened with your father..."

"I wish he were still here to do this, though. He always knew how to deal with this kind of stuff and everyone looked up to him. I'm hardly cut out to be leader... you'd make a better one, Aiko..."

"Nonsense, you'll do just fine. Believe in yourself, alright? B'sides, your dad'll be guiding you from the heavens. Everything will be okay. Now, go tell them what to do. Motivate them! I'll see you back at the hut when it's all said and done, we have to go out and collect more materials." The fox let go of the raccoon, whom simply lowered his ears and gave a small nod. "Yea... I'm sorry, I'll try to be more helpful."

Before Adan could turn around, Aiko grasped gently at his shoulder and pulled him in. A blush appeared inside of the raccoon's ears as Aiko's muzzle pressed to his. His fur frizzles and he feels the fox's tongue slip into his muzzle ever so slightly. Adan peered up into Aiko's black Irises, feeling a wave of calm wash over him as he allows himself to be lost in the fox's gaze for a moment. When the kiss broke, Adan shivered and smiled somewhat to himself, feeling a new energy coursing through him as he turned from Aiko's grinning muzzle to walk over to the center of the village.

Adan found himself in the middle of turmoil when he arrived. Workers arguing over which huts to fix first, where resources should be allocated, what was more important to the village. To make matters worse, most seemed to only become more pissed when Adan tried to intervene.

"No no! Over there, put it over there..." Adan shouted, earning himself a grumble from a wolf micro tugging a twig along behind him. "Sorry..." Adan says gently before he turned to see another micro affixing a part of wall improperly. "That goes in the other way!" He shouted before trotting quickly over to the post a badger is working at. "I-I think you're putting it--"

"Shut up, alright? You've been throwing commands out all day. Let us just fix the place, alright? Before another attack happens. Why not go and get the warriors ready just in case another one of those monsters decides to return?" The badger snapped at the supposed leader of the village. Adan didn't know how to respond at first. "I-it's not that they weren't ready! I-it was a giant --"

"I know the rules about how leaders are chosen here..." The badger stood, walking over to the raccoon. The badger is large, a full 5 inches tall, and having done lots of heavy work through his lifetime. At 3 inches tall, the raccoon was barely up to his belly-button. "You have the title, but yer not my leader." The badger spits before he turned to go back to his work.

The words stung and Adan just stood there for a moment before he took a few steps back to leave towards the center of the village, towards his home which did not get damaged in the least during the attacks... partially due to the soldiers whom defended it so well. He looked over the rest of the damage, noticing how heavy it was throughout the village. He tried to remember Aiko's words, but they seem harder and harder to believe. Is this how everyone felt about him? Why did he have to fall into this position...

A rumble broke Adan out of his daze. He blinked and peered around, wondering where the quake came from. It felt too powerful to be from one of the ferals.

"Adan! Emergency! There's a normal nearby!" Shouts a wolf micro from behind. "Come to the gates, Adan! Call the soldiers!"

"This can't be happening..." Adan swallowed, feeling his throat tighten as fear crept through his veins. He uprooted himself after fighting against the urge to flee, and ran towards where the wolf had been leading him.

"And this is where it is, eh?" Archie chuckled, peering down at the miniature fox that strugged between his toes. The large, white-furred, digits wriggled about the little fox, forcing Aiko to emit little yelps and groans. His fur had already been dirtied and soaked in the sweat from the giant's foot. Archie enjoyed the feeling of the tiny creature writhing against his digits, it made him feel strong, powerful. Here's a little fox that could hardly work up enough strength to budge his mere toes even a few millimeters. He chuckled a little at the thought as he walked closer to this micro village, each step he took allowing his large, powerful toes to dig into the ground and squeeze his captive a little more firmly.

Upon arriving, Archie splayed his toes out and allows Aiko fall from between them before he pressed his foot down and smothered the little micro under the ball of his broad, tired paw. A chuckle erupts from above as Aiko begins to wriggle and squirm underfoot, the fox only managing to get his head pushed up and out from between the rabbit's toes. He growled out towards the looming lapine but his growl ends in a whine from the pain in his chest and lack of air. He wheezed and tried to shout but finds that he could barely get words out of his muzzle anymore.

Archie just grinned down at the other micros. "Heya, pipsqueaks, nice place you've got here." The rabbit rubbed his foot over Aiko a little more, quieting the fox down while Adan finally made it to the crowd. He tensed when he finally gets an eyeful of how massive this normal his, easily 200ft tall compared to one of the micros. Adan's eyes travel the length of the slim rabbit's body; tan fur, green eyes and the fur atop his head is slightly browner than the rest of him. He also wore strange clothing... A white dress shirt, black necktie and a brown vest worn over the shirt. Brown dress pants fall down the legs of the rabbit ending at his bare feet; white-furred at the front-half near the toes and brown-furred at the back-half leading towards the heel.

"W-why are you here?" Adan started to ask only to be interrupted by another villager. "He's the guardian! The one the prophecy spoke of!"

Adan blinked. He turned to look at the ringtail that had spoken up. "Wait but..."

"He's the giant of prophecy! Come to protect us from the ferals... He'll keep us safe!" The older ringtail shouts again. "Think about it! We've lost our leader.."

"I'm the lea--" Adan tried to speak only to be interrupted again.

"We've fallen into great catastrophe for the last few cycles and now he's here! Here in our time of need.." The other micros stare at the ringtail, most ignoring Adan for now. It certainly made sense... Adan had been a terrible leader and this giant had come at a time when overall morale was low. Just as prophesized. One by one, they moved forwards towards Archie, getting on their knees to show respect to the giant.

Adan knew of the legend... could this giant really be it? He frowned a little, looking to Scon, the village elder... the ringtail. Scon had never liked Adan, and Adan knew it. The ringtail always thought of Adan as unfit to lead a group of kits let alone the village. He thought of Adan as too weak and timid. Ever since Adan's father died, and the young raccoon was thrust into responsibility, the ringtail had done everything to make his life miserable and there was seemingly nothing the raccoon could do about it. Maybe Scon is just trying to win the villagers over by convincing them of this giant's status as their guardian... or maybe Scon is right. Adan can't help but lament the loss of his father not only due to the fact that he missed him, but also, his dad would have known how to deal with this...

"Legendary giant?" Archie grinned after he figured out what those micros are talking about. He gave a quick nod and lowered himself down towards the ground, adding more weight to the already heavy bunny-sole crushing Aiko. "That I am, runts. That means you've gotta do what I say and I'll make sure everything is alright. None of those ferals will hurt you again..."

Aiko wheezed and kept attempting to pull air into his lungs. "S-stop him.." Aiko shivered, which caused Adan to finally notice him. "Aiko!" He shouted before running past all of the villagers, winning a few growls from a few as he nearly trips trying to get past them all. He stumbled as he arrived, landing on his hands and knees before the gigantic rabbit's daunting toes. He looked up to see the looming lagomoprh grin down at him. "What d'you think you're doing, eh?" Archie chuckled a little at the pathetic-looking raccoon.

"Aiko! Let him go! Get off of him!" The raccoon growled before he ran towards the toes and tried to get it off of the fox. All of his strength was not enough to even budge the toe a little, but Archie watches anyway. It was funny to the giant, seeing such desperation rewarded with not much more than humiliation. "Please, get off of Aiko..." Adan whined.

"Stop!" Scon growled. "Show some respect for our guardian! You're supposed to be our leader! Lead by example!" The elder glared at Adan, whom stared for a moment at the angry face of the one who used to advise his father... He then looked to the other villagers, gauging their reaction and noticing frowns on the faces of the few who were staring at him. He had not been the most effective leader up to this point. He wanted to shout back, but in the end, he got on his knees with the other villagers and bowed his head to Archie. "Please let Aiko go..." He whimpered gently. Aiko, despite his position, frowned at the reaction of the others. He tried to shout more but he's already out of air again. He wanted to attack all of them for treating poor Adan the way they were. In his mind, the raccoon had done a damned good job considering everything that happened

The whole scene was just too good for the giant rabbit. He had to put effort into keeping himself from laughing at it all. "Alright, sure. Give me toes a nice, big kiss and I'll let him up."

Adan quickly moved forward, pressing his lips to the musky rabbit's toe and kissing against it. Archie, unable to believe it was so easy, lifted his paw up and stepped on Adan for a moment, eliciting a squeak from the raccoon as he ground the little guy into the dirt, leaving his fur smeared in bunnysole sweat and a little dirt as well. The rabbit steps back and crossed his arms. "Heheh, alright, he's yours for the moment." He then turns to the rest of the micros near his large feet. "Alright, runts, time to get to business..." He began talking about his demands on the little micros.

Adan gets to his feet as quickly as possible after being smothered under Archie's foot, he ignored the pain for now. He rans to Aiko and pulls the fox up to his feet, hugging against him quickly. "Aiko! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" The raccoon looked up at the fox's tired face, ignoring Archie's words while hearing the shouts of the others agreeing to the rabbit's demands - whatever they were.

"I'm okay, Adan... I'm just sorry you have to deal with all this." He lowered his ears a little and wraps his arms around the smaller raccoon. "I'm sorry..."

"And I want a sacrifice." The rabbit grinned, looking down at the fox at his toes. "He wouldn't be a bad choice. I already got him smelling like my toes. You guys care if I take that one?" He asked, bringing a toe forward to prod Aiko, whom, caught of guard, winced and stumbled, nearly falling onto his rump. Adan moved to stand before Aiko, shivering but firm before the giant. "You can't have him... I won't let you. I'm the leader of this village and-and Adan is off-limits..." He shouted towards Archie. "E-even if you are the guardian..."

Unfortunately, no one in the village had quite accepted the notion that Adan was to lead them. His words left some villagers searching for what to say, while others were quick to snap.

The yelling began with the elder ringtail, but it quickly became the entire village questioning Adan's leadership. He'd allowed the ferals to attack and most of the village had been destroyed in the ensuing chaos, he could only seemed to get in the way during the rebuilding, and now he was upsetting the guardian that had come to protect them. Adan stares at the others, but this time it was not fear that filled him, it was anger.

"Shut up!" The raccoon shouted, voice somehow carrying despite his smaller stature. Even Archie seemed a little surprised, though he quickly fixed his surprised look and grinned cockily down at the little 'coon.

"Aiko is part of our village! W-we can't sacrifice anyone here... no one should have to give their life or freedom for this. No one here wants to lose someone they care about... we shouldn't tolerate sacrifices or anything that will put more stress on us as a family. W-we've gotten this far by working together. Look, I may not be the best leader but we can't let this giant demand things like this from us. If we do... the ferals won't have to destroy our village..."

A hand presses into Adan's shoulder and Aiko pulls the 'coon in against his side. "I agree with Adan..." He looks to the others.

The shouting, now settled into an awkward silence, is only broken as a few villagers walked over to where Adan was standing. "The prophesy said nothin' about sacrifices" one comments, affirmed by the few others who moved to stand nearby in support of Adan's words.

"Oh please..." Archie rolled his eyes before he slipped his foot down towards Aiko and grasped the fox firmly between a pair of toes. "Oh well, I'll just take'em and go home." He pivots and turns to walk off, shirt flowing in the wind as he squeezed Aiko's body between his toes and shook the ground with his massive weight. "Grrf, let go! Adan!" Aiko shouts, trying to compose himself while being twisted and ground into the rabbit's toecrotch.

Adan's eyes widen and he starts to run after Aiko only to have Scon grasp him and pull him back. "Look what you've done! The guardian will never protect us now!" The ringtail growled. For the first time in his life, Adan was not about to be pushed around. He grabbed Scon's arm and forced the elder back, though not attempting to harm him. "I'm going to save Aiko. I don't care if any of you want to stay here. I'll do it myself if I have to..." He growled before turning to run after the massive rabbit.

Meanwhile, Archie was worrying about getting back to work on time. He keeps Aiko grasped between his toes while he spoke to no one in particular.

"Oi, they took all my break time. I have to get back to work now..." Archie grumbled, sighing. "Damn micros.. oh well, at least I got one to take home with me." He squeezed the squeaking fox between his toes, stopping only for a moment to let go of Aiko and stoop down over him. "Guess I could carry you now, eh? No need to end up breakin' you or anything." He reached towards the panting, worn frame of the fox only to hear a shrill voice shout up at him from nearby.

"Stop! Let go of Aiko!" Adan shouted as he finally caught up with Archie. The raccoon placed his hands on his knees and breathed deeply, attempting to catch his breath before he looked up at the looming giant, then at Aiko on the ground before the rabbit's toes. Adan moved over to Aiko and pulled the fox up close to him, cringing at the smell of musk and sweat on the fox but never loosening his grip. "Adan, be careful, you don't know what he'll do." Aiko groaned while attempting to get to his feet.

"You're the shrimp from before! Sorry, little guy, but I've always kinda wanted a pet. You want to come with me too?" Archie giggles a bit, reaching for the two again.

"No!" Adan shouted, pulling Aiko back a few feet and frizzling towards the lagomorph whom didn't stop. Adan tried to run while supporting Aiko, but he was just too slow with the fox in tow. Archie grasped Aiko and pulled upwards, causing the clinging Adan to lift into the air as well. Adan found himself in the air, kicking his legs and staring upwards to find Archie's grinning face becoming nearer. "Let go Adan! Go back to the village! I'll be okay... you have to take care of them. Don't worry about me..." Aiko shouted while trying to get Adan's grip loose.

Adan growled, refusing to let go willingly but Aiko managed to slip out of his grip before too long. Adan hits the ground, wincing a little at the pain and watching as Archie began to walk away with Aiko held between two fingers.

He didn't ask for this. The villagers seemed to hate him. He couldn't defend them from the ferals, he couldn't lead the effort to rebuild. He couldn't convince them to save Aiko and... he himself was unable to save Aiko. And now he'd lose Aiko, and he'd return to the village having failed again. Without Aiko, there's no way he'd be able to face them. Without Aiko, there's no way he'd want to face them... he'd had to leave..

Adan punched the ground and his entire body quivered. "Let go of him! Let go of Aiko!" He shouted while baring his teeth towards the massive rabbit walking off. The emotion began to turn into sadness as the rabbit walked further and soon Adan slouched, sobbing and clenching his eyes shut.

"You don't have to be leader, Adan. No one is forcing you."

A familiar voice rung throughout the raccoon's head and he sits up again, tears still falling through his cheek fur. He was uncertain as to whether the voice was just his mind in its delirious state or if he'd actually heard it.

"You can choose for yourself. You -must-, however, make a choice, son. And once you've made that choice, be clear and be proud of the choice you made. I'm proud of you no matter what, so don't let the world throw its weight onto you alone. Even a leader needs help. He is but another role required to make the village function and no role in the village can do its job without the support of the others. Remember that. Choose your role, and support the others. They will, in turn, support you."

"What about Aiko? I can't save him..." Adan shuddered, thinking of what Archie could do to the fox he cared so much about.

"You remember the old prophesy, right?" Adan heard the voice chuckle in his head. "A guardian will appear to protect the village... And you're the village's shepherd, correct, Adan?"

"The role of shepherd... both leader, and guardian."

"What's that supposed to me--" He felt strangely all of a sudden and his stomach suddenly felt as if it were tying itself in knots. "Fulfil your duties, son. I'm always with you."

Archie peered down at the little vulpine, giving a grin to the little creature who was moping in his palm, seeming depressed over having been captured. "Aww, cheer up. You'll be happier at my house anyway. What was it they were complaining about? Ferals? You guys are afraid of a few feral mice and other animals running about? That's just pathetic." He giggled.

"Poor Adan... you realize that you've destroyed his life?" Aiko looked down, only able to imagine what Adan would go through.

"I did nothin' of the sort!" Archie rolles his eyes. "Look, I didn't break anything and I--"

A shadow overtook the rabbit and Archie turns just in time to see a black handpaw coming right for him. "A macro!?" He turned to flee but it was too late. The giant grasped him and tugged him into the air. The familiar face of the giant caused his eyes to widen. "Y-you... that raccoon? How..." He lowers his ears.

"Give Aiko back... now..." The raccoon growled, holding his palm nearby the miniature rabbit's arm. Archie quickly brought the little fox down into the expansive palm of the raccoon. Aiko could hardly believe his own eyes. This creature, this mega-giant was Adan? He stared around the vast palm of the raccoon, hardly able to see the edges of the hand... it's like he standing atop a hardened, living landscape.

"Okay okay! I put him down. N-now, b-be nice alright? I was going to hurt him or anything..." Archie squeaked, fearful of what this newly grown 'coon could do.

Adan looked down into his palm, somehow able to see and feel Aiko. He smiled a little and curled his immense fingers around the fox, getting the tiny vulpine stuck between two folds of his palm pad while he looked down at Archie. "Oh, I'm not going to hurt you." The raccoon grinned and lowered the rabbit down to the ground. He lifts his foot into the air, letting the rabbit stare at the immense, black pawpads accentuated by the dark fur of Adan's toes. "Just gonna give you a taste of your own medicine."

"Wait! Not the clothes! Not the clothes! Gah!" Archie ran, fleeing through the forest only to have a great, heavy, hot, musky 'coon foot slam down onto his little frame. Adan enjoyed grinding his paw back and forth over the little rabbit. His feet had been tired from walking around all day and from chasing Archie earlier. They were not on the best of shape and so the rabbit is subjected to the heat and grime that had built up on that raccoon's paw. His white shirt, vest, and pants were soaked and grimed up with mud, dust, and sweat and when Adan lifted his foot into the air he felt the little rabbit stick to his paw... And he didn't mind that at all.

He turned to walk away, letting Archie stick to his foot and end up slammed into the ground several times before he becomes dislodged, finally, within a massive footprint, unconscious...

Later in the day, after Adan managed to get back to normal height, he and Aiko settled to watch the full moon shine above their heads. "I love you, Aiko. Thanks for being there for me when the others weren't." Adan smiled, forcing a laugh from Aiko. "I dunno, Adan. I'm startin' to think you've done a whole lot more for me... I mean, becoming a macro? Just to save me? You're such a sweet little 'coon. And much braver and stronger than anyone ever imagined. No one 'cept for me, of course." The fox leans and licks over Adan's muzzle-tip, pulling the 'coon close to cuddle him into his chest. Adan leaned into the larger fox's grasp and nuzzled into the vulpine's chest. Being a giant was nice, but being able to cuddle into his boyfriend's torso was so much better. He wishes he could stay here forever. "We both are." He spoke softly.

There would be more to do. The village still needed to be rebuilt, and Scon, after finding out that Adan actually managed to save Aiko from a giant, is in a rather terrible mood. Still, it all seemed so far away from Adan right now. He had Aiko, and he'd succeeded in fulfilling his duties. He'd protected the village and kept it together for at least one more day and if the ferals came back? Well, he had a surprise for them now, too. Instead of worrying about what tomorrow would bring, he simply enjoyed the time he got to spend with the handsome fox.

Archie groaned and looked around after he woke up. It's dark outside and he's, apparently, still in the forest. He got up and looked down at his clothes and their ruined state. "Oh my god... micros are the worst. No wonder everyone hates them!" The rabbit groaned again before realizing he never went back to work. "Shit! The engineers' guild is gonna be pissed! They'll fire me! Gah!" He ran to the edge of the raccoon's foot print and climbed out of it before sprinting full-speed towards the lift to Hawkhaven city.