lady and the dragons part 4

Story by frankteller on SoFurry

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About an earth year (half a year in dragon world) has passed since Julie's arrival. She has changed considerably. She has adjusted to the roughly 29 hour days and the twilight produced by Alpha Centauri B. She is leaner (though still overweight by human standards) and a lot more muscular. She has become an excellent swimmer and a decent runner. She now lives on a mostly plant based diet, supplemented by some meat caught by Dick and Rose and roasted by their fiery breath. They have migrated south with the approaching winter and are now much closer to sea level. Julie has begun to intermingle with other dragons, and thoroughly enjoys their company. She is not the only human who the dragons have brought to their world; Rose started her life as a human in 16th century England. The dragons have an uncanny ability to learn new languages and lose their accents - in fact, they are far better at it than humans are. All of the dragons are multilingual, and most of them know English. Julie is always discovering abilities she never knew she had, and as time passes, the dragons give her access to some of their great powers, including the ability to communicate with the dragons telepathically.


Even with the dragons' protection, Julie is not always safe. While swimming one morning, she is nearly eaten by a crocodile like animal. One of the dragons saves her, heals her wounds, kills the crocodile and feeds her part of its tail as she rests. On another occasion, a dragon finds her passed out from heat stroke. The dragons' healing powers are almost limitless, and Julie begins to adopt an arrogant stance toward danger, confident that the dragons will save her. The dragons are torn about how to respond. On the one hand, it is not only healthy for her to overcome the paralyzing fear she felt under her husband's watch; it is also a key element to her journey to become a dragon. On the other hand, the dragons feel that she may be getting carried away with it. After she is severely injured in a fall, the elder dragon Maria heals her and keeps her under close watch. The fall would probably have been fatal on earth, but the thick atmosphere and weaker gravity protected her.


"Julie," Maria says, "I think you have come to take us dragons for granted. You risk any injury confident that one of us will save you. But we are not omniscient or omnipotent. And worse yet, some of the dragons are beginning to see you as a nuisance.  While we are prohibited from harming your kind, if one of us gets angry enough, it could end very badly."


"Dick and Rose said that they would always protect me."


"They may try, but their powers are not limitless. Just exercise a little sense, ok. They have a great deal to tend to and cannot monitor you at all times. Besides, you may have noticed their extended absence. Though you say you trust them to protect you, you seem to act more recklessly when they are not around."


"Of course I have noticed their absence. None of the other dragons want to talk about it though. Do you know what is going on with them?"


"Dick is very ill, and Rose has been caring for him. That is why you have not seen them in a while."


"Oh, is there anything I can do for him."


"Just stay safe. I know you miss them and maybe that is why you are acting this way. Maybe you think that by getting yourself into trouble you can coax them to come back. It is not so simple. I must go and see them now. Rose has been draining her own power taking care of him."


"Can I come with you?"


"I would like to bring you along, but I can't. I'll let you know more when I can."


Julie stays much closer to the dragons, and loses a lot of weight as she eats less. The dragons begin to realize how close Julie has grown to Dick. The dragons reassure Julie that even if Dick cannot return, they will take care of her. After about three weeks, a male dragon even larger than Dick arrives with news. "Dick is doing better. He and Rose will return soon. However, Maria is gravely ill. I need some of the elders to take a look at her." He departs again with three of the elders.


Two days later, Dick and Rose return. Although she has not seen them in over three months, Julie instantly recognizes them. She is elated by their return, though Dick and Rose are more somber. "I'm sorry I've been gone so long," Dick says.


"It wasn't your fault. I'm so glad you're back," Julie replied.


"I'm worried about Maria," Dick said. "She saved my life. I'm afraid that in doing so she may have given her own. I've been so selfish and so arrogant. I'm afraid I've set a very bad example for you. We dragons have great power and we also have great responsibility. I neglected my duties to satisfy my baser urges, and I believe that my illness was my punishment."


"Maybe it is different here, but in the world I came from, illness struck at random. People dreamed up things like karma to keep us in line, but it was a bunch of bullshit."


"That is because your world is hopelessly corrupt.  Maybe one day you will begin to understand. I would love to save everyone in your world, but first I must save myself. No one else can do it for me."


"Save yourself from what?"


"I am only beginning to understand it myself. I don't think I can explain it to you. We both have growing up to do. You must learn not to depend on me so much. You must realize that I am fallible, and that my motives are not pure, and that though I love you very much, there is only so much I can do for you. Pay attention to what the others say. As for myself, I have to learn to let others be and not manipulate their desires to align with my own. And you are probably the one I have hurt the most. I turned you into a sex fiend. I played tricks with your mind, and implanted desires only I could fulfill. I made you dependent on me, and when I fell ill, you were not prepared to get along without me."


"What are you talking about? You showed me pleasure I could never have imagined. I spent twenty years with a man who hated me. You didn't hurt me; he did. Do not blame yourself for being ill. It happens to all of us. And you told me repeatedly that your powers were limited. It is not your fault I didn't believe you. Don't go."


"I'm not leaving you. But we must talk. I have much to tell you, and I can't say it with my dick." Julie laughed. "That wasn't supposed to be funny."


"I want to see your power again. You can tell me your shortcomings later. Your power is what I love most about you."


"I only seem powerful because you are so frail. You look like you have lost a lot of weight since I last saw you."


"I have. I guess now that I am away from human society I am beginning to live up to their standards of beauty."


"Well, we don't expect you to be thin. Say, aren't those the berries you used to love." She looks where he is pointing.




"Eat all you want."


"I thought eating too much was bad."


"Fuck that. Do you still fantasize about getting eaten?"


"Of course I do. You are the only one I would trust to do it, though."


"Maybe someday I will. But you'd better fatten yourself up first." She proceeded to eat a large number of the bright red berries. As she was eating, he began to lick her butt. She telepathically communicated her desire to be eaten. Dick was caught by surprise, as he did not know that she had mastered telepathy in his absence. "You can communicate telepathically now," he said.


"Diana taught me how. I hope she is alright."


"Me too." He proceeded to put her in his mouth and forced his tongue deep inside her pussy. Within seconds, she had multiple orgasms. She telepathically communicated her desire that he swallow her. Once again, he refused, instead setting her down gently. "What, are you too scared to eat me?"


"You are quite daring, but when I swallow, there is no turning back."




"What, do you think that I'll do it if you piss me off? You ought to know me better than that."


"Well, it was worth a try."


"Dick," Rose said, "If she doesn't really want it, then she is faking it so hard that I'll laugh my head off when her fear sets in."


One of the elder dragons approached. "You guys need to knock it off. We just got bad news. Maria has died."