Prologue: Red Moon

Story by HallaCide on SoFurry

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Benezelf bit her lip to hold in a yelp or pain each time her fathers fist would connect to...

Benezelf bit her lip to hold in a yelp or pain each time her fathers fist would connect to her cheek.A dark bruise was forming along her cheek, turning it a ugly black and purple. She avoided the next assult from her father, And stumbled into the kitchen, Her leaning against the counter. She could see her father approaching in the corner of her eye. His eyes were blazing with unreasonable rage.

Her feline tail swished as she thought of what to do, Her feline ears were tilted backwards, Tears trickling from her sapphire colored eyes. Her father was within range to attack her again, Out of either quick thinking or instinct, her hand reached for a knife in the sink, her fingers curled around it, Her clutching it tightly as her father got too close. Her arm swinging toward him with the knife in hand.

The knife sliced easily into his stomach, The blood spraying out and Benezelf flinching as it splashed on her, And flinching from what she had just done. Her father gurgled abit as blood filled his mouth, dripping down the side of his lips. Benezelf shook her head and ran out the front door, Her stumbling to get away from the house.

She stumbled into the dark forest that surrounded the house, Her blindly trailing through the pitch blackness, To make it worst her tears clouded her vision, And the only light was from the deep red rays of the harvest moon. Benezelf gave a sharp gasp as she tripped over what she thought must have been a tree root, Her falling hard onto the ground, She gave a shrill yelp of pain as her bones made a sickly snap.

She sobbed softly for a minute, Before she blacked out from the pain of pain, and her broken ankle that was caught in the tree root.