A Broken Soul

Story by yvhv91 on SoFurry

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It had be two weeks since Kit had seen his friend, Andrew. Andrew texted Kit, "I can't take it anymore. I'm going to comite suicide." Kit asked Andrew," Why are you going to commit suicde you mean a lot to so many people." Andrew was not convinced he was to tired of having a sword held at his neck. He wanted to be free of it.

So Kit told Andrew, " If you commit suicide I will never forgive you." Andrew didn't care all he wanted was to die. He had commited many crimes. Kit continued to argue that death was not the answer. Andrew countered that he must pay for the lives he detroyed. Kit asked " What lives have you destroyed? If you commit suicide the only ones you will hurt are the ones you love."

Andrew didn't have an answer and Kit brought up very strong points. Andrew still have wanted to commit suicide and leave his sad life behind. He told Kit his mind was made up and Andrew was not going to change it. Kit want to know why Andrew's mind was made up. Andrew told Kit one of his many crimes. All Kit said was so what I've done worse than that.

Kit told Andrew his crime and Adrew finally changed his mind. Andrew told Kit " thank you for being a great friend." It is sometimes easy to forget those you love and cherish when we are depressed. I wrote this story to show eneryone can find someone to talk to. All you have to do is look.