Another Form of Rebellion - Chapter 3

Story by Kaynyne on SoFurry

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#1 of Another Form of Rebellion

Chapter 3

Thursday: a school day. There are no uniforms (thank God...) in here. Except for Gym class...

For me, Gym sucks. Sorry for those who do like it.

In gym class (Boys Gym), we were playing dodgeball. I'm not into sports, but the coaches (3 of them) think I am. They know I got a good throwing arm, after putting someone in a concussion 2 minutes before getting hit, and almost knocking someone out a minute before getting out. I don't intimidate, I just go with the flow.

Calvin was in the same elective class I was in. He was dressed differently than I was in the class. I was dressed differently than everyone else; not sure why, but I was able to just change my shirt to the gym shirt (part of the gym dress code; the base color was white). I was wearing black semi-baggy pants at the time, with an excessive amount of chains on it.

Calvin was wearing the gym shirt (saying CLGYMHS on the front in red) and red shorts that lied in the middle of the knee.

He intimidates the other team at times.

"C'mon man! Is that the best you got?" he yelled out. One of the players from the other team threw a dodgeball at him (8-inch, red). He ducked down and threw his dodgeball at the player. He got hit; one point for our team. After he threw the ball, he got hit by another player.

"Damn..." he cursed under his breath. He came walking to where I was. He sat down beside me. "Hey, how's it goin'?"

"Nothin' much," I responded, "What did you see yesterday?"

"Nothin' much, really," he responded, "Just a girl I like."

"Is she eighteen? You know both of you can be put to jail for that..."

"Man, I know. I hope she's near my age..."

"That's great..." I saw one of our players get hit by a ball. "How was she like?"


"What does she look like?"

"Oh. She's pink-furred..."

"Uh huh..." ...It turned me on.


"I think I heard enough."

"Okay..." I saw one of our players catching a ball. I also heard one the coaches yell,

"Calvin, go!" Calvin ran back to try to win the game.

We lost; the other team with 3 remaining.

4th Period (one before Lunch): English II PAP (Pre-Advance Placement). I don't necessarily have him in the class, but got the info I got from a dude in the class.

I don't know what he was doing in the class, or why I am caring, but it seemed to be him favorite class...

The teacher was in front of the class, with half of the students in the left side and half on the right side.

"Alright class," she said. The class settled down in about 30 seconds. She kept going on. "Alright, just have to say a few things, and then you can get back to work."

Great Calvin thought. He finished about a minute before.

"So, we have a new student today." It caught Calvin's attention. The new student came in the room, Calvin being interested.

It was the same girl that Calvin saw the day before.

"This is Mirannda," the teacher said. "She'll be in our English class. Say 'Hi' to her." Everyone said, "Hi" or "Hi, Mirannda", except for Calvin, who kept staring at her.

"You can sit behind Calvin." His eyes narrowed out, seeing Mirannda walk over to the empty seat behind him. "While we have that out of the way," the teacher said, "We have a test next week Wednesday. Remember, it's sixty percent of your grade..."

Calvin ignored everything else and started to think what he could do to impress her. He thought of many things that he could do and scratched out every possibility. He stopped thinking after the teacher said, "Okay class, get back to work."

Okay Calvin thought Gotta keep my mind straight. Can't let this get outta hand...

With nothing to do, it was hard for Calvin. Screw this He started to "draw out his imagination."

5th Period: also known as Lunch. It was an hour lunch, with the first 30 minutes being A Lunch, and the second B Lunch.

I was already on a circular table, fit for 8, alone, eating pizza. Pizza kicks ass. The pizza was better since it was handmade.

Calvin walked in with his food. So now we were the only 2 in the table. Lunch just came on 2 minutes before.

"Hey dude, guess what?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You know that new--"

"What about her?"

"I know her name now and she's in my class!"

"Uh huh..." I cared more about my pizza than I did with him at the time. "What's her name, and what class?"

"Her name is Mirannda."


"And she's in my 4th Period class."

"Which is...?" I don't like being spoken to when eating my pizza.

"English II PAP."

"Ok..." I didn't care what I asked next. "So what are you gonna do now other than tell me this crap I somewhat don't care?"

"Yeah," he responded.


"I'm gonna try to find her. Wanna come?" I nodded. "Alright, then let's go!"