Story by wolfdude on SoFurry

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#8 of users


Ch8. Dinner for....umm three???

The noise of everyone moving ...

Ch8. Dinner for....umm three???

The noise of everyone moving around the room woke up Phillip much earlier than what he wanted, he let out a soft groan as he stretched out his body before laying still once more while looking up at the ceiling. The boy got up and fixed his bedding before moving over to his chest and changed into his clothes. After he got his boots on, Phillip slipped both his wrist guards on and headed out while still tying his sword onto his back. On his way outside he caught up with Hikrit and the two made their way to the training grounds. Phillip waited patiently for instructions when the familiar howling came from the distance.

Blaferis was one of the last anthros to arrive as he walked over to the horse and started to talk to him, the horse nodded before looking over in the human's direction. "Phillip." He called out. Phillip got up and quickly moved over to the horse. "You have guard duty this morning with Blaferis."

Phillip looked over at the wolf that motioned with a tilt of the head for him to follow. They both walked to the front gate of the base. Where two other anthros were walking in their direction. They told Blaferis that there was nothing to report and walked off.

"Ok, our job is to make sure that no one is on our territory that's not supposed to be here." The wolf said before he started to walk out the gate and down the outside fence with the human following closely.

"So this is duty?" Phillip asked.

The wolf nodded. "One of them, you could stand watch at one of the gates, messenger, or look out."

"What's look out?" Phillip asked.

Blaferis kept his eyes out in the distance as they continued their walk.

"Look out is the ones keeping an eye out in case a port opened in an area nearby. If there is one that opened then it's their job to notify the messenger so that they can inform the rest of the base so we can get to it till it and close the port. Since the one we use is a main port they usually don't open up too far away."

"Ah." Phillip said. The walk seemed like miles to the boy as they continued around the outside fence, all was clear for the hour that they walked. They were just making their way by the village when Phillip looked over to the side to see young anthros running around and chasing each other, the boy smiled as he watched the young ones play.

''Anything else you'd like to know?'' The wolf asked.

Phillip watched as a young wolf pounced onto a small dog. He watched as the two wrestled around. ''I was actually wondering how rank worked.''

Blaferis scratched the back of his head as he thought on the question. ''Well rank is the same for everyone till a human and anthro bonds. First the rank can be seen on our wrist guards.'' The wolf held out his arm and showed his small piece of armor to the boy. ''Rank is called level that goes from one to nine, after that it goes junior lieutenant, lieutenant, and captain. The mark you have on means level one.''

Phillip looked down at his wrist guard and seen a single line coming down at angle. ''So what happens to rank after I bond?''

The wolf gave out a small chuckle. ''And that's where it gets complicated. Once you bond the captain and lieutenants decide on the lower rank of the two and could advance them up so that the two that bond are at the same rank.''

''If I bond to someone at a higher level I could be at the same rank?'' Phillip asked.


The two continued their rove. They were half way through when Blaferis decided to sit down under a tree. ''So tell me, what was it like back at your old home?''

Phillip had his legs crossed and was looking down at the ground. ''My life wasn't that well off. Never had friends to talk too, my father saw me a worthless child, and I got beat up a lot. Even my brother didn't even look at me when we were at school.''

Blaferis laid his ears back against his head. ''What about your mother?''

''Mom?'' Phillip smiled with a chuckle. ''I think she was the only one that would talk to me. To me she was like my only friend.'' Phillip said as he looked back down to the ground. He wasn't paying attention when Blaferis moved closer and wrapped his arms around the boy and pulled him close, making him tense a little.

''I'm sorry you didn't have that good of a life.'' He whispered into the boy's ears. ''but now think, look at all the friends you already have here.''

''Yeah.'' Phillip said while his body settled down and leaned into the wolf a little. ''I think I'm actually getting used to this hugging and cuddling you anthros like to do.''

Blaferis giggled as he leaned forward and nuzzled the boy. ''you better, it's only going to get worse as time goes until your bonded.''

Phillip thought for a little. ''Blaferis.''

''Yeah.'' The wolf answered.

''Once I bond, how many anthros will still be my friend?'' Phillip asked.

Blaferis's hold tightens a little. ''I'm not going to lie but you will lose some, they like to be close because your unbounded but most will stay friends. At least I will.'' He said with a smile. ''well, lets get going.''

The wolf stood up and held out his paw for the human to grab, once he helped the boy up they continued their rove until they came back to the main gate of the base, upon their arrival they saw two more anthros waiting.

Blaferis walked up to them, "All's clear."

They both nodded and started off in the same direction that both Blaferis and Phillip had gone. Blaferis patted Phillip on the shoulder before walking back to the practice grounds where the rest of the squad was just finishing up on their work out and was all heading out for a lunch break.

''Go to lunch and be back in two hours.'' The wolf said before he started to walk off towards Hikrit.

Phillip headed off to get some food, once he got in line at the hangout place that all the Users were starting to gather for a meal he started to get that one feeling coming from behind. The boy turned around to see a smiling face of the husky that was a few anthros back.

The boy just smiled back before looking forward and waited while the line started to move slowly, as he got inside the waitress at the counter asked for his sword. Completely forgetting that he had it gladly untied the sheath and handed the weapon over to the anthro before being escorted over to a table that was closest to one of the windows. After placing his order he watched as the waitress walked off before he started to stare out the window.

He watched as anthros walked by and once in a while a human walking beside his bonded partner. The boy started to smile when he felt the same anthro from his past visits nearby. Phillip turned around to see the husky standing near him smiling.

''Mind if I sit down?'' To the boy's surprise that he had a soft voice unlike the others that had a deep voice.

Phillip gave the dog a nod and motioned to the seat across from him. The anthro gladly sat down and folded his paws together on the table. ''So how do you like it here so far?''

''It's not too bad. Still trying to get used to the early wake ups.''

The dog gave a small laugh. ''Yeah it'll take some time, but you'll get used to it.''

The boy placed his arms on the table and laid his head down and closed his eyes. "No I don't think I will."

''You mind if I ask you what your name is?'' the dog asked.

Phillip sat back up in his seat while holding out his hand. ''My names Phillip.''

The dog smiled as he shook the boy's hand. ''I know your new and all but just for the future it's polite to state the squad you're in after your name.'' The dog let go of the boy's hand and placed his paw on his own chest. ''Like I'm Husvor of squad six.''

''So I'd say Phillip of squad eight?'' the boy asked.

Husvor sat back in his seat, ''so you're in the same squad as Blaferis?''

''Yeah I am, why?'' Phillip asked.

The husky looked over as the waitress came up and had two plates of food for them. After she placed them down she asked if they needed anything else, they both shook their heads no. The dog looked back at the boy to continue their conversation from where they had left off. ''Oh no reason, just good to know that you'll be safe when you cross over and go into battle.''

''Is he that good?'' The boy got curious.

Husvor stabbed a fork full of pasta before answering Phillip. ''Well you know that the reason this is an elite command is because we have the only ice Users and they are very dangerous. Blaferis is the best ice User, he can thin down his element output so much that it looks like snowflakes.'' The dog stated.

Phillip just took in all the information the anthro was feeding him before he started to eat his own meal. The two talked back and forth throughout their meal.

''So have you been down to the village yet?'' The dog asked.

The boy shrugged, ''Sort of, just when I was walking around with Blaferis on watch this morning.''

The dog shook his head. ''That's not good enough, come with me tonight and I'll show you the best grill house.'' Phillip contemplated on the offer for a little before agreeing to go with the dog. ''awesome,'' he said before taking another bit of his pasta. ''we'll meet back at the training fields after work.''

Phillip nodded before he finished his meal and looked at the nearby clock to see that he had a few minutes to head back to the squad. After saying his good bye to Husvor, Phillip grabbed his sword from the front counter and quickly headed back to the practice field.

The human gathered with the others and waited patiently for more instructions. The squad didn't wait long till orders were being given out. Phillip ended up was given the order to have hand to hand combat. After everyone left for their assignments and he put his sword down, the boy seen that only a few stayed behind, one of the anthros Phillip seen was Gradeg, the bear looked at the boy and gave him a smile as they waited. Hikrit came up to the group with a small box and instructed them to stand in a single file line. To Phillip's surprise the anthros lined up behind him, Hikrit came up to Phillip and asked for his hands. The human held out both of his hands as he watched the horse reached into the box and pulled out a small roll of cloth. After he set the box down the horse grabbed Phillip's hand and started to wrap the cloth between his fingers and over his knuckles, the anthro quickly made his way down to his wrist and tied off the end so it wouldn't come lose. Once he repeated his task with the other hand he motioned Phillip to stand off to the side.

The boy inspected his bandaged covered hand while the others all had the same thing done to them. Once all the anthros had their paws wrapped Hikrit instructed them all to pair up. The boy ended up getting the cougar that sleeps beside him as a partner.

They both got into their stances and the cat smiled when the boy lifted up his fists. ''You do know how to fight right?'' The anthro asked while he got into his.

Phillip started to worry a bit. ''To be honest this would be my first time without a sword.''

''Ouch, well I'll go easy on you but you will still get hurt. The way we were all pretty much was raised was that you never can win a fight if you can't take a hit.'' Phillip could feel how serious the cougar was and the cat knew as his ears twitched. ''Kid don't let up ok, come at me with everything.''

The boy just nodded right before Hikrit yelled. ''Begin!''

Before the boy could do anything the cat tumbled forward, while the cougar was back onto his feet the cougar swung his leg outward and tripped the boy onto his back. Phillip landed hard with his eyes closed, once he opened them he seen a smiling cougar motioning his to come with a wave of his paw. The boy quickly got up and charged at the cat, as he got close he threw a punch at the anthro's face. The skilled cat just stepped off to the side and quickly lifted up his leg and kicked the boy into his gut.

All of the air quickly escaped Phillip's body as he fell onto his knees and clenched his stomach. He was trying to catch his breath when he felt a warm paw rest onto his back. The cougar kneeled beside the boy and rubbed his back to make sure he was alright.

''You okay? I didn't think I hit you that hard.'' The anthro confessed.

The boy nodded. ''Y-yeah, just have to catch my breath real fast.'' After a while Phillip got back onto his feet and got his fist up and ready. The cougar motioned for him to come at him once more, Phillip took a deep breath and went at the cougar once more but this time he tried an uppercut, the cat just grabbed the boy's arm and with a 180 degree spin, he flipped the human over his body but was suppressed that Phillip landed on his feet, turned, and gave the cat a left hook to the side of his face. The cat's head moved to the side a little but the rest of the anthro's body didn't budge, Phillip slipped out of the cat's grasp and took a few steps back but held up his guard.

The anthro wiped the side of his face with a smile. ''Good, now again.'' The boy smiled and came at his opponent.


The day came to a close with the boy slowly walking off the field with fresh bruises that were starting to appear slowly. Phillip tried his best to make his way back to the room as quickly as possible and put his sword away before grabbing his things he needed for a quick shower. The warm water felt refreshing over his sore body, after he washed the days stench down the drain the human quickly went back to the room to change. The other anthros were also getting ready for their own afternoon.

''and where are we off too in such a hurry?'' Scrit asked while he was slipping on a pair of pants.

Phillip didn't look up to the dog as he was finishing tying one of his boots. ''I'm off to the village with Husvor.''

The Dalmatian's ears perked up a bit before he started to scratch the back of his head. ''He's a husky right?''

Phillip looked up at the Dalmatian after he slipped on his other boot. ''Yeah, he wanted to take me out to eat.''

Scrit's ears flattened. ''umm, you mind if I tag along?''

''I don't see why not.'' The boy answered while he finished tying his final knot. He waited for the Dalmatian to get ready before the two headed out. Phillip realized that the dog actually wasn't dressed in his full uniform, besides his wrist guards the Dalmatian had a simple pair of paints and a shirt. They both headed down to the field where Phillip instantly spotted the husk, the dog's tail started to wag as the boy approached but slowed down after Husvor seen that he had another anthro with him.

''Sorry I hope it's ok that I invited someone.'' Phillip asked as he walked up to the anthro who was wearing paints and an open vest that showed off his toned chest and abs.

Husvor just nodded, ''yeah it's ok.'' The dog said before he looked at the boy that was still in uniform. ''Don't you have any civilian clothing?''

Phillip was kind of embarrassed that he was the only one still in uniform. ''No I never got the chance to get any.''

''Ah.'' Husvor started to head down the road with the other two right beside him. ''Then well have to buy you some while we're in the village.''

''But I don't have any money.''

''That's ok, I gotcha.'' Scrit answered quickly which he got a quick glare from the husky.

The Idea didn't sit right with the human. ''No it's ok, I should be getting my bank car...''

''Nonsense, consider it a welcome gift.'' The Dalmatian quickly insisted. ''and a no is not going to happen so just except it.'' Scrit said with a smile.

The boy just sighed in defeat. ''Fine.''

The Dalmatian's tail was wagging the whole time they walked into the village. When they arrived Husvor lead the small group to the center of the village and looked down at the boy. ''Ok, your pick shop now or after we eat.''

Phillip looked around and saw that the restaurants weren't as busy as the shops, and with the other Users getting off work and most likely heading their way Phillip decided to take advantage of the opportunity. ''Let's eat first.''

The husky nodded and lead them to a small restaurant that had a nice aroma coming from the doorway. As they entered the group was greeted by slender cheetah. She smiled at the three before picking up some menus. ''Only you three?'' She asked.

Husvor nodded his head before the waitress led them to a booth in the corner of the room. Phillip went over and sat in the farthest spot. As soon as he sat down both Husvor and Scrit moved to sit next to him at the same time but bumped into each other. Phillip looked up confused at the two as both dogs kind of gave each other a glare.

''Why don't you both set on the other side, be easier for me to talk to you guys.'' Phillip suggested.

Both dogs laid their ears back as they sat across from Phillip, Husvor picked up the menu and looked at it. ''I'm paying for you so get whatever you want.'' He said as he scanned over the pages.

''Aww thanks hun, you shouldn't have.'' Scrit said with a slight chuckle while quickly hugging the husky next to him. Phillip couldn't help but laugh.

''Not you ass, I'm talking to Phillip.'' The husky growled as he shoved the dog off of him. ''You can pay for your own damn food.''

Scrit was still chuckling when the waitress came up, ''Hello gentlemen you ready to order?''

Scrit looked up at the cheetah. ''Can I get the grilled ribs please?''

''Okay,'' she wrote down the order and waited for the other two.

''I'll have the double pork chops.'' Husvor said while folding his menu and handing it over to the waitress.

''Ok that's one double pork chop.'' She scribbled the order onto her note pad before looking up at the human. ''and for you hun.''

Phillip was still looking over the menu, he really couldn't decide because everything sounded so good. ''umm...I'll just have the double pork chop also.'' Phillip decided, he folded up the menu and handed it over to the waitress.

''Alright.'' She said while writing down the last order. ''Should be about ten to fifteen minutes.''

''Thanks.'' Scrit told the cheetah while she turned and walked away.

Husvor looked over at Phillip and stared at him for a little. ''Phillip, I just noticed but you have a small black eye. What happened.''

Scrit quickly looked over at the boy and leaned forward to get a better look. The boy lifted up has hand to touch his left eye and winced a little. ''Oh I think it happened during hand to hand training.''

''Who was your opponent?'' The husky asked.

Phillip thought about it but couldn't come up with the anthros name. ''It's the one cougar I sleep beside.''

''Krins.'' Scrit growled.

Phillip saw how mad the two were getting so he tried to see if he could calm them down. ''It was practice and his fist barely touched me.''

Husvor growled loudly while clenching his fists tightly. ''He punched you!''

Phillip just gave out a sigh and covered his face with his hands. ''It was practice, please calm down. He didn't mean to give me a black eye or anything.''

Scrit took in a deep breath and sighed. ''he still shouldn't have been so rough with you.''

Husvor agreed. ''You're most likely new at fighting. You should be taking it slowly, not be a punching bag.''

Phillip sat back and nodded. ''I guess you're right.'' He said when the waitress came by and placed three glasses of water and silverware onto the table before quickly rushing off.

Phillip picked up a glass and set it in front of him. The three talked a bit more before the waitress came back with three plates of smoking food, she placed each plate down onto the table. ''Here you are boys, is there anything else I can get for you guys?''

Everyone shook their heads. ''Nope I think we're all good thank you.'' The husky spoke up.

''Alright enjoy.'' She said before she turned around and walked off.

Phillip looked at his plate that had two juicy pork chops, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. The boy looked up and saw that his meat weren't as big as the anthros but he guessed it's because the dog was bigger than he was, after seeing the other two didn't wait to start eating so Phillip decided to dig in. He cut the pork and took a bite, the flavor couldn't be more perfect blend of salt, pepper, garlic.

''How is it.'' Husvor asked in between bites.

Phillip took a bite of his potatoes, he chowed and quickly swallowed before answering. ''Very good.''

''See told you right.'' The dog said. Phillip stuffed his mouth and nodded. The meal didn't last long and the group was walking out of the small restaurant with full bellies. The sun had already set, lanterns were starting to be lit all over the village. They walked around when Scrit seen a small stand with different clothing. The dog led them over and started to go through the clothing, Phillip was looking at the shirts when Husvor came up to him.

''Hey I'll be back ok.''

Phillip looked over at the dog. ''Ok, we'll be around here.'' The anthro just waved to the boy before running off.

Scrit came up to Phillip with some clothes in his arms. ''Where did the husky go?''

''He said he'll be back.''

''OK.'' The dog laid out some of the clothing in front of the boy. ''What do you like?''

Phillip started to go through the different shirts and pants that the dog had picked, he found a nice pair of black pants and a light green shirt. He picked them up and held them in his hands, still inspecting them. ''These look good.''

The dog agreed and took most of the other shirts and pants back but kept a couple. Once he paid for all the clothing the two started to walk down the road. ''So what do you want to do now? We still have some time before it gets too late.'' The Dalmatian asked.

''let's just look around.'' The boy offered. With not a set destination the two walked around, Phillip saw young anthros still out playing and venders trying to sell what they can to them. They continued to make their way to a large clearing where a small band was playing while others either sat and enjoyed the music or was dancing. Scrit lead Phillip over to a small table to look at the scenery.

''This place is nice.'' Phillip said as he watched everyone having fun.

''Wait until next week.'' The dog announced.

The boy looked over to the dog curiously. ''What's next week?''

''A big celebration, two other commands will be coming here also.'' The dog said

''Wow, guess it's a big deal then.''

Scrit looked over to the boy with a smile. ''Kind of is, it's to celebrate the first bonded Users.''

''I see.'' Phillip leaned back in his seat as he watched the anthros finish up their dance and getting ready for the next one. The boy wasn't really paying attention as he watched the anthros started to pair up when something dangled in front of his face, making the boy startle a bit and lean away. After he got a better look he saw it was a necklace that had a small pendent on a thin gold chain.

The boy looked behind him and saw a smiling husky. ''You like it?''

''Umm, yeah.'' Phillip said softly as his gaze went back to the necklace, the husky bent down and unclipped it and wrapped the necklace around the boy's neck before hooking it back together.

''Good because it's yours.'' The dog said and gave the boy a small nuzzle on the cheek.

Phillip looked at the necklace for a little. ''Thanks, but you didn't have to.''

''Non-sense and besides it will look good with the clothing you got, but I think we should start to head back.'' The Husky suggested.

Scrit grunted when he got up and stretched out his body. The walk back to the barracks was mostly silent, Phillip could tell that something was going on between the two anthros but didn't want to ask about it. Upon arrival Husvor gave Phillip a small hug.

''Night kid,

see you tomorrow for lunch?.''

Phillip retuned the hug. ''Sure.'' He said before walking in but stopped short to look at Scrit that was still standing outside. ''You coming?''

''Yeah I'll be in in a sec.'' the Dalmatian said as he handed the boy the bag of clothing, he watched Phillip give an okay nod and walk off before he turned to the Husky.


Phillip walked into the room that was half full of sleeping anthros. The boy went to his chest and put all of his clothing away as best he could before stripping off his boots and top. He walked over to his bedding before taking off his pants and slid underneath the blankets. Krins was fast asleep as Phillip lay in his bed and looked over at the sleeping cougar. The boy soon heard someone walk in, as the boy turned over he seen the Dalmatian walk over to his chest and started to strip off his clothing but the thing that got him was the dog didn't look too happy. Phillip made a mental note to ask him later as he watched the dog go to his own bedding. The boy rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as more and more of the anthros started to return for the night. Sleep came slowly for him as the events for the day still swirled freshly in his head.


Frasit was up late sorting out papers with his lieutenant. The two going over different departure schedules, watch standings, and manning power. They were just discussing which squad they need to send out when a spirit came flying in and wrapped itself tightly around the lion's arm.

''What's wrong.'' He asked, the lion closed his eyes for a moment before opening them quickly and stood up. ''lieutenant, get me Blaferis and Mrager!'' he yelled

The dog quickly rushed out of the room as quick as he could.


Phillip was sleeping peacefully until he was shaken violently. The boy slowly opened his eyes to see that it was still night out but everyone in the room was running around packing some clothes and getting their weapons before rushing out the door. Phillip looked over to see Krins rolling up his bag.

''What's going on?'' the boy asked as he sat up in his bed.

''We're getting deployed, something went wrong and we're being sent out.'' The cougar said. ''You need to hurry and get packed.''

Phillip got up and slipped on his pants as fast as he could, he rolled up his bedding and went over to his chest and grabbed his traveling bag and started to pack his bedding and cloths, after he finished getting dressed his grabbed his sword and bag then rushed outside to meet everyone else. Deep down in the pit of his stomach he could feel the uneasiness from all the other anthros.

To be continued.......................