
Story by FruancJH on SoFurry

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#1 of Fox

Title: Fox

Written by: Fruanc J. H.

I made the error of hunting on a werewolf packs hunting grounds. Only a fool with a serious death wish would make such a lethal decision. But being the starving fool that I was, I decided that avoiding the alternative outcome was worth the risks. After all my family was dependent on me for provisions now, and if there was to be any chance of us all making it through the winter this year a deer or elk now would mean the difference between a poorly fed family of five, in leeway of the three weeks of starvation that would end in death.

It would be all my fault if we starved too. I should have been out before the snows started but with no provisions, and no set up in the woods to go off of if I got snowed in it would have been suicidal. So I had waited; if to appease mothers worrying. Lot of good appeasement would do now, if I didn't catch any thing then we were sunk.

With the first snow already fallen and partially melted I'd set out with my bow and three trusty arrows. Already two days into the hunt and not even a hare had I seen the markings of. Game had been slim this past year, and it was probably no coincidence that the number of wolf sightings had increased too. But it wasn't like we could have moved with the onset of fall. resettling took time, money, and provisions which was just something we didn't have in plenty. Plus father had still been with us then, so we hadn't had reason to worry yet.

On the third day of my hunt I stumbled half by accident on a set of tracks that were too fresh to pass up. It seemed as though the All Mother were answering my families prayers, at last a stroke of luck. My opinion on who'd heard our prayers changed about a half an hour later. It was not the All Mother's hand that had led me here. No, it would seem that my fathers folly had permanently banished our family from her good graces. Only the Malevolent Hunter would see the humor in what had come about. The dear trial had led me right to "His" hunting grounds.

For a moment I stood there weighing the risks as I looked upon the line of trees engraved with the imprints depicting the head of a wolf. Was such a risk worth taking? It was a challenge I could tell that much, enter the God of the hunt's private domain where his hounds were kenneled. Become the hunted and if you proved the more cunning then you would be rewarded beyond reckoning. It was worth it I decided even if the odds were stacked against me. My families need outweighed the value of my life, and if nothing else perhaps my sacrifice would bring the family back under the protection of the All Mother.

Taking a deep breath, I plunged ahead. I had deer to hunt and this trail was too fresh to pass up. The wolf who picked up my trail shortly afterwards was thinking the same thing. The trail was to new to pass up and besides the scent was interesting, new, and at the same time almost familiar. I would later learn it was my scent, which drew this predator to stalk me. It would also be one of the reasons why I survived the day.

Father had indeed been onto something when he taught me his way of hunting. Unlike most huntsmen who's hunting methods had only a bow and a set of hunting knives, my fathers' way had been... different. He had hunted with a different kind of weapons arsenal. He'd learned that if he took certain secretions from the animals he hunted and imbued his body, garments, and even weapons with them he could become that creature in the mind of his quarry until the prey saw him, and then it would be to late. Using the scents of the animals, father was able to get so close to the target he could practically reach out and kill it with his bare hands; which he tried from time to time. It was eventually what got him killed.

A punishment from the All Mother for having blasphemed nature by deceiving the ones he hunted, or so the elder of the village said.

They had never really agreed with one another, my father and the elder of our village. Father had believed in the All Mother like all of us did, but he thought that if she gave man every part of the animal to use so he could prosper and thrive, then that meant every part of the animal was mans to use, even its scent. The elder had disagreed. The warning he'd given was that the ways of guile, deception, sneaking about, those were the way of the wicked master of the hunt who hunted only for the glory of the kill and the taking of trophies. Disregarding the warnings, my father began instructing me in what scents could do for a hunter he also taught me how to walk silently; making not print nor sound. I believe it was this as well as several other things that allowed me to survive the day.

Father told me that the best scent was the one that was both predator, and prey. Dangerous enough to be noticed, while small enough not to be a threat to what you were hunting. Father had had his own favorite scent, which he used. He never told me what it was but he did say that once you chose a scent it was wise to stick to it. He'd been pleased with me when I chose the fox as my scent, but he'd also warned me to be wary of other predators including those among men who hunted with dogs. When the elder found out what I was being taught he flew into a rage, using his authority as the elder, he'd challenged my father to prove that his way was pure and not of the evil one. His challenge was go to the hunting grounds of the evil one and using only his way of hunting, slaughter one of the wicked hunters hounds and bring the pelt back as proof. Father set out the next day and didn't come back, thus was there proof of the wickedness of his way.

Had the situation not been dire I wouldn't have used the wicked way but I was desperate and something that could give me an edge now would be worth the penance I'd be doing in atonement later. The deer tracks led me on some chase crossing a stream, in several places I just about missed picking up the trail again. As the tracks faded in and out of focus signs began starting to show up that indicated recent passage. Tufts of grass chomped short leaves from some bushes partially bitten off while other areas were trimmed clean. The deer had been grazing for a time extremely recent too because the pellets of deer shit I found by a half eaten shrub were still warm! Following the signs I slowed as I neared a hill, Cautiously I began my assent. Crawling on my hands and knees I then moved to my stomach as I topped the rise. Peaking over I found what I'd sought and more. Not only was the creature fat from building it's winter provisions up but it wasn't just a regular old doe, but a buck. Its fur a marvelous hew of hazel, it's head baring a ten pronged rack. The creature was not in it's prime. It's rack bore signs that indicated a recent fight with one of it's own species, not uncommon considering mating season had just ended not that long ago.

With a chip here a cracked prong there it would seem the creature had lost the fight for it also limped as it walked about grazing on the remaining bits of green that the first cold had failed to snuff in it's icy breath. Stringing my bow I knocked an arrow and took my aim. The creatures heart or perhaps it's throat. I decided on it's heart. There was no wind after all and I was close enough that I wouldn't have to ark my shot in order to score a hit. Decision made I let my arrow fly. And although it took only a mere second everything seemed to slow down the moment my arrow was loosed. A blur of grey came out of nowhere from the trees on my right. My arrow was going slow by comparison they both met at the buck. With a sickening crunch things sped up. In the blink of an eye where once had grazed a buck now was a wolf hunkered over the dead creature. I froze rooted to the spot not daring to even breathe. One of the hounds of the wicked one!

As the wolf looked over his kill, he found my arrow sticking out of the creature's side. Looking up his eyes found me. Two deep golden orbs beautifully fringed with a lethal gleam locked onto my own green ones chilling my heart. The twisting of my gut wasn't necessary for me to know what would happen next. Almost seeming to smile, the wolf made the change before me, front legs shooting out extending into arms. Knees of the back legs swinging forward, paws flatly expanding into hands and feet, it's body growing to an almost human figure encased in fur still bearing a wolfen head and other wolf like attributes. I stepped back astonished that I was not running yet . I watched the feral beast lean over and grab the dear. Hefting the buck up to his shoulder with a grunt, as if it weighed little more than a sack of grain. the wolf stood up.

Shifting the deer to a more comfortable position the werewolf walked toward me. I could tell that he was definitely smiling he seemed very pleased to see me. What hound of the wicked one wouldn't be glad of two creatures to take as prey in offering to its master? I took another step back and then he spoke "What brings you to our neck of the woods young fox? I thought your kind roamed further down the mountain." Not really comprehending what I was hearing I continued to back away from the werewolf as he continued to advance "You all right" he asked looking at me side ways "don't worry this kill is as much yours as it is mine your weapon speaks that plain enough" his words began registering in my conscious over powering my fear. I tried speaking back but when I opened my mouth nothing came out as I mouthed the words I'd meant to say still backing up.

This didn't make any sense why was the monster talking to me? how was it that it could even talk; hounds of the wicked one were supposed to be mindless killers. As luck would have it, while I was grappling with these new revelations, I stumbled over a rock and went tumbling backwards. Rolling to a stop I sprang up and ran. Any considerations of this monster being any thing more than a killer tumbling out of my head, while panic flooded in to replace it.

I was doomed, prey, and feast for this predator. The wolfs shouts of protest audible in my ears only spurred me on "Hey, don't be like that, I won't hurt you." and then he was chasing me his burden slowing him but not by much and unfortunate for me I didn't realize that I was headed for the river. Plowing through the thick wintry foliage, obstructing my passage I fell in, easily going under.

I barley managed to surface gasping for air, before I was caught by the bitingly frigid current and sucked under. It was black all around and though I battled the currents force trying to resurface I finally was forced to succumb to the might of the water.

I'd doomed myself and not just me but my family. I'd failed them. Dear little Maria, Jim, Viaro, Mother, Grandma, I'd failed them all. Aching with the grief of failure and water in my lungs, I fell into darkness........

An iron bar wrapped around me and then I was jerked in a direction I couldn't fathom; up... down... indiscernible. Then, with a slam, I smacked against something hard. My mouth expelled liquid like I was hurling the river. Greedily sucking in air my lungs burned. Then I realized, as iron slammed me yet again, that I was on the snowy bank of the river. The wolf had dived in after me! Gasping in more air I started coughing out a portion of the river that had been overlooked in the first vomiting episode. Grateful to be alive for the moment I made an effort to regain my bearings. The wolf patted my back "You all right young one?" I froze yet again I was scared stiff. Then I realized the source of the stiffening was more than fear. I really was freezing! Ripping at my clothes, I struggled to strip before the cold claimed me. Realizing my intent, the wolf assisted me and then pulled me into his arms he wasn't alone either four other wolves stood over us one held the bucks limp carcass the others gathered up my garments just as I was about to panic (for real this time) the cold got to me, I fainted.