CHAPTER 2: Captive

Story by GreyTheWanderer on SoFurry

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CHAPTER 2: captive

Grey looked out over the valley, it was calm and serene, insects scattered around the shrubs around his cave, He knew this was a dream, but he didn't care, he was going to enjoy every minute of this. The wind brushed up against his brown fur, tickling him, Grey sighed, by the time he'd get back home, IF he ever got home, it would have been destroyed by the human invaders...this angered Grey.

Grey opened his eyes slowly, he was in some sort of cage now, he panned his vision around, the room was dark and grubby, like the human van. It was filled with dozens of cages, stacked to the ceiling, they were filled with captured animals, of the many he could see the few he could name were armadillos and some mice.

Muffled words and laughter flooded in from another room in the building, they sounded like human voices, they weren't the same as the one's Grey remembered from when he was abducted, but they sounded just as dumb. He wanted to escape, get free, he was missing his home a lot more than he thought he would, it was comfortable back home, this cage was damp and foreboding, no animal should have the displeasure of having to sit in one.

Grey looked himself over, he was dusty and grubby from the trip here, his tail was ruffled and his knee was grazed.

He proceeded to lick the dirt from his wound, it stung a little, but knew it was the best way to treat any wound, he couldn't remember much from his childhood, but his mother's tips had stuck with his mind, coyotes such as Grey prefer small packs as oppose to their wolf rivals, Grey's family was no different from any other coyote family, once he had reached maturity like his siblings was by tradition and nature forced to leave the pack in search of territory, Grey had never seen any of them since...

The journey down memory lane was enough to put off the pain of his grazed knee, he attempted to smooth his fur back into shape.

He was bored now, normally he'd be out hunting by now, checking the dirt trails and holes near his cave for any tasty rodents, instead the humans had offered him a small plastic bowl in the corner, generously filled with a grey brown slop, it oozed with meaty drips that stained the floor around the bowl and smelled inedible.

(comic strip)