Godson chapter 3

Story by cutelionx on SoFurry

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#3 of Godson

Chapter 3

Hi all, only read on if you're over 18 yada, yada, yada.

Jace and Alyxandr © their respective owners, Bighope and Alyxandrdingo

"The Pretender, The masquer, The foreigner, He of the Trees; all of these are names given to your father over many aeons by many races but those who knew him best and recently in your timeline called him Dionysus." Jace's clipped voice spoke dispassionately.

Will was disconcerted, and, to be honest he was scared. Whatever had happened to him in the last 24 hours it was too much change too fast; his head was spinning with questions and now someone had stepped quite literally out of thin air claiming to be able to answer them all. He replied like a scolded child, whining and loud.

"I don't give a shit; none of those names mean anything to me. Look if you're trying to be melodramatic you've already managed it can't you be helpful instead?"

"Melodrama is not the purpose of my visit, I am here to guide you, unfortunately my mistakes have put me into a position where I have to educate the bastard sons of gods. You ... you're barely even that. My ancestors had the honour of training heroes who made a difference to the world they were born to, you haven't the right to your heritage and when I arrive to aid you, you show no respect!"

With each clipped word he took a half step forward, the wings that had vanished in the shadows reappeared and began to spread making the wolf more and more intimidating, black in the sunlight they filled Wills view. As Will recoiled a slight upwards curve appeared on the side of Jace's mouth it gradually spread into a sneer of contempt.

"Wherever I am sent I always expect ignorance, never impudence! If Dionysus means nothing to you perhaps Zeus will?"

"...Err yeah, he was that guy with the lightening, Greeks worshipped him."

"Eloquent as ever but not quite correct," scoffed the wolf "Zeus was the most powerful of an ancient race; your ancestors believed that they were gods, whether that is 100% true or not even I do not know. Zeus was the youngest of the original Olympians; he saved the other Olympians from their father. They are impervious to all known ailments and to all intents and purpose all powerful on this plane of existence. As time passed they began to procreate, your father is Zeus' progeny. "

"His what?"

"It means his child, one of the few who was able to ascend to the level of true Olympian, indeed there are few who can. Upon ascension your father took on the names previously mentioned, he became the deity of intoxication, the mind, abandon and excess, all things that had become prevalent within society and he became their overseer. Dionysus was powerful indeed."

Wills mind was reeling, he had barely even caught up with the fact that this wolf was trying to claim that he was some kind of divine entity sent to him. He was being told that he was some kind of divine son and that his father was some god 2000 years old.

'Look if I am his child how am I alive now, this must have been millennia ago?"

Ignoring his question the wolf paced over to a small hillock and sat slowly. As he reclined he motioned for Will to do the same, as he made his way towards the wolf he ran over the events of the day in his mind but still couldn't find a reason for any of what had happened occurring. Why were people suddenly polite to him, he hadn't changed and he certainly hadn't tried to make any of those events happen.

Once the Lion had sat on the grass below his perch, Jace answered. "Unlike this short lived species we exist for as long as we see fit, immortality is not absolute however once we have become bored with this reality we simply release our hold on life and move on as it suits us, you have the opportunities available to you to attain divine status and some of these powers for yourself."

"But what would happen to my time here, with my friends?"

"Friends?" scoffed Jace, "I have been observing you for three days and none of what I have seen has indicated at friendship."

"I want to see people back home ... in Africa..."

"I don't see why not..." Jace interrupted

"Wait, wait, wait ...you mean I can?" Will asked incredulously

"Clearly, what is it about mortals and those they raise that they think they cannot have a higher calling and remain rooted in their current world. There is no cause to take you from this world or for that matter to stay. The choice is yours. Gods walked this planet regularly in ages past, so long as you do not upset the balance of reality on this plane of existence there is no reason that you shouldn't spend as much time here as you need, I couldn't care less" Jace's eyes glittered irritably.

I'd better back off and stop interrupting Will thought to himself.

"Ok, so I'm not being forced into anything then? I won't have the wrath of so malevolent god after me for not doing what they want...?"

"In so far as being forced to do anything, no. In so far as being chased by malevolent gods ... maybe. The politics of the Gods are fraught with peril for their pawns, as a player on this board you are joining at the bottom, try to listen to me and I'll help you become a player not a piece."

The sterile way the wolf dispensed these new facts took the sting away for Will but he would have been lying if he claimed not to be scared. What would he have to do to become free? Yesterday he had been unencumbered by any knowledge of otherworldly beings, now he felt like he was being tied down and joined in fate with his status within this divine world.

"If this game is so important why are you helping a pawn like me?" Will asked.

"Because you are the son of one of the most powerful players, you are above mortal question, but I answer to the gods council and I have a duty to ensure that you cannot be used against them, as your powers develop and your role evolves I will guide you and shape you into the demigod you have the potential to become." Jace enjoyed saying such things without emotion, it was something he had honed in the last 500 years of service, he could deliver momentous news without making it seem any more important to him than the fact that water flows downhill. Unfortunately this was different, Demigods were more important than his usual charges and he would have to make sure this one worked out.

Jace looked at Will as he sat there struggling to use his mind, slowed down through spending his life living alongside mortals, to come to terms with the concepts of deities, heritage and power. Corruption was always possible, probable even, but within the realms of the gods this was no crime so long as there were no repercussions on their part but Will could cause more harm to himself than he realised, control was important now and he would have to teach it soon. The boys powers had arrived on his 18th birthday as can be expected for most deities who limit their offspring's powers till manhood themselves but some had developed surprisingly quickly.

"I can see the purpose but why are you teaching me?" The question stunned Jace for a moment, perhaps this lion was more perceptive than he had though, looking for the details before forming an opinion, his few other charges would be thinking they were gods themselves now or be near hysterical, now that he had the closest thing to an actual god Will appeared flustered but comfortably sane, perhaps isolation had aided his mental state, or at least made him take everything with a pinch of salt.

"I took over from the great trainer Chiron after his death; he coached during the greatest age of heroes and brought a myriad of demigods to Olympus. After his death I was appointed along with several others. His knowledge however was stored in ancient books that Chiron himself made; you received one from your father upon coming of age."

"yeah...I got a book but I haven't had time to look into it yet."

"When you get back to it carry it around with you, it has a huge repository of knowledge, simply hold the question in your mind and the book will sense your divine origins and open upon the correct page, now we need to do something about your aegis."

"I don't know where to get one of those, what are they?" will said trying to wrack his brains to work out what an aegis was.

"Ha!" Jace laughed drily. "It's not something you need to get it's something you have. The Aegis was Zeus' shield and went on to become Athena's but the term itself became common use for the divine essence of each individual god, you will require it to exert your will, but it can also give you away. It is visible as a sheen almost exhibited by your very skin and fur. It is part of what mortals recognise in divine beings and become more subservient in its presence. I believe you have seen its effects already hmmm?"

After all that had happened in the last day it took Will a moment to recognise what Jace was alluding to; "I remember walking here and noticing a dull glow around me, is that it? But nobody else noticed it why is that?"

"Only those who can sense the divine plane can see it however mortals still feel its effects. It instils awe, an admiration if you will, you should control it or else the most feeble minded will be easily swayed and become infatuated with what they see as a superior being."

"...wait that's Jamie, you mean he sees me as his master because of this sheen... Hey he's not easily swayed!" Will felt oddly protective of the cheetah that had become his slave and didn't want to feel as though he was inferior in some way.

"Clearly he is! His mind bent surprisingly easily however you need not fear, you have become his focal point, his life. Now his mind focuses on you he will be tough for anybody else to enslave were someone to attempt to do so." The boy had better be warned gradually, his role in divine politics will be greater than he knows now!

Jace stood in thought for a bit_; any boy who has enslaved a mortal in his first day would be powerful, possibly enough that he could become a target quickly, I shall have to work fast"_

"there is a lot that you need to learn and quickly Will but for now I suggest that you learn to control that aegis of yours, you wouldn't want to give off that sheen too long on this plane of existence or it will attract trouble ... trouble I will have to deal with." He turned to Will and began to reach out towards him with his mind. Something was different...

Will waited for the wolf to continue.

The wolf simply stared at him blankly.

Gradually a frown came over Jace's face. Feeling awkward will turned around to see if there was something behind him, he could see nothing. Jace was beginning to shiver, Will was freaked out he disliked him but he trusted the wolf and needed to help, what was there to do? The shivering was getting worse; he reached out to help his guide down to the ground so he wouldn't fall. As he touched Jace's arm he fell back as if a tug-of-war team had been pulling against him and had let go, he flew back before landing with a grunt.

Jace panted heavily few a few moments before looking up, he had not been expecting that and he had paid the price for his self-assuredness, he had assumed nothing could surprise him in this job but here was something completely different.

"This will be harder than I expected." He muttered

"Are you ok, stay there while I go and get help," ordered a shaken Will.

"No, I'm fine but our tasks have just become a lot harder, I won't be able to teach you the way I taught the others..."

"WHAT, why? I need guidance and from what you said you are the only one who can help me!" Will was unnerved, after all that Jace had said he was now going to walk away without teaching him?!?

"No you misunderstand; I was trying to enter your mind. It is a method which allows me to guide your thoughts so that you can understand the pathways required to gain total control. I cannot do that with you, it may be something to do with your father.

"What's my father doing to stop you?"

"He isn't doing anything but he does have certain traits which may have been passed on to you. His dominion on this world influences him as much as he influences it. Whilst all gods have common powers each has true power over a certain ... what's the word ... They each have an area that they control, your father, you hopefully remember controls indulgence, excess and the mind. All the vices of mortality and all their virtues, stem from him. War and Wisdom are not his domain, nor are the forces of nature, he sits on the council of the gods but many view him as a weak link, they are wrong."

"Sounds like they are about right, what is he god of then, getting drunk?" Will felt a bit cheated, as if his father wasn't powerful enough. "OW" he got wacked on the side of the head by a lightning fast paw from Jace.

"Part of my role is to try to get you using your head. Think. I said they were wrong because those wiser than the doubters realise how much influence he holds. Everyone, even the gods, are prone to vice. Nobody can truly escape your fathers influence as the god of madness; he can control the minds of the people: send them into madness or bring clarity to the confused - influence thought! This may not be a direct threat to most divine being, what use are even a million furs when faced with earthquakes, floods and storms. Dionysus' power stems from the fact that without followers, people and a population to serve gods become meaningless in the hierarchy they have so desperately fought to build. When it comes to other matters of divine power, what use are Ares' warriors if they collapse in fear or attack each other in madness, what use are Athena's thinkers when their thoughts are controlled. In short, your father holds a lot of sway because he is one of the few deities that show dominion in all walks of life!" Jace's voice had been slowly rising, building to a crescendo. He looked down and saw that Will was certainly looking a bit more awed than before, good he thought.

"The reason I could not step into your mind, it seems, is that as the son of the mad god your thoughts are an inhospitable environment, one slip would send me into insanity, once inside your mind I struggled to remove myself without external aid, when you touched me the distraction was enough that I could return to my own body. I need you to look inside yourself, close your eyes...NOW!" he barked when Will took his time. "try to find the centre of your being..." Will found himself in trying to feel some kind of core to his body, "look inside your mind not your body," Will refocused, his mind seemed like a weird concept suddenly, how do you look at your own mind? "You should feel like the world is falling away until you suddenly sense yourself," Will felt rather more like he was the one falling but abruptly he felt like he was standing in front of a glowing orb the size of a large car surrounded by pitch black. No, he looked around him, there were hundreds, maybe thousands of orbs surrounding him, only one was nearby. On his right, in front of the large orb he had arrived at was another, it was slightly smaller... he reached out his fingertips brushing the second orb and was immediately greeted with the words

"What are you doing in my mind?"

"Jace?" Where had that voice come from? It was as if Will himself had thought it.

"Yes it is me, you have managed to approach my mind and actually enter it in your first attempt, after finding your own core being faster than I have seen before... I am very impressed!"

"That seems a bit complementary from you what am I doing?"

"In my mind you see my thoughts, wholly and perfectly interpreted, I would never normally tell you I was impressed, you don't deserve appreciation yet but here I cannot hide my true thoughts from you, I was going to get you to dull your sheen, look back at your ... I sense you want to call it your orb, I suppose that will suffice. It is a part of you, you should have complete control over it, just tell it to retain its glow, it will prevent the physical manifestation, believe me it will help you get to sleep at night without the glow of your eyelids!"

"I see what you mean about truthfulness!" Will thought_"you seem a lot more chatty here."_

"I don't want to be, you are just getting a more complete view of my thoughts, I would prefer it if you were to leave I value my privacy and I am offended you have stayed in my mind this far."

Will could sense that he had crossed a line somewhere, he pulled his hand away from Jace's orb and turned towards his, he thought how to express his desire for the orb to dim but before he could find a way to do so it turned almost dark enough to be invisible in the pitch black of this mental backdrop.

"Now open your eyes." He heard someone say, as he did the orbs instantly disappeared from view, looking down he noticed his skin had lost its glow. "You had no right to intrude, I have the ability, control and need to enter your mind politely, you diverted yourself from my instructions."

"I'm sorry, how was supposed to know though? It was just curiosity."

"Curiosity over patience is not a trait espoused by any successful hero, you will need further training but I am done for now, it is nigh on impossible for me to teach you till you have taught yourself finer control. I will continue to observe you, return home and try to use that damned book!" snapped Jace and with that that he stood, took two steps back into the deeper shadows that had formed as the evening dragged on, his fur became soft and white again but the glint in his eye remained the same before slowly he literally faded from view.

As Will got back home he flicked the light on and noticed that he had left his cereals out that morning. He never put them away but his mom always did, he looked around, there were other bits missing, the fridge door was open, the freezer section had melted long ago, Post marked Mrs Penelope Mead (his mom) still unopened on the doorstep. As he made his way through the house he became more sure that he was alone. On the top step on the stairs up to his room was another envelope, this one bearing his name;

Dear Will (it read)

I am sad we didn't have longer to chat this morning, I will see you again but not till you have sealed your fate, a fate I cannot be a part of. I knew this was coming, your father gave me the choice to see this out or not when I became pregnant. I have to leave you for now, I will be kept safe, I have been blessed to have born a gods son and have received many years beyond my recognised lifespan. The book should be able to explain, or so your father says, what I mean when I say that we had to travel a lot during the pregnancy. I will see you again Will, you should know there is no scope for pain where I will wait. When you are ready I will see you again.

Your loving mother


Ps this letter has a charm put on it to put you into a relaxing sleep, you will feel better come the morning I am sure, look on the bright side of this news, be unencumbered and free.

Wills eyes welled up as what the letter was saying sunk in; he had been so blasé that morning when he should have listened. Even as thoughts formed in his head he found himself lying down eyes closing and darkness became total.

Upon waking will found himself feeling refreshed, memories flooded back to him, He confronted each as they came to him.

I am the son of a god - wow

I have some kind of power - how and what?

Jace is watching over me but cannot help - a little creepy and annoying

Mom is gone - freedom

At the last one Will doubled back, should he be thinking that? No he was concerned, what was going on? Then he remembered the book. Sitting at the foot of the bed the leather book perched on top of the fig bowl they had arrived with, what was with that anyway? He decided now was as good a time to use it as any.

He turned the first page; ~ YES ~

Confused he turned the second; ~ NO ~

_What was that abou_t? He thought to himself, immediately the book flipped several further pages in; ~FOR SHORT SUCCINCT ANSWERS. ~

Of course! Think the questions, one thing floated into his mind w_ill this book ever stop using capitals only?_ It flipped back to the third page; ~Ok ~

Getting the hang of this weird book was going to take time.Better start off easy, what's with the figs? ~_Some seeds, a bowl, air and a bed~ came the answer._

I mean what is the reason for them being there? ~They are your father's sacred plant.~

Can I trust Jace? Back to the front; ~YES~ interesting...

Why is my mom gone? ~Many years ago the gods realised that families could cause complications upon adulthood, she is gone until the council of gods decide she can return without affecting your fate~

Anger began to return to Will. Why am I not feeling anything wrong about this? ~Your body and mind have accepted the will of the gods this seems simply natural to you ~

Somehow Will instantly calmed down it did seem natural suddenly. Why did she say we had to travel a lot during her pregnancy? ~The human body cannot easily produce a demigod offspring; it takes far longer to create you than any normal fur. Your mother is over 330 years old and has had to be very careful not to cause any damage to you before your birth you should realise the effort she put into protecting you over the years, careless mortal mothers are the reason so few demigods now exist, During the age of heroes gods spared energy to aid the development of their offspring, your father was sewn into the thigh of Zeus. All those draining effects made the gods vulnerable to the only beings powerful enough to attack them, the titans they overthrew to take power ~

"Why give such a long explanation?" Will sighed to himself. ~I anticipate the questions that may arise and try to answer them immediately ~

~By the way your bus is leaving in 67.75673 mortal seconds~ Will took a moment what does it mean mortal seconds? Before realising, he grabbed his backpack before rushing back to the bed, the book read ~mor·tal/?môrtl/ Adjective: (of a living being, often in contrast to a divine being or concept) Subject to death. In use as a defining contrast betwe.......~ Will grabbed the book and shoved it into his bags main pouch.

He sprinted towards the bus stop but as he accelerated (quickly) he noticed he didn't stop getting faster. He barely prevented himself from clattering into the side of the bus. WOW! he thought_how could this get any better? I'll have to go to the gym later, see what I can really do!_

As he made his way onto the bus he realised it wasn't all good, without his aegis shining through he had lost the sense that everybody had a bit more respect for him. He made his way to his seat and sat down, promptly he rose again with a yelp to general laughter, the sophomore behind him had slipped it onto the seat as he sat down. As he looked around two things stood out, a grin hovering slightly in mid-air cheshire-cat style (Jace Will thought to himself growling slightly) and the sight of an angry Cheetah running towards him, no past him. Jamie picked up the suddenly quiet dingo and growled menacingly.

"pssst, sit down here now" Will hissed at the cheetah pointing at the seat next to him. Jamie snapped to it, forgetting the sophomore instantly he sat down. "I know your angry and ... well ... thanks, I know that I may have made you feel this way but it's nice to have a friend."

"I am only angry for you sir, I feel this way about you because I choose to, there is nobody I would rather be with and the last night without you was pain beyond endurance had you not told me to stay away."

Warmth spread through Will at those words warmth and the sudden realisation that he was truly able to exert his power, "Well you know my pet, we should punish him, no no no, not now (Jamie was growling at the fur again) but give us time, I have a plot, I need to test my powers and this kind dingo has volunteered himself it seems! Maybe long term it will help him?"

Will focused him mind and returned to the part of his mind where he could sense the orbs of those around him. None were as bright or large as his or Jace's had been but Jamie's had a slight trail of light between his and Wills. Will found the dingo's and approached, he sensed the name of the dingo was Alyxandr. He reached out and touched it, suddenly information flowed through him uncontrolled (unlike Jace's), the level of information seemed minimal but seemed to contain details of the dingo's entire life, he believed homosexuality to be a choice to be too different for decent society (thanks to his father) and saw Will as being an affront to decency, he was one of the few who knew Will was gay having seen Wills computer screen one time in the library whilst Will was using the internet to ... avoid work at all costs. He had told no-one he didn't even like to talk about gays, but had made Wills life worse bit by bit ever since. It was quick work for Will to plant the idea that he would start going to the gym after school each day starting today.

"Phase one complete!" said Will mentally returning to the bus.


"Ah yes you don't know yet, well I'd better get started then."

Will spent the rest of the journey into school explaining what he had been happening over the last few days in a hushed voice. Cutely Jamie would butt in every few moments saying something like "I knew it," or "that's explains it." Not fooling anyone Will didn't bother picking him up on it but liked the fact Jamie was trying to make up for years of bad treatment so hard.

He kept exploring minds during lessons and found out more than he could have hoped, His math tutor hated him because he saw him as a disruption in class but today when the tests came out Will gleaned the answers from his mind and could sense the teachers annoyance as he marked the test whilst Will was walking out of class. He could begin to overlap his vision and keep an eye on the real world whilst also using this ability. He found out embarrassing secrets about the football team's private lives from their girlfriends and that the cafeteria staff would spit in the food of some students from the girls who had to serve the food.

Once the final bell went he made his way towards the gym, and sat down, it was a Tuesday and football practice was on now so the gym would be fairly empty, a couple of players with minor injuries sat at one end. He needed one of them and reached towards the hot stag who was the new replacement quarterback, he had chiselled arms that were a little on the bulky side with great abs to match. Reaching out Will sought out details of his life, Mike ... sophomore ... single child ... driver, soon he was onto the more interesting stuff; straight ... long term girlfriend ... virgin ... gay leanings.

Slight gay leanings? Perfect! I wonder if those tendencies are keeping him a virgin. Let's help him change that! Will made some changes to make sure Mike wouldn't leave early and made his way over to the machines.

He had kept himself fit but rarely came to the gym, even though it was a great place to check out guys it was just too risky, he steered clear of jock hang out spots. He noticed Jamie walk in as he began to squat. He almost lost balance as he stood up, normally it was so hard he could barely move, today the squat machine practically flew up, Jamie made his way over worried. Noticing Will was ok he stood there watching pouting and trying to put Will off in a playful way. Will felt a bit exposed whilst Jamie moaned and flexed seductively. Will quietly upped the weight on the machine so he would be using the full stack, it still didn't bother him, he could feel the weight but there was no resistance when he moved! As he worked harder Jamie got more determined to play, eventually he reached out and grabbed Wills cock through the shorts he was wearing to work out in. Will jumped startled causing a massive bang as the weights dropped down. He looked up and laughed at the cheeky grin on the cheetahs face.

More importantly he noticed Alyx had made his way to the gym as he had been ordered earlier. He made his way over to the pec-deck in the corner and started working out. Will made his way over to the water cooler and pretended to be deep in conversation with Jamie. Inwardly he reached out to Alyx's mind and started to work.

What was Jamie doing with that queer? Alyx thought to himself, I came here to work out in peace not to have to put up with that freak. He focused on his workout. He looked around the gym and spotted Mike; I am here to get hot abs like that wait no I mean abs like that not hot abs, his abs aren't hot, I mean they are hot but not on a man...but I wouldn't find them hot on a girl but on a man they can't be hot... they are just nice...in a sexy way...but only for men...I mean women.

Will was enjoying this. How would poor little Alyx cope with gradually having his life ... adjusted he wondered.

I wonder what those abs feel like...I mean are they hard or just pronounced? Not in a gay way Alyx assured himself, just out of interest. Will began to find his way around Alyx's mind, he placed the image of mike into the part of Alyx's consciousness that controlled desire, he made sure however that he overlapped sexual desire with the desire to have a better body himself.

Alyx was curious, he had never looked at a boy this way before and realised that it didn't have to be sexual but men could look at another man's body and appreciate it happily_. I should come here more often he thought, I could get more inspiration._

Will was surprised at that thought; he would leave it there for now and come back to this one later.

Will made his way to the changing rooms, he wasn't sweaty at all but there were other reasons for showering. There were three large communal showers in the high school lockers each with a main door for privacy, they were only ever all used during big track meets but they were always open. He reached out with his mind, there was one orb floating in the furthest shower, it belonged to the schools best runner bulky but fit, Justin. The tall stallion could be quite intimidating but was often in the gym or around the track so he was fairly quiet.

Will took control of his orb, he had been worked himself up by manipulating Alyx and needed release, he didn't need to make Justin gay, just horny enough not to care. He noticed Justin's hand reach out for the soap, he began to rub his sheath, as he did his equine cock slipped out, growing steadily larger. He lathered the soap up and down the length of his substantial shaft, Will had heard of Horses having large cocks but Justin's was easily 10 inches! Will altered the equines mind slightly, he would find release impossible until he had entered someone, his cock and balls would become sensitive and there would be no discretion when he was horny!

Justin was hot, he didn't know where it had come from, normally he wouldn't fuck or even cum during the season so he was used to controlling himself but he was too hot now, the soap felt so good the underside of his shaft, slick and lubricating he could feel his hand sliding over each detail of his huge cock. He moaned he needed release, he quickened his pace and noticed a tingling sensation, each movement was building up pressure, he used his free hand to stroke his balls softly, each slight contact seemed to create shockwaves of bliss as his sensitive sack fed back sensations. There was no release though. He needed something, anything! His free hand left his sack and slid down towards the base of his tail. The slight movement around his tailhole was tantalizing, he couldn't help himself, he traced the circle a few times before plunging his thick fingers in as far as he could!

He didn't have enough hands! He was overstimulated to the point of exhaustion, his nipples stuck out like sensitive buttons, he wanted to play with them but he needed to work his ass and cock! He threw his head back and whinnied loudly, losing control. Release wouldn't come.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw too onlookers, a Lion and a Cheetah, he should stop, but he just couldn't he needed this and they would have to watch. The lion nodded and the cheetah bounded towards him, circling round towards Justin's back he felt the cheetah's paws run down his sides settling on his hips, Justin could practically feel his eyes light up with hope! He took out his finger, bending forward slightly he started to rub his nipples, satiating the need he had been feeling. The Cheetah stepped further into the shower, his fur glistened in the wet.

Jamie could see what his master was doing. It was incredible how easily this great being could control others, it made him love him even more!

"mmrr, I'm enjoying watching this!" murmured Will. Suddenly Jamie realised how hot the horse was, he'd seen Justin showering before but never thought of him like this, it was like his master had opened his eyes. The stallion had a tight muscly body and a lovely ass with a massive cock to boot! The way he was playing with himself was so hot! Justin looked up and saw them, nothing stopped him though, He turned to Will and saw him nod slightly, he knew what to do. He ran up behind the masturbating runner and felt his muscles before moving to his thighs, as the horse removed his fingers and bent forward he thrust his cock in up to the hilt.

He could feel the horses arousal, the way his ass seemed to milk his cock, he reached around and cupped Justin's balls, they felt amazing, like small apples they were firm and full, he stroked them with his fingertips as the horse panted with excitement.

"Harder...nnngg...please harder, I need it so bad!" he heard Justin moan loudly. He was too happy to oblige.

My master owns you and I will make you my bitch!" growled the cheetah biting firmly on the horses shoulder.

He couldn't keep it up much longer though. He looked up and saw master Will had positioned himself of the low wall that separated stretches of the shower. Justin's head was bobbing up and down frantically, Wills face was a mask of ecstasy. Jamie couldn't take it much more, he came in the horses ass and fell back, how could the runner keep going this long, had master done something to him?

"clean up after yourself!" ordered Will, grinning, and Jamie lunged at Justin's ass, licking up every bit off his cum he could get to, if master wanted Justin clean then he would make sure it happened!

"I think you've had enough now" said Will, he leant back, "Fill me big boy!" Justin needed no encouragement, by now he was almost uncontrollable; he was so horny and needed to cum badly. He aimed his cock at the lions ass and thrust it home, now with sensation all around it he could barely contain himself. His cock was on fine and he soon blew his load. Saved up for the entire running season bucket-loads came out, still leaking as he took his cock out of Wills ass, the sensation of suddenly being filled had then having cum leak out of his ass had pushed will over the edge too.

"What the fuck just happened!?!?" shouted the Horse. He looked at the two cum covered furs next to him the cheetah still trying to open mouth his ass! Get the fuck away from me! With that he turned and ran out of the shower, pausing only to grab a towel.

"Don't worry he won't be able to tell anyone...huh that was kinda fun, we should do it more often!" joked Will looking at Jamie.

Jamie simply wagged his tail back.

"I think I wanna find out more about these powers!" will turned on the shower and began to wash the cum out of his fur, "I think we'll be seeing him again too!"

Note from the author: I promise longer yiff scenes from chapter 4 onwards now the premise is laid down! :3