Lesh {pronounced L-eh-shh} [1]

Story by randwulf09 on SoFurry

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There is a legend in the Tunori clan. It's about a creature that's frozen in ice. Ice that never thaws, ice that can't be broken. Some say it's a demon resting until judgment day when it will awaken and destroy the world, others say it is a angle. Frozen in time, waiting for the right moment to save the world.

"What is that sound?" I thought to myself

Something kept ringing through my helmet. It was loud, almost deafening. I let out a small groan. I couldn't move. I felt...cold.

A small cough came from my mouth before I began to open my eyes to the darkness that surrounded me. The cold metal on my skin was hard to ignore just like the fact that I wasn't breathing began to set me on edge. Something was wrong. I blinked a little as I tried to move again, failing once again.

Panic began to set in as I became more and more aware of my current situation. The thing that bothered me the most was the fact that I wasn't breathing,"How am I even alive?!" was the question that went through my mind, "How did I even get here? Where is here...matter of fact...who am I?" The questions just kept coming but I knew deep down there were no answers. I tried to shake my head, forgetting that I was immobolized, instead I just growled out of irritation and tried to calm down so I could think through this with a calm head.

Once things calmed down I began to take stock of my current situation. It was apparent that I wasn't breathing. It was also apparent that I was stuck, or maybe, something was stuck on me. My head tilted slightly as I let that thought course through my mind.

A few seconds after the thought went through my mind I began to hear the loud sounds that had woken me earlier. I wished I could find out what they were. I closed my eyes again and tried to go back to sleep but was amazed to hear what sounded like more noise, this time it was softer, closer. My eyes opened once again, Shock filled me as I heard a whirring sound then watched as a bright, near blinding, light filled my helmet.

When my eyes had adjusted to the light I opened them. Strange words floated across the darkness in front of me. I blinked. The words continued as the voice got even closer. The voice suddenly stopped to be replaced by sobbing, I could barely make out the voice after that. The words in front of my eyes stopped before being filled with a large image. On the top right of the image was a red line. On the bottom left was a blank icon. On the bottom right was a picture with a bunch of black and white dots. In the middle of the image was...well...the image.

I saw blue for the most part but beneath the blue color was another image. A kind of outline or silouette of something. A sudden feral yelp emitted from my mouth as a shock entered my body. The pain was beyond anything I could remember feeling. Tears began to well at my eyes but I endured the pain. By the second time the shock happened I had begun to breath, the little red line being replaced by a yellow spiked line.

Breathing hurt but at the same time it felt amazing. I didn't know where the air was coming from but I didn't care. It was one problem that seemed to have fixed itself. The screen changed once my breathing had changed the line on my helmet from the yellowish color it had been to a green color.

Despite all this only emptyness appeared to be in my mind. When i thought I knew the thought was there but at the same time it wasn't. I tried to shake the thought from my mind but it didn't work. It was stuck there. One more problem for me to figure out once i could move. I was forced from my thoughts by the sobbing. It was louder, clearer and definitely closer. I strained to try and hear, most of it was muffled but I managed to make out what was being said.

"Why do you forsake us? We have done nothing but worship you..you have to help...please!" I blinked, "who was the owner of the voice talking to?" I blinked once more as I lay there immobile, wondering if the creature would continue talking. I was a bit surprised when she continued, "Please...I beg of you...help us. Save us from this calamity and I'll give myself to you..please.."

All I could really do was blink. The creature seemed to be asking for help, but who was it asking? I watched as the image on my helmet followed the creature to the ground, soon after the talking stopped and was replaced by whimpering and sobbing. I kind of felt sorry for the creature but there wasn't anything I could do about it, even if i wanted to, I was stuck.

I closed my eyes, retreating back to the darkness that hazed through my mind. "_ Nothing you could do ?" I blinked. that sounded as if I had been thinking it. I tried to push the thought from my mind but the next time it happened the voice actually hurt and made my head feel as if it was going to explode, " You have the power to help these creatures, Human. Stop lazing about and get up already _!" I couldn't help but feel like I was going mad. I was fighting with myself in my own mind. I knew damn well that I couldn't help. I wasn't able to move and I had been trying since I had woken up.

"_ Useless !!" i scoffed as the voice rang through my mind but for some reason I shot back a response, "_If you're so strong why don't you help them?!" silence followed. I scoffed again but smiled a bit sadly, I had won the argument with myself. funny. Once more I blinked. Something was happening to my body. I felt the hair on my body stand up before I began to feel strength flowing into my body. It felt amazing.

After a few moments I began to feel as if something heavy was being lifted off my body. I heard the sound of something cracking all around me then listened as whatever it was fell of and shattered to the floor. A loud yelp followed the shattering sound but for now I ignored it. I got up slowly, wondering what that had been about. It hadn't felt like I was talking to myself. I shook my head before looking around the room that I now stood in.

I had nearly forgotten about the creature in the room until it ran up to me and hugged me. Instinctivly i pushed her away. The action didn't seem to phase it, the creature turned around then dropped to all fours and took off down the only exit I could see. I could feel curiosity flooding into my mind. What do I do now?

No answer came. I rolled my eyes before sighing. I knew what I needed to do, I just wondered if I really did have the strength to do it. The thought sat in my mind as I began to walk slowly in the direction the creature had taken. Good a time as any to find out, then maybe I can get some answers.

[tossing the story out there. want to see if its of interest to anyone. will write more.]