The Fever

Story by Green Fuzzball on SoFurry

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#3 of The Pup

-------Authors Note -------

Wow, I did not expect this story to be this popular. Thank you to everyone who supported this debut attempt at story telling, especially those who help with grammar and even suggested useful lines and sub-plots, I will forever be in you're debt.

For a change in pace this portion of the story shall be almost completly CLEAN with none of my usual smuttyness. So feel free to read on no matter what your age! though you probably won't get anything that's happening, but you can still read it!!!


Alan quickly dried off and threw on the spare shirt that he'd brought in his sports bag to the gym last night. Was it only yesterday? he thought to himself, amazed at all that had changed, and even more suprising, his easy acceptance of it. If you had asked him before today, he would have never believed in Werewolves, but how easily he had slid into the existance. He was interrupted from further thoughts by Mark dragging him toward the front of the bungalow that he shared with his dad. In the living room a number of people sat and stood around, chatting easily between themselves. They all fell silent and looked up as Alan entered. One of the women bit her lip in an exaggerated sexual fashion

"My, my, Mark, you certainly got yourself a sexy son of a," She said, still chewing her lip. Alan stared at her, slightly scared by her intense gaze, Mark however, merely laughed and waved her off.

"Down Lucinda, you already have Three guys on speed-dial, you don't need mine," Mark said tossing himself down onto the empty two seater, Alan quietly followed suit albeit, less airborn. For a second there was a silence as everyone tried to come up with a smooth opening sentence. Karl stepped forward quickly before it became awkward,

"Well, Alan, to put it simply, I got everyone here today to answer any questions you might have about being one of us," He said, watching Alan carefully. Alan though for a second before replying,

"I don't know what to ask really, I kinda want to know everything. I mean, how did you guys become Werewolves? Hell what is that you did to Me to make me one?" Alan asked, with so many more questions bubbling below the surface. The tough biker looking guy in the corner guffawed at this.

"Ha, Ah, I remember asking them exact questions myself, I think we all did when we were first started out. To answer your first question, I was changed in a less personable way than you were. Some asshole decided to try taking a coupla lumps outta me, and then left me bleeding in a forest up in the middle o' nowhere. Luckily Keisha, she's not here right now, was tracking that bastard and she took me in after killing him," He said, leaning back on his stool, after he finished he guzzled down a small plateful of sausages. After that the group became a lot more fluid, easily accepting their newest packmate as they filled him in on their past, individual and collective. Alan's questions were slowly dissected and answered, easing all his worries but one, which could only be answered in private. As the questions trickled to a halt, and the silences grew longer, they wrapped up the session and the other 'Wolves began to gather themselves and prepared to leave. Karl saw them all down to their cars, leaving Alan alone with Mark. Alan turned to Mark amost as soon as the door swung shut.

"Mark, you know what they said about Mating? is that what we did?" Alan asked, a slow panic rising. Misreading his fear Mark smiled and nodded. Alan nearly threw-up on the floor right there, "But, but what if I'm wrong?" numerous other problems spilled through his head. Seeing his panic, Mark crossed the distance between them in a second and grabbed him by his shoulders.

"Alan, what's wrong? shush it's okay, look I'm here, I got you," Mark said, holding Alan tightly, waiting for the panic to subside, or for Alan to answer him.

"Mark, we just met, and then we mated, and I didn't know, what If I'm wrong. What if we don't work... I don't want to end up hating you, I don't want this to end badly, I can't, I can't....."

"_ Alan __ !!! _ Please calm down, shush. Look, you only met me yesterday, but I was searching for you my entire life, I knew as soon as I saw you three weeks ago that you were Mine, you were made for me. You probably don't remember, in the Starbucks? I watched help the woman with her children. You were so sweet, and helpful. I just knew that you were the one I was looking for my entire life. Think about, how did you accept me so quickly? Lucinda punched Dad in the face and ran away screaming. They all did, because none of them had their soul-mate, but you did, you had me. I'm yours, forever, and we will love every minute," Mark said, interspersing his speech with gasped sobs and teary kisses. Alan was crying too, heaving into his mates chest, knowing Mark was perfect, scared that he wasn't. Gradually he calmed down as he felt Mark's heartbeat against his head.

"Look, what's done is done, it will work out, but if you're really worried, Mating isn't totally final, it's just the Werewolves version of marriage," Mark explained, sensing Alan's increasing calm. He leant down and nuzzled the side of Alan's face. In reaction Alan turned his head and caught Mark in an awkward sideways kiss, losing himself and his worried in his mate's mouth and for a while he forgot all his worries.



Afterword: Phew, another chapter done. I didn't quite get as much into this chapter as I'd hoped. But I still think that there'll only be another two chapters, one more main story and an epilogue.