A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 1

Story by Wolfboy235 on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

My name is Soul, I am sixteen years old and the forth prince of the city of Moon Light. I am the smallest of all my siblings. They don't pick on me as such but they do know how to annoy me to the ends of the earth. Sam, Jill and Hope have begun to stop annoying me as much, however Jack and Paul don't seem to show any signs that they will stop annoying me.

It's a bright summer day in Moon Light city. From my window you can see the merchants setting up their stalls, the children running along the river side. This city is always so full of life. Just then my door opened and Sam walks in smiling at me, I smiled back.

"Morning, Soul and how are we this fine morning?" he asked. He's always so happy in the morning after he found his mate last month. I tell him I'm good and ask how he is as well. He replies the same way I did, he tells me to come down for breakfast once I'm washed and dressed. I nod my reply before he leaves, closing the door behind him. I get out of bed and head over to my bathroom for a shower. It doesn't take me long to get washed. I wrapped my towel around my waist after that heading over to my wardrobe dressing up in casual cloths. I pick out a pair of light coloured shorts and a White T-shirt afterwards slipping on my sandals that are by my door before heading down for breakfast.

When I get to the hall where we have our meals I look at the tapestries, as I do everyday and recited each date and from which realm in the world it came from. At the far end of the hall sat my family, mom and dad at the head. Mom on the left dad on the right. Jill and Hope are on mums side. While my brothers sit on the same side as my dad. Sam is beside dad, then the twins then me. I take my seat and smile at my family. They smile back before continuing with their breakfast. I don't eat much, just a slice of toast with honey on it andante cold glass of water to wash it down. Dad asked me what I planned to do with myself today, I told him I would probably end up walking, sketching or something else. He told me to take a guard with me if I was going to leave the castle grounds. I nodded before heading into the castle gardens.

It wasn't long before I heard a guards armour clanking, allowing me to know I was being protected. I whirled around to come face to slight under the chest with Derek. He was one of my favourite guards.

Derek is a big wolf, well muscle toned with black fur and bright yellow eyes. He has a deep voice that makes me smile whenever I hear it. He listens to me when I'm upset, he is my shoulder to cry on - beside my mum of course. He's a really nice guy when no one is looking, and when he smiles the room seems to get much brighter. Secretly I have a crush on him.

"Morning, Soul. How are you today?" he asks, I tell him I'm fine and asks how he is. He replies with a smile 'Good'. Right then the world got a lot brighter when he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He told me he would be my guard if I was heading out of the castle grounds. I nodded happily, I asked if he would just walk with me anyway. He said a happy sure thing, and with that we walked. We ended up heading to the market for a while.

While in the market I bought some new books and a new sketch pad, my last one was full. I loved my drawing, loved everything to be perfectly honest. There is nothing I hate in the world. We ventured down the river side, we almost held hands. Wouldn't have bothered me, and contact with him is complete bliss. We stopped under my favourite tree bench and sat there for a while. After a while of sitting he asked me.

"Soul? How much do you like me?" the question caught me off guard, but I recovered quickly and answered him honestly.

"I don't like you," his ears flattened against his head, "I love you Derek." His head shot up almost as if he was shocked by electricity. I waited to be yelled at, to be told that it was disgusting, but he never said anything. A smile soon crossed his lips and he turned and kissed me. I tensed half expecting the yelling, instead the guy I like...kissed me. He liked, no loved me back. When our lips parted a soft whimper left my lips at the loss of contact. He grinned at me making the world brighter than any of his smiles before, probably because I knew he loved me back.

We went back to the market, this time I could see all the buildings in a new light, the light hitting of the ornate window designs. I could hear the merchants trying to reel people in with their sales. We walked passed the bakers and I could smell the heavenly smell of freshly baked bread. I had never noticed the city in this light before. Derek had opened my eyes to what to was to blind to see. We bought some more books and some food for lunch. Derek had a lamb sandwich, while I stuck to a simple fruit salad.

After I had finished my shopping in the market Derek and I headed back to the castle. We arrived in about ten minutes, greeted by the entire royal guard. 'is something happening that I don't know about?' I thought to myself in confusion. Derek leaned in and whispered.

"Happy birthday, Soul," I thought carefully about it. It must be, why was I thinking it was the day before my Birthday. I smiled before turning to him and hugging him whispering my thanks into his ear. Secretly giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. We walked up to the door and opened it to find party decorations string to every pillar leading all the way to the grand hall. It was sweet of my family, but I think Derek helped in the planning.

He lead me through to the hall where the curtains had been drawn shut so that no light could get in. I edged forward into the dark room seeking something solid, a table, a chair or something. I waited for my eyes to adjust but it was no use, it was far to dark. After a few minutes a light shone behind me, turning I saw Derek holding a cake with my name on it and 'Happy 16th Birthday'. Soon I could hear my family singing happy birthday to me. My heart seemed to squeeze but this always happened when a true moment of happiness arrives in my life. Happiness that's all anyone needs.