The personal files of Frank Timpson

Story by Darkwell on SoFurry


** Case file: #6901-A.**

** Birth Date:00/00/00.**

** Parents: Mr. Michael Charles Benden, Mrs. Mary Kathryn (Katie) Benden.**

** Spouse: Renamon (Rena) Benden.**

It is now known that Axel's darker half is in reality the essence of an evil digimon god called BlackRenamon (see file BlackSetRenamon. #6901-B for more details.), witch had fused itself to Axel's soul (Much like a parasite.). During times of grate stress and/or anger, the BlackRenamon would take over Axel's body and go on rampages.

** Axel's father had him take up marshal arts at age 12 to gain control of his darker half, something that has plagued him sense he was 5 years of age. He quickly rose in the ranks (or is that belts) of the other students, yet at 14 he was forced to quit. His instructor had told him that his training had to stop until he could come to terms with his darker self. With nothing else to really help him come to grips with the evil that lived deep inside him, Axel turned to his imagination and fanatics. Axel soon took to drawing out what he saw in his head a quickly developed his skill into the form it has taken today. As Axel got older he tried to find friends that would not only put up with his imagination, but his darker half as well. If there was one thing that could pry Axel away from his sketchpad, it was the weekly Friday night games. It was in these role-playing games that he and his high school friends got together to escape reality for a few hours... (Ok, so the game started at 6:00 in the after noon an ran for 12 hours, we were having fun.)**

** Axel had only two girlfriends (lovers) during the early parts of his life. Samantha Walker (see file Walker, Sam J. #3636 for more details.). Sam as she was known, had met Axel in freshmen science where they were lab partners. For 3 years they dated and were voted the hottest couple at their High school. Axel believed that Sam was the one he would spend his life with and was working hard to get Sam an engagement ring. This is why he couldn't go to Florida for spring brake with Sam. (And as we all know) It was there that Sam met Corbin Torrance and came home to Cincinnati married.**

** Axel's next girlfriend was a young Goth girl named Tammy Clay (see file Rose, Black #8303 for more details.). At first he didn't want to go out with a girl his overbearing older sister, Mary, had picked out for him. Tammy was two years younger then Axel (who was now a senior in high school) and had little in common with him, yet somehow the two hit it off. Tammy, or as her gothic friends called her, Rose, had a bit of an evil side herself and loved to show it. Yet Tammy too left Axel abruptly when it was discovered that she was sleeping with her Spanish teacher and was pregnant with the man's baby. She tried at first to convince Axel that the child was his, but the truth finally came out.**

** Axel buried himself into his art after the two failed attempts at love. Having been so betrayed by those he thought close to his heart, it left him so emotionally scared that he decided he couldn't trust anyone with his heart. Now in the long run, this meant that Axel had lots of free time in collage. To help relive this problem, Axel joined the collage's fencing club. It was here that he met Lance Foyster and become fast friends with the soon to be editor of the school's newspaper. Seemed that both Lance and Axel had joined the club to feed their love of swords. While Lance would later go on to the Olympics, Axel was forced to quit after losing control of his darker side and nearly squiring his coach. Lance and Axel still remain friends to this day.**

** Not long after graduating collage and joining the Cincy-Post, Axel got his second big brake when the world of commercial art discovered his talent for making ads that kids liked and could understand. Axel likes to state that this insight into the minds of children comes from never truly growing up him self. Now that Axel was making money, he needed someplace to call his own, the apartment he had was just to small. Help came to him when his parents decided that their house, claming it was to big for the two of them. After buying the house, Axel took grate joy in remodeling bits of it so that he and his friends had a place to hang out and play games.**

** This finally brings us to Axel's current lover, mate, and now wife. Rena, short for Renamon, is a digimon/digital monster who last year, during a trip to California (Jun/24/04) became Axel's digi-partner. Rena is of the Kitsune family of Nightmare Solders who's known classifications include Renamon, Kyubimon, Taomon, and Sakuyamon (see file Benden Renamon, Rena #6902 for more details.). Like most Tamers, Axel couldn't help but form an emotional bond with his digimon witch has led to a physical bond as well (as in sex). But unlike most male Tamers, Axel is paired with a female digimon. This makes Axel one of only four other male human-female digimon parings known at this time.**

** (I would like to take this opportunity to point out that Rena has been the best thing that could have happened to my old friend. Her constant vigil and loving devotion to Axel has given him a new lease on his once stagnant life. She has also found a way to control Axel's darker personality... thank god.) **

** On April/3/05 Axel and Rena battled an armored digi-rabbit and were nearly defeated. During the battle Axel and Rena had combined physically to become Sakuyamon to try and delete the rogue digimon. Unfortunately the two were hurt badly by a high-voltage discharge from a power transformer. The voltage was enough to forcefully separate the two partners into there separate forms. The split happened so fast that not all of their DNA could separate from one other, leaving Rena as part human and Axel as part digimon. **

Now that Axel has had Digimon DNA fused into his body, his darker half has become something new (but we all know this story, so I wont go into detail... again.). The darkness has evolved into its true form, that of a Black-Renamon.

At this time Rena seems to be the only pension/digimon (we must come up with a name for these two new life forms) who can easily control Axel in any of his forms or states of mind. It is there for my opinion that full time surveillance be kept on Rena, and not Axel, for if anything should happen to her... god help us all.

DARK THUNDER WAVE= This attack is more dangerous to the ground and those dwelling in it, then to those at the surface. This attack is used to stun and/or throw Axel's opponents off balance, yet damage can still be inflicted by the shaking earth and the upheaval of rocks and dirt. To use this attack, Axel drops to one knee and slams a fist into the ground. The resulting earthquake travels forwards from Axel's fist, in a rumbling wave that grows wider as it rolls on to a range of 50 yards (150 feet). During this time the earth becomes cracked and is lade waste as large chunks of rock and debris are pushed up out of the ground at an alarming rate of speed. At a testing of this power, seismometers were used to measure its intensity. It was found that Axel can create small, localized earthquakes in the range of 8.9 in magnitude. Axel has yet to learn how to control this power fully, so very rarely is it uses.

** For those of you keeping track, most tazers today hold a charge of 10,000 to 20,000 volts.**

AXEL'S DESCRIPTION: At 6ft. 4in. Axel Benden is a fine specimen of a human, his long and lean muscular features help to show off his kind face and nature. His dark brown hair drifts down to the back of his neck and has that wind swept look to it. But it's those wild ice blue eyes of his that tend to grab your attention. They give off the effect that he's not looking at you, but at your soul.

** Axel has a lighthearted laugh, and warm, friendly, lopsided smiles that can melt the hardest of hearts. Axel tends to give off an air of hospitality (when his dark side isn't in control) and has an offbeat sense of humor. He's one of those people that you just can't help but want to find out more about.**