lady and the dragons part 1

Story by frankteller on SoFurry

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Julie was driving alone in the forest late one night. She was desperately trying to escape from her abusive husband, and left her cell phone behind for fear he might use it to track her. She saw some strange lights in the sky, and decided to park and get out of her car. Suddenly, she saw an explosion of bright colors and passed out. She awakened in an unfamiliar forest. Neither her car, nor any signs of civilization, was anywhere to be found. She called out for help. It soon became apparent that she was nowhere near home. First, she saw what looked like the sun, about twenty degrees above the horizon. Then, she noticed an orange star in the sky, a few hundred times fainter but still much brighter than a full moon. She also noticed that the air was much thicker - about three times as thick as on earth - and yet she felt lighter, as the gravity was only about 80% as strong as on earth. "WHERE AM I?" She exclaimed in a panic. "HOW DID I GET HERE?"


Julie then heard an unfamiliar voice behind her: "Hello, and welcome to our world." She found his voice stunningly attractive. She turned around and saw a 40 foot long green dragon with horns on his head. His head was over six feet long and about two and a half feet wide. His shoulders and hips were more than five feet wide, his arms were about seven feet long, his legs were nearly 10 feet long and his tail was nearly 20 feet long. When he stood upright, his head was more than 15 feet off of the ground. He was able to dart out his tongue rapidly like a frog, to a distance of about 12 feet past his mouth. He had retractable wings with a maximum wingspan of about 50 feet, and as she soon learned, he could use them to fly as high as a mile off of the ground. Flying was easier in this strange world, where the air is nearly three times as thick as on earth. The dragon's teeth were nine inches long and, to her amazement, fully retractable. She exclaimed, "Oh my God! Are you going to eat me?"


"Only if you want me to," he replied in a seductive voice.


"You have a fucked up sense of humor," Julie said.


"I know," he responded. "But I thought it might lighten your mood. Anyway, you have been chosen. Right now, you are probably shocked, but you will soon learn how lucky you are. I know a lot about you, and I know that you do not want to go back. Your husband is very violent, isn't he?"




"I know many things. I am a dragon, and if all goes well, you will become a dragon too one day."


"This is really weird. Who are you, where am I, and how did I get here?"


"My name is Dick, which is really awesome, since it is my favorite body part" -


"Could we hold off on the sexual humor? We just met."


"Sorry. I keep forgetting how humans are about sex. Dragons aren't like that. We think sex is the most wonderful thing in the world. It is how we came into being. We think it is horrible that humans see it as something to be ashamed of. Maybe some time around us will cure you of this uniquely human sickness. What were your other questions, Julie?"




"We did some research. I told you that you were chosen. Oh, you wanted to know where here is and how you got here. This is the fourth planet from the star that you call Alpha Centauri A. That is the bright yellow star you see over there. The fainter one is Alpha Centauri B. That's not what we call them, but for now I will use terms that you will recognize. When it gets dark, I will show you where your sun is. As for how you got here, dragons have ways of controlling time and space. It's hard to explain how it works, but to show you what I can do, look down right now."




"That is just one of my powers. I can do all sorts of things. I can breathe fire. I can run so fast that the wind will blow you off of your feet ten yards away. I can cause you to sprout extra limbs. I can heal your wounds from a distance. I can become completely invisible or glow in the dark if I choose. I can make my internal organs or specific parts of my body glow in the dark. I can adopt human form temporarily, while retaining all of these powers. I can even bring you back to life if you should die, even if your whole body is completely destroyed. Oh, and I can also read your mind, though I usually won't because I respect your privacy." He then sets her down before belching out a 20 foot long flame.




"If by God you mean one of the many beings you humans worship, I hate to break this to you, but all earthly religions are false. And if you mean the creator, I am not her. She is as much more powerful than I, as I am than you."


"You mean God is a woman?"


"She's not human, but she is female. Think about it. Which sex brings new life into being?"


"You have a point. It's just that the religion I was brought up with says God is male."


"Is this the same religion that says that the earth is 6000 years old and that a man made the sun stand still in the sky and you damn well better believe every word or you will face eternal torment? Even your kind ought to be able to come up with better than that."


"I know. I stopped believing in that stuff long ago, though I was afraid to tell anyone, especially my husband, who you seem to know a lot about."


"Is he the one who ruined you on sex, because I'm sure I can fix that?"


"My husband is a terrible person. He always puts me down. I don't understand. He tells me I'm fat and ugly and that no one but him would want to have sex with me, though for all that, he seems to enjoy it."


"I think you are beautiful. As for being fat, that is another thing your society is just wrong about. Thin and pretty are not synonymous. Real people have curves. Besides, fat people taste better."


"Now you are joking about eating me again."


"Sorry. Sometimes I speak without thinking. You'd think after 9000 years I would have gotten over that nasty habit."


"You are 9000 years old?"


"Dragons have regenerative powers. Some of us live over a million years. Follow me, and you may become one of us. We have ways to turn humans into dragons. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I love you, and I will never hurt you. I might eat you, but I will never hurt you."


"Eat me without hurting me. That sounds interesting."


"So, you are finally starting to get comfortable around me. I like where this is going."


Julie then begins to laugh uncontrollably. Dick laughs also. He retracts his teeth.


"You have retractable teeth? I've never seen such a thing."


"Oh, you will find that my anatomy is unlike any animal you've ever met. Not only can I retract my teeth, but I can shut down my digestive system for days at a time. That way, if I accidentally eat you, you won't die."


"Or if it isn't an accident" -


"I guess I did allude to that possibility earlier, didn't I?"


"It's really warming up," Julie says. "I guess you wouldn't mind if I take off my clothes."


"Of course I don't mind. I'm always naked. You should be too."


"My husband is going to kill me if he finds out, and I mean that quite literally."


"How would he do that? No human has ever ventured this far from earth without our help. Were you planning on returning home and telling him that you fucked a dragon?"




"I thought that was what humans did when they took off their clothes."