Night Ride WIP

Story by AlyxandrDingo on SoFurry

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The Night was slow, everyone of any worth had already found a partner for the night and left. It was a small bar though, so it didn't really get any furs of any worth to begin with. As far as bars went for the city, this was one of the smaller ones, a tiny bar hidden behind an ordinary green painted door, nestled between an adult book store and a pawn shop. It was a bit old fashioned too; no bold neon lights and dancing girls to attract an audience, or thumping music to draw the partiers to the scene. Just a quiet little bar, quaint in design with dim lighting. The most recent addition was a stripper pole secured to the small stage that still sometimes hosted live bands in the corner.

As far as a stripper went, the last man up there was currently laid out on his back on the edge of the stage, his legs hoisted over the shoulders of a burly bear as he got hammered. This wasn't too much of a surprise; after all, it was a reputable gay bar, just not an overtly popular one. The owner of the bar, a jackal who coincidently was also the bar tender, had just retired from watching over his pride and joy and was mumbling as he mulled over a stack of papers. Presumably they were filled with financial information; or perhaps he was editing his unusually short manuscript, though from the look on his face, this was doubtful.

A lone figure sat at the bar, sipping at an apple martini occasionally. He sat with his back to the bar, his eyes roving over the assembled furs in the bar like they were an audience of adoring fans at his own personal concert. His dark hazel eyes lingered on the forms of the horse stripper and bear. The horse was a powerful looking Clydesdale while the bear pummeling his ass was a unimpressive chubby bear. Most bears looked great, especially with some meat on them, but this one had fat in all the wrong places and the ugliest mug you could imagine. But the horse, what an interesting catch he would have been. He was big and heavily muscled, his frame implying the sheer amount of force he would be able to exert, definitely someone not to be reckoned with; and yet he was horribly submissive. The horse's body language said it all, this big hunk of meat loved to get dominated. The stranger at the bar would have loved to take him home tonight and have his way with him, but he didn't care for sloppy seconds.

At the very thought of it he scrunched his nose up and scowled at the bear who had stolen a worthy conquest from him. If it was any consolation though, the bear was such a pathetic lay; it denoted the subby horse's low standards. He turned from the sight and faced the bar wall. The bottles of alcohol twinkled as they reflected the light in an array of liquid colors, light illuminating the strangers face for the first time. The stranger was a horse; a big horse. His wide shoulders were strong and solid; his fur a glossy black that had a slight red sheen when light hit it just right.

His man was jet black with red tips, like obsidian on fire; it ran down the length of his neck, ending at the collar of his red button up shirt; which was stylishly accompanied with a black leather vest. A few locks of his hair were tightly woven into a neat braid, one of which started at his forehead, was tucked behind his right ear and ended with a couple of red and black feathers. Around his left arm was a thick black leather band, which helped accentuate his bulging arms.

In the front of his barrel chest, his dark crimson shirt was buttoned halfway up, the black curly hairs of his thick crest poking out the top. He had given up finding a suitable match tonight for his pleasure. This bar was dead tonight. The only occupants were the damned subby horse, the pudgy bear, and a couple pervs who were fondling themselves under their tables as they watched the show, to cowardly to undo their flies and get what they want. The jackal was now morosely pounding his fist on the counter as he cursed some god for his misfortune; apparently, the business wasn't doing too well.

To be honest, the horse liked the jackal, but to use him for his type of pleasure would be a sour waste. Despite financial issues, the bar was one of the horse's favorite places to search for a partner. It wasn't as crowded or noisy and boisterous as the other more modern locations. Plus, here the horse could always be guaranteed that the men he met would be of the same inclination as him. He was getting ready to leave by quickly downing the rest of his apple martini when a cool breeze from outside tickled the neap of neck, rustling the hair hanging loosely there. A scent of honey suckle taunted his nose as the newest arrival entered the bar. The horse turned his face to the newcomer, a face he'd never seen before.

It was a ferret. He was a little pudgy and had no sense of style, but the horse was instantly enraptured. Unlike most, he could see through the veneer, into the interior design of this nervous male. He was wearing a bright red hoodie under a dark green jacket. He looked young to be wandering into a gay bar; young and very out of place. Most of the other occupants of the bar were monsters; low and vile scum with no idea how to treat a fellow man decently. Even now, the horse diverted his eyes from the beautiful ferret to the horse and bear, still fucking on the stage. By this time another had worked up the courage to join the romp, an older Doberman. He was forcefully shoving his puny dick into the horse's mouth. The bear had spooged once over his body, but apparently was still revved to go. The Doberman was just as ugly as the bear though, a scruffy mustache covering his top lip and a fresh looking scar running across his face. The horse turned back to the ferret and noticed the shocked look on the boy's face. His grey furred face blushed red and he quickly looked away from the scene. Either way though, the horse still noticed a small lump form in his neck and bulge to leap in his pants.

The ferret made his way through the mostly empty bar toward where the bar tender. The jackal for his part looked up from his papers, a grimace of remorse plastered across his face. He obviously didn't want to deal with this kid. The horse only took a moment before he rapped his knuckles twice on the counter in the jackal's direction. The dog glanced at him and the horse gave him a smile and a nod. They were pretty good friends, so the jackal understood what the horse meant. He dropped his head back onto the counter with a thud. The horse stood up and crossed around to behind the bar. He grabbed a spare black apron from a hook on the back wall. Slipping it over his head he tied the straps in the back before rolling his sleeves up over his massive arms.

The ferret had finally arrived at the bar counter and sat at one of the stools. He waited for the bar tender to address him rather than just asking for what he wanted. The horse chuckled to himself and walked over to the small ferret and leaned against the counter in front of him. "What'll it be kid?"

The ferret suddenly looked unsure, like he hadn't given it any thought. At last he opened his mouth, revealing a row of clean white teeth as he said, "Um... I don't know. What would you suggest?"

The horse chuckled again, deep in his throat, rumbling as he pulled some bottles from the shelf. "Well, my personal favorite thing is just a plain apple martini. Want one?"

"Um... sure." The ferret grinned nervously as the horse prepared a drink for him, and then a second for himself, deciding he was going to stay after all.

Right before he handed the drink over, he suddenly asked, "ID?"

The ferret got nervous and slowly rummaged in his back pocket, pulling out his wallet and an ID. He handed the ID over to the horse who could tell at just a glance that it was a fake; but he handed it back and pushed the drink to him. The ferret collected his ID and took the drink.

"Twenty one eh?"

"Yeah," the ferret smiled, "just a little while ago. About a month now." He gave another nervous grin, which was just so incredibly cute on him the horse thought. The horse could tell this one was going to be fun.

"Well, congratulations. It's not every day your fine youth turns 21. Spend it well; it doesn't last as long as you'd think." The horse took his glass and pushed it towards his empty seat before exiting the bar area and retaking his seat, tossing the apron back on its hook. The smaller ferret stared at him as he took his seat, obviously baffled that the bartender was sitting next to him. The horse saw the look, "No no, I'm not. I don't work here. Just doing a favor for a friend."

The ferret understood. He sipped at his martini. It was definitely his first drink, you could tell from the surprised look on his face. "So, what brings you here? If you don't mind me asking. Usually the younger crowds prefer the busier, louder clubs down the street."

"Oh, um... I don't..." The ferret looked downcast suddenly. "You'll think it's stupid."

"There aren't many things I think are stupid. Try me." The horse slung his arm around the little guy's shoulder.

The ferret looked at the horse and when their eyes met he felt like he could tell him anything. "I didn't want to go to one of the big clubs because I'm scared of crowds. And because I'm confused and people usually go to clubs to meet people and get laid and I don't think I'm ready for that. I don't know if I'm straight, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm not. But I had no one to talk to and... as I was walking down the street, I saw this place and... decided to come in."

The horse chuckled again, a big hearty laugh. The ferret flattened his ears because he thought the horse was laughing at him. The horse realized it but still kept chuckling. He clapped the young chap on the back. "No worries. I know what you mean. I remember when I was closeted. But this isn't exactly the place for a little guy like you. Definitely not. The guys that frequent this place would devour you if you had walked in here any other night. They aren't the most honest men either. They'd say anything to get laid, even sweet talk a young guy like you and make you believe they were actually nice guys."

"Oh?" The ferret looked over the horse's protective shoulder at the threesome happening on stage. The entire other side of the bar had devolved into a giant orgy. The sexual tension had escalated from a mild threesome sex show into a fully bloomed orgy orchid. The subby horse was covered in horny men, sticking their dicks into any orifice they could reach. Others sat at their tables jerking off or forcing weaker men across tables to release their pent up sexual frustrations. Despite the rambunctiousness of their fucking, it was completely quiet and calm on the side near the horse and the ferret. It was almost like they were divorced from the scene, in a completely different universe with a giant TV tuned to this channel. The ferret was suddenly very happy that the horse was there.

No doubt, if anyone tried anything to him, the horse would surely take care of it. He felt safe in the horse's proximity. He looked back at the horse protecting him. The horse hadn't glanced away from him. "Come on. Let's leave. Before they try to include you in their games. Trust me, sex is great, but those guys play to rough for a small guy like you.

"What about you? Do you play rough?" The ferret blurted out as a bit of a joke and then instantly regretted his words. The horse released another chuckle. "um... that isn't what."

"Hey, don't sweat it." The horse hopped up from his stool and drained the last of his drink. He offered the ferret his paw, which was graciously accepted as he slipped of the tall stool. The horse was about a head taller than the ferret. The horse started to leave the bar and the ferret quickly closed in on his heels. He gave one last look at the furs having sex on stage. As he looked though, one looked up and stared him straight in the eye. The ferret yipped and hurried after the horse, quickly followed by a dark laugh from the other man.

When the ferret got out of the bar he glanced around to see where the horse had went when he spotted him across the street. He waited for a car to pass before running across the street after him. The ferret had to run to catch up, his belly bouncing a little each time his feet hit the ground. When he finally caught up, the horse glanced back at him continuing to walk. "What took you?"

The ferret blushed. He muttered something about a guy in the bar but it was barely audible. In truth he was thinking about his rotund stomach. His weight issue was always something that had bothered him. His Mom wouldn't ever leave him alone about it, always trying to get him to eat right and exercise. The horse turned a corner and he snapped out of his thoughts to follow. When he reached the corner, the horse was already a good ways down the street. The ferret didn't get how he could travel so far in such little time. He raced to keep up, trying to break even with him before he turned another corner and was lost for good. The last thing the ferret wanted was to get lost.

The horse finally slowed down and turned toward the ferret. "What's your name kid, anyway?" The ferret stared at him caught off guard for a second and stopped walking just in time to not collide with the horse's chest.

"Um... Teagen." The ferret looked down at the floor. Everybody had always said his name was weird. He thought it was a cool name, but that was the kind of school he went to. They'd make fun of smaller guys about anything. Usually it was evil jocks trying to make themselves feel good about their abnormally small penis's, but Teagen still was always hesitant to tell a new person his name.

"Teagen," the horse breathed. "Nice name. I like it." He held out his paw which Teagen accepted sheepishly. "I'm Nolan by the way."

"Nolan." The ferret repeated to make sure the name stayed in his head. He was always really bad with names. It would really suck if he forgot this hunks name on the way to... wherever it was they were going. "Hey, where are we headed?"

"My place. Where else?" Teagen couldn't help but get a little lump in his throat. He suddenly wasn't sure if this was such a great idea. He had just met this total stranger and now he was following him home. The horse had even said that the people who frequented the bar he had stumbled into generally weren't the nicest people. What if he was just saying that to get the ferret to lower his defenses?

The ferret started to slow down his pace. The horse seeming to feel the change in the atmosphere slowed down as well and then stopped. "Having second thoughts? You don't have to come if you don't want to. Just thought you might want to talk. I can be that guy who lends an ear." He walked directly in front of Teagen, his tough pectorals at eye level with the shorter ferret. He wasn't sure why, but he had the bizarre urge to touch the horse just then. "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to or aren't ready for. Although," the horse let a small smile part his lips a crack, "I do think you are really cute. Just for the record."

Teagen blushed heavily. Nolan let his paw stroke the side of Teagen's face before he was suddenly off, walking away in a brisk pace. The ferret awkwardly surged forward to try and keep up, his shorter legs struggling to move and the breakneck pace the horse had set. He wondered what was up with Nolan and whether he always walked so quickly, or if it was just a game, to make the chubby guy break a sweat. In truth, the horse just really wanted to get home. While he had promised Teagen nothing would happen that he wasn't ok with, but honestly, the horse was feeling lucky and was pretty sure the ferret wouldn't be able to deny him. Most people couldn't, once they saw his body. He had a way with men.

As Teagen walked along behind the large horse he began to notice that he had no clue where he was. This was a part of the city he had never been to before. It was nicer, cleaner; it had trees. Trees! The buildings were thinning out and little gardens were cropping forward, a park dominated the view in front of them. The end of the street they were walking on didn't end in an intersection or a big apartment building, but a huge park with wrought iron fencing taller than any he'd seen before. A large ornate gateway stood open, granting an uninhibited view into the mass of green.