In Your Arms (Part One)

Story by Doc on SoFurry

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#1 of New Series

Hey guys! Long time no talk! Okay i've been like AFK for a long time and i'm just trying to get back into it.

I wrote this story last year and haven't really touched it until like 10 minutes ago. I hope you guys enjoy it! I plan to continue it in the future (:

Friday morning + heavy rain + late for a class= one stressed out, fucked up, almost insane Gryphon. I was rushing wildly to the bus stop, notes and papers spewing from a wide open bag. In the distance, roughly one hundred metres away I spotted the bus just pulling up to the small stop, just around the bend. Gasping for air, i pulled off my heavy, black jacket and my messy, pink polo while still running and shoved them into my open bag before yanking it closed. I didn't worry too much about all the notes as i had them all safe and sound on my Toshiba laptop. I swung my bag off my back and clutched it in my hands, ignoring the raised eyebrows of people around either sipping their morning coffee in their cars or huddling under many layers of coats as they rushed themselves to work. Gritting my teeth i unfurled my deep, rich, brown thirteen foot wings and with my powerful legs i pushed off from the ground, flapping wildly as I tried to gain altitude. Almost immediately, only about five metres up a large gust of wind came my way and knocked me off course, almost making me hit a nearby national New Zealand Kauri tree. My eyes widening, i quickly adjusted my course and started climbing up to the clouds once more, forgetting about the bus. Normally i didn't fly to Auckland University, especially not in this weather but the traffic was very bad and I need to print some work out from the Library printer before getting to my first class. I protected my bag from the heavy rain with my chest, keeping my head low as I swooped low over busy, congested intersections. I shivered but continued thinking, 'the sooner I get there, the sooner I can be dry.' I blinked uncomfortably as a fat droplet of rain hit my open eye, temporarily blinding me.

After fifteen minutes of endless flying I reached the BBIB campus and touched down heavily in the main courtyard almost falling over from my wobbly legs. My dark brown fur and my wood colour feathers were absolutely soaked to the core as well as my jeans and sneakers, covering my paw-like, talon-like, foot and that only worsened my mood. Thankfully my iPod, phone and wallet were deep in the inner crevices of my bag so they would still be dry. Glancing at a large analogue clock on one of the buildings I dashed to the gym showers calculating that I had roughly twenty five minutes before my first class. Printing off my work had to wait. Relieved to see no one in the changing room I grabbed a towel and stripped, stuffing my belongings into a locker before closing it with a slam. Frowning I shuffled to a shower and set it to a warm temperature before hopping in, glad to feel the steady stream of hot water flowing across my fur. Quarter of an hour later I exited the small cubed up haven and wrapped a thick, fluffy towel around my waist as I ambled to the large mirror in the centre of the room, checking out my reflection. It was fogged up from the shower and I used a yellow, talon-ish paw and wiped out the area in front of my face and did the daily routine of my body check.

For a somewhat athletic twenty three year old I was in reasonably good shape - I had quite a few well-formed muscles on my body and a noticeable six pack that I was somewhat proud of. For a gryphon, I looked pretty average, nothing special as I didn't have any special traits or features. I was just, me. Almost at the top of my head stood pointed, dark brown ears just like a lions or tigers though one of them, the left one, was slightly floppy and bent. Never had I been to straighten that ear. It was kind of embarrassing as I thought it was a childish trait as lots of my friends used to have them when they were younger but then they soon grew out of it. But not me. I suppose you can imagine how much shit I got from my class mates about it.

Just below my ears were my dark green eyes that I thought were pretty cool though nothing special, a few of my ex-girlfriends (I was currently single and now gay) thought they were brilliant but I didn't think much of them.

I sighed and ran a claw through my chest fur before rummaging around in my drenched bag in my locker for a comb and found a brush. I ambled back to the mirror and began running that through my fur, getting rid of knots and twists. Another part of my body that I liked was definitely my fur - it was just over an inch long and was very smooth, soft and fluffy, especially after a shower.

Five minutes later, I arrived at my first lecture, clutching my still damp bag and my freshly printed off documents which were jammed unevenly into a clip file, my fur and feathers still damp. This lecture was going to be very hard to get through as wet feathers jammed beneath a shirt isn't something that's comfortable let me tell you. Every five minutes I twitched and tried to scratch away the itch that formed from my wings as the Lecturer rambled about Business management. Around a while later, while I was taking notes and playing Tetris on my computer, my best friend the jock cheetah Jack Griffiths arrived and took a seat next to me, looking equally drenched as I did a few minutes earlier. I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a small grin before turning back to my laptop screen. I signed and opened up my word document filled with notes and slowly began typing down everything the tutor was saying, my mind already drifting to awesome and intense what ifs. Loads of my friends say I worry and think too much which is, somewhat, true. Personally, I have always wished for a better life - something more interesting and 'exotic' then just the week for working, university and rent paying. I wanted to have something more than that. I wished I could be with someone else. Someone attractive, kind and most of all, someone who could protect me no matter what the cost. A few of my friends were indeed like that but as a partner? No way. I mean, none of them even knew I was gay. And the thought of BEING with them disgusted me as it is! Erg, something that I don't enjoy going through - Partner finding.


It was around midday and we had all just escaped the lecture room, dying for fresh air, chai lattes and in my case, a thick slice of cheese. All of my friends sat around me at a small café just across from the Viaduct all nibbling at their own snacks trying to cool themselves off as the rain had stopped and the sun had come out. My friends were Jack, Kath who was a short, high spirited beaver that was in her first year of her Arts course, being only 21. Next to Kath was the technology fan Anna, ever talking on her mobile phone. I was never close with the young Kangaroo as our personalities were completely different; I was somewhat in control of my life while she was endlessly partying and having drugs. Major slut too so I never really talked to her much but she was 'bffls' with Kath so I could never get away from her. I sighed, and closed my eyes, taking a sip of my over sweetened tea, enjoying the intoxicating heat and the slight breeze coming from the ocean. I tipped my comfortable metal chair back onto to legs, arching my back, stretching my cramped muscles and mumbling to Jack who was doing pretty much the same thing while chewing on a chocolate Danish. "Hey Jack, since it's Friday night, shall we hit the clubs tonight? I'm kind of glad this weeks over, incredibly stressful and I think this is what I need"

I cracked open my left eye just a bit to see him and what his reaction was. "Erm, as much as I'd like too, I don't think I can as my cousin's coming to flat with us for a week or so, you don't mind do you?" Jack looked slightly worried and his bit his lip -an annoying habit that he had whenever he was unsure about something.

I smiled slowly, a bit disappointed. "Yeah that's fine bro except he's staying in your room for the week and he needs to pay for some of the rent. Two hundred bucks is too much for both of us to pay each week. Heh, I might go with you to get him sorted, have I met him?"

He grinned back, finishing his pastry and quickly snatching one off Kath who playfully swore at him. "Ha yeah that's fine, he can pay fifty, we'll both each pay seventy five. I think that's fair, and no you actually haven't met this cousin, he's 25 years old and is a snow leopard."

I snorted, coughing up some of my Chai, "how the hell are you related to a snow leopard?"

He blushed and took a bite from Kath's Apricot pastry and then washing it down with a sip of his Starbucks double chocolate chip frapachinno that he 'ninjaly' balanced on his knee cap. "I have no idea dude, but yeah it's great, I'm picking him up from the Airport in a few hours so we have enough time to have a quick clean-up of the flat before we go get him. I yawned, stretched once more and nodded downing the rest of my tea at the same time. I stood up and uttered my thanks to the two females and turned around, unfurling my mighty eagles wings. Kath smiled back while Anna didn't even look up. I glanced back at my best friend and winked before jumping into the air, working my wing muscles to get me home. 'Bags not cleaning the toilet!'


I yawned for what seemed to be the millionth time this week, covering my mouth with the thin plastic cup of coffee that I was gripping tightly in my left hand, as I sat on an uncomfortable airport lounge seat with my best friend. Jack sat there impatiently, ignoring his drink that I bought him and drummed his sharp claws on the cold, plastic seat arm rest, no doubt - like me - bored out of his mind. His cousins flight was delayed by one and a half hours so we had to wait for a whole lot longer doing nothing but sitting there. I didn't tell Jack that but it if I was aware of this earlier, I wouldn't come and pick up his cousin - partying was a greater alternative. I sighed, yawned once more and stood up stretching, 'Jack give me 5 I'm just going to go stretch my wings.'

He looked up at me with his sharp green eyes and nodded, glancing at his watch checking the time. Probably had already landed, just had to go through endless security checks. I stumbled out of the lounge and exited through Auckland Airports large, glass front doors unfurling my wings and glorying in the sun, basking temporarily in the warm. I took off into the air and flew up to the roof of the airport around three stories and landed perfectly on the edge of the flat, scummy place, covered with cigarette butts and old pieces of gum. I shivered in disgust but sat down and took my place on the edge, hanging my legs off the building. A nice, sunny place to rest my mind and think.

One problem that had recently come up to mind was to tell my closest friends about my sexuality, especially Jack as he was almost a brother to me. I think that they'd accept me for who I am but I wasn't sure as all of them, though very close and kind to me, always cursed gay people - holding me off from telling them about me. I just wanted to tell them and just get over it but I still hadn't really totally accept myself for who I was and not for someone else. I just don't know what to do. I took a final draught from my lukewarm coffee and crumpled the cup, throwing it across the roof, watching it skit across the mucky concrete before stepping off the room and into thin air, snapping open my wings at the last second the alarmingly slow my descent. As I landed smoothly on the boiling, sun warmed tarmac I was surprised to see Jack and an unfamiliar snow leopard standing awkwardly next to each other, between them a shit load of suitcases. I could tell that they didn't get along that well as they weren't talking, just standing there looking away from each other. As I grinned and made my way up towards them the medium sized ultimate contrasting white fur, black spotted leopard looked at me and my dark green eyes and his bright, ocean blues met - blowing me away. The leopard - Shane I think his name was - was absolutely, breathtakingly stunning and was beautiful beyond anything in this world. I blinked and rubbed my eyes in shock before continuing making my way up towards them. "Uh Scott, this is Shane - my cousin. Shane, Scott - my best and closest friend. We flat together Shane so you'll be seeing a lot of him."

Giving myself courage I stuck out a paw and gave a small smile, still blinded by the amazing being in front of me. Shane was around my height, maybe two or three inches taller and was covered in head to tail in rich, pure white fur, scattered with completely black spots, right from his pointed, twitchy ears to his feet that were hidden behind black Chucks. His grey three quarter shorts and his black and navy shirt only made his image even more amazing, making me scream inside. He hesitated looking curiously at me. When I caught his eye he quickly looked away and touched my gryphon paw with his softly before recoiling instantly and shoving his hand back into his pocket.

"Erm, well shall we?" Jack gestured to his old, cheap Nissan March piece of shit that his parents gave him for his seventeenth birthday a long time ago and led us towards it. His small green car could barely fit the two of us much less three of us and all this cute twenty five year old leopard' bags. Quickly a small plan formed in my head and it made me laugh to myself quietly. As we arrived at the car, I opened up the passenger seat door and started cramming a few bags up at the front and when that was full I started putting the rest in the back seat, leaving only a small amount of space for the newcomer and myself. He shrugged and got in, pushing back a few of his suitcases to make himself somewhat comfortable before gesturing me with his eyes so I could come in. I clambered in slowly and shut the door behind me, shoving on my seat belt. There was absolutely not room at all so Shane had to lean on my shoulder uncomfortably. Frowning I murmured, "wait give me a second I'll just move." I changed my position so I was leaning against the door on an angle so he could rest himself a bit more comfortably on my chest. He did so and my heart fluttered on the inside. My small plan was working.

Hesitantly I rested my arms on his chest and he looked up at me with a curious face, making me a bit nervous and quickly pulling my arms back off him, instead directing my attention to the window, staring aimlessly at trees and cones that whizzed pass around us. What the hell was I doing? I had only know this guy for what, around five minutes and already I was putting my arms around him- what was up with me? Just then, a tight feeling started forming in my chest and I felt a rising horror. Oh shit, not now! Shane would easily be able to feel that. I coughed slightly and began to concentrate on something else - like a piece of homework I had to complete before my next class and how to do it, ANYTHING to wilt my hard-on. But oh, his scent was so intoxicating, it was like a sweet yet natural man smell that just - I blinked and mentally hit my self, turning away focusing back on my thesis that I had to present.

"So, any hot girls in this town?" He tilted his head and winked at me, "any thoughts in your head?"

I blushed furiously a turned away once more my mind doing flips in my head, oh my god - so FREAKING embarrassing. "Uh" I swallowed and levelled my tone, "Yeah, uh heaps of good looking girls. They're um great!" I emphasised each word correctly and continued to stare outside the window, thankfully that my erection had deflated making me a bit less tense. That dick of mine always working in the worst of times. Deciding to change the topic I asked Shane, "So why did you decide to come here for a week? Nothing really interesting happening here at the moment." He sighed and tilted his head upwards so our eyes met, "To be honest I'd rather not say, it's kind of a bit private." I raised an eye brow and gave a small smile, "Does Jack know?" my smooth tone was laced in curiosity. I always hated secrets and was always damned curious - whenever I heard something I always wanted to know about it, even if it wasn't got to do with me or anything.

"Does it really make a difference Scott?" he frowned and pulled out his iPhone from his pocket and turned it on, staring at the back ground image of a female otter with the all too familiar Shane kissing her on the cheek." Damn it so he has a girlfriend.

"Yes. Everything you tell him, he'll tell me. End of Story." I replied back smartly smiling, my disappointment of him being straight not showing on my face."

He rolled his eyes and then murmured, "then he doesn't know."

"Aww come on!" Jack interfered, glancing in the rear view mirror back at us, "that's unfair!"

"Look, all you need to know is that I need a break from my family and this place seemed to be the best place to go to okay? If you guys are going to be dick heads I might as well just leave again!" His temper flared and I could see fire in his eyes. Gulping I quickly replied, "sorry I didn't mean to pry I just wanted to know" To comfort him I rubbed my hand against his white furry arm, loving the soft touch, "Don't take it personally or anything."


It was around ten thirty PM that night and I was sitting alone on my bed wearing nothing but some dick defining underwear, deep in thought about coming out to my parents, coming out to my whole family, coming out to Jack, my ultimate crush on Shane and the end of University which, thankfully was finishing at the end of next week for three months. Coming out to my family was the hardest as even though I've known them my whole life I had no idea at all what I was going to expect. They might take it really well or scream at me and disown me or something along those lines. I hoped for the first option as, well, certain death was involved with the second one. Coming out to Jack was probably the easiest topic to think about as well, he's been my best friend for a better part or six years and has always stuck by my side so there's no need for him to hate me. But like my parents, I had no idea. I mean I don't think he's a homophobe but I'm not sure. Perhaps I could do it whenever I had spare time with him - I didn't exactly want to do it in front of my friends (their influences could turn him against me) nor did I want to do it in front of Shane as well, if he was homophobe I didn't want to scare him off too early. I sighed and rubbed my face with a hand yawning loudly, before ambling over to the kitchen and grabbing a cold class of water from the tap. I was about to turn back into my room when I turn and saw someone in Jacks room, so curiously I pushed open the door surprised to see Shane, lying on his matress on the floor, doing the same thing as I was - staring into space, wearing only a pair or tight jockeys. As I entered the room I couldn't help but stare at his amazing body. I always thought Leopards, snow or not had spots all over their bodies but that changed as Shane's chest was just a pure, crisp white, short fure that defined his body which made me scream on the inside. He wasn't really that muscly and didn't have a six pack but who said you had to be muscly to be hot? This guy certainly was. He head me swing open the door and opened his eyes a crack a muttered a small, 'hello.'

"Hey, I thought Jack took you to a party?" I answered back only poking my door out the door as underwear I was wearing did nothing at all to hide my full on erection that I was rubbing with my left hand casually.

" Yeah he did but I came back like half an hour ago, you were to occupied doing whatever you were doing to notice me come in." he gave a small smile and closed his eyes and curled up into a ball which made me ever more jealous. I wanted nothing more in this world than just to hold and cuddle him tightly against me, kissing him and making love to him.

"Heh, sorry about that I was kind of having a DMC with myself" I replied cheerfully, checking out his body once more while his eyes were still closed.

"DMC?" he asked sleepily as he flicked off the lamp in his room, looking ready for bed.

"Deep meaningful conversation man. Get with the acronyms. I'll let you get some sleep now." I left the room and made my way back to my own room, his image of his body engraved in my mind. How could anyone at all be so attractive? He was definitely out of this world. And yet I had to somehow get him before the week was up or I would probably never see him again. Thoughts like that definitely ruined my mood.

Just then at that moment, Jack entered the house, slamming the thing wooden door behind him and shoving off his shoes onto the floor. By the state that he was in I could tell that he was somewhat drunk and would need some assistance making it back to his room without waking up Shane. I shrugged and got up and made my way over to him and slung one of my arms around him. "Come on man, you need to learn to drink less and just enjoy the party!" He mumbled something incoherently and I slung him into his room and onto his bed in one move, "Shanes tired now so let him sleep okay?" He grunted something and immediately started snoring loudly on his bed. I glanced down at Shane who was looking back at me, as of the light I couldn't tell his expression but I was guessing it was a 'holy shit how am I going to sleep' expression. I knew it was probably that as it was the same one that was on my face. I gave a sympathetic look to Shane and got back to my room and hopped into bed, turning out the light and stripping into commando before throwing the covers over my naked form. It was too hot though so I threw them back off.

I closed my eyes and yawned softly, moving my pillow into a more comfortable position and I was about to drift off into a slumber when I heard a small "hey."

Shocked and surprised I leapt up almost a metre off the bed and shoved the duvet back over my body, whirling around to see Shane standing in front of my double wearing absolutely nothing as well. "Can't sleep cause of Jack, mind If I spend the night here?"

"Uh um well." I was too dazzled by his enormous 9" dick to answer sanely. Oh god I wanted him so freaking MUCH! "Uh yeah sure, but isn't it awkward I mean we're both going to be naked and um, we're both guys and like it's a small bed and oh, we just met like today."

He raised one of his thin, black eyebrows and clamoured in next to making, making me shiver when his sheath brushed against my semi erect one, "it's not like anything's going to happen right? I mean I'm not gay, I'm pretty sure you aren't either man. Damnit it'd be awkward if one of us were ha."

Uh yeah well, he had to say that didn't he?

"ha ha ha yeah" I gave a forced laugh and turned over to face him so that my face was just a few centimetres from his. I resisted strongly against an urge to kiss him and instead closed my eyes, trying to focus on going to sleep which I knew, wouldn't happen - not with all the R18 images flashing my skull. "Going to sleep already Scott?" Shane teased and snuggled in deeply into the covers, getting evenly closer to me to that we were extremely close, almost touching, " I was thinking that we have one of your DMC's you know. Or can you only do that by yourself?"

I laughed naturally this time and stared into his brilliant blue eyes and replied, "no, it's perfectly capable to do it with other people." So that's what we did for the rest of the night. Just stayed up, both of us naked and in the same bed, talking about our lives and the most embarrassing moments we've had, the girl friends we've all experienced and all the places we've been. He told me about his first crush and his favourite place in the world and when he accidently tripped up and smashed his nose in primary when he was receiving a certificate. I cracked up loudly and almost started coughing and snorting which would've made things even worse. Instead I told him about my worst memory of me accidently following someone random into their house and into the kitchen thinking the whole time that it was my mum. I was only nine at that time making things even worse as I had no idea what was happening. It was extremely embarrassing and Shane couldn't stop laughing.

At three am we both got out of bed and made our selves a hot drink, not caring about the fact that both of us were naked. I, being gay was fine with it and surprisingly this hopelessly straight hunk was as well. At around five am, when the sun started rising and the birds started chirping, early in the morning we both retired for the night and both lethargically made our selves comfortably into bed, me once more resisting an urge to get into the spooning position. Shane's breathing eased as he drifted off to sleep and the last thought I had before following suit was 'I would do anything to have this night again.'

I woke up to the sound of endlessly chirping birds and bright pinpricks of sunlight, shining through the curtain and into my green eyes making them water and ache. My head was aching from not enough sleep which made me groggy and somewhat grumpy. I rolled over to say 'good morning to Shane but he wasn't there. I frowned and made my way over to the kitchen sink, splashing my face with water and mumbled a 'hi' to Jack who was sitting on our on our only couch, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I checked the clock which read 2PM before pouring myself some coffee and shoving Jacks legs off the couch and sitting next to him. "Heh, where's Shane?" I asked, taking a sip before coughing it back up. Ugh too hot.

He grinned and nodded towards the door, "left for a jog around the domain around twenty minutes ago. Should be back in an hour or so. I don't think he knows how big the park really is ha." I gave a weak smile and blew into my drink, cooling it down. Ow, my scolded tongue was really going to annoy me for the rest of the day. "So, what happened last night?" I questioned, changing the subject, my mind racing on how to tell my best friend how I was gay. " Get any girlfriends or anything man?"

He laughed and punched my lightly on the shoulder, draining the rest of his coffee in one, "you bet I did. She's one fine piece of-"

I put up my hand to interrupt him, " yep, yep I'm sure she is man."

He winked at me before blurting out loudly, "I should be asking you the same question! "What happened last night? You know!"

I chuckled and punched him back, " hey! I'm not gay okay nothing happ-" This time I stopped myself and sighed, running my free, right hand across my brown, furry arm. "Uh actually that's what I want to talk to you about."

Jacks facial expression slipped into one of shock but he didn't say anything.

"Uh yeah well, I'm kind of am gay and have been for the past year or so. If you find it a bit too awkward or anything, just tell me and I can like move out or something. You're the first person I've told." I stared down at my coffee, scared of his response. What happens if he kicked me out of the flat? What happens he yells at me, kicks me out of the flat and stops becoming my best friend? What happens if he pushes me out of the WINDOW?

Amazingly, the last answer I was expecting was what I got - Laughter. He grinned and laughed loudly, punching me for the second time on the arm, " Holy shit are you? Wow seriously, your gay? I would never have guessed man. You're doing a great job covering it up."

I looked up at him surprised, my eyes wide, "You're not mad? Not angry?"

"Why would I be? That's fine, I don't care man. Infact I support you. Well done for coming out to me. Omg do you have a boyfriend? Have you kissed him? How far have you gotten? Have you done any like sex? Like oral or anal. Wow can't imagine you doing anything like that. Have you? Tell me Scott I need to know!" He was talking so quickly that I could barely keep up with him.

"No I don't have a boyfriend and no I've never had any sex" I giggled, my mood a whole lot lighter, " you wish don't you?"

"Yes of course I do! Damn wow. Who do you think is hot?"

I looked at him before taking a sip from my now cooled down coffee, "er... You can't tell him okay? Seriously, you can't tell him at all but uh. I think your cousin, uh Shane is incredibly, incredibly hot."

He burst out laughing again, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, "Wow oh my god that is so cool! Must've enjoyed last night then huh?" I blushed and turned away, taking another sip from my coffee. "You have no idea. I resisted so many urges. But you can't tell him okay? Promise me please?"

He nodded and smiled at me, "trust me, I've been your friend for a long time, I will never betray you.


Yayyyyy! Please rate 5 stars, comment and favourite :P