Breaking the Limit

Story by Raynkusa Shadowfang on SoFurry

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Break the Limit

Look at the sky, look into my eyes and see the peace that brought you back from the dead.

Feel the warmth surrounding you like that man Oswald once said.

Smell the flowers while your heart thuds to the beat when your in bed.

So break the limit, touch the sky and break for the wind.

The sun warming your fur while the clouds take familiar shapes.

Your pain, worries, and fears disappearing from your mind while you belong to fate.

The earth moving slowly making you feel as if time stood still.

Follow me, break the limit, no longer needing to feel ill.

The grass as green as a cucumber, tickling your back gently making you giggle.

Go ahead and wiggle your toes as the wind plays with them.

Filling the air is the sound of a calming hymn.

Break the limit, hold your dreams close and so you can be alive.

The smell of cinnamon rolls invading your nose, so fresh and yummy.

Come eat one then feel it in your tummy.

Now your sad and rainy world looks so sunny.

So come on you, break your limit, don't give up and enjoy the sweet taste of honey.

The sound of the bell wakes you from your daydream your eyes opening to a plain sight.

You sigh but do not despair for the day has just begun so lets go and have some fun.

The smile of your nearby friend or possibly more makes you wonder why they care.

Break the limit, touch the sky, its your day, so lets have fun without a care.

Time flies and now you sit at home wondering why the TV is still showing Cher.

The world that whisked you away re-opens to you so you close your eyes and fly away.

But before you manage to disassociate yourself from the earth you are once again disturbed.

Open your eyes, break the limit and smile once again.

Only to see a smile that cheers you up everyday and your heart beats rapidly fluttering in your chest.

Time is up and now its your turn to take the wheel of life.

So come and enjoy, sing, dance, and play for the future is bright.

Break the limit, take a chance, and hold tight for the wonderful ride.

The day is over, your shut slowly as you lay in bed wondering if you can do it all over again.

Sleep covers you up, warmth and peace coupled with your dream whisk you away.

You smile even in your sleep as you find your land once again.

Break the limit, took your chance, so now you feel complete.

Back on the grass without your clothes as the clouds float out of reach.

Your giddy and so overjoyed that you might just pop.

Tomorrow is like today and so now you say, nothing comes out as you remain speechless.

So sleep until you wake up this way, congratulations, you broke the limit.

Think you can do it again?