Ferrik Heartwood Backstory - Version 1

Story by Ferrik on SoFurry

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He seemed to almost come from no-where. No-one knew him, or had even heard of him up until that day. No-one recognised him as he pushed through the crowd.

No-one spotted the swords at his belt. No-one heard the faint metallic ring of swords being drawn. It surprised Ferrik that they even noticed the blood fly as the kings

neck was slashed. Of course, by the time he'd jumped the 4 foot podium, most of the crowd were aware that something was happening. Kingslayer, they'd called me.

And on that day, you may aswell say I was born. My life before that was of no importance. Just years of training. A couple of hundred thousand. Just until the gods were ready. The world as you know it is coming to an end. To be perfectly honest, that statement is somewhat over-dramatic, conjuring images of the apocalypse. Of course, this isn't the case. The world has been in constant flux since the day I slew the last King of the Earth. A lot's changed. Too much... The gods let me loose when they knew I was needed, as a shadow appeared across the land. No-one noticed, not at first, but things gradually slipped into poverty, into famine and drought. It all but too neatly coincided with the crowning of the ten-thousandth King. He ruled with a grip like lava, slow, but it burns and chars all it touches. It wasn't long before the world decended into chaos, bandits roaming free accross the face of the globe, pillaging villages and cities alike. Nowhere was safe. And that's when I was born. I walked up to the back of the crowd, no-one even noticing me. All the eyes were fixed on a richly dressed man standing upon a podium at the front of the crowd. There were guards, but that wasn't important, they could easily be killed or avoided. I strode through the sea of people, determination setting in. This is what my whole life was for. I hardly noticed the men, women and children I pushed past, my focus was unwavering. I jumped. With elegant grace, my swords twirled from their sheathes and struck the king's jugular with deadly accuracy, just as the other sword swung upwards, neatly slicing the man into two seperate halves. I turned to face the mass of horrified faces, my heart beating wildly in my chest. And that was all that was needed. I disapeared, and since then, have slipped past the spotlight into the shadows. I'm now just a children's story, used to make them go to sleep, or to eat their greens. But I'm still here. I'm still the Kingslayer of old. I'm still watching. Still waiting. Still protecting.