Trying To Fit In Part 1

Story by Human Kid Jet on SoFurry

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This is a story based on "Sonic the Hedgehog: The Animated Series" or others know it as "Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM)" Sonic and his friends find a young human that joins them but the human seems to be different from others.

It was nightfall and Sonic and his friends had foiled another one of Robotnik's schemes. They were on their way to Knothole, they managed to escape and lose the enemy.

"That was a close one." said Sally with relief.

"You said it, Robuttnik almost got us." said Sonic feeling relieved.

They were almost getting towards Knothole until they heard someone coming towards them, they stopped and listened.

"Hear that?" said Tails as he heard the bushes rustling.

They walked towards Knothole with caution and kept hearing the foot steps get closer. Sonic was alert and ready to attack when they see someone running towards them.

"When I say so, we run for it." said Sonic.

At first they thought it was the enemy but than they saw the figure come closer and the figure was looking like a human. The human looked like a boy, he was wearing a pair of torn pants amd no shirt, no shoes and his body had scars. He was a little taller than everyone and his face was hidden behind bandages, his eyes were the only part of his face they could see.

"Are you hurt?" asked Sally.

The human managed to find a way to open a little hole for his mouth to be seen and for some reason, he was covered in blood.

"Say something." said Rotor.

"Help." said the human in some foreign language in a dry voice sounding dehydrated.

He fell to the ground and was breathing hard, they all ran to his side and knew he was so tired that he could be on the verge of dying from exhaustion.

"Get the bandages off him." said Tails.

"No time, lets take him with us." said Sally.

They all managed to get ready and both Sally and Sonic managed to carry him, they headed for Knothole and made it back in one piece.


A day had passed and it was a sunny day, the human was asleep and resting. Everyone was worried about him and they made sure to check up on him every few hours of the day. Most of them were outside and tending to things around the village.

"I wonder if the poor little sugar is alright?" said Bunnie feeling worried.

"Well, it's been a while since someone checked on him, you can see how he's doing." said Sally.

"Okay, I'll be back." said Bunnie as she walked towards the home the human was sleeping in.

"Did you wash the blood off him?" said Antoine stretching his back.

"I took care of that." said Bunnie.

Bunnie walked towards the home the human slept in and walked inside, she went up the the bed and saw the human sleeping peacefully, the bandages were still wrapped around his face. They managed to have changed him into a new pair of clothes, a black T-shirt and blue jean pants.

"The little guy must of been through a lot of suffering." whispered Bunnie.

She walked up closer and got on the bed, she reached to remove the bandages and unwrapped them from his face. In minutes, his face was revealed and he was a boy, it was true that he was a human boy, appearing to be twelve years of age, he had long dark hair and his skin was pale white. He had one little feature on his face and it was a large, deep scar. The scar started above his right eye and down across the bridge of his nose, ending near the left cheek.

"How did you get that scar?" thought Bunnie curiously.

She was just about to reach and touch his face but he opened his eyes, he was awake and in a quick movement, he jumped and crawled on the ceiling, hissing like a snake and revealing his small fangs that looked like vampire's fangs and elongated ears. Bunnie knew she had to try and calm him down.

"Sugar, we're only hear to help." said Bunnie kindly.

"Lies." said the human in his low and slightly deep voice, his voice no longer dry but sounded like a teenager's voice.

The human saw the door and crawled on the ceiling towards it and opened it, jumping outside while Bunnie ran after him.

"He's awake but he's getting away, don't let him leave." said Bunnie as she ran towards him.

The human was moving around like a speed demon from tree to tree. Everyone saw him and were amazed at how fast he was. The human stopped as he lost his balance from a tree branch that snapped off and he landed on the ground on his feet, he was near Sonic, Sally, Tails, Antoine, Rotor and Dulcy.

"Now just calm down, we're freedom fighters." said Sonic trying to calm the young human.

"Prove it or your all dead." he said in a demonic voice as he beared his fangs and claws.

"He scares me." said Antoine shaking.

Bunnie caught up with them and knew she had an idea to convince the human they're telling the truth.

"If we were the enemy than why would I do this, sugar." said Bunnie.

Bunnie ran towards him and jumped on top of the human, he landed on his back and Bunnie planted her lips to his in a passionate kiss. The kiss seemed to calm the human and his demonic features shifted into human features, his fangs turning to human teeth, his claws turning back to human finger nails and his ears wear round again. Bunnie pulled her lips off his lips and got up on her feet, helping the human get on his feet.

"He's a human. Well, a different kind of human." said Rotor.

"You okay, kid?" asked Sonic.

The boy blushed and was silent, it looked like he was looking at the ground and he gave a nod.

"What happened to you when we found you, you were covered in scars and blood." asked Sally curiously.

"I didn't mean to do it, it wanted me dead." said the human looking as he sheaded a tear.

They wondered what it was he did that he didn't mean to do, they knew he must of suffered a horrible ordeal.

"What happened?" said Sonic sounding serious.

"I'm Kaji and it's kind of a long story, I don't wanna talk about it, not now but soon." said Kaji as he fell to his knees and sheaded more tears.

They realized he's been through enough suffering and gathered around to give him a group hug, they rubbed his back to relax Kaji and it seemed to be working. The only thing on their minds was what has Kaji been through and how much did it hurt him on the inside.

To Be Continued