Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (prologue)

Story by GingerBear on SoFurry


she couldn't help but watch him. he was so sure with each of his movements, graceful and perfect. she could see each muscle contract and relax under his midnight black fur. he was an expert at what he did, and she knew it. she was sure he did too.

"jade!" her instructor called. "jade!"

she shook her head "yes sir?" she said this just a little too perky.

he rolled his eyes "get over here and practice. you're supposed to spar with illizia tomorrow, but you'll never be ready if you continue to daydream. take your stance." his voice was rough.

rufflinf her fur out of annoyance, jade slid her paws into her defencive stance, her center of gravity perfect.

she saw her instructor's eyes slide into small slits, then she heard a deep "Boo" from behind her.

jade squeels and falls, whimpering as she catches her tail.

the wolf, illizia, laughs his quiet roar of a laugh and helps her up. "you have to be ready for anything, cat." he says.

she can feel a bright pink rise over her snow white muzzle. this is strange to her. wolves aren't usually her type... but he's differant.