The Cat and Mouse

Story by Jean_N on SoFurry

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#1 of Jean and Jessica

The Cat and Mouse

It was a beautiful winters night and most people were inside laying by a nice warm fire and watching holiday specials. In one neighborhood one house outshined the rest with decorations. It was always complimented for it beauty. An odd couple lived here, an cat and her boyfriend who happened to be a mouse. Even in a world with anthros, humans, and even aliens this was strange. Both loved each other and were often made fun of in public. This night both lay cuddling in front of the fire they had started. The mouse lay cuddled up to the cats warm PJ's she wore. "Hmm, its really cold out tonight huh Jess?" The mouse shivered. Jess looked down at him and wrapped her body around him and went back to stareing at the fire. "Hmmm is that better Jean?" Jessica asked. Jean smiled and wiggled his way closer to her warm belly. "Hehe yea, much better. Now if only we had some cheese..." Jean giggled. Jessica smiled and got up leaving Jean in the blanket. "I get the hint." She giggled headed into the kitchen. As Jess entered the kitchen Jean got up and pulled on his minisweater Jess had gotten him last year. He could hear her searching the refridgerator for some cheese when out of the corner of his eye he saw something scurry quickly into his mousehole where he went for some alone time. Confused by what he may have saw he entered his mousehole to find two other mice like him but with more muscle and tattered clothes. Between them lay a wedge of cheese and they looked at Jean as if he was a threat. Out from the kitchen Jess called out to Jean. "Sorry sweety. Theres no more cheese." Jean turned to call out when one of the two mice punched him in the face and sent Jean right to the floor. Both bigger mice then proceeded to kick the crap out of Jean. Jean called out for help and Jessica's large hand grabbed hold of all three mice. She gently let jean go and stared at him. "Are you ok sweety?" She asked concerned. Jean slowly got up and covered his bleeding nose. "Ow, I think they broke my nose...." Jean told her. Jess turned her attention to the other two mice. "Oh, you two.... I think I will crush you.." She threatened. Jean checked his nose which stopped bleeding. "Hun I am ok." Jean smiled. Jess smiled back and kept a strong hold on the other two. "Should we throw them out into the cold?" She asked. Jean sat and thought for a few moments before looking at them and smiling. "Hmmm, are ya hungry darling?" Jean smiled. Jess caught on and giggled. "Hmmm well it has been a few hours and I could go for a snack." She smiled opening her maw wide so that the other two mice could see into her maw and down her throat. The two mice looked at each other and turned white with fear. "P-please don't do that... anything but that." They both begged. "You should have thought of that before you stole from us and beat me up." Jean smiled. Jess giggled and closed her mouth and squeezed them alittle harder. Both mice squeeked in pain as she squeezed harder. "Besides, I know who you two really are." Jean smiled. Jess looked at Jean confused but the two mice stared down at him in almost a panic. "Um.. we don't know what you mean." They both said at once. "oh I think you do. You two are the Krimling brothers. You murder other mice out of pleasure." Jean accused the two mice. Jess stared at them and giggled. "Then it is best if I eat them after all." Jean nodded and got closer to his love. "Your days of murder are over." Jean smiled and waved bye as Jess brought them to her mouth. "Fine you got us. But I swear to both of you we will return and you will be the first to die." The bigger of the two mice said stareing at Jean. Jess smiled and dropped the two mice into her salivating maw. She swished them around absorbing their flavors and playing with them using her tounge. Jean smiled and climbed up her PJ's to her neck which he kissed tenderly. Jess giggled and swallowed both mice. A large lump traveled down her soft neck and Jean rubbed it on its way down. After the lump had passed her chest and disappeared Jean smiled diving into Jessica's PJ's and landed inbetween her breasts. "Hmmm, I love it when you eat." Jean smiled kissing her breasts. Jess just moaned slightly as Jean kissed her tender nipples before sliding down to her bare belly and listening to the two mice struggle and curse at each other. Jean smiled and rubbed Jessica's belly as he could hear it start its work on the brothers. "Hmm, darling can ya lay down?" jean asked. Jess did as he asked and giggled. "They still alive?" She asked curiously. Jean put his ear to her belly and heard nothing but gurgles and churning. "I don't think so darling." Jean smiled rubbing her belly. "Hmmm.... Hey jean... make me feel as good as you." Jess smiled. Jean smiled back and slipped into her bottoms and underwear. Jess started to moan as Jean rubbed her vagina lips and she slipped her bottoms and undies off. Jean liked the nice breeze as she peeled off her bottoms and rubbed more and more feeling the lips get wetter and wetter. Jessica's fingers pushed him into her Vagina and jean felt himself get soaked in her juices. While her was inside her he rubbed every inch of her pink inside. He felt the walls tighten and tighten the further he rubbed and soon a flood of cum almost washed him out of her as she cam. Jess panted heavily and smiled. "Oh god jean I love you. Stay in me for the night and be warm." Jess smiled pulling her bottoms back on. Jean smiled and went deeper entering her womb. "I will darling. See you in the morning." Jean smiled as he drifted off to sleep. Jess soon woke the next morning. Her gut rumbled and reminded her of the meal she had last night so she got up and went into the bathroom. She took off her bottoms and sat on the toilet. She started out peeing and as she peed Jean soon slid out and into the water of the toilet. Jess hardly noticed as she felt the build up of waste pressuring her to release it. She pushed and pushed and soon her tailhole opened wide reveiling a large log. Jean woke as he splashed in the toilet and looked up seeing Jessica's tailhole open and he swam to the edge of the toilet. "Morning hun." Jean smiled as the thick, sludge-like turd fell from her tailhole and landed with a loud PLOP! Jess didn't hear Jean and kept emptying herself of the waste those mice produced. Jean grabbed at the edge of the toilet but had no grip so he floated to the middle of the bowel and was hit by her last long, smelly turd. As Jess got up she went to flush when she noticed Jean swimming up and covered in shit. "Oh, Morning darling." Jessica laughed picking him out of the toilet and flushing. She washed him off along with her hands and giggled. "So what do ya wanna do today?" She smiled. Jean stood up and kissed her. "Whatever you want. As long as I am with you." Jean smiled as Jess picked him up and they left the last mousie murder scene there would be for awhile.