A deadly recovery chapter 1

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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Yays! I finally got somethin to writes!

Warning: I do not like when people use my stuff at all so please ask before using my characters.

Renei walked into the small classroom and grabbed her car keys. She returned to the elevator as her boyfriend held it open.

"You got 'em?"

"Yeah. Now we can go home. Oh wait hold on I need to do something."

Renei walked back into the classroom and went behind the teacher's desk she couldn't see at all because it was night time. She cursed and lit a match. But she quickly blew out the flame when she remembered that there was a gas leak earlier today during class. She dropped the match in the trashcan full of papers and ran down the hall into the elevator.

"I'll get my exam after school tomorrow."

"That's what you went back for?"

He clicked the button to the bottom floor and the doors closed.

"Oh shut up Rick."

He snickered and grabbed her but.

"Just remember that this is mine tonight I still can not believe how you are in your third year of college and still a virgin."

"Well then I guess that we will fix that tonight then aren't we?", Renei said with a smile.

The elevator doors opened to the bottom of the four story building and they walked outside. They stopped for a quick kiss but were interrupted by a loud explosion from above followed by the shattering of glass. Renei pushed Rick out of the way and hundreds of tiny glass shards went into Renei's body. She fell down and a pool of blood collected around her as Rick dialed 911. Renei blacked out and woke up to the sounds of sirens wailing. She blacked out again and woke up face down in a hospital bed. She tried to get up but then she felt a sharp pain all over her back. Two men came up to her bed and did a check on her.

"You know, she's got over a hundred shards of glass still in her back. She is on an iron lung and her heart would have stopped if we didn't have her on lifesupport right now. I say we just pull the plug."

"I agree. So lets take-"

The man stopped talking when he heard a soft moan coming from her. He bent down to her head.

"What was that?"

I managed to say,"You kill me...and I will...haunt you for...the rest of...your life."

"Jerry. She is still alive and conscious! "

The two men continued talking but she couldn't here them and blacked out again. When she woke up she was on an operating table and felt the shards of glass as they were being pulled out. One man grabbed a shard and pulled it out quickly causing her to let out a small moan from the pain.

"By god! She is conscious."

"Well if she is conscious then we will end up killing her."

"Unless we use the Omega serum. It would fix all of this and more. She won't need to use an iron lung and she won't need life support."

She heard the clank of someone dropping a pair of tweasers.

"Men. All who wish to apply the serum say aye."

Three men said at once,"Aye."

"Then it's settled. We introduce the Omega serum."

Renei didn't black out again after that. ut she could feel the pain when the doctors woul pull out a large piece of glass. After they had pulled out, what Renei had counted to, seventy eight shards of glass they stopped. She was bandaged up and sent to another room with a bunch of machines.

"Ok disconnect the iron lung from her and disconnect the life support the second the iron lung is removed."

She felt tubes being pulled out of her and the lifesupport was disconnected so she could not breathe. A man pressed a needle into her back. She felt the efects of the shot a minute afterwards. She took a deep breath and became wide awake the rest of the glass shards were pushed out of her skin and she sat up.

"...No pain.", she said.

"Then the serum is a success!"

All the men cheered loudly but sopped when they all noticed Renei clenching her belly. Her ears retracted into her skull to be replaced on top of her head in a triangular shape and covered with fur. Not hair, fur. Renei stopped clenching her belly and sighed with relief.

"that was a little weird."

The doctor went up to her and she hissed.

"What the hell did I just do?!", she asked.

"Uhm. The Omega serum seems to have saved your life AND changed your dna."

"What do you mean?", she worried.

"Feel your ears."

Renei felt the sides of her head. There was nothing there. She felt her entire head until she found her ears. She played with them and started to pur.

*purrr* "Wait, what am I doing to myself?"

"We are not sure what will happen next. But to be safe we have someone follow you."


A muscular teenager came into the room and closed the door without making a noise.

"Ms. Renei. This is Devin. He is our best caretaker of all our patients that have been introduced to the serum. So he has dealt with this before. Well not this situation, but still."

He approached Her. Renei sniffed him and then hugged him lovingly.

"How did you do that?"

"Well, I looked at her DNA and it was simlar to the type that would change into the feline structure. So, I figured that his might come in handy.", he took out a small vial with crushed leaves in it.

"Why am I so attracted to you?", I asked.

"Catnip.", He responded.

"Ok. So when we going to get out of here?"

Lets just pass by the furnace first."


"You'll see."

I couldn't help myself but that intoxicating smell that came from him was enough to keep me following him. He lead me to a large room with a large furnace in it. It had no pipes leading to or away from it. He opened it and Heat rushed into the cold room. It got hot quick and he stepped into the furnace closing the door behind him. I stood there so puzzled at what I just witnissed.

"Did he just walk into a furnace?"

She heard rattling coming from inside and then the door opened again.Devin walked out holding a red hot piece of metal. He no longer looked like a human and his skin was replaced by scales.

"So you have taken the serum too?', Renei asked.

"Yes. I am a draconian."

He blew on the object and it cooled down enough for Renei to see what it was without having to squint her eyes. it was a pendant.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"Once it has cooled off you will take it and put it on a necklace. Wear the necklace at all times. It will monitor your vitals and track your position."

"Fine. But let me know why."

*sigh* "everyone that has been introduced to the serum eventually goes mad and attacks everything they see. Except for me of course. I was the last subject they introduced the serum to. That day I was fifteen and I was in a really bad wreck. I had pipes through my chest and metal chunks through my stomach. They would have let me die if my parents did not pay for the serum. It had been a year after that when I started to get angry about everything. Then I thought for a whole week. I gave up and this really hot girl seduces me. Lets just say we carried it to the bed. After that I was happy as can be."

"So you're saying that It was just heat? Like an animal goes through?"

"Yes. But you don't ntice the urge at all. You just feel hot everywhere you go and get angry real easily."

"But I already have a boyfriend that-"

"No. You will be relocated to another city along with your parents. And carry this with you.", Devin hands Renei a shot,"Give that shot to the person of your choice out of the people that we have selected for you. They all have DNA similar to the feline like you do."

"So I'm supposed to just go up to a random guy that I don't even know and give him this shot?"

"No. We have them all carrying a vial of catnip around their necks so that felines will be attracted to them. And so will you. Most of these have been rated as hot by the local girls. So If you bag one that you think is hot then that would be a lot better. and to help you choose which ones to reject you can take the catnip. But you must bring it to me."


They both left the room to be greeted by Renei's parents.

"Did you just...?", her dad asked

"No.", I replied.

"Then why are you blushing?", Her mom asked.

"Catnip.", Devin said throwing her dad the vial.

Renei smelled the catnip and tackled her dad. She purred.

"Wow. Well I gues that we know how to calm her down.", her dad said.

"We could also use that to get her to stop being mad at anyone.", her mom said.

"well right now you need to help her. She will go into heat soon and you know what that means."

"Devin, let me handle it.", Renei said.

They all exited the hospital and got in the car waiting outside for them. After thirty minutes of everyone passing around the catnip and laughing at Renei's reaction they got out at the airport. As they walked to the desk to buy plane tickets everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them. Devin tried to hide Renei as uch as he could in his large jacket and then walked to the plane. They were taking a private jet So noone was waiting to get on. He Put Renei down and she hugged her dad who still had the vial. They all got on the jet and they played the same game again but this time Renei got the vial. When they landed it was starting to change to morning wherever they were. Renei inhaled through her nose and then covered it.

"Jeez Devin. You really need a shower!"

"And Your senses have heightened."

Renei sniffed the air again and smelled the same intoxicating smell as before. There were three scent trails that had been through this airport. She slowly followed one until she found a stronger trail to follow. She pointed to a teenager reading a book. He was sitting on a park bench under the light pole. He had one of his feet resting on his other knee. One of his arms was behind the bench while the other held the book. Renei went up to him and sniffed the air again.

"Uh...Can I help you?", He asked.

The teenager noticed Renei's ears and stopped all movement.

"...Oh no."

Renei jumped at him and sat on his lap, purring.

"So. Why are you reading here right now instead of in your home?", I asked.

"Well trust me. Its a lot more peaceful out here than it is in there. Look in my life I only chase human girl tail. Not a catgirl's tail."

"Then how about this.", I said as I put my hand on the side of his head.

I jerked the necklace of catnip off his neck and slammed his head into the pole, knocking him out. Renei gives devin the necklace and follows another scent trail until She comes upon a guy Who had Been tending to a beautiful garden. When he stood up she tackled him to the ground with a big thud.

"What the hell Devin?! I told you to warn me if you brought her here!", he said.

"Well I appologize but she can't help it. You have catnip in your garden and you have been fooling with the leaves too haven't you?", Devin said.

"Well...Oh forget it.", the guy said.

"Sorry to bother you Richard."

Renei got off of Richard and he dusted himself off. Renei Caught the scent trail of another person close by and started to run in the direction it came from. She stopped at the gates of a small house where a teenage boy was standing on the porch of. She sniffed the air again and tackled him. The teenager didn't say anything for a few minutes while she purred on top of him.

"You have cat ears.", He finally said.

"Yes. What about them?"

"Well I have only dreamed about this happening. For the past three years I have tried to find such a beautiful creature."

"Really?", Renei blushed even more.

"Yes. I have. Do you want the catnip or me?"

"Ooo. Smooth. I want both."

"But it seems wrong for us to be friends. I wish that-"

Renei stabbed him with the shot and injected him with the serum.

"You were like me?"

"Why...did you do that?"

Renei jerked the necklace off of his neck and got off of him. She threw the necklace to devin and the teenager clenched his belly. His ears moved from the sides of his head to on top of his head and were just like Renei's.

"So. What is your name and age?", She asked.

He get up off the floor of the porch and sat down on the swing.

"My name is Tim and I am twenty one years of age.", He replied.

"Well, are you in college?"

"Nope. I went only for two years. So I've got a two year degree and thas good enough for me. Now could you please explain to me why you stabbed me with a needle?"

"Its the omega serum.", Devin said walking onto the porch.

"What does it do?"

Renei sat next to him and scratched his ears. Tim started to purr and scared himself.

"Was I just-"

"Purring like a cat?", Renei interrupted, "Yes, you were. It's what the omega serum does. It just depends on the person's DNA to decide what They change into. For instance. Our DNA is similar to that of a feline's."

"Well why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because the person that is introduced to the serum goes mad within a matter of days. Devin, here figure out that it was like you were an animal going into heat."

"So you gave me the omega serum just to have sex? I'm sorry but I will not get in any girls pants unless I actually love her."

"Then you have three days before she starts to go mad if you want to love her.", Devin said.

Tim got off the swing and went into the house. He stopped before going in the door.

"How about a date? Tonight I'll pick you up at five."

"Yay!", Renei cheered.

Yes I rewrote this. and like before is it good or what?